434 research outputs found

    Jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor) diets in Quintana Roo, Mexico

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    A study was carried out for two years in Northwest Quintana Roo, México, using scat analysis to determine the diet and prey preferences of pumas and jaguars. Cat species and gender were determined using molecular techniques (rapid classificatory protocol: polymerise chain reaction, RCP–PCR), and prey abundance was estimated from camera trapping. The scats contained remains from 16 wild mammal species, but there was no evidence of livestock or other taxa. The diet breadths of jaguar (0.32) and puma (0.29) indicated a high degree of prey specialization, which combined with their dietary overlap (Pianka index 0.77) suggested competition between them. However, both felids showed a preference for red brocket deer Mazama temama, and frequently consumed collared peccaries Pecari tajacu. The importance of such large ungulates in the felids' diets is similar to the expected patterns of wild meat consumption in rural areas of the Northern Yucatan Peninsula. Therefore, future conservation management plan initiatives should involve local rural communities in the management of sustainable hunting, considering these ungulates are also the felid prey species. Resumen La dieta del jaguar (Panthera onca) y del puma (Puma concolor) en Quintana Roo, en México. El estudio se realizó durante dos años en el noroeste de Quintana Roo, en México y se utilizó el análisis de excrementos para determinar la dieta y las preferencias de presas del puma y del jaguar. Se utilizaron técnicas moleculares para identificar la especie de félido y el sexo (protocolo de clasificación rápida: reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, RCP–PCR), y se estimó la abundancia de presas mediante el método de trampeo fotográfico. Los excrementos contenían restos de 16 especies de mamíferos salvajes, pero no se encontraron restos de ganado ni de otros taxones. La amplitud de la dieta del jaguar (0,32) y del puma (0,29) indica que son especies con un alto grado de especialización, lo cual, junto con el traslape de las dietas (índice de Pianka = 0,77) sugiere que ambos félidos compiten entre sí. Asimismo, ambos mostraron preferencia por el venado temazate, Mazama temama, y frecuentemente consumieron pecarí de collar, Pecari tajacu. La importancia de la presencia de este tipo de ungulados en la dieta de los félidos se corresponde con la pauta esperada de consumo de carne de caza en las zonas rurales del norte de la península de Yucatán. Por lo tanto, las futuras iniciativas encaminadas a planificar la conservación de ambos félidos deberían hacer partícipes a las comunidades rurales en la gestión de la cacería sustentable, considerando que estos ungulados también son presas de los félidos

    Ala397Asp Mutation of Myosin VIIA Segregating in a Spanish Family with Usher Syndrome Type Ib

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    [EN] In the current study, 12 Spanish families affected by type-I Usher syndrome, that was previously linked to chromosome 11q, were screened for the presence of mutations in the N-terminal coding portion of the motor domain of the myosin VIIA gene by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis of the first 14 exons. A mutation (Ala397Asp) segregating with the disease was identified, and several polymorphisms were also detected. It is presumed that the other USH1B mutations in these families could be located in the unscreened regions of the gene.The authors would like to thank the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FISS n0 95/1814), the ONCE and the Fundación ONCE for financial support. We acknowledge patients and their family members, as well as the Asociación de retinosis pigmentaria de la Comunidad Valenciana and the FAARPEE, for their help and cooperation.Espinós-Armero, CÁ.; Millán, JM.; Sánchez, F.; Beneyto, M.; Nájera, C. (1998). Ala397Asp Mutation of Myosin VIIA Segregating in a Spanish Family with Usher Syndrome Type Ib. Human Genetics. 102(6):691-694. https://doi.org/10.1007/s004390050763691694102

    Coexistence of jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) in a tropical forest in south–eastern Mexico

