49 research outputs found

    El ferrocarril trasandino y la integración con Chile

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    Some reflections about the construction of South Transandine Railway betwen Argentina and Chile are exposed in this article.Se desarrollan algunas reflexiones en relación con la construcción del Ferrocarril Trasandino Sur, entre Argentina y Chile

    Related Factors and Treatment of Postoperative Delirium in Old Adult Patients: An Integrative Review

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    “Postoperative delirium” is defined as delirium occurring in the hospital up to one week after a procedure or before discharge (whichever occurs first) that meets the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. Objectives: To describe the risk factors related to this pathology and identify effective non-pharmacological forms of treatment. An integrative review of the available literature was performed. The search results considered included all quantitative studies published between 2011 and 2019 in both English and Spanish. A total of 117 studies were selected. Advanced age was identified as the principal risk factor for postoperative delirium. Nursing interventions appear to be the key to preventing or reducing the seriousness of delirium after an anaesthetic episode. The aetiology of postoperative delirium remains unknown, and no treatment exists to eliminate this pathology. The role of nursing staff is fundamental in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of the pathology.S

    Applying the Modified Ten-Group Robson Classification in a Spanish Tertiary Hospital

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    [EN] Background: Caesarean section is necessary to save the lives of mothers and newborns at times, but it is important to perform it only when it is essential due to all the risks involved. This study aimed to examine the rate of caesarean sections performed at a tertiary hospital using the Robson classification to detect methods for the detection of and/or reduction in these caesarean section rates. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study of a retrospective database was carried out. Results: A total of 10,317 births were assessed. The Robson classification was used to assess these interventions and verify whether the indication for performed caesarean sections was appropriate. In total, 2036 births by caesarean section were performed in the whole sample. The annual caesarean section rate varied between 18.67% and 21.18%. Conclusions: Caesarean sections increased by about 20% in 2021 compared to 2020 even though the trend over the years of study was decreasing. Vaginal delivery after caesarean section is a reasonable and safe option. Caesarean section rates could be improved, mostly in Robson’s Group 2. The Robson classification facilitated progress in the implementation of measures aimed at improving care and adjusting caesarean section rates.S

    The Influence of Nutrition in Alzheimer's Disease: Neuroinflammation and the Microbiome vs. Transmissible Prion

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a primary, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder. Many risk factors for the development of AD have been investigated, including nutrition. Although it has been proven that nutrition plays a role in AD, the precise mechanisms through which nutrition exerts its influence remain undefined. The object of this study is to address this issue by elucidating some of the mechanisms through which nutrition interacts with AD. This work is a qualitative systematic bibliographic review of the current literature searchable on various available databases, including PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Our evidence comprises 31 articles selected after a systematic search process. Patients suffering with AD present a characteristic microbiome that promotes changes in microglia generating a proinflammatory state. Many similarities exist between AD and prion diseases, both in terms of symptoms and in the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis. Changes in the composition of the gut microbiome due to dietary habits could be one of the environmental factors affecting the development of AD; however, this is probably not the only factor. Similarly, the mechanism for self-propagation of beta-amyloid seen in AD is similar to that seen in prions

    Basic life support training programme in schools by school nurses: how long and how often to train?

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    Background: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training in schools, despite being legislated in Spain, is not established as such within the subjects that children are taught in schools. Objective: to evaluate the acquisition of CPR skills by 11-year-old children after a brief theoretical-practical teaching programme taught by nurses at school. Methods: 62 students were assessed in a quasi-experimental study on 2 cohorts (51.4% of the sample in control group [CG]). In total, 2 sessions were given, a theoretical one, and a practical training for skill development in children, in which the CG performed the CPR in 2-minute cycles and the intervention group in 1-minute cycles. The anthropometric variables recorded were weight and height, and the variables compression quality and ventilation quality were recorded using the Laerdal ResusciAnne manikin with Personal Computer/Wireless SkillReport. Results: The assessment showed better results, in terms of BLS sequence performance and use of automated external defibrillator, in the CG and after training, except for the evaluation of the 10-second breathing assessment technique. The quality of chest compressions was better in the CG after training, as was the quality of the ventilations. There were no major differences in CPR quality after training and 4 months after the 1-minute and 2-minute training cycles. Conclusions: 11-year-old children do not perform quality chest compressions or ventilations but, considering their age, they are able to perform a BLS sequence correctly

