57 research outputs found
Substrates based on composted sewage sludge for land recultivation
Increasing a large amounts of sewage sludge in Ukraine is an urgent environmental problem that requires the selection of an effective strategy for their disposal. The usage of sludge composting technology leads to the restoration of sludge as a resource and is cost-effective and environmentally sustainable compared to the method of landfilling. The purpose of this research is to carry out bioindication tests of growth substrates based on composted sewage sludge with the subsequent possibility of their usage in the technology of recultivation of landfills for municipal solid waste. The experiment was performed on four types of compost with different modifications of the natural sorbent - zeolite. During the experiment the average percentage of germination of polygamous ryegrass plants (Lolium perenne L.) was determined in the investigated substrates. The mass and length of the aboveground part of the plant and roots were also measured. The results showed that the addition of natural sorbent to substrates has a positive effect on growth and development of plants.
This investigation was conducted in accordance with the current norms of national standards of Ukraine: DSTU 7369 (2013), "Wastewater. Requirements for wastewater and its sediments for irrigation and fertilization"; DSTU ISO 11269-1 (2004), "Soil quality. Determination of the effect of pollutants on soil flora. Part 1: Method for determining the inhibitory effect on a root growth"; DSTU ISO 11269-2 (2002), "Soil quality. Determination of the effect of pollutants on soil flora. Part 2: Effects of Chemicals on Germination and Growth of Higher Plants". The experiment was conducted on four types of compost with different modifications of the natural sorbent - zeolite in percentage amounts: 0; 2.5; 5; 7.5, dark-grey gilded soil was used as a control element. In the experiment, the average percentage of germination of polygamous ryegrass plants (Lolium perenne L.) on the studied substrates was determined. The mass and length of the aboveground part of the plant and roots were also measured.
The first sprouts of ryegrass began to appear on the 7th day of the experiment. The highest average value on the seventh day of germination was 90% in the control sample with 5% of sorbent content and in K2 substrate in the sample with 7.5% sorbent content. However, the germination of plants in substrates K3 and K4 occurred later compared with substrates K1, K2, and control. For substrate K1 in the sample with a sorbent content of 5%, plant germination was the highest and was 100%. The highest average value of ryegrass stem length is observed in variant K4 in the sample with 0% zeolite content and in variant K1 in the sample without zeolite content the lowest average value of stem length was observed. The K3 and K4 variants have a more developed root system compared to other variants.
Based on the obtained data it can be assumed that the most optimal universal component for creating a growth substrate is variant K3 (mixture of "newly picked" and "old" SS) which has not so developed aboveground part but has very branched root system that allows to adapt to various environmental factors and in combination with a small proportion of natural sorbents can be effective for the recultivation of MSW landfills, which in its turn minimizes the need to use a fertile soil layer
Wastewater treatment by conversion of nitrogen-containing pollution by immobilized microbiocenosis in a biodisk installation
Experimental works are devoted to research the efficiency of deamonization and de-nitrogenation of wastewater during treatment in a biodisk installation. Working hypothesis - immobilization of the microbiocenosis can provide simultaneous deep treatment of wastewater from organic compounds and inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds. The purpose of this work is to assess the efficiency of purification of highly concentrated organic pollutants and mineralized wastewater from nitrogen compounds in a biodisk installation and to determine the main ecological-trophic groups of microorganisms included in the immobilized nitrogen-transforming microbiocenosis. Methods of research of immobilized microbiocenosis - microbiological. physiological, biochemical (inhibitory experiments), natural and model wastewater - hydrochemical. It has been established that in microbiocenosis immobilized on disks conditions that allow heterotrophic and autotrophic microorganisms to actively metabolize organic and inorganic compounds under aerobic and anoxidic conditions are created. The