12 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Tianwen Yellow Pumice (TYP) Eruption of Changbaishan Volcano: Tephra Correlation, Eruption Timing and Its Climatostratigraphical Context

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    Changbaishan volcano (China/North Korea) is one of the most active and hazardous volcanic centers in Northeast Asia. Despite decades of intensive research, the eruption history of this stratovolcano remains poorly constrained. One of the major puzzles is the timing of the eruption that produced the Tianwen Yellow Pumice (TYP) deposit at the caldera rim. Here we identify a new cryptotephra layer in sediment core 13PT-P4 from the East Sea. Grain-specific major, minor, and trace element analyses of glass shards allow a clear correlation of this distal tephra to the proximal TYP deposit of Changbaishan. Age-depth modeling using radiocarbon (14C) dates of sediment bulk organic fractions and other tephrochronological markers from the sediment sequence constraints the age of the cryptotephra and thus the TYP eruption to 29,948–29,625 cal yr BP (95.4% confidence interval). Our findings lead to a revision of the history of Changbaishan explosive activity, and show that the volcano has been particularly active during ca. 51–24 ka BP in the last 100 ka. Using high resolution palaeo-proxy records, we find the TYP tephra almost coeval with regional to hemispheric-scale climatic changes known as Heinrich Event 3 (H3). With its precise age determination and wide geographic dispersion, the tephra offers a key isochron for dating records of past climatic changes and addressing the phasing relationships in environmental response to H3 across East Asia

    Exploring the pore fluid origin and methane-derived authigenic carbonate properties in response to changes in the methane flux at the southern Ulleung Basin, South Korea

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    We investigated the geochemistry of gas, pore fluid, and methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) from four sites in the southern Ulleung Basin, South Korea. In contrast to Sites 16GH-P1 and 16GH-P5, Sites 16GH-P3, and 16GH-P4 are characterized by acoustic chimney structures associated with gas flux. The composition of gas and isotopic signatures of methane (CH4) (C1/C2+ > 300, δ13CCH4 < -60‰, δDCH4 ≤ -190‰) indicate microbial source CH4 at all sites. The upward migration of CH4 can affect the chemical and isotopic properties of pore fluid and gas-related byproducts (e.g., gas hydrate (GH) and MDAC) within the shallow sediments including the current sulfate-methane transition (SMT) (< 5 meters below seafloor). Although no GH was found, elevated Cl- concentrations (maximum = 609 mM) with low δD and δ18O values in Site 16GH-P4 pore fluids delineate the influence of massive GH formation in deeper sediment. In contrast, relatively constant Cl-, δD, and δ18O values in fluids from Sites 16GH-P1, 16GH-P3, and 16GH-P5 indicate a predominant origin from seawater. Pore fluids also exhibit higher concentrations of H4SiO4, B, Mg2+, and K+, along with increasing alkalinity compared to seawater. These observations suggest that marine silicate weathering alters fluid chemistry within the sediment, affecting element and carbon cycles. High alkalinity (up to 60 mM) and Mg2+/Ca2+ ratios (> 6) alongside decreasing Ca2+ and Sr2+ concentrations imply carbonate precipitation. MDACs with diverse morphologies, mainly composed of aragonite and magnesian calcite, and characterized by low carbon isotopic values (δ13CMDAC < -31.3‰), were found at Sites 16GH-P3 and 16GH-P4. Interestingly, δ13CMDAC values at Site 16GH-P3 are clearly differentiated above and below the current SMT. High δ13CMDAC values above the SMT (> -34.3‰) suggest the combined influence of seawater and CH4 migrating upward on MDAC precipitation, whereas low δ13CMDAC values below it (< -41.6‰) indicate a predominant impact of CH4 on MDAC formation. Additionally, the vertical variation of δ18OMDAC values at Site 16GH-P4, compared to the theoretical values, reflects an association with GH dissociation and formation. Our findings improve the understanding of fluid, gas, and MDAC geochemistry in continental margin cold seeps, providing insights into global carbon and element cycles

    Effects of Temporal and Interspecific Variation of Specific Leaf Area on Leaf Area Index Estimation of Temperate Broadleaved Forests in Korea

