3,265 research outputs found

    Plio-Pleistocene variability of the East Pacific Thermocline and the Intertropical Convergence Zone

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    The transition from the Pliocene to the Pleistocene was accompanied by major tectonic reorganizations of key oceanic gateways. In particular, the gradual closure of the Panama Gateway and the constriction of the Indonesian Gateway significantly affected the structure of the Pacific thermocline. In the East Pacific, the thermocline shoaled from an early Pliocene El Niño‐like depth to its modern state, which had significant implications for global climate. Here we use Mg/Ca temperature estimates from subsurface and thermocline dwelling foraminifera to reconstruct the meridional Plio‐Pleistocene evolution of the Southeast Pacific thermocline, in relation to atmospheric circulation changes. In combination with similar reconstructions from the north‐equatorial Pacific, our data indicate a change in the thermocline, responding to the northward displacement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone/South Pacific High system between ~3.8 and 3.5 Ma. After 3.5 Ma, we record a second major phase of thermocline shoaling, which points to the Intertropical Convergence Zone/South Pacific High‐system movement toward its modern position along with the gradual cooling of the Northern Hemisphere and its associated glaciation. These findings highlight that a warming globe may affect equatorial regions more intensively due to the potential temperature‐driven movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone/South Pacific High and their associated oceanic systems

    Beam test studies with silicon sensor module prototypes for the CMS Phase-2 Outer Tracker

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will be upgraded to the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) by 2029. In order to fully exploit the physics potential of the high luminosity era the experiments must undergo major upgrades. In the context of the upgrade of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment the silicon tracker will be fully replaced. The outer part of the new tracker (Outer Tracker) will be equipped with about 13,000 double-layer silicon sensor modules with two different flavors: PS modules consisting of a macro-pixel and a strip sensor and 2S modules using two strip sensors. These modules can discriminate between trajectories of charged particles with low and high transverse momentum. The different curvature of the trajectories in the CMS magnetic field leads to different hit signatures in the two sensor layers. By reading out both sensors, matching hits in the seed and correlation layer "stubs" are identified. This stub information is generated at the LHC bunch crossing frequency of 40 MHz and serves as input for the first stage of the CMS trigger. In order to quantify the hit and stub detection efficiency, beam tests have been performed. This article comprises selected studies from measurements gathered during two beam tests at the DESY test beam facility with 2S prototype modules assembled in 2021, featuring the Low Power Gigabit Transceiver (lpGBT). In order to compare the module performance at the beginning and end of the CMS runtime, a module with irradiated components has been built and intensively tested

    Mg / Ca and δ18O in living planktic foraminifers from the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and Florida Straits

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    Past ocean temperatures and salinities can be approximated from combined stable oxygen isotopes (δ18O) and Mg ∕ Ca measurements in fossil foraminiferal tests with varying success. To further refine this approach, we collected living planktic foraminifers by net sampling and pumping of sea surface water from the Caribbean Sea, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Straits. Analyses of δ18O and Mg ∕ Ca in eight living planktic species (Globigerinoides sacculifer, Orbulina universa, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Globorotalia menardii, Globorotalia ungulata, Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Globorotalia tumida) were compared to measured in situ properties of the ambient seawater (temperature, salinity and δ18Oseawater) and fossil tests of underlying surface sediments. “Vital effects” such as symbiont activity and test growth cause δ18O disequilibria with respect to the ambient seawater and a large scatter in foraminiferal Mg ∕ Ca. Overall, ocean temperature is the most prominent environmental influence on δ18Ocalcite and Mg ∕ Ca. Enrichment of the heavier 18O isotope in living specimens below the mixed layer and in fossil tests is clearly related to lowered in situ temperatures and gametogenic calcification. Mg ∕ Ca-based temperature estimates of G. sacculifer indicate seasonal maximum accumulation rates on the seafloor in early spring (March) at Caribbean stations and later in the year (May) in the Florida Straits, related to the respective mixed layer temperatures of ∼26 ∘C. Notably, G. sacculifer reveals a weak positive linear relationship between foraminiferal derived δ18Oseawater estimates and both measured in situ δ18Oseawater and salinity. Our results affirm the applicability of existing δ18O and Mg ∕ Ca calibrations for the reconstruction of past ocean temperatures and δ18Oseawater reflecting salinity due to the convincing accordance of proxy data in both living and fossil foraminifers, and in situ environmental parameters. Large vital effects and seasonally varying proxy signals, however, need to be taken into account

    Overexpression of SepJ alters septal morphology and heterocyst pattern regulated by diffusible signals in Anabaena.

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    Filamentous, N2 -fixing, heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria grow as chains of cells that are connected by septal junctions. In the model organism Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, the septal protein SepJ is required for filament integrity, normal intercellular molecular exchange, heterocyst differentiation, and diazotrophic growth. An Anabaena strain overexpressing SepJ made wider septa between vegetative cells than the wild type, which correlated with a more spread location of SepJ in the septa as observed with a SepJ-GFP fusion, and contained an increased number of nanopores, the septal peptidoglycan perforations that likely accommodate septal junctions. The septa between heterocysts and vegetative cells, which are narrow in wild-type Anabaena, were notably enlarged in the SepJ-overexpressing mutant. Intercellular molecular exchange tested with fluorescent tracers was increased for the SepJ-overexpressing strain specifically in the case of calcein transfer between vegetative cells and heterocysts. These results support an association between calcein transfer, SepJ-related septal junctions, and septal peptidoglycan nanopores. Under nitrogen deprivation, the SepJ-overexpressing strain produced an increased number of contiguous heterocysts but a decreased percentage of total heterocysts. These effects were lost or altered in patS and hetN mutant backgrounds, supporting a role of SepJ in the intercellular transfer of regulatory signals for heterocyst differentiation

    Late Quaternary Distribution of the Cycladophora davisiana Radiolarian Species: Reflection of Possible Ventilation of the North Pacific Intermediate Water during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    A comparison of micropaleontological data on the distribution of the Cycladophora davisiana radiolarian species in the surface sediment layer and the Late Quaternary sediments from the Subarctic Pacific and Far East marginal seas allowed conclusions concerning the possible conditions and occurrence of intermediate waters during the last glacial maximum. We used the modern data on the C. davisiana species, which is a micropaleontological indicator of the cold oxygen-rich upper intermediate water mass, which is now forming only in the Sea of Okhotsk. The high amount of C. davisiana in sediments of the last glacial maximum may point to the possible formation and expansion of the ventilated intermediate water in the most part of the Subarctic paleo-Pacific: the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, within the NW Gyre, and in the Gulf of Alaska
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