48 research outputs found

    Circle Decompositions of Surfaces

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    We determine which connected surfaces can be partitioned into topological circles. There are exactly seven such surfaces up to homeomorphism: those of finite type, of Euler characteristic zero, and with compact boundary components. As a byproduct, we get that any circle decomposition of a surface is upper semicontinuous.Comment: 9 pages, final version, to appear in Topology and its Applications (2010). A few missprints have been correcte

    Proof of the Boltzmann-Sinai Ergodic Hypothesis for Typical Hard Disk Systems

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    We consider the system of NN (2\ge2) hard disks of masses m1,...,mNm_1,...,m_N and radius rr in the flat unit torus T2\Bbb T^2. We prove the ergodicity (actually, the B-mixing property) of such systems for almost every selection (m1,...,mN;r)(m_1,...,m_N;r) of the outer geometric parameters.Comment: 58 page

    Singularities and nonhyperbolic manifolds do not coincide

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    We consider the billiard flow of elastically colliding hard balls on the flat ν\nu-torus (ν2\nu\ge 2), and prove that no singularity manifold can even locally coincide with a manifold describing future non-hyperbolicity of the trajectories. As a corollary, we obtain the ergodicity (actually the Bernoulli mixing property) of all such systems, i.e. the verification of the Boltzmann-Sinai Ergodic Hypothesis.Comment: Final version, to appear in Nonlinearit

    The characteristic exponents of the falling ball model

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    We study the characteristic exponents of the Hamiltonian system of nn (2\ge 2) point masses m1,,mnm_1,\dots,m_n freely falling in the vertical half line {qq0}\{q|\, q\ge 0\} under constant gravitation and colliding with each other and the solid floor q=0q=0 elastically. This model was introduced and first studied by M. Wojtkowski. Hereby we prove his conjecture: All relevant characteristic (Lyapunov) exponents of the above dynamical system are nonzero, provided that m1mnm_1\ge\dots\ge m_n (i. e. the masses do not increase as we go up) and m1m2m_1\ne m_2

    Rotation sets of billiards with one obstacle

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    We investigate the rotation sets of billiards on the mm-dimensional torus with one small convex obstacle and in the square with one small convex obstacle. In the first case the displacement function, whose averages we consider, measures the change of the position of a point in the universal covering of the torus (that is, in the Euclidean space), in the second case it measures the rotation around the obstacle. A substantial part of the rotation set has usual strong properties of rotation sets

    A polinomális-leképezés módszer és annak alkalmazásai az analízisban = The polynomial mapping method and its applications analysis

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    A pályázat által támogatott kutatások a komplex függvénytanhoz, a sorelmélethez és a potenciálelmélethez kapcsolódnak. Pályázati támogatással egy könyv, 37 tudományos közlemény és 4 doktori disszertáció született. A főbb kutatási területek a következők voltak: - harmonikus mértékek és Green függvények becslése végtelenszer összefüggő tartományokon - a polinom-inverz kép módszer és polinom-egyenlőtlenségek - a polinom-inverz kép módszer és polinom-approximáció - Green függvények Hölder folytonossága - ortogonális polinomok - beágyzási tételek - sorelmélet - statisztikus konvergencia - Fourier-sorok - approximációelmélet Ezen kérdésekkel kapcsolatos kutatásaink és publikációink jelentős mértékben gazdagítottak e területekre vonatkozó ismereteinket. | The research supported by the project is connected with function theory, the theory of series and potential theory. One book, 37 scientific publications and 4 PhD dissertations were published with the support of the project. The major areas were the following: - harmonic measures and Green's functions on infinitely connected domains - the polynomial-inverse image method and polynomial inequalities - the polynomial-inverse image method and polynomial approximation - Holder continuity of Green's functions - orgthogonal polynomials - imbedding theorems - statistical convergence - Fourier series - approximation theory The supported research and publications in connection with these questions considerably enhanced our understanding of these areas