5 research outputs found

    Disentangling methane and carbon dioxide sources and transport across the Russian Arctic from aircraft measurements

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    A more accurate characterization of the sources and sinks of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the vulnerable Arctic environment is required to better predict climate change. A large-scale aircraft campaign took place in September 2020 focusing on the Siberian Arctic coast. CH4 and CO2 were measured in situ during the campaign and form the core of this study. Measured ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) are used here as tracers. Median CH4 mixing ratios are fairly higher than the monthly mean hemispheric reference (Mauna Loa, Hawaii, US) with 1890&ndash;1969 ppb vs 1887 ppb respectively, while CO2 mixing ratios from all flights are lower (408.09&ndash;411.50 ppm vs 411.52 ppm). We also report on three case studies. Our analysis suggests that during the campaign the European part of Russia&rsquo;s Arctic and Western Siberia were subject to long-range transport of polluted air masses, while the East was mainly under the influence of local emissions of greenhouse gases. The relative contributions of the main anthropogenic and natural sources of CH4 are simulated using the Lagrangian model FLEXPART in order to identify dominant sources in the boundary layer and in the free troposphere. In western terrestrial flights, air masses composition is influenced by emissions from wetlands and anthropogenic activities (waste management, fossil fuel industry and to a lesser extent the agricultural sector), while in the East, emissions are dominated by freshwaters, wetlands, and the oceans, with a likely contribution from anthropogenic sources related to fossil fuels. Our results highlight the importance of the contributions from freshwater and oceans emissions. Considering the large uncertainties associated to them, our study suggests that the emissions from these aquatic sources should receive more attention in Siberia.</p

    Trouver une langue / Finding a language

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    Selon Arthur Rimbaud, la mission du poète est de « trouver une langue ». La poésie est ainsi le laboratoire d’une langue. Mais se définit-elle contre le langage courant ou comme la révélation de ce langage ? « Trouver », est-ce hériter de ce qui s’est décanté dans la langue à travers les siècles ou inventer de l’inouï ? Et que fait la poésie à la langue nationale, locale, traduite, coloniale ou métissée dont elle se sert ? Comment cette langue poétique travaille-t-elle la langue de l’intérieur ?Rimbaud asserted that the poet’s mission was to “find a language”. Poetry is a kind of laboratory of fully modern language: the poet “would define the degree of newness awakening in his lifetime in the universal soul”. Rimbaud thus thrusts the poet’s work towards some utopian horizon, since “the time of a universal language will come!” (letter to Paul Demeny, 15th May 1871). Mallarmé considers language as the inheritance of the mysteries of times gone by and sees the poet as “purifying the dialect of the tribe”. Are we then to understand that poetry irremediably turns its back on current language or rather that it manifests the truth of such language?Ouvrage publié avec le concours de Textes et Cultures (EA4028), de l’Université d’Artois et de l’association Arras Université

    Gueux, frondeurs, libertins, utopiens

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    Ces Mélanges en hommage au Professeur Pierre Ronzeaud sont non seulement un recueil d’études offert en remerciement pour son apport scientifique à la critique, à l’édition et à la connaissance, mais aussi un liber amicorum honoré de la signature de trente et un confrères et amis, spécialistes internationaux des littératures de l’époque moderne. Les principaux centres d’intérêts de P. Ronzeaud - utopies, mémoires, pamphlets, littérature et représentations sociales, rapports entre texte et imaginaire, les genres du libertinage (Sorel, Théophile de Viau), écriture morale et politique (La Bruyère, Fénelon), théâtre et idées (Corneille, Racine, Molière) - trouvent ici de nouveaux passeurs, s’associant au rayonnement de ses travaux sur la littérature, l’histoire et la politique, la fiction et la fictionnalisation, l’utopie, l’élucidation des sources, l’éclairage des textes, le dévoilement des fausses convictions, le libertinage, dans une perspective élargie sur les marges du XVIIe siècle auxquelles le titre de ce livre veut faire écho

    Annuaire 2010-2011

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