quantitative indicators of the influence on the kinetics of the processes of the concentration of organic substances in the treated wastewater have been determined. On the basis of microbiological, physiological and biochemical studies in the immobilized microbiocenosis, ammonium-acid bacteria (and, possibly, archaea) nitrite-acid and denitrifying bacteria were found, and in the absence of organic substances in the environment - anammox bacteria. Moreover, in the biofilm that was formed in the absence of organic substances in the environment, the activity of anammox bacteria in deamonization significantly exceeded the activity of ammonium oxidizing bacteria and archaea. The obtained results and quantitative requirements were used in the organization of real wastewater treatment in a biodisc plant in industrial conditions
Waste water treatment by exoelectrogenic bacteria isolated from technogenically transformed lands
The capacity of sulfur-reducing bacteria Desulfuromonas acetoxidans IMV B-7384, Geobacter sp. CB35 and Desulfuromusa sp. CB30 and green photosynthesizing bacteria Chlorobium limicola IMV K-8 for exoelectrogenesis was investigated during their growth in wastewater of industrial and municipal origin. The strains of exoelectrogens, which are characterized by resistance to heavy metal ions, were isolated from the man-made Yavorivske lake located in the Lviv Oblast in Ukraine (D. acetoxidans IMV-7384, Ch. limicola IMV K-8) and mine waste heaps of the Chervonohrad mining industry region (Geobacter sp. CB 30 and Desulfuromusa sp. CB 35). Bacteria D. acetoxidans IMВ B-7384 proved to be the most effective exoelectrogens. The power density of a microbial fuel cell (MFC) with the application of D. acetoxidans IMV B-7384 and the infiltrate of the Lviv solid waste landfill was 2.0 ± 0.05 W/m2 and the reduction of chemical oxygen demand of wastewater was 99%. The new approach to improving the MFC performance was investigated. It includes a combination of phototrophic microorganisms Ch. limicola and heterotrophic microorganisms, which reduce the content of nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, sulfates, sulfites, hydrogen sulfide, while simultaneously generating electric current
Effect of mineral fertilizer encapsulated with zeolite and polyethylene terephthalate on the soil microbiota, pH and plant germination
Environmental risks caused by the use of traditional mineral fertilizers require new agro-technical solutions, which are encapsulated long-acting fertilizers. The use of the capsule allows to reduce the concentration of mineral compounds in the fertilizer and to minimize the adverse effects of the chemical compounds contained in it on the environment. Encapsulated fertilizers provide more efficient absorption of mineral nutrition by plants, allowing to synchronize the release of elements in accordance with the needs of the plant. The use of natural materials as fertilizer shells is faced with the problem of their low solubility and cost, and the use of synthetic coatings with the problems of their biodegradation in the environment. The development of new environmentally friendly materials for long-acting fertilizer capsules is a challenge for modern society. In this context, a universal mineral fertilizer coated with a coating of natural zeolite sorbent and diethylene glycol (DEG) modified polyethyl terephthalate (PET) is promising. We analyzed the influence of fertilizer on the kinetics of soil pH change, the dynamics of the total microbial count and the increase in the number of microorganisms and the germination of Hordeum sativum and Lolium perenne. The application of fertilizer for 28 days of the experiment led to decrease in soil pH by 0.3. In the presence of encapsulated fertilizer the germination of ryegrass seeds was 3.51 times higher, and ones of barley 4.14 times higher than without fertilizer. The fertilizer provided a prolonged release of minerals, which had a positive effect on the germination of barley and ryegrass plants, stimulated plant growth and increased the total number of microorganisms in the soil as an important indicator of the efficiency of agricultural technology
Study of the physical and chemical characteristics of an immobilized lipase in the hydrolysis of fat waste
