42 research outputs found
Relatório de estágio de biologia e geologia realizado na Escola Secundária de Francisco Franco e Escola Básica e Secundária Gonçalves Zarco
O presente relatório descreve as atividades do estágio de iniciação à prática pedagógica, que decorreu ao longo do ano letivo de 2013/14, envolvendo o Ensino Secundário na Escola Secundária Francisco Franco e o 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico na Escola Básica e Secundária Gonçalves Zarco. O desempenho do professor estagiário é contextualizado neste relatório abordando o processo de “aprender a ensinar”, que é baseado na aquisição de competências pedagógicas e sociais, e no desenvolvimento de uma prática reflexiva e construtiva, princípio crucial para o bom desenvolvimento profissional e para a tomada de consciência do “ser professor”. O estágio pedagógico é um momento marcante, peculiar e vivenciado por cada professor estagiário de forma diversa. A confrontação com a prática do planeamento e a recetividade dos alunos proporcionam experiências que servem de base para a reflexão e a avaliação dos métodos e estratégias de ensino, motivando a melhoria do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A ação do professor estagiário é evidenciada neste relatório, nas quatro componentes que constituíram o estágio pedagógico, a Prática Letiva Supervisionada, as Atividades de Integração no Meio Escolar, as Atividades de Intervenção na Comunidade Escolar e as Atividades de Natureza Cientifico-Pedagógico. As componentes do estágio pedagógico proporcionaram ao professor estagiário um conjunto de experiências, conhecimentos e ferramentas essenciais para desenvolver de forma profissional a atividade letiva, assente num processo dinâmico de evolução e adaptação do ser professor.This report describes the activities of the internship regarding the initiation to teaching practice, which occurred throughout the 2013/2014 school year, involving the Secondary School Escola Secundária Francisco Franco and 3rd Cycle of Basic Education School Escola Básica e Secundária Gonçalves Zarco. The trainee teacher’s performance is contextualized in this report addressing the “learn to teach” process, which is based on acquiring teaching and social skills, and on the development of a constructive and reflective practice, a crucial principle for good professional development and for becomig aware of “being a teacher”. The teaching internship is a remarkable, unique moment experienced differently by each trainnee teacher. The challenge of planning and the receptivitity of the students provide experiences that serve as base for reflection and evaluation of teaching strategies and methods, motivating the improvement of the teaching-learning process. The trainee teacher’s action is demonstrated in this report, in the four components that constituted the teaching internship, the Supervised Teaching Practice, Integration of Activities in Schools, Intervention Activities in School Community and Activities of Scientific Pedagogic subjects. The components of the teaching internship provided the trainee teacher with experiences, knowledge and tools essential to perform professionally the teaching activity, based on a dynamic process of evolution and adaptation of being a teacher
Impacts of the combined exposure to seawater acidification and arsenic on the proteome of Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea gigas
Proteomic analysis was performed to compare the effects of Arsenic (As), seawater acidification (Low pH) and the combination of both stressors (Low pH + As) on Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea gigas juveniles in the context of global environmental change. This study aimed to elucidate if two closely related Crassostrea species respond similarly to these environmental stressors, considering both single and combined exposures, to infer if the simultaneous exposure to both stressors induced a differentiated response. Identification of the most important differentially expressed proteins between conditions revealed marked differences in the response of each species towards single and combined exposures, evidencing species-related differences towards each experimental condition. Moreover, protein alterations observed in the combined exposure (Low pH + As) were substantially different from those observed in single exposures. Identified proteins and their putative biological functions revealed an array of modes of action in each condition. Among the most important, those involved in cellular structure (Actin, Atlastin, Severin, Gelsolin, Coronin) and extracellular matrix modulation (Ependymin, Tight junction ZO-1, Neprilysin) were strongly regulated, although in different exposure conditions and species. Data also revealed differences regarding metabolic