124 research outputs found

    Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of the tropical mountain cloud forest from El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

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    We carried out an intensive and systematized sampling of the spider fauna of the tropical mountain cloud forest (TMCF) in El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, Mexico, in order to analyze their composition, species richness, abundance, and proportion of undescribed species, and to compare these results with those found in other TMCFs. We sampled ten plots in two seasons (dry and rainy) using different sampling techniques on two strata (ground and understory). A total of 7,432 specimens were collected corresponding to 28 families, 78 genera and 111 morphospecies. A high proportion of total species (58.6%) were undescribed species. For 11 species originally described from a single sex, we found the other sex. Five species and one genus were new records for the Mexican spider fauna. Understory stratum had higher numbers of species and individuals than ground stratum, and there was a high species turnover, with only 17% of the total species shared between strata. The spider fauna of El Triunfo shows similarities with other TMCFs (especially that on the same mountain range) concerning the identities of dominant and species-rich families, family and genera composition, the presence and relevance (in abundance or richness) of families that are uncommon in lowland tropical habitats (Linyphiidae and Theridiosomatidae), and in the high proportion of undescribed species. However, there is a high species turnover among sites (only 16% species shared), even at relatively short distances, that seems derived in part from the relative high proportions of endemic species. Our results suggest that high abundance of Theridiosomatidae and Linyphiidae, together with high species richness of this last family, could be used as conservation indicators for the Mexican TMCFs. The high numbers of undescribed species in the analyzed TMCFs, and their relatively high endemicity levels, support that TMCFs could be regarded as hotspots for the order Araneae.Se realizó un muestreo intensivo y sistematizado de la araneofauna del bosque mesófilo de montaña (BMM) en la Reserva de la Biosfera El Triunfo, Chiapas, México, para analizar su composición, riqueza de especies, abundancia y proporción de especies no descritas, y para comparar estos resultados con los encontrados en otros BMMs. Se muestrearon diez parcelas en dos temporadas (secas y lluvias) empleando diferentes técnicas de muestreo sobre dos estratos (suelo y sotobosque). Se colectó un total de 7,432 especímenes, correspondientes a 28 familias, 78 géneros y 111 morfoespecies. Se encontró una alta proporción de especies no descritas (58.6%). Para 11 especies descritas originalmente con un solo sexo, se encontró el otro sexo. Cinco especies y un género fueron nuevos registros para la araneofauna mexicana. El estrato del sotobosque presentó la mayor riqueza de especies y el mayor número de individuos respecto al estrato del suelo, y hubo un alto recambio de especies, con solo 17% del total de especies compartidas entre estratos. La araneofauna de El Triunfo muestra similitudes con otros BMMs (especialmente con uno de la misma cordillera) respecto a la identidad de las familias más ricas en especies y dominantes, así como en la composición de familias y géneros, la presencia y relevancia (en abundancia o riqueza) de familias que no son comunes en los hábitats tropicales de tierras bajas (Linyphiidae y Theridiosomatidae), y en la elevada proporción de especies no descritas. Sin embargo, se observó un alto recambio de especies entre sitios (solo 16% de especies compartidas), aún a distancias relativamente cortas, lo que parece ligado a proporciones relativamente altas de especies endémicas. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la alta abundancia de Theridiosomathidae y Linyphiidae, junto con la alta riqueza de especies de esta última familia, podrían ser empleadas como indicadores de conservación para los BMMs de México. El alto número de especies no descritas en los BMM analizados, y sus relativamente altos niveles de endemicidad, soportan la hipótesis de que los BMMs podrían ser considerados como posibles hotspot para el orden Araneae

    Comparación de ecuaciones para ajustar curvas de crecimiento de vacas Holstein, Jersey y Jersey x Holstein en pastoreo