    Long-term treatment for emotional distress in women with breast cancer

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    [EN] Purpose: Breast cancer patients have many needs, including strategies to cope with the associated distress, during and after cancer treatment. Establishing and implementing adequate social and emotional support for these women, to reduce the detrimental effects of stress resulting from their treatment and disease, is the need of the hour. This study aims to assess how women, diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, combat emotional stress using mechanisms of coping and control and emotional defense, as well as to identify potential groups among them, with different long-term patterns and needs. Methods: 98 patients belonging to a local breast cancer support association (ALMOM), were enrolled in this study. A questionnaire specifically designed for them was administered, and its internal consistency and reliability assessed. A hierarchical clustering was employed to classify the women. The questionnaire focused on four sections, including personal feelings, coping strategies, environmental influences and maladaptive coping. Results: An adequate internal reliability was obtained with Cronbach's α near or greater than 0.60. Personal feelings were significant and clearly correlated with coping strategies and maladaptive coping. Three groups of women with different patterns of emotional characteristics and needs were identified: positivist, unsafe, and hopeless women, with different long-term emotional needs to be satisfied. Conclusions: Psychological therapeutic interventions should be maintained in many breast cancer patients over time, even after treatment completion, in order to consolidate adaptive and sustainable responsesS

    Assessment of the antioxidant/hypolipidemic relationship of sideritis hyssopifolia in an experimental animal model

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    [EN] Many publications have described the potential cardioprotective action of different medicinal plants, relating this effect with blood lipid levels. However, these publications do not justify the right amount of plant administered, which can vary greatly. Sideritis hyssopifolia is a little woody plant endemic to western and southwestern Europe. We have quantified its antioxidant activity, which can be used as an indicator of its cardioprotective action. This study evaluates the antioxidant capacity of Sideritis hyssopifolia to design a feed whose hypolipidemic effects are proven in cholesterol-fed New Zealand rabbits. Antioxidant action was assessed in infusions, which were prepared with 1 or 3 g of plant in 200 mL of water by using an ABTS assay and expressed as Ascorbic acid Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (AEAC). Aqueous infusions with infusion times of 10 min and prepared with 3 g plant exhibited the strongest antioxidant activity. Sideritis hyssopifolia showed an intermediate antioxidant capacity for the concentrations and times of the infusion tested. According to our results, we suggest incorporating 2.36 g of S. hyssopifolia every 150 g of rabbit feeding stuff (15.73 g/kg). This chow decreased cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides levels in cholesterol-fed rabbits, as well as the atherogenic index. This reduction was similar to that obtained with simvastatin.S

    Drug prescription pattern in exotic pet and wildlife animal practice: a retrospective study in a Spanish veterinary teaching hospital from 2018 to 2022

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    [EN] Exotic companion animals have had an important role in our society since ancient times. Preserving animal health is necessary to do a responsible use of veterinary medicines. This study aimed to describe the prescription patterns of drugs in exotic pets and wildlife animals attending the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of León (HVULE). A retrospective study was carried out between 2018 and 2022. Birds were the largest group of exotic animals attending the HVULE. Visits were related to emergency reasons and for musculoskeletal disorders. One-third of the animals were eventually euthanised. Regarding pharmacological treatments, the most frequently active ingredients used were pentobarbital, isoflurane, meloxicam, and within antibiotics, marbofloxacin (category B in the classification of European Medicines Agency).S

    The Influence of Nutrition in Alzheimer's Disease: Neuroinflammation and the Microbiome vs. Transmissible Prion

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    [EN] Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a primary, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder. Many risk factors for the development of AD have been investigated, including nutrition. Although it has been proven that nutrition plays a role in AD, the precise mechanisms through which nutrition exerts its influence remain undefined. The object of this study is to address this issue by elucidating some of the mechanisms through which nutrition interacts with AD. This work is a qualitative systematic bibliographic review of the current literature searchable on various available databases, including PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Our evidence comprises 31 articles selected after a systematic search process. Patients suffering with AD present a characteristic microbiome that promotes changes in microglia generating a proinflammatory state. Many similarities exist between AD and prion diseases, both in terms of symptoms and in the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis. Changes in the composition of the gut microbiome due to dietary habits could be one of the environmental factors affecting the development of AD; however, this is probably not the only factor. Similarly, the mechanism for self-propagation of beta-amyloid seen in AD is similar to that seen in prions.S

    Drug-related problems and polypharmacy in nursing home residents: a cross-sectional study

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    [EN] At present, 19.2% of the Spanish population is aged 65 or older. Polypharmacy is a frequent condition among the elderly, especially in those living in nursing homes, which is associated with adverse outcomes, such as adverse drug events or drug-drug interactions. This study aimed to assess the pattern of polypharmacy in a nursing home in León, one of Spain’s most ageing regions, and its relationship with different drug-related problems. A descriptive, observational, and crosssectional study design was used; 222 residents were involved in this study. Data on drug use were collected from medical charts. Information was screened with the software CheckTheMeds, BOT PLUS and Drug-Reax. Residents were on a median of 7 medicines. Polypharmacy and inappropriate medications were present in 78.8% and 96.8% of residents, respectively. Drug-related problems were present in almost all the populations evaluated. Drug-drug interactions were very common in participants (81.1%), being severe/moderate in 24.7%. A high prevalence of polypharmacy and drugrelated problems in the nursing home population assessed has been observed. A significantly higher risk of suffering drug-drug interactions was revealed for increasing polypharmacy and anticholinergic risk. A regular evaluation of drug prescribing in nursing home residents is necessary to minimize drug-related problems risk.S