43 research outputs found

    Evaluation of stability of selected vegetable oils

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku stability vybraných rostlinných olejů, které jsou využívány v kosmetickém průmyslu. Stability osmi olejů bez přídavku aditiv byly stanovovány za pomoci diferenčního kompenzačního kalorimetru. V první fázi byly stanoveny teploty degradace olejů při různých rychlostech ohřevu, tedy neizotermické stability. Ty byly následně využity při výpočtu izotermických stabilit neboli tzv. indukčních period. Výpočet indukčních period byl proveden s využitím integrálních izokonverzních metod, v nichž byly použity čtyři různé teplotní funkce, přičemž jedna z teplotních funkcí vycházela z Arrheniovy rovnice a zbylé tři z tzv. ne-Arrheniovských funkcí. Porovnání indukčních period při standardních podmínkách ukázalo, že optimální teplotní funkcí pro výpočet stability olejů je jedna z ne-Arrheniovských funkcí v exponenciálním tvaru. Lze tedy konstatovat, že všechny oleje degradují podobným, když ne úplně stejným, mechanismem. Ze stanovených stabilit, které byly v řádech měsíců, vyplývá důležitost použití stabilizátorů a jiných aditiv při komerčním a technologickém využití rostlinných olejů.This diploma thesis is focused on issues concerning the stability of selected vegetable oils which are used in cosmetic industry. The stability of eight oils without additives were determined by a differential scanning calorimeter. In the first phase, the temperatures of oil degradation were determined for different rates of heating, i.e. nonisothermal stabilities. They were consequetly used to calculate isothermal stabilities alias induction periods. The calculation of induction periods was completed by using integral isoconversional methods, which applied four different temperature functions. One of the temperature functions corresponded to Arrhenius equation while the others to non-Arrhenius functions. The confrontation of induction periods under standart conditions showed that an optimal temperature function to calculate oil stabilities is one of the non-Arrhenius functions in exponential form. We can state that all oils are degraded by similar, if not the same, mechanism. The specified stabilities, in periods of months, have proved the importance of using stabilizers and other additives in the commercial and technological use of vegetable oils.

    Development and optimization of stable recipe of tanning lotion.

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problematiku vývoje a optimalizace stabilní receptury opalovacího prostředku s ochranným faktorem SPF 15, jehož výrobcem je firma Altermed Olomouc. V teoretické části jsou definovány kosmetické přípravky, legislativa, která se vztahuje na kosmetické přípravky, a speciálně opalovací prostředky. Jsou zde shrnuty somatické typy kůže, jejich reakce na UV záření a jejich ochrana před UV zářením. V experimentální části jsou formulovány požadavky, které je nutné splnit proto, aby výrobek při uvedení na trh a při dlouhodobém používání obstál z hlediska legislativy, zdravotní bezpečnosti, marketingových a funkčních požadavků. V praktické části byl vyroben vzorek stabilního opalovacího krému s ochranným faktorem SPF 15, u kterého byly provedeny všechny testy v akreditovaných laboratořích. Testy byly provedeny ze všech hledisek, které vyžaduje legislativa a o výsledcích těchto testů byly vyhotoveny laboratorní protokoly.This bachelor´s thesis is focused on problems of development and optimalization of stable formula of sunscreen with a sun protective factor SPF 15, which is produced in Altermed Olomouc company. In theoretical part are defined terms as cosmetics, laws, which deal with cosmetics and sunscreens especially. Somatic types of the skin, their reaction to UV rays and their protection against them are there described as well. In experimental part there summarized all requirements, which are necessary to realize for introduction of preparation into the market place and during long term use it must continue to pass all laws, health, marketing and functional claims. I produced a sample of stable sunscreen with protective factor SPF 15 in practical part. This sample was tested in accredited laboratory for all aspects which are necessary for legislation. The results of these testing are noticed in laboratory protocol.


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    University library needs to learn how to work with new models of scholarly communication and react on new challenges in the global knowledge environment within and outside the university community. This paper introduces electronic tools and services based upon a close cooperation and intensive feedback from the researchers and teachers, which have been introduced by the library for the enhancement of the electronic information resources use and for building a digital space for communicating information. Based on the idea of alerting services and using simple and generally easy-to-setup RSS technology, the Central Library of the Czech Technical University in Prague has introduced targeted services for specific user groups to provide continuous flow of new information from various scholarly resources. Outputs might be used for various purposes – course literature, literature for individual departments, researchers, research teams, etc. For the success of the services, close cooperation with the users as well as integration within the university infrastructure is essential

    Library as a coordinator of university Open Access initiatives:

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    Gypsum endolithic phototrophs under moderate climate (Southern Sicily): their diversity and pigment composition

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    In this study, we used microscopic, spectroscopic, and molecular analysis to characterize endolithic colonization in gypsum (selenites and white crystalline gypsum) from several sites in Sicily. Our results showed that the dominant microorganisms in these environments are cyanobacteria, including: Chroococcidiopsis sp., Gloeocapsopsis pleurocapsoides, Gloeocapsa compacta, and Nostoc sp., as well as orange pigmented green microalgae from the Stephanospherinia clade. Single cell and filament sequencing coupled with 16S rRNA amplicon metagenomic profiling provided new insights into the phylogenetic and taxonomic diversity of the endolithic cyanobacteria. These organisms form differently pigmented zones within the gypsum. Our metagenomic profiling also showed differences in the taxonomic composition of endoliths in different gypsum varieties. Raman spectroscopy revealed that carotenoids were the most common pigments present in the samples. Other pigments such as gloeocapsin and scytonemin were also detected in the near-surface areas, suggesting that they play a significant role in the biology of endoliths in this environment. These pigments can be used as biomarkers for basic taxonomic identification, especially in case of cyanobacteria. The findings of this study provide new insights into the diversity and distribution of phototrophic microorganisms and their pigments in gypsum in Southern Sicily. Furthemore, this study highlights the complex nature of endolithic ecosystems and the effects of gypsum varieties on these communities, providing additional information on the general bioreceptivity of these environments.This project was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (Grant/Award No. 17-04270S and 21-03322S), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, National Programme of Sustainability I (Grant/Award No. LO1416), Charles University (Grant/Award Nos. UNCE/SCI/006 and UNCE 204069), ALGAMIC (Grant/Award No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0392). JM was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) Project No. 22-06374S to accomplish phylogenetic and taxonomic analysis. JW was thankful for the financial support by the PGC2021-124362NB-I00 grant from MCI/AEI (Spain) and FEDER.Peer reviewe

    SPARC Europe v ČR

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    Marketing of organic food in South Bohemia

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    In the Bachelor Thesis on Marketing of Organic Food in South Bohemia, analyzes the current state of organic food in above-mentioned region from the perspective of marketing. The main purpose is to find out the customers relation to organic food and the main aspects which are decisive in shopping. The basic marketing concepts as a who is the customer, types of customer's behavior in the market, marketing and marketing mix, are defined in the first theoretical part. Furthermore, the explanation of the term "organic food", such as the legislative requirements for organic certification, the types of organic food labeling, quality control, the certification company and the situation on the organic food market, too. In the practical part the author evaluates the acquired data and information from the questionnaire survey. Data analysis is critical and determines the ultimate solution. In conclusion, the author introduces the measures and recommendations based on the information of obtained analysis