A large amount of fatty waste from food enterprises accumulates in Ukraine, which represents a number of problems in their disposal. The main ones are formed during the production and processing of vegetable oils. Fat conversion usually occurs at high temperatures and pressures, while enzymatic hydrolysis is an energy-saving process.Work highlights the main factors for obtaining immobilized biocatalysts, the conditions and methods for determining the activity and stability of immobilized enzymes. The work is devoted to the study of the physical and chemical properties of the immobilized lipase Rhizopus japonicus, namely the influence of the pH of the medium (pH optimum pH stability) and temperature (thermal optimum, thermal stability). The objects of study were immobilized lipase Rhizopus japonicus, waste from the stage of demetalization of hydrogenated fat and activated carbon with a grain size of 2.0-2.8. It was revealed that for the immobilized lipase Rhizopus japonicus, the pH optimum value expanded with a shift from 7.0 to 6.5, and a significant increase in pH stability was observed during prolonged incubation of the immobilized preparation. It was established that lipase immobilization leads to an expansion of the thermos-optimum, as well as stabilization of the enzyme during prolonged incubation at a temperature of 40°C and at higher temperatures (60-80°C). The experimental results obtained indicate a higher stability of the immobilized lipase Rhizopus japonicus compared to native. The high activity and stability of immobilized lipase make it possible to recommend for bioconversion of oil and fat waste
Utilization of drainage water heat in flooded urban areas
The possibilities of using drainage water from flooded urban areas as a source of energy for heat supply of buildings located in these areas were considered. The use of heating technological workflows based on the utilization of drainage water heat with heat pumps was substantiated. A method was developed for determining the required energy potential of drainage water and for determining technological characteristics of the proposed workflows. A comparative analysis of various workflows was carried out and the advantages of the water-to-water heat pump along with the heat-insulated flooring system over other heat supply workflows are shown
Аналіз екологічної безпеки рекреаційних територій гірських екосистем та розробка технічних заходів для її стабілізації
We studied ways of ensuring of the environmental safety of recreational territories of a mountain ecosystem on the example of "Vizhnytsky" National Nature Park (NNP) in the Pokutsko-Bukovynian Carpathians. Existing approaches to ensuring of the environmental security of nature reserve objects have been analyzed. The characteristic of the study region has been given. We proposed the concept for ensuring of the environmental safety of recreational areas. Its base is analysis of components and identification of components, improvement of which would ensure the appropriate level of environmental safety of NPP. An algorithm has been constructed for theoretical and experimental studies for assessment of the sanitary-microbiological state of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and soils in the study area and their influence on the environmental safety of NPP.We monitored sanitary-microbiological and sanitary-environmental indicators of the hydrosphere, atmosphere and soil and identified environmental threats to analyze the state of recreational territories of the mountain ecosystem. It is proposed to plan measures for intensification of biological natural processes of self-purification of surface water in the area of recreation territories to ensure preservation of the limited values of sanitary-microbiological and sanitary-environmental indicators of the hydrosphere. The results of atmospheric air monitoring in the area of the recreation territories indicated that the air ion content was 2.4 times higher, and the total microbial number was 1.5 times lower than in the territory of traditional farming. Therefore, the atmosphere of the recreation area does not require any technical measures to improve it. A system of engineering measures has been proposed for stabilization of environmental safety in the area of recreational territories (using the "Viya" fibrous carrier) for intensification of purification of surface water and disposal of wood waste by biofuel production.Implementation of the proposed measures would help achieve stabilization of the environmental safety of the recreational territories of the mountain ecosystemПроведены исследования путей обеспечения экологической безопасности рекреационных территорий горной экосистемы на примере национального природного парка (НПП) «Вижнивецкий» Покутско-Буковинских Карпат. Проанализованы существующие подходы обеспечения экологической безопасности обьектов природно-заповедного фонда. Приведена характеристика региона исследований. Предложена концепция обеспечения экологической безопасности рекреационных территорий, которая основывается на анализе составляющих и установлении тех компонентов, улучшение которых обеспечит соответствующий уровень экологической безопасности НПП. Разработан алгоритм проведений теоретических и экспериментальных исследований для оценки санитарно-микробиологического состояния атмосферы, гидросферы и грунтов в районе исследований и их влияния на экологическую безопасность НПП.