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    The objective of the study was to compare the goodness of fit of four nonlinear equations to describe the growth curves of Jersey, Holstein, and Jersey x Holstein cows in grazing. The Brody, Gompertz, von Bertalanffy, and Logistic equations were fitted to the data (n= 2,315) on weight and age of Jersey (n= 54), Holstein (n= 6) and Jersey x Holstein (n= 30) cows. For each animal, genotype and equation, the parameters A, b and k that generated the best-fit growth curves were estimated. In each of the four equations compared, parameter A corresponds to the upper asymptote of the curve and estimates the ‘mature weight’ of the animal, parameters b and k represent the integration constant and the maturation rate. For the growth curves of Jersey cows and Jersey x Holstein crosses, the Gompertz and von Bertalanffy equations produced the best fit. In contrast, the Logistic equation had the best fit for the growth curves of Holstein, followed closely by the Gompertz and von Bertalanffy equations. Under the management and feeding conditions of the animals in this study, the growth curves of the females of the three genotypes studied can be fitted with the von Bertalanffy equation.El objetivo del estudio fue comparar la bondad de ajuste de cuatro ecuaciones no lineales para describir las curvas de crecimiento de vacas Jersey, Holstein, y Jersey x Holstein en pastoreo. Las ecuaciones de Brody, Gompertz, von Bertalanffy, y Logística se ajustaron a los datos (n= 2,315) de peso y edad de vacas Jersey (n= 54), Holstein (n= 6) y Jersey x Holstein (n= 30). Para cada animal, genotipo y ecuación, se estimaron los parámetros A, b y k que produjeron las curvas de crecimiento de mejor ajuste. En cada una de las cuatro ecuaciones comparadas, el parámetro A corresponde a la asíntota superior de la curva y estima el ‘peso maduro’ del animal, los parámetros b y k representan la constante de integración y la tasa de maduración. Para las curvas de crecimiento de las vacas Jersey y las cruzas de Jersey x Holstein, las ecuaciones de Gompertz y de von Bertalanffy produjeron el mejor ajuste. En contraste, la ecuación Logística tuvo el mejor ajuste para las curvas de crecimiento de Holstein, seguida muy de cerca por las ecuaciones de Gompertz y von Bertalanffy. En las condiciones de manejo y alimentación de los animales en este estudio, las curvas de crecimiento de las hembras de los tres genotipos estudiados pueden ajustarse con la ecuación de von Bertalanffy


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    En este trabajo se explica cómo se desarrolló la metodología para la implementación y sintonización de un control de temperatura del hervidor de una de las columnas de destilación del Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya. Primeramente se investigó su funcionamiento general, posteriormente se realizó mantenimiento para garantizar su correcto funcionamiento. Se efectuó el acondicionamiento de señales y después el montaje del controlador en el gabinete de la planta. Finalmente se desarrolló la sintonización. Con ello la planta piloto funciona correctamente para las prácticas de laboratorio y puede operarse de manera automática la temperatura del hervidor.Palabra(s) Clave: Columna de Destilación, Control de Temperatura, Sintonización. AbstractThis paper explains how the methodology for the implementation and tuning of a boiler temperature control of one of the distillation columns of the Tecnológico Nacional de México en Celaya was developed. Firstly, its general operation was investigated, then maintenance was carried out to guarantee its correct operation.The signals were conditioned and then the controller was assembled in the plant's cabinet. Finally, the tuning was developed. With this, the pilot plant works correctly for laboratory practices and the temperature of the boiler can be operated automatically.Keywords: Distillation Column, Temperature Control, Tuning

    Exploratory study: testicular microlithiasis in cattle from the Costa Chica region

