777 research outputs found

    Spatial extension of nucleating air masses in the Carpathian Basin

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    Particle number size distributions were measured by differential mobility particle sizer in the diameter range of 6-1000 nm in the near-city background and city centre of Budapest continuously for two years. The city is situated in the middle part of the Carpathian Basin, which is a topographically discrete unit in the southeastern part of central Europe. Yearly mean nucleation frequencies and uncertainties for the near-city background and city centre were (28 + 6/g 4) % and (27 + 9/g 4) %, respectively. The total numbers of days with continuous and uninterrupted growth process were 43 and 31, respectively. These events and their properties were utilised to investigate the spatial scale of the nucleation in the basin, and whether there are any specific trajectories for the nucleating air masses. Local wind speed and direction data indicated that there seem to be differences between the nucleation and growth intervals and non-nucleation days. For further analysis, backward trajectories were generated by a simple air parcel trajectory model. Start and end time parameters of the nucleation and an end time parameter of the particle growth were derived by a standardised procedure based on examining the channel contents of the contour plots. These parameters were used to specify a segment on each backward trajectory that is associated with the nucleating air mass. The results indicated that regional nucleation happened in the continental boundary layer mostly in the Carpathian Basin but that the most distant trajectories originated outside of the basin. The nucleating air masses were predominantly associated with NW and SE geographical sectors, and some of them were also related to larger forested territories. The results also emphasised indirectly that the regional new particle formation and growth phenomena observable at the fixed location often expand to the bulk of the Carpathian Basin. © 2014 Author(s)

    Looking at the bright side - The story of AA Dor as revealed by its cool companion

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    Irradiation effects in close binaries are crucial for a reliable determination of system parameters and understanding the close binary evolution. We study irradiated light originating from the low mass component of an eclipsing system comprising a hot subdwarf primary and a low mass companion, to precisely interpret their high precision photometric and spectroscopic data, and accurately determine their system and surface parameters. We re-analyse the archival VLT/UVES spectra of AA Dor system where irradiation features have already been detected. After removing the predominant contribution of the hot subdwarf primary, the residual spectra reveal more than 100 emission lines from the heated side of the secondary with maximum intensity close to the phases around secondary eclipse. We analyse 22 narrow emission lines of the irradiated secondary, mainly of OII, with a few CII lines. Their phase profiles constrain the emission region of the heated side to a radius \geq 95% of the radius of the secondary. The shape of their velocity profiles reveals two distinct asymmetry features one at the quadrature and the other at the secondary eclipse. We identify more than 70 weaker emission lines originating from HeI, NII, SiIII, CaII and MgII. We correct the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the center-of-light to the centre-of-mass of the secondary and calculate accurate masses of both components. The resulting masses M1M_{1}=0.46 ±\pm 0.01MM_{\odot} and M2M_{2}=0.079 ±\pm 0.002MM_{\odot} are in perfect accordance with those of a canonical hot subdwarf primary and a low mass star just at the substellar limit for the companion. We compute a first generation atmosphere model of the irradiated low mass secondary, which matches the observed spectrum well. We find an indication of an extended atmosphere of the irradiated secondary star.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&


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    Source apportionment of carbonaceous chemical species to fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning and biogenic emissions by a coupled radiocarbon-levoglucosan marker method

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    An intensive aerosol measurement and sample collection campaign was conducted in central Budapest in a mild winter for 2 weeks. The online instruments included an FDMS-TEOM, RT-OC/EC analyser, DMPS, gas pollutant analysers and meteorological sensors. The aerosol samples were collected on quartz fibre filters by a low-volume sampler using the tandem filter method. Elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), levoglucosan, mannosan, galactosan, arabitol and mannitol were determined, and radiocarbon analysis was performed on the aerosol samples. Median atmospheric concentrations of EC, OC and PM2.5 mass were 0.97, 4.9 and 25 mu g m(-3), respectively. The EC and organic matter (1.6 x OC) accounted for 4.8 and 37 %, respectively, of the PM2.5 mass. Fossil fuel (FF) combustion represented 36% of the total carbon (TC = EC + OC) in the PM2.5 size fraction. Biomass burning (BB) was a major source (40 %) for the OC in the PM2.5 size fraction, and a substantial source (11 %) for the PM10 mass. We propose and apply here a novel, straightforward, coupled radiocarbon-levoglucosan marker method for source apportionment of the major carbonaceous chemical species. The contributions of EC and OC from FF combustion (ECFF and OCFF to the TC were 11.0 and 25 %, respectively, EC and OC from BB (ECBB and OCBB were responsible for 5.8 and 34 %, respectively, of the TC, while the OC from biogenic sources (OCBIO made up 24% of the TC. The overall relative uncertainty of the OCBIO and OCBB contributions was assessed to be up to 30 %, while the relative uncertainty for the other apportioned species is expected to be below 20 %. Evaluation of the apportioned atmospheric concentrations revealed some of their important properties and relationships among them. ECFF and OCFF were associated with different FF combustion sources. Most ECFF was emitted by vehicular road traffic, while the contribution of non-vehicular sources such as domestic and industrial heating or cooking using gas, oil or coal to OCFF was substantial. The mean contribution of BB to EC particles was smaller by a factor of approximately 2 than that of road traffic. The main formation processes of OCFF, OCBB and OCBIO from volatile organic compounds were jointly influenced by a common factor, which is most likely the atmospheric photochemistry, while primary organic emissions can also be important. Technological improvements and control measures for various BB appliances, together with efficient education and training of their users, in particular on the admissible fuel types, offer an important potential for improving the air quality in Budapest, and likely in other cities as well


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    Education of chemical engineers began in Hungary with the academic year 1863-64. Chemical engineer's degree has been awarded since 1907. The present system of education is a two-level one. At present chemical engineers are trained at two universities: at the Chemical Engineering Faculty of the Budapest Technical University and at the Veszprém University of Chemical Engineering. Both universities also consider postgraduate education of engineers as a fundamental part of their activity


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    A mikrokörnyezeti hatások szerepe a felvehető nyomelem-tartalmának alakításában

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    Kisebb és nagyobb folyóinkon számos esetben vonultak le megemelkedett nehézfém koncentrációval együtt járó szennyező hullámok. A nehézfém szennyezések sok esetben árhullámokhoz köthetőek, de (főleg kisebb vízfolyásokon) előfordultak kifejezetten közepes (esetleg kis) vízálláshoz, illetve vízhozamhoz köthető szennyezések is. A vízhez, mint transzmissziós közeghez köthető szennyezések esetében a nehézfémek többféle fizikai és formában lehetnek jelen. Az ártérre kikerülő nehézfémek térbeli eloszlása, valamint felhalmozódásuk mértéke a vízállásnak, a szennyezőanyagok fizikai és kémiai formáinak, legvégül pedig az árterek térszerkezetének a függvénye. A nehézfémek által okozott környezeti kockázatot azonban nem önmagában e toxikus hatású elemek abszolút mennyisége jelenti, hanem azok „elérhetősége”. (Elérhetőség alatt ez esetben a fémek remobilizációját és felvehetőségét („bio-elérhetősége”) értjük. Jelen publikációnkban két nagyobb folyónk árterei példáján kíséreltük meg a Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb és a Zn elérhetőségében mutatkozó különbségek okait feltárni