С целью анализа состояния рекреационных территорий горной экосистемы проведен мониторинг санитарно-микробиологических и санитарно-экологических показателей гидросферы, атмосферы и грунтов и идентификация экологическуих угроз. Предложено для обеспечения сохранения лимитированных значений санитарно-микробиологических и санитарно-экологических показателей гидросферы планировать мероприятия для интенсификации биологических природных процессов самоочистки поверхностных вод в зоне территорий рекреации. Результаты мониторинга атмосферного воздуха в зоне территорий рекреации свидетельствуют о том, что состояние аэроионгов в 2,4 раза выше, а общее микробное число в 1,5 раза ниже, чем на территории традиционного хозяйствования. Поэтому атмосфера зоны рекреации не требует реализации каких-либо технических мероприятий для ее улучшения. Предложена система инженерных мероприятий для стабилизации экологической безопасности в зоне рекреационных территорий (использование волокнистого носителя «Вия») для интенсификации очистки поверхностных водоемов и утилизация древесных отходов путем изготовления биотоплива).Внедрение предложенных мероприятий поможет добиться стабилизации экологической безопасности рекреационных территорий горной экосистемыПроведені дослідження шляхів забезпечення екологічної безпеки рекреаційних територій гірської екосистеми на прикладі національного природного парку (НПП) «Вижницький» Покутсько-Буковинських Карпат. Проаналізовано існуючі підходи забезпечення екологічної безпеки об’єктів природно-заповідного фонду. Приведена характеристика регіону досліджень. Запропонована концепція забезпечення екологічної безпеки рекреаційних територій, яка грунтується на аналізі складових та встановленні тих компонентів, покращення яких забезпечить відповідний рівень екологічної безпеки НПП. Розроблений алгоритм проведення теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень для оцінки санітарно-мікробіологічного стану атмосфери, гідросфери та грунтів в районі досліджень та їх впливу на екологічну безпеку НПП. З ціллю аналізу стану рекреаційних територій гірської екосистеми проведений моніторинг санітарно-мікробіологічних та санітарно-екологічних показників гідросфери, атмосфери та грунтів та ідентифікація екологічних загроз. Запропоновано для забезпечення збереження лімітованих значень санітарно-мікробіологічних та санітарно-екологічних показників гідросфери планувати заходи щодо інтенсифікації біологічних природних процесів самоочищення поверхневих вод в зоні територій рекреації. Результати моніторингу атмосферного повітря в зоні територій рекреації свідчать про те, що вміст аероіонів в 2,4 рази вищий, а загальне мікробне число в 1,5 рази нижче, ніж на території традиційного господарювання. Тому атмосфера зони рекреації не потребує реалізації будь-яких технічних заходів для її покращення. Запропонована система інженерних заходів для стабілізації екологічної безпеки в зоні рекреаційних територій (використання волокнистого носія «Вія») для інтенсифікації очищення поверхневих водойм та утилізація деревних відходів шляхом виготовлення біопалива).Впровадження запропонованих заходів допоможе добитись стабілізації екологічної безпеки рекреаційних територій гірської екосистем
Towards Increasing the Utilization of Anaerobic Digestate from Biogas Production in Agrotechnologies
The paper presents the results of a comprehensive study that focused on the composition and properties of digestate obtained through mesophilic anaerobic co-fermentation of broadleaf cattail suspensions with yeast waste inoculum. Additionally, bioindication studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of the digestate on the germination of ryegrass and barley under lab-scale conditions. The initial total solids in suspensions before digestion varied from 5%wt. to 10%wt., and the mass fraction of the inoculum ranged from 0.05 to 0.2. Through thermogravimetric analysis, it was observed that digestate samples with higher initial inoculum content exhibited lower thermal stability. One of the limiting factors for the use of digestate was its high water content, ranging from 95.6% to 97.9%. To address the high water content, centrifugation of the digestate samples was performed for 2 minutes at 5000 