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    Objective. To determine the presence of microlithiasis in cattle males from the Costa Chica region of Guerrero, México and to evaluate seminal quality of males affected with this pathology. Materials and methods. 77 males were evaluated in four municipalities of the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Testes of the males were evaluated by ultrasonography, if microlithiasis was found, males were classified according to the number of observed points. In addition, semen samples were obtained by electroejaculation. For these samples, sperm concentration (x106 sperm ml-1) and individual motility (%) were estimated. Microlithiasis results are shown as percentage with respect to the total number of evaluated animals. Seminal traits were analyzed by ANOVA. Means where compared by Tukey test. Results. In the studied population, about 25% of the individuals evaluated showed microlithiasis. From identified cases, about 60% were classified as grade 2 (>5 <25 points). In Brown Swiss males the 3 grades of microlithiasis were identified, while in Gyr males none were identified. Regarding the seminal traits, general average for sperm concentration and individual motility was 992.5 x106 sperms ml-1 and 75.5%, respectively. Male breed did not generate statistical differences in seminal quality traits. Conclusion. The presence of microlithiasis was identified in cattle male from the Costa Chica region of Guerrero, however, sperm concentration and individual motility were not affected.O Objective. To determine the presence of microlithiasis in bulls from the Costa Chica, Guerrero, Mexico, and to assess the sperm quality of the bulls affected by this pathology. Methodology. Seventy-seven bulls were assessed in four municipalities of the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Bull testicles were subjected to an ultrasonography test and, in the event of microlithiasis, they were classified according to the number of points observed. In addition, semen was collected by electroejaculation. Sperm concentration (x106 sperm mL-1) and individual motility (%) were quantified from the samples. Microlithiasis results are expressed as a percentage of the total number of assessed animals. Seminal characteristics were subjected to an ANOVA and the means were compared using the Tukey test. Results. Approximately 25% of the assessed individuals showed microlithiasis. About 60% of such cases were classified as grade 2 (> 5, < 25 points). Three microlithiasis grades were identified in Brown Swiss bulls, while in Gyr bulls no grade was identified. Regarding seminal characteristics, in average, the overall sperm concentration was 992.5 x106 sperm mL-1 and the overall individual motility was 75.5%. The bull breed variable did not generate statistical differences in the seminal quality variables. Conclusion. The presence of microlithiasis was identified in bulls from the Costa Chica region in Guerrero; however, sperm concentration and individual motility were not affected

    Polyphenolic Profile, Sugar Consumption and Organic Acids Generation along Fermentation of Infusions from Guava (Pisidium guajava) by the Kombucha Consortium

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    The kombucha beverage is typically prepared from black tea, sweetened with sucrose, inoculated with previously fermented liquid broth and/or tea fungus pellicle, and incubated. Alternative sources have been used for kombucha beverages. Guava leaves have been used for long time as traditional medicine. It is found in many commercially available botanical supplements in form of decoction, milled and used as comprises. They are rich in polyphenolic compounds. Several changes are produced during fermentation of the beverages. The main objective of the present work is to characterize fermentation process of guava leaves infusions by kombucha and studying possible chemical changes in their polyphenolic profile. Infusions from guava leaves were prepared and fermented by the kombucha consortium. The pH, titrable acidity, polyphenolic compounds, sugar consumption, organic acid along the fermentation was made by UPLC-ESI-MS. Kombucha from Camellia sinensis (CS) was made as a control. Higher rate of sucrose consumption was observed for Kombucha made with CS, also, higher production of organic acids (acetic and succinic acid) was observed too. Both behaviors were related to the content of glucose. The flavan-3-ols were diminishing along the fermentation time, with the exception of epigallocatechin in Camellia sinensis, Flavan-3-ol content in Guava leaves was low. Higher content of dicaffeoyl quinnic acid was observed for both systems in special for CS, falling after a maximum peak; minor constituents of hydroxycinnamic acids were stable along the fermentation for both systems

    Caracterización técnica, social y económica de las empresas del hato bovino jersey de registro en México

