23 research outputs found

    Chalcopyrite Leaching Kinetics in the Presence of Methanol

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    The dissolution of chalcopyrite under near ambient conditions represents one of the main challenges in the copper industry. Thus, various routes have been proposed for chalcopyrite treatment, such as the use of polar organic solvents, and this has shown promising results. In this paper, we present a study of copper leaching from a chalcopyrite concentrate in aqueous acidic medium with methanol and various H2O2 concentrations at 15, 30, and 40 °C. The results show that nearly complete copper extraction was attained within 5 h at 40 °C. The extraction percentages were plotted as functions of time at each temperature. The experimental data were modeled using the shrinking core model considering the cylindrical particle shape (shrinking cylinder model) within acceptable confidence levels, yielding an estimated activation energy of 24.3 kJ/mol. Furthermore, the process was dependent on the H2O2 concentration, and it acts as a reagent rather than an oxidant in the leaching reaction. It was found that sulfur is the only species present in the solid phase formed during the leaching of chalcopyrite, demonstrating the co-dissolution of both copper and iron

    Análisis morfométrico y molecular (ADNmt) de abejas melíferas (Apis mellifera L.) en el estado de Tabasco, México

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    Beekeeping in Mexico is based on subspecies of European (Apis mellifera L) and Africanized bees. Due to the difficulty in the morphological differentiation of the European (E) and Africanized (A) populations of A. mellifera, the objective of this work was to perform a comparative analysis between the FABIS morphometric technique, against the diagnosis using the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Samples of bees from 135 commercial colonies (CC), 15 breeding colonies (BRC) and 3 wild colonies (WC), located in different municipalities of the state of Tabasco (N= 153), were used. Both diagnostic methods identified BRCs as European and WCs as Africanized, but in CCs, the FABIS method could not define 9 colonies, considering them as suspicious (S) and another 50 did not coincide with the result of the molecular method, so, in total, both methods coincided in 94 identifications (61.44 %). The Bayesian grouping based on the analysis of the twelve morphometric variables showed that the categories A-CC and E-CC form a group close to the category E-BRC; while the category A-WC presented the greatest distance, forming an isolated group. Therefore, CC bees have morphometric characteristics tending to E-BRC bees. This work is also intended to be a contribution to the lack of records on Africanization in the state of Tabasco. It is recommended to use the molecular method to discriminate between E/A bees, as it is not affected by environmental factors.La apicultura en México se sostiene con subespecies de abejas (Apis mellifera L) europeas y africanizadas. Debido a la dificultad en la diferenciación morfológica de las poblaciones Europeas (E) y Africanizadas (A) de A. mellifera, el objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis comparativo entre la técnica morfométrica FABIS, contra el diagnóstico empleando el polimorfismo en la longitud de los fragmentos de restricción (RFLP) del ADN mitocondrial (ADNmt). Se emplearon muestras de abejas procedentes de 135 colonias comerciales (CC), 15 colonias pie de cría (CPC) y 3 colonias silvestres (CS) localizados en diferentes municipios del estado de Tabasco (N=153). Ambos métodos de diagnóstico, identificaron a las CPC como europeas y las CS como africanizadas, pero en las CC el método FABIS no pudo definir 9 colonias, dándolas como sospechosas (S) y otras 50 no coincidieron con el resultado del método molecular, por lo que, en total ambos métodos coincidieron en 94 identificaciones (61.44 %). El agrupamiento bayesiano basado en el análisis de las doce variables morfométricas mostró que las categorías A-CC y E-CC, forman un grupo cercano a la categoría E-CPC; mientras que la categoría A-CS presentó la mayor distancia formando un grupo aislado. Por lo tanto, abejas de CC tienen características morfométricas tendientes a abejas E-CPC. Este trabajo también pretende ser una contribución a la falta de registros sobre la africanización en el estado de Tabasco. Se recomienda emplear el método molecular para discriminar entre abejas E/A, por no estar afectado por los factores ambientales

    Vaccination programs, parity, and calving season as factors affecting the risk of fetal losses and mummified fetuses in Holstein cows

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    Aim of the study: To investigate vaccination programs, parity, and calving season as factors affecting the risk of abortion and mummified fetuses in Holstein cows.Area of study: Hot zone of Northeast Mexico.Material and methods: Multiple logistic regression models were used to examine the relationship between peripartum disorders, parity, previous occurrence of abortion, season of calving, vaccination program, incidence of abortion, and mummified fetuses in Holstein cows.Main results: For 7014 pregnancies (2886 cows), the percentage of cows aborting and having mummified fetuses was 17.7% and 1.1%, respectively. As the number of brucellosis vaccinations increased, the incidence of abortion increased (10.4% for a single vaccination and 38.0% for 6 accumulated vaccinations). Abortion for cows having 1-2 previous abortions (56%) and >2 abortions (77%) was fivefold and sevenfold greater (p<0.01), respectively, than that for cows without previous abortion. Other important risk factors for abortion were number of calvings (19.8% for nulliparous and primiparous vs. 13.8% for >3 parturitions; OR=1.7, p<0.01), leptospirosis vaccine application <55 days postpartum (dpp; OR=1.3, p<0.05), viral vaccine application >37 dpp (OR=1.3, p<0.01), brucellosis vaccine application >20 dpp (OR=1.6, p<0.01), and no application of clostridial vaccine (OR=3.7, p<0.01). Significant risk factors for mummified fetuses were application of ≥3 brucellosis vaccinations (OR=3.3, p<0.01), no application of 10-way clostridial vaccine (OR=2.3, p<0.01), >2 previous abortions (OR=18.4, p<0.01), and calving in autumn (OR=0.4, compared to winter, p<0.05).Research highlights: Risk of abortion and mummified fetuses in Holstein cows has been found to be related to vaccination programs