modulation capacity (ATP β, Enolase, Aconitate hydratase) and oxidative stress response (Aldehyde dehydrogenase, Lactoylglutathione, Retinal dehydrogenase) of each species, which also depended on single or combined exposures, illustrating a different response capacity of both oyster species to the presence of multiple stressors. Interestingly, alterations of piRNA abundance in C. angulata suggested genome reconfiguration in response to multiple stressors, likely an important mode of action related to adaptive evolution mechanisms previously unknown to oyster species, which requires further investigation. The present findings provide a deeper insight into the complexity of C. angulata and C. gigas responses to environmental stress at the proteome level, evidencing different capacities to endure abiotic changes, with relevance regarding the ecophysiological fitness of each species and competitive advantages in a changing environment.Centro-01-0145-FEDER-000018info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Crianças e Jovens com Perturbação de Hiperatividade com Défice de Atenção : Controvérsias em torno do diagnóstico e do tratamento
A minha dissertação centra-se nas controvérsias em torno do diagnóstico e do tratamento da PHDA (Perturbação de Hiperatividade com Défice de Atenção) em crianças e jovens, mais concretamente nas representações dos profissionais de ensino sobre as formas de diagnóstico utilizadas no espaço escolar e nas novas formas que encontraram para controlar os comportamentos menos esperados na escola actual e compreender como é feita a sinalização da PHDA, como é feito o trabalho quotidiano dos profissionais que trabalham com estes alunos, quais os acordos e desacordos que existem entre eles e como justificam e defendem o seu ponto de vista em relação à melhor forma de intervir.
Os principais resultados obtidos nesta investigação refletem um aumento significativo de diagnósticos da PHDA, tendo sido confirmado pelos entrevistados ao afirmarem que em todas as turmas existem alunos com este diagnóstico e utilizam medicação para tratá-la, contudo existem dúvidas em relação a esta patologia, tanto na sua existência como na qualidade dos diagnósticos. Foi possível concluir ainda que a percepção da escola e dos Professores é alterada quando o aluno é diagnosticado, isto é, antes do diagnóstico o aluno é considerado mal-educado, sendo excluído e depois do diagnóstico passa a ser um aluno com problemas e é novamente incluído na aprendizagem. Fazem grandes críticas à comunidade científica pela inexistência de consenso em relação à patologia, ao diagnóstico e à medicação. Em relação à medicação as opiniões dividem-se, alguns acreditam que sem medicação os alunos não conseguiriam aprender e outros afirmam que não tem outros benefícios para além do controlo dos comportamentos.
Em relação à relevância científica e social, este estudo irá permitir a compreensão mais alargada da realidade em que estas crianças e jovens vivem no contexto escolar, irá ser útil tanto para professores, psicólogos e restantes técnicos de ensino, até aos familiares de crianças com este problema, poderá ainda ser interessante para investigadores sociais no âmbito da regulação dos comportamentos, podendo dar novas perspetivas sobre o assunto
Mediana de dados não agrupados: a questão de ser pelo menos 50%
Com o presente trabalho temos como objetivo ilustrar exemplos que abrangem as diferentes situações que podem ocorrer no cálculo da mediana de uma coleção de dados. Pretendemos mostrar, com exemplos, as possíveis interpretações válidas de mediana que, de forma similar, podem ser extensíveis aos outros quartis. Com esses exemplos pretendemos discutir o eventual confronto entre a noção intuitiva de mediana e sua interpretação. Deste modo, esperamos contribuir para uma melhor compreensão de possíveis deduções, consequentes da interpretação de mediana, que por vezes causam alguma estranheza entre os estudantes, nomeadamente quando, por
exemplo, existem observações repetidas e iguais à mediana numa coleção de dados
Learning difficulties with median and quartiles concepts in the 8th grade students: formula versus plot comparative study
na aplicação de algoritmos de cálculo da mediana e na sua interpretação, em alunos de diferentes níveis de ensino. Embora possam existir interações entre as causas que originam
tais dificuldades, escasseiam estudos se e como as dificuldades (observáveis) no cálculo e
na interpretação da mediana e dos quartis estão interligadas. Partindo de quatro situaçõesproblemas,
são analisadas as respostas dadas por 81 alunos do 8.º ano de escolaridade de
uma escola, identificando e classificando os erros cometidos no cálculo e interpretação da
mediana e dos quartis. Usando o coeficiente de associação V de Cramer, investiga-se também,
