84 research outputs found

    A business process model as a starting point for tight cooperation among organizations

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    Outsourcing and other kinds of tight cooperation among organizations are more and more necessary for success on all markets (markets of high technology products are particularly influenced). Thus it is important for companies to be able to effectively set up all kinds of cooperation. A business process model (BPM) is a suitable starting point for this future cooperation. In this paper the process of setting up such cooperation is outlined, as well as why it is important for business success.

    Visual identity of the football club on social sites

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    Název: Vizuální identita vybraného fotbalového klubu na sociálních sítích Cíle: Hlavním cílem práce je vytvoření konceptu vizuální identity na sociálních sítích týmu FK Teplice. Dalším cílem je detailní rozbor prvků, z nichž se vizuální identity na sociálních sítích skládají. Třetím cílem je provedení rešerše vizuálních identit vybraných fotbalových klubů na sociálních sítích. Poslední cíl reprezentuje kontinuální pozorování vizuálního obsahu sdíleného týmem FK Teplice. Metody: V práci jsou použity metody kvalitativního výzkumu. Nejprve je použita metoda standardizovaného pozorování aplikovaná na sociální sítě týmu FK Teplice. Poté následuje kvalitativní dotazování, ve kterém respondenti prostřednictvím otevřených a uzavřených otázek hodnotí vizuální identitu týmu FK Teplice. Výsledky: Z výsledků je zřejmé, že největšími problémy vizuální identity týmu FK Teplice na sociálních sítích jsou nedostatečná hierarchizace grafických prvků, typografie, práce s volným prostorem, přílišná monotónnost grafických šablon a nedodržování doporučovaných formátů pro kanály příspěvků. Klíčová slova: Grafický design, digitální obsah, sociální sítě, český fotbal, koncept vizuální identity1 Abstract Title: Visual identity of the football club on social sites Objectives: The main objective of the thesis is to create a concept of visual identity on social media for the team FK Teplice. Another objective is a detailed analysis of the elements that make up the visual identity on social networks. The third objective is to conduct research of visual identities of selected football clubs on social networks. The last objective represents a continuous observation of the visual content shared by the FK Teplice team. Methods: Qualitative research methods are used in this thesis. First, the method of standardized observation is applied to the social networks of the FK Teplice team. This is followed by a qualitative survey in which respondents evaluate the visual identity of the FK Teplice team through open-ended and closed-ended questions. Results: According to the results, the biggest problems of the visual identity of the FK Teplice team on social media are the lack of hierarchy of graphic elements, typography, working with negative space, too monotonous graphic templates and not following the recommended formats for the posts. Keywords: Graphic design, digital content, social sites, czech football, visual identity conceptDepartment of Sport ManagementKatedra managementu sportuFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Petrology and genetic relationships of alkaline intrusive rocks of the Roztoky Intrusive Complex

