1,085 research outputs found

    Analisis Biaya Investasi Pendidikan Dan Personal Siswa Di Kota Bandung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) kondisi sarana dan prasarana pendidikan menurut jenis dan jenjang pendidikan di Kota Bandung; (2) besaran biaya investasi berdasarkan jenis dan jenjang pendidikan di Kota Bandung; (3) besaran biaya personal siswa dalam mengikuti pendidikan menurut jenis dan jenjang pendidikan di Kota Bandung. Penelitian survei ini melibatkan berbagai jenis dan jenjang pendidikan di Kota Bandung. Sampel penelitian meliputi 12 sekolah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan program excel untuk menemukan biaya satuan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang dikalikan dengan IKK Kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang tua menanggung lebih dari 50% biaya pendidikan. Biaya yang dikeluarkan orang tua sebesar 70,87 % untuk SD, 59,24% untuk SMP, 66,77% untuk SMA dan 58,22% SMK Nonteknik serta 56,30% untuk SMK Teknik. Oleh karena itu, beban orang tua dalam membiayai anaknya lebih besar dan menentukan keberhasilan penyelesaian pendidikan anaknya

    Assessment of factors influencing visit and tourist influx in Old Oyo and okomu National Park Lodges, Nigeria

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    This study aimed to determine socio-demographic characteristics of visitors, factors that influence visitors’ patronage, influx status of Nigerian and foreign visitors in Old Oyo and Okomu National Parks, Nigeria. Random sampling method was used to administer 512 copies of a questionnaire to visitors of the national parks and data was analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Majority of the respondents were males at Old Oyo (68.5%) and Okomu (62.8%) national parks, 45.6% and 37.6% had HND/BSC at Old Oyo and Okomu National Parks respectively. Also, highest percentage of the respondents at both parks earned less than ₦150, 000 (61.5% at Old Oyo and 65.7% at Okomu National Parks). Conducive environment (Mean: 4.26) and Attractiveness of the area (Mean: 3.80) were ranked as the highest factors  enhancing visit to Old Oyo and Okomu National Park lodges respectively. 15,365 Nigerian tourists and 34 foreign tourists have visited Okomu National Park while 13,021 Nigerian tourists and 319 foreign tourists have visited Okomu National Park for the period of 2009- 2018. Finally, there is no significant difference in the visitors’ influencing factors at Old Oyo and Okomu National Park lodges (P=0.120). Therefore, destination management should improve the maintenance of their facilities to meet the standard of visitors, both locally and internationally in order to attract more foreign visitors and improve foreign exchang

    Influence of Supplemental Methionine on Growth Performance of Uda Lambs in a Semi-Arid Environment

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    A twelve week feeding trial was conducted to determine the effect of supplementing methionine on growth performance of lambs. A total of twelve growing lambs were randomly allocated to three dietary treatments containing graded methionine levels in a completely randomised experimental design. The animals were fed diets containing 0 (control), 2 and 4g/kg methionine. Results indicated significant differences (P<0.05) between treatment means in terms of feed intake and live weight changes. Animals fed diets containing 2g/ kg methionine were better (P <0.05) compared to other treatments in terms of feed intake and growth performance. It was concluded that 2g/kg methionine gave the optimum performance


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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the chili auction system in the auction market of Muara Burnai I Village, Lempuing Jaya District. to find out the benefits felt by chili farmers with the existence of an auction market in Muara Burnai I Village, Lempuing Jaya District and to find out the income of farmers who sell chilies with an auction system in Muara Burnai I Village, Lempuing Jaya District. This research was conducted in Muara Burnai I Village, Lempuing Jaya District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in August-October 2021. The research method used is a survey method. While the sampling method usedin this research is purposive sampling method and simple random sampling (simple random). The method of data processing and data analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study note that the chili commodity auction system at the Auction Market of Muara Burnai I Village uses a closed auction system with prices sent via cellular short message (SMS) and the auction process is carried out four times a week, and in payment transactions in the auction market there is a discount for farmers of Rp. 500/Kg, for cash. The benefits felt by farmers with the existence of an auction market are the ease of marketing chili, high selling prices and being able to borrow capital and agricultural facilities, these benefits can have a good impact in increasing income for farmers. The benefits felt by farmers with the existence of an auction market are the ease of marketing chili, high selling prices and being able to borrow capital and agricultural facilities, these benefits can have a good impact in increasing income for farmers. The income received by farmers from the remaining sales using an auction system at the auction market of Muara Burnai I Village, Lempuing Jaya District, per planting season is Rp. 43,949.016.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem lelang komoditas cabai di pasar lelang Desa Muara Burnai I Kecamatan Lempuing Jaya, untuk mengetahui manfaat yang dirasakan petani cabai dengan adanya pasar lelang di Desa Muara Burnai I Kecamatan Lempuing Jaya dan untuk mengetahui pendapatan petani yang menjual cabai dengan sistem lelang di Desa Muara Burnai I Kecamatan Lempuing Jaya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Muara Burnai I Kecamatan Lempuing Jaya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir pada bulan Agustus-Oktober 2021. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Sedangkan metode penarikan contoh digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode purposive sampling dan simple random sampling (acak sederhana). Metode pengolahan data dan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa Sistem lelang komoditas cabai di Pasar Lelang Desa Muara Burnai I  menggunakan sistem lelang tertutup dengan harga yang dikirimkan melalui pesan singkat seluler (SMS) Dan Proses pelelangan dilakukan empat kali dalam seminggu, Dan dalam transaksi pembayaran di pasar lelang ini terdapat potongan bagi petani sebesar Rp. 500/Kg, untuk kas. Manfaat yang dirasakan petani dengan adanya pasar lelang adalah kemudahan dalam pemasaran cabai, harga jual tinggi serta bisa meminjam modal dan sarana pertanian, manfaat tersebut bisa memberikan dampak yang baik dalam meningkatan pendapatan bagi petani. Pendapatan yang diterima petani dari sisa penjualan dengan sistem lelang di pasar lelang Desa Muara Burnai I Kecamatan Lempuing Jaya permusim tanam rata-rata sebesar Rp. 43.949.01