numa perspetiva quantitativa, a interdependência entre a capacidade de obter os valores da
mediana, primeiro quartil e terceiro quartil e a de interpretar o efeito sobre a mediana de uma
alteração de um dado, tendo por base um conjunto de dados e um diagrama de extremos
e quartis. A análise estatística das respostas assinalou situações onde existem associações
fracas ou moderadas; mais ainda, não revelou associação entre a dificuldade de obtenção
analítica (via fórmula) e gráfica (via diagrama de extremos e quartis) da mediana, perante
uma alteração de dados. Esta constatação leva a crer que os alunos veem a interpretação de resultados obtidos segundo aquelas duas abordagens (via fórmula versus via gráfica) como se de dois tópicos diferentes, não interligados, se tratasse.publishe
A review of the genus Semele (Ruscaceae) systematics in Madeira
The present study attempts to review the systematics of Semele (Ruscaceae) in Madeira, based on phenotypic diversity. The variation in some vegetative (climbing shoot, second-order branches or ‘phylloclades’) and sexual (inflorescence and flowers) characters was analysed in 115 plant specimens from 30 field populations, herbaria of the Costa
collection and Madeira Botanical Garden (MADJ) and certain gardens. Thirty-one quantitative and qualitative characters have been utilized in the analysis. Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) analysis indicates adequate sampling. Principal component analysis (PCA) reveals that the spatial distribution of individuals has a discontinuous behaviour.
Principal coordinate analysis (PCO) utilizing the Gower coefficient on standardized data revealed a significantly discontinuous distribution of individuals, such that two different clusters can be defined. The Student’s t-test and Tukey
test on separate characters, when individuals were classified according to the Costa classification, confirms the significant differences between grouping accessions. This leads to the recognition of two species within the genus in
Madeira. Literature and herbarium studies show that these two taxa are conspecific with Semele androgyna (L.)
Kunth sensu stricto (s.s.) and Semele menezesi Costa sensu lato (s.l.). A separated statistical analysis of the S. androgyna cluster shows the possible existence of additional subgroups. Based on field population distribution, ecological
behaviour and variation in features, we propose the recognition of two species, S. androgyna (L.) Kunth and S. menezesi (Costa) Pinheiro de Carvalho, and two subspecies S. androgyna (L.) Kunth androgyna Pinheiro de Carvalho and
S. androgyna (L.) Kunth pterygophora Pinheiro de Carvalho.The authors are grateful to Mr Francisco Fernandes,
Madeira Botanical Garden, Priest Nóbrega and Mr Rogério Correia for help in the monitoring of plant
populations and fieldwork and to Dr Grahm Queen
curator of MADM herbarium for access to the Costa
herbarium collection. This work has been financially
supported by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science
and Technology) and PRAXIS XXI, through the CEM
(Centre for Macaronesian Studies) and CRUP (Dean
Council of Portuguese University)/British Council.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends
The purpose of this book is to present recent studies in the field of multilingualism and L3, bringing together contributions from an international group of specialists from Austria, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and United States. The main focuses of the articles are three: language acquisition, language learning and teaching.
A collection of theoretical and empirical articles from scholars of multilingualism and language acquisition makes the book a significant resource as the papers present a wide perspective from main theories to current issues, reflecting new trends in the field.
The authors focus on the heterogeneity and complexity that characterize third language acquisition, multilingual learning and teaching. As the issues addressed in this book intersect, it represents an asset and therefore the texts will be of great relevance for the scientific community.
Part I presents different topics of L3 acquisition, such as syntax, phonology, working memory and selective attention, and lexicon. Part II comprises texts that show how the research on language acquisition informs pedagogical issues. For instance, the role of the knowledge of previous languages in the teaching of L3, the attitudes of multilingual teachers to plurilingual approaches, and the benefits of crosslinguistic pedagogy versus classroom monolingual bias. In sequence, Part III consists of texts on individual learning strategies, such as motivation and attitudes, crosslinguistic awareness, and students’ perceptions about teachers’ “plurilingual nonnativism”.