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    Roztocké intruzivní centrum (33-28 Ma) je spjato s terciérní vulkanickou aktivitou na území českého masivu (Česká republika). Nachází se ve vulkanickém komplexu České středohoří na tektonické linii oháreckého riftu. Předkládaná práce měla za úkol petrologický popis lokálních hornin a také ověřit možnou spojitost roztockého intruzivního centra (RIC) s karbonatitovým magmatismem, jak by tomu mohla nasvědčovat přítomnost alkalických hornin včetně jejich exotických typů (essexity, monzodiority, sodalitické syenity,…). Předpokládá se totiž, že se pod výplní kaldery RIC vyskytuje skrytá karbonatitová intruze, což může naznačovat také geofyzikální projevy dvou skrytých gravimetrických minim. Při detailním průzkumu vrtného jádra z vrtu R-2 z 60. let 20. století, byla popsána petrografická skladba hornin části výplně kaldery, přičemž v metráži 286,5 m byl nově zjištěn xenolit karbonatitu. Pomocí geochemických a mikrosondových analýz byl detailně materiál vrtu včetně karbonatitu prozkoumán. V karbonatitu, ale také v exokontaktu dříve popsaném silikokarbonatitu (Rapprich et al. 2017), byla nalezena karbonátová mineralizace s vysokými obsahy REE. Objev karbonatitového xenolitu a přítomnost minerálů s vysokými koncentracemi REE a Y potvrzují existenci předpokládané karbonatitové intruze pod RIC. Jedná se o vůbec první...Roztoky Intrusive Center (33-28 Ma) is connected with tertiary volcanic activity in the territory of the Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic). It is located in the České středohoří volcanic complex on the tectonic line of the Ohře rift. The aim of this work was to petrologically describe local rocks and to verify the possible connection of the Roztoky Intrusive Center (RIC) with carbonatite magmatism, as could be suggested by the presence of alkaline rocks including their exotic types (essexites, monzodiorites, sodalitic syenites,…). It is assumed that there is a hidden carbonatite intrusion under the RIC caldera structure, which may also indicate geophysical manifestations of two hidden gravimetric minimas. In a detailed exploration of a drill core from the R-2 borehole from the 1960s, a petrographic rocks composition of a part of the caldera filling was described, including new find of xenolite of carbonatite in 286,5 m of R-2 borehole. By means of geochemical and micro-probe analyzes the well material including carbonatite was examined in detail. Carbonate mineralization with high REE contents was found in carbonatite, but also in the exocontact of the previously described silicocarbonatite (Rapprich et al. 2017). The discovery of carbonatite xenolite and the presence of minerals with high concentrations of...Ústav petrologie a strukturní geologieInstitute of Petrology and Structural GeologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Survey Sketch for the Designation of the Building

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    V mé bakalářské práci se zabývám měřením a zpracováním geometrického plánu pro vyznačení budovy v katastrálním území Podbořany. Práce je rozdělena do teoretické a praktické části. Teoretická část obsahuje informace o katastru nemovitostí, geometrickém plánu a jeho náležitostí. V praktické části se věnuji samotnému měření a vyhotovení geometrického plánu.In my bachelor thesis I will deal with measuring and processing a survey sketch for the designation of the building in cadastre unit Podbořany. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part contains information about the cadastre, the survey sketch and its essentials. In the practical part I deal with the measuring itself and the process of a survey sketch creation.544 - Katedra geodézie a důlního měřictvívýborn

    Quantitative morphological information in model catalysis

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    Matematicko-fyzikální fakult

    The restructuring of dopamine receptor subtype gene transcripts in c-fos KO mice

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    Although c-Fos protein is one of the principal molecules in intracellular signaling, c-fos gene disruption is associated with alterations in neuronal functions that do not correspond to its importance in function. The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes of dopaminergic system together with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in c-fos disruption (KO). KO male mice showed an increase in D 1-like receptor (279% of WT) and D 2-like receptor (345% of WT) binding sites in the cortex. On the gene expression level (assessed by real-time PCR), lower quantities of D 1R-mRNA (0.64) and D 5R-mRNA (0.6) were found in females when compared to males in the frontal cortex, higher D 2R-mRNA in the parietal (1.43) and temporal (2.64) cortex and lower AChE-mRNA (0.67). On the contrary, female striatum contained higher level of D 2R-mRNA (1.62) and AChE-mRNA (1.57) but lower level of D 3R-mRNA (0.73). Hypothalamic D 1R-mRNA, D 2R-mRNA and D 4R-mRNA were higher in females (1.38, 1.63, and 1.68, respectively). Disruption of c-fos increased selectively D 5R-mRNA (1.31) in male parietal cortex, D 2R-mRNA (1.72) in male temporal cortex, and cerebellar D 2R-mRNA in both males (1.43) and females (1.42), respectively. In females, we found rather decrease in DR-mRNA. Multiple correlations in mRNA quantities (in WT mice) were found, which changed considerably upon c-fos KO. Main interactions in WT were inter-regional, CNS of KO underwent an extensive restructuring comprising intraregional interactions in the frontal cortex, hypothalamus, and cerebellum. These changes in DR (between others) could be considered as one of the adaptive mechanisms in c-fos KO mice. © 2012 Elsevier Inc

    Continuous and correlated nucleation during nonstandard island growth at Ag/Si(111)-7x7 heteroepitaxy

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    We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of submonolayer heteroepitaxial growth of Ag on Si(111)-7x7 at temperatures from 420 K to 550 K when Ag atoms can easily diffuse on the surface and the reconstruction 7x7 remains stable. STM measurements for coverages from 0.05 ML to 0.6 ML show that there is an excess of smallest islands (each of them fills up just one half-unit cell - HUC) in all stages of growth. Formation of 2D wetting layer proceeds by continuous nucleation of the smallest islands in the proximity of larger 2D islands (extended over several HUCs) and following coalescence with them. Such a growth scenario is verified by kinetic Monte Carlo simulation which uses a coarse-grained model based on a limited capacity of HUC and a mechanism which increases nucleation probability in a neighbourhood of already saturated HUCs (correlated nucleation). The model provides a good fit for experimental dependences of the relative number of Ag-occupied HUCs and the preference in occupation of faulted HUCs on temperature and amount of deposited Ag. Parameters obtained for the hopping of Ag adatoms between HUCs agree with those reported earlier for initial stages of growth. The model provides two new parameters - maximum number of Ag atoms inside HUC, and on HUC boundary.Comment: LaTeX2e, BibTeX, 9 pages, 7 images, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Magic Islands and Barriers to Attachment: A Si/Si(111)7x7 Growth Model

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    Surface reconstructions can drastically modify growth kinetics during initial stages of epitaxial growth as well as during the process of surface equilibration after termination of growth. We investigate the effect of activation barriers hindering attachment of material to existing islands on the density and size distribution of islands in a model of homoepitaxial growth on Si(111)7x7 reconstructed surface. An unusual distribution of island sizes peaked around "magic" sizes and a steep dependence of the island density on the growth rate are observed. "Magic" islands (of a different shape as compared to those obtained during growth) are observed also during surface equilibration.Comment: 4 pages including 5 figures, REVTeX, submitted to Physical Review

    Beta3 adrenoceptors substitute the role of M 2 muscarinic receptor in coping with cold stress in the heart: Evidence from M 2KO mice

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    We investigated the role of beta3-adrenoceptors (AR) in cold stress (1 or 7 days in cold) in animals lacking main cardioinhibitive receptors - M2 muscarinic receptors (M 2KO). There was no change in receptor number in the right ventricles. In the left ventricles, there was decrease in binding to all cardiostimulative receptors (beta1-, and beta2-AR) and increase in cardiodepressive receptors (beta3-AR) in unstressed KO in comparison to WT. The cold stress in WT animals resulted in decrease in binding to beta1- and beta2-AR (to 37%/35% after 1 day in cold and to 27%/28% after 7 days in cold) while beta3-AR were increased (to 216% of control) when 7 days cold was applied. MR were reduced to 46% and 58%, respectively. Gene expression of M2 MR in WT was not changed due to stress, while M3 was changed. The reaction of beta1- and beta2-AR (binding) to cold was similar in KO and WT animals, and beta3-AR in stressed KO animals did not change. Adenylyl cyclase activity was affected by beta3-agonist CL316243 in cold stressed WT animals but CL316243 had almost no effects on adenylyl cyclase activity in stressed KO. Nitric oxide activity (NOS) was not affected by BRL37344 (beta3-agonist) both in WT and KO animals. Similarly, the stress had no effects on NOS activity in WT animals and in KO animals. We conclude that the function of M2 MR is substituted by beta3-AR and that these effects are mediated via adenylyl cyclase rather than NOS. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011