6 research outputs found

    Magyarország második világháború utáni történetének forrásai és feldolgozása (1944-1989) = Sources and writing up history of Hungary (1944-1989)

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    A '' Magyarország második világháború utáni történetének forrásai és feldolgozása '' című OTKA projekt három témakört érint, az 1945-1989 közötti magyar külpolitika, az 1956-os nemzeti felkelés és szabadságharc, valamint a rendszerváltás történetét(1988-1990). A négy év alatt munkacsoport tagjai 58 publikációt készítettek, közöttük két kismonográfiát, négy dokumnetumkötetet, egy tanulmánykötetet, valamint 51 cikket és könyvfejezetet. Az 50. évforduló miatt 2005-2006-ban figyelmünk középpontjában az 1956-tal kapcsolatos kutatások álltak. Az ? 1956 és az ifjúság ? c. alprogram keretében több mint egy tucat tanulmányt és egy kismonográfiát tettünk közzé a diák- és ifjúsági mozgalom szerepéről az 1956. október-novemberi eseményekben. Publikáltuk Nagy Imre: Snagovi jegyzetek. Gondolatok, emlékezések 1956-1957. (Bp., 2006. ) című emlékiratát, amely a XX. századi magyar történelem egyik igen fontos dokumentuma. A diplomáciatörténetet illetően a magyar-szovjet, a magyar- osztrák és a magyar-román kapcsolatok feldolgozása terén értünk el eredményeket, két dokumnetumkötetet is összeállítottunk. A rendszerváltással összefüggésben a politikai átmenet, elsösorban a pártok szerpe érdekelt bennünket. "A magyaroszági politikai pártok programjai 1867-1990" könyvsorozat negyedik, 56 ív terjedlmű kötetetében a rendszerváltás során fellépett 39 párt programját adtuk a közre, közöttük az 1990. évi választásokon országos, megyei és egyéni listát állító 28 pártét. | The project entitled "Resources and History of Hungary in the Post -War Period" involves three major topics: Hungarian foreign policy between 1945-1989, the national uprising and war of independence of 1956 and history of the change of regime (1988-1990). During the four year period the members of the research team issued 58 publications in total out of which there are two monographs, four documentary volumes, one volume of essays and 51 articles or chapters of books in preparation. In 2005-2006 because of the 50th anniversary our main focus was the research related to the events in 1956. Within the framework of the project section : ?Young People and 1956? we published a dozen essays and a monograph about the role of the youth and student movements in the events in October/November of 1956. We also published the memoires of Imre Nagy : Notes in Sangov. Thouhgts, remembrances 1956-1957. (Bp., 2006), which is a kay document of the 20th century Hungarian history. As to the history of international relations we mainly concentrated on the Hungarian -Soviet, Hungarian- Austrian, Hungarian-Romanian affairs and put two documentary volumes together on the topics. In connection with the change of the regime our interest lies first of all with the political transition and the role of the parties. In the 4th volume of the series " Hungarian Party Programs 1867-1990." the programs of the 39 parties participatin in the period of transition was published in the 56 (authors ) sheets

    Biblical Names and Places in a Selection of Toni Morrison's Novels

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    In this essay I would like to focus on three of Toni Morrison’s novels in which she uses or misuses Biblical names for both male and female characters as well as for places. In Song of Solomon, Tar Baby and Paradise I am going to compare and contrast the names and places with their Biblical equivalents and analyze the complexity of naming and misnaming. Trough these comparisons I wish to shed light on the parallels and contrasts, as well as certain coincidences with the aim of establishing the sturcture of Toni Morrison’s method of using the Bible with special focus on Biblical names and places.egyetemiangol nyelv és irodalom szakos tanár (kiegészítő levelező képzés

    Biblical Names and Places in a Selection of Toni Morrison's Novels

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    In this essay I would like to focus on three of Toni Morrison’s novels in which she uses or misuses Biblical names for both male and female characters as well as for places. In Song of Solomon, Tar Baby and Paradise I am going to compare and contrast the names and places with their Biblical equivalents and analyze the complexity of naming and misnaming. Trough these comparisons I wish to shed light on the parallels and contrasts, as well as certain coincidences with the aim of establishing the sturcture of Toni Morrison’s method of using the Bible with special focus on Biblical names and places.egyetemiangol nyelv és irodalom szakos tanár (kiegészítő levelező képzés

    Tracking magnetic pollutants by integrated mineralogical and magnetic analyses of airborne particles in urban environment

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    This complex magnetic and mineralogical study, which was carried out on settled dust and PM10 (particulate matter smaller than 10 μm) samples collected for several years in a Hungarian industrial town, Miskolc. The primary aim of the research was to estimate the contribution of different pollution sources which produce magnetic phases to the settled dust and to the PM10 fraction. In both types of the airborne dust, magnetite a spinel type iron oxide was identified as the dominant magnetic mineral with magnetic and mineralogical methods. The latter revealed that the magnetic mineral was either pure magnetite or contained minor amounts, usually few percent in total of other metals like Mn (up to 2.2 at%), Zn (up to 4.6 at%), Co (up to 8.1 at%), Cr (up to 1.3 at%) and Pb (up to 0.5 at%). Comparison between the total magnetic susceptibilities of settled dust samples collected before and after the closing down, respectively of the steel works (DAM) in the town, reveals a significant reduction (50–100%) in magnetic pollution. Such comparison was not possible for PM10 fraction, since systematic PM10 collection in Miskolc started after the closing of DAM. The analysis of the PM10 filters was, however, important from the viewpoint of magnetic pollution originating from other sources, like vehicle traffic, combustion. We found that roughly the half of the magnetic particles are in the superparamagnetic range (< 30 nm), therefore extremely dangerous for the health. The degree of magnetic pollution shows daily and seasonal variations. The former points to vehicle traffic as a general source of magnetic grains, since the total susceptibility is lowest on Sundays (15*10-6 SI, till on weekdays ca. 20*10-6 SI). The seasonal variation indicates that industrial and household combustion increases the total susceptibility in winter time (from 5 to 8*10-6 SI in PM10). The mass of the PM10, however, increases much more (ca. 3 times) in wintertime than total susceptibility due to emission of large amount of non-magnetic particles, such as carbonaceous phases and sulphates from combustion sources. Thus, we think that restriction of vehicle traffic during wintertime is not an efficient measure to reduce the concentration of PM10 during smog alarm. Comparison between the concentrations of heavy metals (like Pb and Cd) and mass susceptibility lead to the conclusion that the magnetic pollutants and the metals are coming from different sources. The concentration of the latter depends on the direction and intensity of the wind, which may bring them form industrial sources, located North of Miskolc