All these chapters include several different languages in contact in an acquisition/learning context: Basque, English, French, German, Italian, Ladin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish
Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends
The purpose of this book is to present recent studies in the field of multilingualism and L3, bringing together contributions from an international group of specialists from Austria, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and United States. The main focuses of the articles are three: language acquisition, language learning and teaching.
A collection of theoretical and empirical articles from scholars of multilingualism and language acquisition makes the book a significant resource as the papers present a wide perspective from main theories to current issues, reflecting new trends in the field.
The authors focus on the heterogeneity and complexity that characterize third language acquisition, multilingual learning and teaching. As the issues addressed in this book intersect, it represents an asset and therefore the texts will be of great relevance for the scientific community.
Part I presents different topics of L3 acquisition, such as syntax, phonology, working memory and selective attention, and lexicon. Part II comprises texts that show how the research on language acquisition informs pedagogical issues. For instance, the role of the knowledge of previous languages in the teaching of L3, the attitudes of multilingual teachers to plurilingual approaches, and the benefits of crosslinguistic pedagogy versus classroom monolingual bias. In sequence, Part III consists of texts on individual learning strategies, such as motivation and attitudes, crosslinguistic awareness, and students’ perceptions about teachers’ “plurilingual nonnativism”.
All these chapters include several different languages in contact in an acquisition/learning context: Basque, English, French, German, Italian, Ladin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish
Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends
The purpose of this book is to present recent studies in the field of multilingualism and L3, bringing together contributions from an international group of specialists from Austria, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and United States. The main focuses of the articles are three: language acquisition, language learning and teaching.
A collection of theoretical and empirical articles from scholars of multilingualism and language acquisition makes the book a significant resource as the papers present a wide perspective from main theories to current issues, reflecting new trends in the field.
The authors focus on the heterogeneity and complexity that characterize third language acquisition, multilingual learning and teaching. As the issues addressed in this book intersect, it represents an asset and therefore the texts will be of great relevance for the scientific community.
Part I presents different topics of L3 acquisition, such as syntax, phonology, working memory and selective attention, and lexicon. Part II comprises texts that show how the research on language acquisition informs pedagogical issues. For instance, the role of the knowledge of previous languages in the teaching of L3, the attitudes of multilingual teachers to plurilingual approaches, and the benefits of crosslinguistic pedagogy versus classroom monolingual bias. In sequence, Part III consists of texts on individual learning strategies, such as motivation and attitudes, crosslinguistic awareness, and students’ perceptions about teachers’ “plurilingual nonnativism”.
All these chapters include several different languages in contact in an acquisition/learning context: Basque, English, French, German, Italian, Ladin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish
Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends
The purpose of this book is to present recent studies in the field of multilingualism and L3, bringing together contributions from an international group of specialists from Austria, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and United States. The main focuses of the articles are three: language acquisition, language learning and teaching.
A collection of theoretical and empirical articles from scholars of multilingualism and language acquisition makes the book a significant resource as the papers present a wide perspective from main theories to current issues, reflecting new trends in the field.
The authors focus on the heterogeneity and complexity that characterize third language acquisition, multilingual learning and teaching. As the issues addressed in this book intersect, it represents an asset and therefore the texts will be of great relevance for the scientific community.
Part I presents different topics of L3 acquisition, such as syntax, phonology, working memory and selective attention, and lexicon. Part II comprises texts that show how the research on language acquisition informs pedagogical issues. For instance, the role of the knowledge of previous languages in the teaching of L3, the attitudes of multilingual teachers to plurilingual approaches, and the benefits of crosslinguistic pedagogy versus classroom monolingual bias. In sequence, Part III consists of texts on individual learning strategies, such as motivation and attitudes, crosslinguistic awareness, and students’ perceptions about teachers’ “plurilingual nonnativism”.
All these chapters include several different languages in contact in an acquisition/learning context: Basque, English, French, German, Italian, Ladin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish