314 research outputs found

    Research design for studying development in border areas: case studies towards the big picture?

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    This paper is concerned with the research design of four recent border related research projects, all operating in European multi-case study frameworks. All these studied projects have the aim of producing, on the one hand, regionally specific research results and, on the other hand, results that bear relevance to general border theories. Furthermore, most of these researches have to provide messages for policy makers and not only on the local-regional but on a more general, European level. This paper discusses what research designs the projects have chosen to operate in to reach all of these objectives. The focus is on two major aspects that have an impact on the research designs and are connected to the need for abstraction from specific contextual cases: comparative framework and policy relevance on different levels.Cet article examine comment quatre projets récents consacrés à l’étude des frontières, tous opérant dans des cadres européens d’études multi-cas, ont conçu leur travail de recherche. Ces études visent à produire à la fois des résultats spécifiques au niveau régional et des résultats pertinents pour les théories générales relatives aux frontières. En outre, la plupart de ces recherches sont censées ouvrir des pistes aux responsables politiques, tant au niveau local-régional qu’à l’échelle de l’Europe. L’article examine dans quels modèles de recherche les quatre projets ont choisi d’opérer pour répondre à ces différents objectifs. L’accent est mis sur deux aspects majeurs impactant les modèles de recherche et liés aux impératifs d’abstraction à partir de cas contextuels spécifiques: cadre comparatif et pertinence au niveau politique à différentes échelles

    Stochastic Simulation of Droplet Interactions in Suspension Polymerization of Vinyl Chloride

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    In this paper a population balance based mathematical model is presented for describing suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride. The properties of the polymer product and the behaviour of the stirred batch polymerization reactor are investigated by simulation. Two-phase kinetics model of free radical polymerization is used, and heat balance is also included into the model. Beside the coalescence and breakage phenomena, are taken interchanges of species and heat between the droplets induced by collisions into account forming a complex threescale system. The motion of droplets in the physical space of the polymerization reactor, the breakage, coalescence and coalescence/ redispersion processes are simulated by using a coupled continuous time – Monte Carlo method


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    The Effect of Different Moisture Contents on Selected Mechanical Properties of Wood

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    This study shows a broad comparison between some properties of six wood species. The examinations of the samples have been done both at a moisture content of 1296 and over the fiber- saturation point. As it was expected, all mechanical properties decreased with increasing moisture content, but these decreases had highly different variation depending on wood species

    How to involve medical history taking effectively in LSP teaching

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    The Department of Languages for Specific Purposes at the University of Pécs, Medical School (UPMS) has started to develop innovative practices; modernized blended-learning methods and tools in the field of medical communication (history taking).Educational material is worked out, communication courses are involved in pilot experimentation and digitally available educational material assist our foreign students in acquiring practical communication skills in medical Hungarian. Authenticity is ensured by internists and language teachers who collect and record doctor-patient conversations in our mother tongue while taking past medical history. Following the recording, the conversations are transcribed, segmented and according to EU standards texts of A1, A2, B1 (B2 as future intention) levels are worked out, as  foreign medical students arrive with no or very basic Hungarian. Video-recording of the history-taking scenes has been carried out with professional actors to prevent violation of privacy rights. As a next step task-based case studies, as well as check lists, have been designed to provide a professional perspective and to ensure the use of appropriate communication and linguistic tools. The pilot experiments are conducted in blended-learning university courses applying peer-assisted learning. The video-recorded conversations may be used in early beginning phases of language acquisition to enhance motivation, accelerate vocabulary expansion as well as raise diverse cultural awareness of the Hungarian doctor-patient communication that may be very different from the norms of the students’ home country. Provision of behavioural and communicational samples, pronunciation exercises, self-tests and keys enable personal learning, and equip the future doctors with the patient-centred conversational strategies for interviewing the 21st century patients of different ages, sex, background and rac

    Modelling of heat exchange between drops in suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride

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    A population balance model is presented for suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride in a batch reactor to investigate the thermal properties of the system. Reactions are described using a simplified reaction model focusing on the heat generation of the highly exothermic polymerization reactions. The temperature of the continuous phase is assumed to be homogeneous over the reactor and the effects of some temperature rise of droplets due to the exothermic polymerization reactions and the possible heat exchange because of the coalescence/redispersion process are analysed. The population balance equation is solved applying a Monte Carlo method by coupling the deterministic polymerization reactions inside the droplets with the discrete event process induced by collisions of droplets. The results obtained by simulation show that rise in the temperature of droplets over the mean temperature of continuous phase lead to acceleration of the process. The possible size distribution of droplets and no smooth distribution of the initiator in those decrease the process efficiency