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    This study investigated the effects of interspecific and temporal variation of specific leaf area (SLA, cm2·g−1) on leaf area index (LAI) estimation for three deciduous broadleaved forests (Gwangneung (GN), Taehwa (TH), and Gariwang (GRW)) in Korea with varying ages and composition of tree species. In fall of 2014, fallen leaves were periodically collected using litter traps and classified by species. LAI was estimated by obtaining SLAs using four calculation methods (A: including both interspecific and temporal variation in SLA; B: species specific mean SLA; C: period-specific mean SLA; and D: overall mean), then multiplying the SLAs by the amount of leaves. SLA varied across different species in all plots, and SLAs of upper canopy species were less than those of lower canopy species. The LAIs calculated using method A, the reference method, were GN 6.09, TH 5.42, and GRW 4.33. LAIs calculated using method B showed a difference of up to 3% from the LAI of method A, but LAIs calculated using methods C and D were overestimated. Therefore, species specific SLA must be considered for precise LAI estimation for broadleaved forests that include multiple species

    Simulating the soil carbon dynamics of Pinus densiflora forests in central Korea

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    We developed a simple forest soil carbon model (Korean Forest Soil Carbon model, KFSC) requiring a small number of parameters to evaluate the forest soil carbon stocks and dynamics. The KFSC was composed of live biomass (BIO), primary dead organic matter (DOM) (AWD: aboveground woody debris; BWD: belowground woody debris; ALT: aboveground litter; and BLT: belowground litter), and secondary DOM (HUM: humus and SOC: soil organic carbon). The KFSC was validated against six Pinus densiflora forests at Gyeonggi province in central Korea and validation results showed that the model predicted the AWD, ALT, and SOC stocks with high precision (r2=0.90-0.98, slope = 0.95-0.98). We simulated 160 years of carbon dynamics of the P. densiflora forests in Gyeonggi province (11,607 ha) under alternative clear-cut intervals that had been taking place in the past (30, 50, and 80 years). Simulated total SOC stock ranged from 298.7 to 520.5 Gg C depending on the scenario and increased with time in all scenarios. The estimated total SOC stock was higher in the scenario of less frequent clear-cut, while its annual increment was higher in the scenario of more frequent clear-cut in the past. The KFSC will be useful, especially for simulating soil carbon dynamics in forests with scarce information, and has the potential to estimate soil carbon dynamics at a national scale by incorporating with geographical information system. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Protein arginine methylation facilitates KCNQ channel-PIP2 interaction leading to seizure suppression

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    KCNQ channels are critical determinants of neuronal excitability, thus emerging as a novel target of anti-epileptic drugs. To date, the mechanisms of KCNQ channel modulation have been mostly characterized to be inhibitory via Gq-coupled receptors, Ca2+/CaM, and protein kinase C. Here we demonstrate that methylation of KCNQ by protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (Prmt1) positively regulates KCNQ channel activity, thereby preventing neuronal hyperexcitability. Prmt1 +/-mice exhibit epileptic seizures. Methylation of KCNQ2 channels at 4 arginine residues by Prmt1 enhances PIP2 binding, and Prmt1 depletion lowers PIP2 affinity of KCNQ2 channels and thereby the channel activities. Consistently, exogenous PIP2 addition to Prmt1+/-neurons restores KCNQ currents and neuronal excitability to the WT level. Collectively, we propose that Prmt1-dependent facilitation of KCNQ-PIP2 interaction underlies the positive regulation of KCNQ activity by arginine methylation, which may serve as a key target for prevention of neuronal hyperexcitability and seizures. © Kim et al6711Nsciescopu

    Solvent-Free Directed Patterning of a Highly Ordered Liquid Crystalline Organic Semiconductor via Template-Assisted Self-Assembly for Organic Transistors

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    Highly ordered organic semiconductor micropatterns of the liquid-crystalline small molecule 2,7-didecylbenzothieno-benzothiophene (C-10-BTBT) are fabricated using a simple method based on template-assisted self-assembly (TASA). The liquid crystallinity of C-10-BTBT allows solvent-free fabrication of high-performance printed organic field-effect transistors (OFETs)