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    In México, there are no studies whose purpose has beencharacterizing the production units with registered cattle herds.These studies are important because they allow designingsuccessful genetic improvement programs and the transfer oftheir results to commercial producers. The objective of thisstudy was to characterize registered Jersey herds in México.A questionnaire was applied to all of the members of theAsociación Mexicana de Criadores de Ganado Jersey de Registro,and descriptive statistics were obtained. The registered Jerseycattle population in México is small (approximately 4000animals), it is distributed primarily in the central area of thecountry, and most of the herds (85%) have a recent origin(since 1995). Selection in the herds is scarce, activities forgenetic improvement are focused on identifying the animalsand collecting productive records; therefore, genetic progressis primarily through semen and animal imports, generatingtechnical and economic dependency on other countries. In spiteof having national genetic evaluations of the animals, theircommercialization by farmers is not the main activity, which iswhy the transfer of outstanding genetic material to commercialproducers is scarce. The installed capacity in animals, lands,and infrastructure and equipment is sufficient to implementgenetic improvement programs. Jersey cattle producers have inaverage 15 years of schooling and 24 in cattle-raising.En México no se dispone de estudios cuyo propósito haya sido lacaracterización de las unidades de producción con hatos de bovinosde registro. Estos estudios son importantes, ya que permitendiseñar programas de mejoramiento genético exitosos y la transferenciade sus resultados a productores comerciales. El objetivode este estudio fue caracterizar los hatos Jersey de registro enMéxico. Se aplicó un cuestionario a la totalidad de los miembrosde la Asociación Mexicana de Criadores de Ganado Jersey deRegistro y se obtuvieron estadísticos descriptivos. La poblaciónde bovinos Jersey de registro en México es pequeña (aproximadamente4000 animales), se distribuye principalmente en elcentro del país y la mayoría de los hatos (85%) tienen un origenreciente (a partir de 1995). La selección en los hatos es escasa,las actividades de mejoramiento genético se enfocan a identificarlos animales y recolectar registros productivos; por lo que elprogreso genético es principalmente vía importaciones de semeny animales, generando dependencia técnica y económica de otrospaíses. A pesar de contar con evaluaciones genéticas nacionalesde los animales, su comercialización por criadores no es la actividadprincipal, por lo que la transferencia de material genéticosobresaliente a productores comerciales es escasa. La capacidadinstalada en animales, terrenos, e infraestructura y equipo es suficientepara implementar programas de mejoramiento genético.Los criadores de bovinos Jersey tienen en promedio 15 años deescolaridad y 24 de experiencia en la cría de bovinos

    Comparación de definiciones de grupos contemporáneos en la evaluación genética de bovinos Suizo Europeo

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    Six alternatives of contemporary group (CG) definition for the genetic evaluation of weaning weight of Braunvieh cattle in Mexico were evaluated. Different alternatives of CG definition were formed by combining three minimum CG sizes (3, 7 or 10 records) and its consideration either as a fixed or random effect. The models included the direct and maternal genetic effects, their covariance, and permanent environment as random effects, and the linear and quadratic effects of cow age at calving as a covariate. The CG were formed by combining the effects of year and season of birth, calf's rearing condition, herd, and calf sex. The six alternatives of CG definition were compared using the descriptive statistics of the predicted breeding values and their accuracies, (co)variances and genetic parameters, and both the correlation between the predicted breeding values, and between their corresponding accuracies. On average, the accuracies of the direct genetic effects were slightly higher when CG was considered fixed than when it was fitted as random effect. For the maternal genetic effects there was no difference. The highest accuracies were obtained with a CG size of at least seven records. For both, the direct and maternal genetic effects, the CG size of seven records produced the highest heritability estimates, regardless of CG being fitted as fixed or random effect. The best alternative of contemporany group definition was a minimum of seven records and its inclusion as a fixed effect in the model for the genetic evaluation of this breed in Mexico.Se evaluaron seis alternativas para definir grupos contemporáneos (GC) en la evaluación genética nacional para peso al destete de bovinos Suizo Europeo en México. Los GC se formaron mediante la combinación de tres tamaños mínimos (3, 7 ó 10 registros) y su consideración como efecto fijo o aleatorio. Los modelos incluyeron los efectos aleatorios: genético directo y materno, su covarianza, y ambiente permanente. Además, se consideraron los efectos lineal y cuadrático de la covariable edad de la vaca al parto. Los GC se formaron combinando los efectos de año y época de nacimiento, condición de crianza, hato y sexo de la cría. Las seis alternativas de GC se compararon mediante: estadísticos descriptivos de los valores genéticos predichos y sus exactitudes, (co)varianzas y parámetros genéticos, y asociaciones entre los valores genéticos predichos, y entre las exactitudes correspondientes. Para los efectos genéticos directos, los promedios de exactitud fueron ligeramente mayores considerando GC como aleatorio en lugar de fijo, mientras que para los efectos genéticos maternos no hubo diferencias. Las exactitudes mayores se obtuvieron con un mínimo de siete registros por GC. Tanto para efectos genéticos directos como maternos, los estimadores de heredabilidad más altos se observaron con el tamaño mínimo de siete registros por GC, independientemente si los análisis lo consideraron como efecto fijo o aleatorio. La mejor alternativa de definición de grupos contemporáneos fue considerar un mínimo de siete registros y su inclusión como efecto fijo en los análisis genéticos para esta raza en México

