8 research outputs found

    Parallel scanning of implicit surfaces with the simplex algorithm

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    Solution of mechanical problems often requires the analytical or numerical calculation of equilibrium paths, while solution sets of other dimension than one are rare. From this requirement emerged numerous method for the calculation of bifurcation diagrams. Two large group of the solution methods are the continuation methods and the scanning methods (however hybrid algorithm exists as well). The Simplex Algorithm is a robust approximative technique based on the Piecewise Linearization (PL-)algorithm, which has its application as a continuation and as a scanning algorithm as well. In this paper we will show the extension of the method for finding a 2-dimensional manifold (i.e. surface) with the scanning of the parameter space. We analyze the performance of the algorithm and its parallelization through two simple examples

    Csigasorral függesztett gerenda szabadrezgése modálanalízissel

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    Egy csigasorral függesztett gerenda szabadrezgését vizsgáljuk. A gerendát Bernoulli-Euler rúdként modellezzük, és bemutatjuk a szerkezet sajátrezgésalakjait és sajátkörfrekvenciáit feszített és feszítetlen függesztőkábel esetén a folytonos rúd differenciálegyenletének megoldásával. A kábel feszített, vagy feszítetlen voltától függ ̋oen beszélünk aktív és passzív függesztésr ̋ol. Az aktív és passzív függesztés rezgésalakjai egymásnak megfeleltethet ̋oek, az állapotváltozások során a modális koordináták transzformációja id ̋ofüggetlen módon végezhető. Numerikus módszert mutatunk a rezgés számítására, az aktív és passzív állapotok közötti váltás kezelésére. Különböző kezdőállapotokat használva szimuláljuk a tartó szabadrezgését. Megmutatjuk, hogy még az aktív és passzív függesztések közötti váltás okozta erős nemlinearitás mellett is képes a szerkezet periodikus szabadrezgést végezni

    Dynamic analysis of a beam on block-and-tackle suspension system: A continuum approach

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    In this paper the dynamic analysis of a beam on a block-and-tackle suspension system is accomplished using a continuum approach. The modal shape functions and the natural frequencies of the structure are derived in a dimensionless form for both slacked and stressed cables. A procedure is developed to handle the nonlinearity originated from the consecutive slacking and stressing of the suspension cable. Vibration analysis of the bilinear, multi-degree-of-freedom structure is accomplished for a vortex-shedding generated lift force and for a continuous pedestrian flow

    The Effect of Continuous Suspension Constraint on the Free Vibration and Buckling of a Beam

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    In this paper, the free vibration and the buckling of a continuously suspended simply-supported beam are analyzed. A semi-analytical approach is used to calculate the natural circular frequencies and the critical forces of the beam. The length of the suspension is used as a parameter, and the natural circular frequencies and the critical forces are presented in a frequency map or a buckling map. The maps are analyzed in view of the trivial solutions, and the frequency map is compared to the map of discrete cable-stayed beams. Finally, for the validation of the results a numerical, finite element analysis is performed

    Parallel scanning of implicit surfaces with the simplex algorithm

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    Solution of mechanical problems often requires the analytical or numerical calculation of equilibrium paths, while solution sets of other dimension than one are rare. From this requirement emerged numerous method for the calculation of bifurcation diagrams. Two large group of the solution methods are the continuation methods and the scanning methods (however hybrid algorithm exists as well). The Simplex Algorithm is a robust approximative technique based on the Piecewise Linearization (PL-)algorithm, which has its application as a continuation and as a scanning algorithm as well. In this paper we will show the extension of the method for finding a 2-dimensional manifold (i.e. surface) with the scanning of the parameter space. We analyze the performance of the algorithm and its parallelization through two simple examples