    A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár és Tudásközpont feldolgozási gyakorlata a tartalmi feltárás tükrében

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    Bertáné Németh Ágnes: A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár és Tudásközpont feldolgozási gyakorlata a tartalmi feltárás tükrében Az előadásomban a tartalmi feltárás gyakorlatát középpontba helyezve mutatom be a Tudásközpont kialakulásához vezető utat, annak főbb mérföldköveit és a jelenlegi helyzetből adódó kihívásokat az alábbi főbb pontok szerint: A szakreferensi rendszer kialakulása, virágkora és megszűnése; Az egyetemi integráció hatása a gyűjteményszervezési munkafolyamatokra. A 2010-ben létrejött új integrált könyvtár (Csorba Győző Könyvtár, PTE Egyetemi Könyvtár Központi Könyvtár, Benedek Ferenc Jogi- és Közgazdasági Szakkönyvtár) okozta átalakulás: a szolgáltatásintegráció keretében a beszerzés és a feldolgozás teljes harmonizációjának kérdése. Az egységes arculat mögötti problémák és folyamatos változások

    Környezeti tényezők hatása egyes laktobacillusok biogén amin és bakteriocin bioszintézisére = Effect of environmental factors on biogenic amine and bacteriocin biosynthesis of certain lactobacilli

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    Három autentikus laktobacillus törzs, Lb.plantarum 2142, Lb. casei subsp.casei 2750 ,és Lb. curvatus 2770, szaporodását és bakteriocin termelét vizsgáltuk a tápköözeg összetétel függvényében. Mindhárom esetben MRS tápközegben volt a legjobb szaporodás, de a pepton víz+ YE illetve pepton víz + y e3 glükóz-on is számottevő növekedés következett be. A növényi alapú tápoldtok közül TJ-on kisebb növekedés lépett fel mint cékla-illetve csicsókalén. A gátlóhatást vizsgálva ateszt mikroorganizmusokkal (baktérium, élesztő és penész) szembeni aktivitás termelő törzs függő. Egyazon törzs esetén a tápközeg összetételnek is hatása van, de a gátló aktivitás nem mutat összefüggést az adott táplén észlelt szaporodással ,ami arra mutat, hogy a bakteriocin termelés nem szaporodáshoz kötött, a stacioner azakszban lép fel.A biogén aminszintézist elsődlegesen a hozzáférhető szabad aminósav koncentráció, az aminósav dekarboxiláz (ADC) és az amonóoxidáz(AO) befolyásolja. Peptid kötésben levő aminósav szubsztrázum esetén a proteáz aktivitás a meghatározó. MRS tápközegben a legnagyobb proteáz aktivitású törzs termelt legnagyobb amin-koncentrációt. Mind az ADC mind az AOerős szubsztrát koncentráció függést mutat 0-1 mg/ml, ill. 0-0,004 mg/ml tartományban. A H2O2 szintézis a vizsgált törzsek estén jelentősen eltér, MRS-n szporítoot sejtek közül az Lb.2142, mig TJ. a 2770 volt legaktívabb.A képződött 0.03 mM H2Os nem okozott sejtkárosodást. | We investigated in case of 3 authentic lactobacilli (Lb. plantarum 2142, Lb. casei subsp. casei 2750 and Lb. curvatus 2770) the influence of medium composition on growth and bacteriocin production.For growth MRS was the best, but pepton water + YE andpepton water+YE3glucose resulted also considerabel growth. Among the plant-based media TJ resulted lower groth than red beet and Jerusalem artichoke juices. Inhibitory activity aginst test microorganisma (bacteria, yeaste, moulds) is dependent on the producer strain. in case of the same Lb. the medium composition has also influence, but inhibitory activity shows no correlation with growth rate in the same substrate, this means that bacteriocin sínthesis is not growth phase dependent it occurs in the stationary phase. Biogenic amins production is mainly influenced by the free amino acid present, the amino acid decarboxylae ADC) and aminooxidase8AO) activities. Whe n amino acid is peptide bound, the proteinase activity is rate limiting. In MRS medium highest amine content was detected by higheat protease activity Lb. strain. Both ADC and AO are highliy sutrate conc. dependent in the range of 0-1mg/ml and 0-0.004 mg/ml resp. H2O2 production of the strains is highly different, among MRS grown cells Lb.2142, while on TJ Lb. 2770 where most active producers. The synthesized concnetration 0.03mM did'nt result cell damage of the producer Lb.214


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