    Residuos sólidos en la Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco: una estimación y potencial de aprovechamiento

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    La División Académica de Ciencias Biológicas (DACBiol) de la Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT) realiza el manejo integral de sus residuos, estos se cuantifican diariamente. Con los datos del 2017 y 2018 se permitió estimar la generación de residuos con respecto a la población total de la UJAT. La universidad cuenta con 12 divisiones académicas y oficinas administrativas, y con base en el 2do y 3er informe de actividades del rector de la Universidad, se obtuvo la población, apoyándose con visitas de campo a las divisiones. Con base en los datos, se estimó la generación de residuos y sus beneficios, de los cuales los residuos valorizables estimados en toneladas serian Materia Orgánica Vegetal con 41.3, PET 34.5, Papel y Cartón 43.6, Tapas de botellas 1.82, Aluminio/Hojalata 7.14, Vidrio 10.7, Fierro 3.25, madera 1.73, Multilaminado 3.19 siendo un total de 169 toneladas en dos años.The Academic Division of Biological Sciences (DACBiol) of the Autonomous Juárez University of Tabasco (UJAT) performs the comprehensive management of its waste, these are quantified daily. With the data from 2017 and 2018, verify the estimation of waste generation with respect to the total population of the UJAT. The university has 12 academic divisions and administrative offices and based on the 2nd and 3rd activities report of the rector of the University, it obtains the population, supporting field visits to the divisions. Based on the data, the generation of waste and its benefits were estimated, of which the estimated recoverable waste in tons per year would be Vegetable Organic Matter with 41.3, PET 34.5, Paper and Cardboard 43.6, PET Lids 1.82, Aluminum / Tinplate 7.14, Glass 10.7, Iron 3.25, wood 1.73, Multilaminate 3.19 for a total of 169 tons in two years

    Satisfacción Laboral de los Profesionales de Enfermería: Job satisfaction of Nursing Professionals

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    Objetivo: Analizar la satisfacción laboral de los profesionales de enfermería en el Hospital Regional Docente Ambato en las áreas de Quirófano y Cirugía. Metodología: El estudio es no experimental con un diseño descriptivo de corte transversal, se relacionan con las variables involucradas, además es de corta duración, el instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta a 30 profesionales de enfermería, se autoadministra un cuestionario anónimo. Las encuestas se realizaron en el 2015, en el mes de mayo, constituida por la variable independiente y dependiente valorada a través de la escala de Likert. Resultados: 30 profesionales respondieron al cuestionario. Las dimensiones más altas están entre muy de acuerdo y de acuerdo en los indicadores de relajación y tranquilidad. Y el otro indicador más alto corresponde a que están en desacuerdo que su instancia en su lugar de trabajo les proporciona integridad. Conclusiones: La satisfacción de los profesionales de enfermería es intermedia por el que es necesario implementar normas que mejoren las condiciones laborales y organizativas