225 research outputs found

    Josephson-vortex-flow terahertz emission in layered high-TcT_c superconducting single crystals

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    We report on the successful terahertz emission (0.6\sim1 THz) that is continuous and tunable in its frequency and power, by driving Josephson vortices in resonance with the collective standing Josephson plasma modes excited in stacked Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+x_{8+x} intrinsic Josephson junctions. Shapiro-step detection was employed to confirm the terahertz-wave emission. Our results provide a strong feasibility of developing long-sought solid-state terahertz-wave emission devices

    Evaluation of thermal and hydraulic of air flow through perforated concave delta winglet vortex generators in a rectangular channel with field synergy principle

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    A compact heat exchanger can be found in air conditioning, automotive industry, chemical processing, etc. Most compact heat exchangers use gas as a heating or cooling fluid. However, gas has high thermal resistance, which affects lower heat transfer. In order to reduce thermal resistance on the gas side, the convection heat transfer coefficient is increased. One effective way to enhance the convection heat transfer coefficient is to use a vortex generator. Vortex generators are surface protrusions that are able to manipulate flow resulting in an increase in convection heat transfer coefficient by enhancing the mixture of air near the wall with the air in the main flow. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of airflow through the perforated concave delta winglet vortex generator. This study was conducted on delta winglet vortex generators (DW VGs) and concave delta winglet vortex generator (CDW VGs) with the 45 angle of attack with a number of hole three-holes that applied on every vortex generator with one-line fitting, two-line fitting, and three-line fitting respectively. Results of simulation revealed that heat transfer coefficient (h) for perforated CDW VGs decrease 16.07% and pressure drop decrease 7% compare to that without hole configuration at Reynolds number of 8600. Convection heat transfer coefficient for perforated DW VGs decrease 13.76% and pressure drop decrease 5.22% compare to delta winglet without hole at Reynolds number of 8600

    Edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles in two-dimensional torus

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    The torus is one of the popular topologies for the interconnecting processors to build high-performance multicomputers. This paper presents methods to generate edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles in 2D tori

    Pseudogap Behavior Revealed in Interlayer Tunneling in Overdoped Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+x_{8+x}

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    We report heating-compensated interlayer tunneling spectroscopy (ITS) performed on stacks of overdoped Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+x_{8+x} intrinsic junctions, where most of bias-induced heating in the ITS was eliminated. The onset temperature of the pseudogap (PG), revealed in the hump structure of the electronic excitation spectra, reached nearly room temperature for our overdoped intrinsic junctions, which represented the genuine PG onset. At a temperature below but close to TcT_c, both the superconducting coherence peak and the pseudogap hump coexisted, implying that the two gaps are of separate origins. The hump voltage increased below TcT_c, following the superconducting gap voltage, which led to a conclusion that the hump structure below TcT_c in our ITS arose from the combined contribution of the quasiparticle spectral weights of two different characters; one of the superconducting state and another of the PG state near the antinodal region.Comment: accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetoresistance in Single Layer Graphene: Weak Localization and Universal Conductance Fluctuation Studies

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    We report measurements of magnetoresistance in single-layer graphene as a function of gate voltage (carrier density) at 250 mK. By examining signatures of weak localization (WL) and universal conductance fluctuations (UCF), we find a consistent picture of phase coherence loss due to electron-electron interactions. The gate-dependence of the elastic scattering terms suggests that the effect of trigonal warping, i.e., the non-linearity of the dispersion curves, may be strong at high carrier densities, while intra-valley scattering may dominate close to the Dirac point. In addition, a decrease in UCF amplitude with decreasing carrier density can be explained by a corresponding loss of phase coherence

    Genetic and functional interactions between Mus81–Mms4 and Rad27

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    The two endonucleases, Rad27 (yeast Fen1) and Dna2, jointly participate in the processing of Okazaki fragments in yeasts. Mus81–Mms4 is a structure-specific endonuclease that can resolve stalled replication forks as well as toxic recombination intermediates. In this study, we show that Mus81–Mms4 can suppress dna2 mutational defects by virtue of its functional and physical interaction with Rad27. Mus81–Mms4 stimulated Rad27 activity significantly, accounting for its ability to restore the growth defects caused by the dna2 mutation. Interestingly, Rad27 stimulated the rate of Mus81–Mms4 catalyzed cleavage of various substrates, including regressed replication fork substrates. The ability of Rad27 to stimulate Mus81–Mms4 did not depend on the catalytic activity of Rad27, but required the C-terminal 64 amino acid fragment of Rad27. This indicates that the stimulation was mediated by a specific protein–protein interaction between the two proteins. Our in vitro data indicate that Mus81–Mms4 and Rad27 act together during DNA replication and resolve various structures that can impede normal DNA replication. This conclusion was further strengthened by the fact that rad27 mus81 or rad27 mms4 double mutants were synergistically lethal. We discuss the significance of the interactions between Rad27, Dna2 and Mus81–Mms4 in context of DNA replication