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    The biological ranges of the jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor) overlap in the Yucatan Peninsula, corresponding to the most important population of jaguars in Mexico. The goal of this study in the El Eden Ecological Reserve (EER) was to investigate the factors that permit these two predators to coexist in the dense vegetation of medium–stature tropical forest and secondary forest in the north–eastern Yucatan Peninsula. We assessed their spatial and temporal overlap using Pianka’s index, and evaluated their habitat use by applying occupancy models. A total sampling effort of 7,159 trap–nights over 4 years produced 142 independent photographic records of jaguars, and 134 of pumas. The felids showed high to very high overlap in their use of different vegetation (0.68–0.99) and trail types (0.63–0.97) and in their activity patterns (0.81–0.90). However, their peak activity patterns showed some temporal separation. Time of day, particularly for peak activity time, was the best predictor to explain the coexistence of the felids in this habitat. While occupancy models showed that the presence of potential prey species and vegetation type could predict the presence of felids in the study area. Natural disturbances during 2010 (hurricane) and 2011 (fire) drastically changed habitat use and activity patterns, resulting in pumas and jaguars adjusting their resource–use and activity pattern through a strategy of mutual evasion

    The Poor Survival among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Chiapas, Mexico: The Case of Los Altos Region

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    Objective. To analyse survival in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and factors associated with such survival. Design. Study of a cohort of patients aged over 14 years diagnosed with PTB from January 1, 1998 to July 31, 2005. During 2004–2006 a home visit was made to each patient and, during 2008-2009, they were visited again. During these visits a follow-up interview was administered; when the patient had died, a verbal autopsy was conducted with family members. Statistical analysis consisted of survival tests, Kaplan-Meier log-rank test and Cox regression. Results. Of 305 studied patients, 68 had died due to PTB by the time of the first evaluation, 237 were followed-up for a second evaluation, and 10 of them had died of PTB. According to the Cox regression, age (over 45 years) and treatment duration (under six months) were associated with a poorer survival. When treatment duration was excluded, the association between poorer survival with age persisted, whereas with having been treated via DOTS strategy, was barely significant. Conclusions. In the studied area it is necessary that patients receive a complete treatment scheme, and to give priority to patients aged over 45 years

    Salud mental en adultos atendidos en un centro de referencia en Chiapas, México, 2012-2018

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    Objective. To determine the frequency of mental health disorders and their relationship with socio-demographic variables and consumption of alcohol and tobacco in adults seen at the Mental Health Care Unit “San Agustín” in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, during the period 2012-2018. Method. Cross-sectional study that included 4612 adults within a range of 18-60 years old attended at Unit’s outpatient service during the above mentioned period. Results. Fifty percent of the total of probands were women, 60% within a range of 18-39 years old. The most frequent disorders were schizophrenia (31.2%), mood (24.1%), and anxiety (21.9%). Variables such as age, sex, family history, and alcohol and illicit drug use were associated with the presence of the most frequent disorders. Similarly, mood disorders presented a higher prevalence among young people and women. Conclusion. The trend regarding the most prevalent disorders in this study, as well as some associated factors are consistent with those found in other countries of the region, which, in turn, can be considered as a relevant component of better strategies to improve care procedures for the Chiapas population’s sectors excperiencing mental health problems.Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de trastornos mentales y su relación con variables demográficas, antecedentes familiares y consumo de alcohol y drogas en adultos atendidos en la Unidad de Atención a la Salud Mental San Agustín, de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México, durante el período 2012-2018. Material y métodos: Estudio de diseño transversal que incluyó el registro de 4612 adultos, de entre 18 y 60 años de edad, vistos en el servicio de consulta externa de la unidad de atención referida durante el período 2012-2018. Resultados: El 50 % de los probandos fueron mujeres; y el 60 % tenían entre 18 y 39 años. Los trastornos más frecuentes encontrados fueron esquizofrenia (31,2 %), trastornos del estado de ánimo (24,1 %) y trastornos de ansiedad (21,9 %). Las variables de edad, sexo, antecedentes familiares, consumo de alcohol y drogas ilícitas se asociaron definidamente con los trastornos más frecuentes, destacando el hecho de que los trastornos del ánimo presentaron mayor prevalencia entre los jóvenes y las mujeres. Conclusión: Los hallazgos respecto a los trastornos más prevalentes, así como algunos de los factores asociados a los mismos en este estudio, son consistentes con los encontrados en otros países de la región. Esto puede constituirse en un componente importante de estrategias que mejoren perspectivas y procedimientos en la atención a la población chiapaneca con problemas de salud mental