    Mesoporosity, thermochemical and probabilistic failure analysis of fired locally sourced kaolinitic clay

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    A dense and mesoporous ceramic from locally sourced Nigerian clay under fracture-strength test were produced and the reliability analysis of the fractured strength was conducted using a three-parameter Weibull probability distribution. The samples were prepared by addition of starch (0–20wt%), pressed at 60 MPa and fired at 1300 °C. The as-received Nigerian clay, dense and porous ceramic were characterized using XRD, XRF, TGA/DTA, PSD, multi-point BET and FESEM. The fracture strength of the samples (33 each) was determined using a three-point bending test. The fracture strength data were analyzed using three-parameter Weibull probability distribution. From the characterization results, a mullite ceramic formed at a sintering temperature of 1300 °C. The threshold strength for the three-parameter Weibull provides the strength below which the dense and the porous ceramic will not fail. The Weibull moduli of the ceramics at different starch compositions show that failure modes in these materials are not identical. The Weibull modulus increases with increase in percentage starch from 0% to 15%. However, the value decreases with 20% starch addition. Reliability analysis provides a detailed interpretation and assessment of the fracture strength of the porous ceramics


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    This paper evaluate the economics of broiler production at Miango, Plateau State, Nigeria using a – 9 years record (1992 – 2000). During the period, 76 batches of broilers were reared to point of slaughter. The results shows that the enterprise incurred an average total variable cost of N620,6333.31 out of which feeding cost, day old chicks (stock) and mortality cost represents 58.13%, 19.13% and of 9.64% of the total cost of production, respectively. Total revenue within the period was estimated to be N763,969.44 which was mainly generated from the sales of broiler birds. The gross margin was found to be N143,334.13 with N0.23 as the returns per naira invested in the enterprise. Thus the broiler production is a profitable venture in the study area.Broilers, Income, Investment & Profitability, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Assessment of some key issues that affect the acceptance of Building Information Modelling (BIM)

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    The study evaluated how technological integration affects Building Information Modelling (BIM) acceptance. Quantitative research design was used, whereby survey was employed using questionnaire as a means of data collection. A total of 190 questionnaires were distributed to the professionals in the Nigerian construction industry, 170 questionnaires were retrieved; SPSS software was employed for analysis with descriptive statistic and multiple regression as tools for the analysis. The finding shows that there is positive relationship between rapid change in technology, cost of integration, government policy and BIM acceptance. It means that rapid change in technology and cost of its integration in conjunction with lack of government enforcement affects BIM acceptance. Therefore, government should formulate and enforce policies that can control the adoption and implementation of a new or integrated technology.Keywords: Building Information Modelling; Integration; Technolog


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    Objective: This research is focused towards isolation and identification of pure compounds from the extracts fractions of Albizia chevalieri through the means of gravity column chromatography and other chromatographic processes.Methods: the stem bark was extracted exhaustively with hexane and subsequently with methanol. The methanolic extract was fractionated into ethyl acetate (EA) and n-butanol (NB) soluble parts, after which the hexane extracts were subjected to silica gel gravity column chromatography for the isolation of pure bioactive molecules.The major compounds isolated, were then determined and identified by the use of spectrometric analysis of HR-ESIMS, 1HNMR, [13]CNMR, IR and UV spectra.Results: Investigation of the stem bark hexane extract fraction of A. chevalieri led to the isolation of three known pentacyclic triterpenoids: friedelin (HXC1), Friedelan-3-ol (HXC2) and Lupeol (HXC3), for the first time in the plant.Conclusion: The results obtained will be useful in the evaluation (bioassay) of the isolated compounds against the list of folklore therapeutic claims of A. chevalieri (which include its use as purgative, taenicidal, remedies of cough, dysentery, cancer, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis and snake bite), and thereby providing scientific basis for its used for treatment of the aforementioned ailments.Keywords: Friedelin, Friedilan-3-ol, Lupeol, Isolation, Spectrometr

    Isolation and Characterization of Steroids from Petroleum Ether Extract of Stem Bark of Parinari curatellifolia Planch ex. Benth (Chrysobalanaceae)

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    In our search for biologically active compounds, three steroids have been isolated from the stem bark of Parinari curatellifolia through series of column chromatography. Compound C1, C2 and C3 where characterized as ?-sitosterol (22,23-dihydrostigmasterol), stigmast-4-en-3-one and stigmasterol, respectively, on the basis of 1D-NMR (1HNMR, 13CNMR and DEPT-135), 2D-NMR (HSQC, HMBC, 1H-1H COSY,  1H-1H NOESY), mass spectroscopy (MS) and IR spectroscopy. These compounds are reported for the first time as constituents in Parinari curatellifolia. Keywords: Parinari curatellifolia, ?-sitosterol, stigmast-4-en-3-one and stigmastero
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