824 research outputs found

    The pathologists’ eyes on foregut: histopathological relations in the experimental and routine diagnostics

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    SUMMARY I. The study aimed to investigate the incidence of duodeno-gastroesophageal reflux-induced malignoma formation in a series of duodeno-esophageal anastomosis operations in rats. This surgical method provided a model for the reflux-induced esophageal pathologies, without carcinogen administration. 30 weeks of duodeno-gastroesophageal reflux disease significantly increased the risk of the development of BE, and reflux-induced EAC formation was evident in 4 animals. In one of these particular cases, a superficial squamous cell cancer was noted in close vicinity to the adenocarcinoma formation. The results of the applied rat model afford evidence of the simultaneous activation of more than one possible carcinogenetic pathway in experimental GERD. Synchronous neoplasm formation with different growth pattern characteristics is a rarity in humans, and this phenomenon suggests that the presented model is a suitable means of mimicking the whole spectrum of human GERD pathology. II/1. The study aimed to carry out standardized histopathological analysis focusing not only on SIM but also on the presence of additional glands in the metaplastic process at 826 consecutive patients. According to standardized histopathological dataset the cases were classified and recorded by computerized method. The obtained data proved that 1) pure SIM is very rare in the Hungarian population, 2) cardiac and superficial mucous glands are good predictors for SIM, 3) pancreatic acinar and fundic metaplasias carry less severe metaplastic process, and 4) superficial mucous glands can be responsible for creating foregut-derived tissues and thus can be the origin of BE. II/2. The study aimed to assess the value of forceps biopsy sampling in establishing the correct diagnosis revealed by EMR as well as to evaluate the efficacy of this method. Fifty-six subjects with sessile gastric polyps of epithelial origin, at least 0.5 cm in diameter, and not associated with polyposis syndromes, were included. The obtained data showed that forceps biopsy is not fully representative of the entire lesion, and a simple biopsy may therefore lead to a faulty differentiation between the neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. EMR proposes diagnostic and staging advantage in assessing patients with EGC as compared to forceps biopsy, because it provides more intact mucosa and submucosa for histological analysis. Sessile gastric polyps should be fully resected by EMR for a final diagnosis and (depending on the lesion size and type) possibly definitive treatment

    Application of TQM in Hungary and in the US: Analysis

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    The purpose of this article is to compare the Hungarian and US TQM practices at 27 firms. 5 clusters of companies will be identified considering their environmental, structural factors. We categorize the companies into these clusters. Then we analyze the companies orientation of management, use of TQM elements and tools at the different sets of environmental and structural variables, and finally give some suggestions to improve the Hungarian TQM practice

    UÄŤeÄŤa se mesta v teku: Primerjava modelov mest PĂ©cs in Cork

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    This paper analyses the influence of the rise and development of learning cities and regions in adult education research work. Comparative adult education research has got great potential to investigate the concrete mechanism of learning city-region constructions and to analyse the changing nature and structures of learning city-region models. Therefore, the paper tries to underline the impact of some relevant theoretical focuses and related models perspectives and limitations to comparative adult education research work since it is important to examine how learning city-region collaborations at local-regional levels may enhance both participation and performance in the learning of adults, but also of other age groups, and affect the intergenerational dimensions of learning as well as community development. At the same time, this contribution signals the need for interdisciplinary approaches and positions in comparative research work on local and regional citizen participation in learning programmes.Članek analizira vpliv razvoja učečih se mest in regij na raziskovanje izobraževanja odraslih. Primerjalno raziskovanje izobraževanja odraslih ponuja veliko priložnosti za raziskovanje konkretnih mehanizmov, ki delujejo znotraj učečih se mest (ali regij), ter za analizo njihove spreminjajoče se narave in strukture njihovih modelov. Članek v ospredje postavlja vplive, ki jih imajo nekateri teoretični pogledi, in omejitve povezanih modelov na primerjalno raziskovanje izobraževanja odraslih, saj je pomembno raziskati, kako lahko sodelovanje učečih se mest-regij na lokalni-regionalni ravni izboljša tako udeležbo in učinkovitost učenja odraslih kot tudi učenje drugih starostnih skupin ter vpliva na medgeneracijske dimezije učenja in razvoja skupnosti. Hkrati prispevek kaže na potrebo po interdisciplinarnih pristopih v primerjalnem raziskovanju lokalne in regionalne participacije državljanov v učnih programih

    A felsőoktatási LLL és a közösségfejlesztés összefüggései

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    Az elemzés arra keres válaszokat, hogy milyen szerepet játszik a felsőoktatási lifelong learning a hatékony tudás-megosztással támogatott közösség-fejlesztésben, ezzel hatékony tanulásorientált szakpolitika formálásában. Megjelenik e témával öszszefüggésben, hogy a felsőoktatás milyen trendekkel jellemezhető a tanuló közösségek alakításában, ehhez illeszkedően közösségi kollaborációk megvalósításában. Igyekszünk arra is rámutatni, hogy melyek azok a kontextusok, melyek az európai felsőoktatást egészében érintik globális hatások okán, s hogy ezen hatások alapján mi lehet ez eucen szerepe a felsőoktatási lifelong learning fejlesztésében és innovációjában. Érdemes arra is odafigyelnünk, hogy e perspektívát aktuálisan milyen korlátok és lehetőségek jellemzik az UNESCO-nak a jövő kutatását érintő diskurzusa részeként, mely egyaránt kötődik az Agenda 2030 SDG4 eszmecseréhez. Correlations in between University Lifelong Learning and Community Development. This paper will try responding to some current trends of university lifelong learning in the scope of community development through effective knowledge transfer so as to shape relevant policies in education and training. Therefore, the paper will elaborate upon universities' roles in the formation of learning cities and communities, consequently, in the making of community collaborations. Accordingly, this short analysis will reflect to some global impacts to hit higher education in Europe and to bring in the role of eucen as European Universities' network for promoting university lifelong learning. A special attempts is to integrate the approach of UNESCO referring to the futures of education to signal some choices and limitations in embracing lifelong learning as part of the UN Agenda 2030 discourse on SDGs

    Robust Control Design of an Electro-Hydraulic Actuator

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