rpm. This process led to significant dewatering, particularly for samples with a higher inoculum content. The maximum possible reduction in water content of the digestate was achieved at 31.65%. The bioindication study involved evaluating the germination of ryegrass and barley in soil samples with different digestate content. The results indicated that the highest germination rates were achieved with a digestate content of 20%wt. For ryegrass, the germination rate was 93.33%, which was 1.67% higher than the soil control sample and 0.33% higher than the sterile control. Similarly, for barley, the germination rate was 91.33%, surpassing the soil control by 4.00% and the sterile control by 0.67%. The findings of this study confirm the potential of utilizing digestate in agricultural technologies as an additional source of plant nutrients. The comprehensive analysis of the digestate's composition, properties, and its positive impact on germination rates further supports its viability as a valuable resource in agricultural practices
Аналіз екологічної безпеки рекреаційних територій гірських екосистем та розробка технічних заходів для її стабілізації
We studied ways of ensuring of the environmental safety of recreational territories of a mountain ecosystem on the example of "Vizhnytsky" National Nature Park (NNP) in the Pokutsko-Bukovynian Carpathians. Existing approaches to ensuring of the environmental security of nature reserve objects have been analyzed. The characteristic of the study region has been given. We proposed the concept for ensuring of the environmental safety of recreational areas. Its base is analysis of components and identification of components, improvement of which would ensure the appropriate level of environmental safety of NPP. An algorithm has been constructed for theoretical and experimental studies for assessment of the sanitary-microbiological state of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and soils in the study area and their influence on the environmental safety of NPP.We monitored sanitary-microbiological and sanitary-environmental indicators of the hydrosphere, atmosphere and soil and identified environmental threats to analyze the state of recreational territories of the mountain ecosystem. It is proposed to plan measures for intensification of biological natural processes of self-purification of surface water in the area of recreation territories to ensure preservation of the limited values of sanitary-microbiological and sanitary-environmental indicators of the hydrosphere. The results of atmospheric air monitoring in the area of the recreation territories indicated that the air ion content was 2.4 times higher, and the total microbial number was 1.5 times lower than in the territory of traditional farming. Therefore, the atmosphere of the recreation area does not require any technical measures to improve it. A system of engineering measures has been proposed for stabilization of environmental safety in the area of recreational territories (using the "Viya" fibrous carrier) for intensification of purification of surface water and disposal of wood waste by biofuel production.Implementation of the proposed measures would help achieve stabilization of the environmental safety of the recreational territories of the mountain ecosystemПроведены исследования путей обеспечения экологической безопасности рекреационных территорий горной экосистемы на примере национального природного парка (НПП) «Вижнивецкий» Покутско-Буковинских Карпат. Проанализованы существующие подходы обеспечения экологической безопасности обьектов природно-заповедного фонда. Приведена характеристика региона исследований. Предложена концепция обеспечения экологической безопасности рекреационных территорий, которая основывается на анализе составляющих и установлении тех компонентов, улучшение которых обеспечит соответствующий уровень экологической безопасности НПП. Разработан алгоритм проведений теоретических и экспериментальных исследований для оценки санитарно-микробиологического состояния атмосферы, гидросферы и грунтов в районе исследований и их влияния на экологическую безопасность НПП.