37 research outputs found

    As repercussões do cuidado na vida do cuidador familiar do idoso com demência de Alzheimer

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    Nos últimos anos tem aumentado progressivamente o número de famílias que se tem confrontado com a situação de cuidar de familiares idosos em condição de dependência, principalmente quando esta é provocada em virtude da Doença de Alzheimer (DA). O objetivo deste estudo é o de investigar as repercussões do cuidado na vida do cuidador familiar de idoso com demência de Alzheimer. Através da epistemologia qualitativa utilizou-se a técnica da entrevista na modalidade de história de vida temática aplicada a vinte cuidadores de idosos cadastrados na Associação Brasileira de Alzheimer do estado do Amazonas (ABRAZ-AM). Os resultados mostraram que as renúncias aparecem nos depoimentos dos familiares como uma repercussão significativa do cuidado. A privação social em função do cuidado é uma realidade presente na vida dos cuidadores deste estudo. A raiva, a impaciência, o medo, a solidão e a vergonha são sentimentos vivenciados pelos cuidadores em seu cotidiano, que se alternam com sentimentos de satisfação, felicidade, compaixão e de retribuição. É importante salientar que neste estudo, a situação de cuidado vivenciada pelos cuidadores é permeada por sentimentos que se contrapõem, em determinados momentos se configurando como desagradáveis e em outros momentos como agradáveis. Sendo assim, percebe-se que é possível e relevante os profissionais da saúde identificarem esses aspectos favorecedores de prazer na relação de cuidado, buscando exaltá-los perante os outros. Dessa forma, a possibilidade de enfrentar da melhor forma os percalços deve ser considerada uma realidade eminentemente presente no cotidiano de cuidado.In recent years there has been a progressive increase in the number of families confronted with the situation of caring for elderly relatives in a dependent condition, principally as a result of Alzheimer's disease. The objective of the present study was to investigate the repercussions of such care in the life of family caregivers of elderly relatives with Alzheimer's disease. By means of qualitative epistemology, the interview technique was used in the thematic life history modality, and applied to 20 caregivers of elderly individuals enrolled in the Brazilian Association of Alzheimer's Disease in the State of Amazonas, Northern Brazil. The results showed that renouncements emerge in the caregivers' testimonies as a significant repercussion of care. Social deprivation is a reality that is present in the lives of all the caregivers who took part in this study. Anger, impatience, fear, loneliness and shame are feelings experienced by the caregivers in their everyday lives, intermingling with feelings of satisfaction, happiness, compassion and retribution. It is important to highlight that in the present study the care situation lived by the caregivers was permeated by opposing feelings, being considered unpleasant in certain moments and pleasant in others. Thus, it is perceived that it is possible and relevant for the health professionals to identify the pleasure-promoting aspects in the care relationship, praising them before the others. Therefore, the possibility of facing the mishaps in the best possible way should be considered as an eminently present reality in the daily routine of care

    Tactile stimulation of dairy heifers: effects on behavior and milk production after calving

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    The positive management of primiparous heifers before calving through tactile stimulation may have beneficial effects on behavior during routine milking. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of tactile stimulation in dairy heifers and its effects on behavior and milk production after calving. Ten primiparous Holstein heifers were used. Half the group received training with tactile stimulation of all body regions, while the other group did not receive stimulation (control group). The training period was divided into three phases: early, days 1 to 6 of training; intermediate: days 7 to 12, and final, days 13 to 23. During training, movement and displacement scores were obtained over a period of 5 minutes. Physiological parameters were also recorded [respiratory rate (FR) and minimum eye temperature (ETmin) measured with a thermal imaging camera]. After calving, the heifers were submitted to first milking when the evaluations were started for the first 10 days of milking (20 consecutive milkings). The behavior of the animals was evaluated by attributing a reactivity score of 1 (desirable behaviors) or 2 (undesirable behaviors): entry into the pen, teat disinfection, milking one or two jets of milk for mastitis testing, attachment of teat cups, and removal of milk, as well as the amount of milk produced. Mean ETmin and FR decreased over the training period. A significant difference was observed for displacement score (P=0.019), with a reduction in displacement from the early to the final period (from 60.0% to 25.7%). During the attachment of teat cups, stimulated heifers were less reactive (P=0.002), characterized by a lower frequency of undesirable behaviors (12.0%), than unstimulated heifers (30.2%). The average milk yield during the first 60 days of lactation was higher for the group of stimulated heifers (Ln y=2.20–0.0102t+0.331lnt, R2=0.76) compared to unstimulated heifers (Ln y=1.54–0.0191x+0.578lnx, R2=0.79), with this difference being significant (P<0.001). The tactile stimulation performed on primiparous heifers before calving had beneficial effects on their behavior during milking, reducing reactivity to the milker and increasing milk production

    A New Method for Determining Fluid Flux at High Pressures Applied to the Dehydration of Serpentinites

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    A new method to determine fluid flux at high pressures and temperatures has been developed and used to study serpentinites at subduction zone conditions. Drill cores of a natural antigorite‐serpentinite with a strong foliation were used in multi‐anvil experiments in the range of 2–5 GPa and 450–800°C. Fluids released upon dehydration are fixed by the formation of brucite in an adjacent fluid sink. The amount and distribution of brucite serves as a proxy for fluid flow. In our specific setup the sample reacted with the surrounding fluid sink to form an additional layer of olivine, which has the potential to limit fluid flux within our experiments. For conditions prior to serpentine dehydration we used Al(OH)3 as fluid source. Fluid in this experiment did not migrate through the serpentinite, indicating that serpentine has a low diffusivity. The experiments also show that small deviatoric stresses have an influence on the fluid flux and can cause an anisotropic fluid flux. Comparison between the time scales of the determined fluid flux with fluid production rates indicates fluid pressure buildup during dehydration reactions. Adjacent less permeable layers can inhibit fluid flux and cause fluid pressure buildup even at conditions when an interconnected pore space formed.Plain Language Summary: Subduction zones are regions where tectonic plates are recycled into the Earth's interior. Prior to subduction, the plates experienced extensive chemical interaction with the ocean water, forming hydrous minerals. Serpentine is an important hydrous mineral that can transport significant amounts of water into the Earth's interior. During subduction both pressure and temperature increase whereby hydrous minerals break down and release their water. The fluid migrates into the overlying mantle wedge, where it accounts for hydration as well as melting processes. The global flux balances would require this process to be very effective. However, it was so far not possible to measure the fluid flux at the subduction zone conditions in laboratories. In this study, we present a new method to determine the fluid flux prior and during dehydration. We found that prior to dehydration, the fluid flux in serpentinites is small. During dehydration the rocks ability to let fluids pass through increases. However, adjacent rocks with a low ability for fluid transport can further inhibit a fluid flux at these conditions. Generally, our experimental setup can be used for any system that immobilizes migrating fluids by hydration reactions.Key Points: A new method to determine fluid flux at high pressure and temperature conditions is developed. Slow fluid migration in serpentinites promotes brittle fracturing in subduction zones. Fast fluid migration upon dehydration of serpentinites promotes large‐scale fluid flux, if not inhibited by adjacent less permeable layers.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659JSPS Japanese‐German Graduate ExternshipNederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003246https://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-PB440