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    Cucurbita argyrosperma (calabaza pipiana), es un cultivo importante en el estado de Guerrero. El precio de venta por tonelada de semilla se ha incrementado de 15,500enelan~o2005a 15, 500 en el año 2005 a 35, 000 en 2011, lo que ha propiciado que se incremente la superficie sembrada. Los hongos del suelo causan pudrición en frutos reduciendo los rendimientos. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar al agente causal involucrado en la pudrición de frutos de calabaza pipiana y evaluar alternativas de control químico y biológico en invernadero. Durante los meses de agosto y septiembre de 2012, se recolectaron frutos, con diferentes síntomas y niveles de pudrición en la zona norte del Estado de Guerrero. Después de identificar morfológicamente se analizó molecularmente mediante el ADN del patógeno, las muestras se analizaron con la técnica de PCR, con los oligonucleótidos ITS-1/ ITS-4, los cuales amplifican un espaciador intergénico interno (ITS). Se identificó a Rhizoctonia solani en los frutos analizados. Los productos de amplificación fueron secuenciados presentando un 99 % de similitud con secuencias de Estados Unidos de acuerdo con el GenBank. La secuencia consenso fue depositada en GenBank con el número de acceso KJ652221. Trichoderma asperellum y los ingredientes activos iodo libre y quintozeno: PCNB, ejercieron el mejor control al retrasar la presencia del patógeno en frutos de calabaza pipian

    Entorno de la Información en el Derecho Humano

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    Documento del Primer Foro Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la Educación

    Diseño y construcción de un sistema digital táctil para accionamiento y monitoreo de accesorios automotrices y adaptación en un vehículo Chevrolet Vitara año 1996

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    El proyecto consiste en la elaboración de un dispositivo electrónico, que nos permita monitorear y controlar a través de una pantalla LCD táctil, parámetros del estado de funcionamiento de un vehículo, así como los accesorios que este pueda incorporar para la comodidad de sus ocupantes, lo hemos denominado Sistema Digital Táctil SDT, el mismo que ha sido adaptado en un vehículo marca Chevrolet Vitara del año 1996, ya que según evaluaciones técnicas es apto para la aplicación, así como vehículos de similares características y año de fabricación. Como delimitación del tema, hemos establecido que este dispositivo incorpore dentro de su interfaz, funciones de monitoreo y accionamiento. Dentro de las funciones de monitoreo tenemos las siguientes: Medidor de temperatura del motor, que consiste en una escala graduada que va desde el estado C (Cool), hasta H (Hot), con un indicador intermedio que delimita la máxima temperatura que el motor podría alcanzar antes de sufrir daños severos; incluye una señal de advertencia en caso de que la temperatura sobrepase el límite de seguridad. Indicador de nivel de combustible, cuya escala va desde el estado E (Empty), hasta F (Full), con una referencia intermedia que indica que la cantidad de combustible existente está a la mitad de la capacidad del depósito; posee un aviso, cuando el combustible está próximo a agotarse. Finalmente se ha desarrollado un odómetro digital, que indica la distancia que ha recorrido el vehículo en kilómetros, trae una opción de contador de recorrido para viajes

    Analysis of Non-Symmetrical Heat Transfers during the Casting of Steel Billets and Slabs

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    The current automation of steelmaking processes is capable of complete control through programmed hardware. However, many metallurgical and operating factors, such as heat transfer control, require further studies under industrial conditions. In this context, computer simulation has become a powerful tool for reproducing the effects of industrial constraints on heat transfer. This work reports a computational model to simulate heat removal from billets’ strands in the continuous casting process. This model deals with the non-symmetric cooling conditions of a billet caster. These cooling conditions frequently occur due to plugged nozzles in the secondary cooling system (SCS). The model developed simulates the steel thermal behavior for casters with a non-symmetric distribution of the sprays in the SCS using different boundary conditions to show possible heat transfer variations. Finally, the results are compared with actual temperatures from different casters to demonstrate the predictive capacity of this algorithm’s approach

    Computer Modeling of Grain Structure Formation during Quenching including Algorithms with Pre- and Post-Solidification

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    Simulation of the grain growth process, as a function of steel heat transfer conditions, is helpful for predicting grain structures of continuous cast steel products. Many authors have developed models based on numerical methods to simulate grain growth during metal solidification. Nevertheless, the anisotropic nature of grain structures makes necessary the employment of new mathematical methods such as chaos theory, fractals, and probabilistic and stochastic theories of simulation. The problem is significant for steelmakers to avoid defects in products and to control the steel microstructure during the continuous casting process. This work discusses the influence of nodal solidification times and computer algorithms on the dynamic formation of the chill, columnar, and equiaxed zones including physical phenomena such as nucleation and grain growth. Moreover, the model incorporates pre-nucleation and pre-growth routines in the original algorithm. There is a description of the influence of the mathematical parameter criteria and probabilities over the grain morphology obtained after solidification. Finally, an analysis of these algorithms elucidates the differences between these structures and those obtained from models considering only the solidification