С целью анализа состояния рекреационных территорий горной экосистемы проведен мониторинг санитарно-микробиологических и санитарно-экологических показателей гидросферы, атмосферы и грунтов и идентификация экологическуих угроз. Предложено для обеспечения сохранения лимитированных значений санитарно-микробиологических и санитарно-экологических показателей гидросферы планировать мероприятия для интенсификации биологических природных процессов самоочистки поверхностных вод в зоне территорий рекреации. Результаты мониторинга атмосферного воздуха в зоне территорий рекреации свидетельствуют о том, что состояние аэроионгов в 2,4 раза выше, а общее микробное число в 1,5 раза ниже, чем на территории традиционного хозяйствования. Поэтому атмосфера зоны рекреации не требует реализации каких-либо технических мероприятий для ее улучшения. Предложена система инженерных мероприятий для стабилизации экологической безопасности в зоне рекреационных территорий (использование волокнистого носителя «Вия») для интенсификации очистки поверхностных водоемов и утилизация древесных отходов путем изготовления биотоплива).Внедрение предложенных мероприятий поможет добиться стабилизации экологической безопасности рекреационных территорий горной экосистемыПроведені дослідження шляхів забезпечення екологічної безпеки рекреаційних територій гірської екосистеми на прикладі національного природного парку (НПП) «Вижницький» Покутсько-Буковинських Карпат. Проаналізовано існуючі підходи забезпечення екологічної безпеки об’єктів природно-заповідного фонду. Приведена характеристика регіону досліджень. Запропонована концепція забезпечення екологічної безпеки рекреаційних територій, яка грунтується на аналізі складових та встановленні тих компонентів, покращення яких забезпечить відповідний рівень екологічної безпеки НПП. Розроблений алгоритм проведення теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень для оцінки санітарно-мікробіологічного стану атмосфери, гідросфери та грунтів в районі досліджень та їх впливу на екологічну безпеку НПП. З ціллю аналізу стану рекреаційних територій гірської екосистеми проведений моніторинг санітарно-мікробіологічних та санітарно-екологічних показників гідросфери, атмосфери та грунтів та ідентифікація екологічних загроз. Запропоновано для забезпечення збереження лімітованих значень санітарно-мікробіологічних та санітарно-екологічних показників гідросфери планувати заходи щодо інтенсифікації біологічних природних процесів самоочищення поверхневих вод в зоні територій рекреації. Результати моніторингу атмосферного повітря в зоні територій рекреації свідчать про те, що вміст аероіонів в 2,4 рази вищий, а загальне мікробне число в 1,5 рази нижче, ніж на території традиційного господарювання. Тому атмосфера зони рекреації не потребує реалізації будь-яких технічних заходів для її покращення. Запропонована система інженерних заходів для стабілізації екологічної безпеки в зоні рекреаційних територій (використання волокнистого носія «Вія») для інтенсифікації очищення поверхневих водойм та утилізація деревних відходів шляхом виготовлення біопалива).Впровадження запропонованих заходів допоможе добитись стабілізації екологічної безпеки рекреаційних територій гірської екосистем
Optimal parameters for reagent treatment of Hrybovychi landfill leachates at the pilot-scale treatment plant
Promising technologies for the treatment of solid waste landfill leachates are considered with an emphasis on reagent and combined methods. The purpose of this study was to estimate at the pilot-scale level optimal technological parameters of the leachate oxidation using the modified Fenton process, accompanied by the simultaneous coagulation-flocculation followed by gravitational sedimentation. Pilot-scale leachate treatment plant was installed at the Hrybovychi MSW landfill (Ukraine), and reagent treatment of leachate was a second stage treatment after the aerobic biological pre-treatment. Reagent treatment unit worked in a batch mode, with nominal volume of treated leachate 100 dm3 per cycle. Dependencies of the key pollution indicators (ammonium nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, BOD, COD, pH, suspended solids) versus the dosage of reagent solutions are obtained. The optimum specific dosages of reagent solutions are found to be equal: 0.04 m3 of PAA 0.1 wt% solution per 1 m3 of leachate; Al2(SO4)3×18 H2O (10 wt.%) – 0.03–0.04 m3/m3; FeSO4×7H2O (10 wt.%) – 0.06–0.08 m3/m3; hydrogen peroxide (10 wt.%) – 0.04–0.05 m3/m3. High efficiency of COD reduction (88.2–89.5%) is obtained at optimal doses of reagent solutions, and the optimum [H2O2]/COD ratio was found to be 0.23–0.25. Obtained maximum effects of COD reduction significantly exceed corresponding effects for the simple Fenton process reported before. This result could be explained by the synergistic effect of additional flocculation and coagulation immediately before the input of Fenton reagent. Results of the study showed the efficiency of the proposed treatment technology and allow recommending this technology for the implementation at landfill leachate local treatment plants
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