555 research outputs found

    Marginalisation as a possible health issue: an exercise in practice-based ethical education

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    With the point of departure in the ongoing discussion of the professional and moral responsibility for those who are not equally included in the established health services, the question of how to include individuals and groups facing marginalisation is one of the major challenges within the ethics of care. This makes marginalisation a core concept in our time, which is challenged by, among other things, differentness with respect to ethnicity and social status as well as breach with norms and laws. The representation of individuals and groups facing marginalisation is not merely an intellectual question, however, but an epistemological one with political, practical and ethical implications. This article discusses a pilot project exploring what we can do within nursing education to sensitise students to professional and moral responsibility for individuals and groups facing marginalisation. A dialogical approach to knowledge, including cooperation with voluntary organisations and low-threshold facilities with a long tradition of trying to prevent people from falling through the net', was chosen to highlight the professional challenges and the ethical dilemmas that arise in the interface between closeness and distance, caring and marginalisation. Evaluation of data indicated that such an approach to knowledge seems to benefit the students' learnin

    Illegale ved sin blotte eksistens : om papirløse migranters helsestatus og behov for helsetjenester. En systematisk litteraturstudie

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    Background: Undocumented migrants may find themselves to be extraordinary vulnerable to health problems because of political, economic and social marginalization, language barriers and cultural constraints, fear of police and migration authorities, lack of psychological and social support, losses and discrimination. However our knowledge both nationally and internationally is limited. Aim: The purpose is to gather insight in undocumented migrants’ state of health, their need of health care and significant gaps in existing knowledge. Method: A systematic literature review in the databases Cinahl, Medline, PubMed and SveMed. Results: There is a huge protection gap between undocumented migrants’ need of health care and access to health care. Restricted access may also be one major factor to the existing gaps in knowledge. Public health, reproductive health and their living difficulties as undocumented migrants have to some extent been studied so far. Less is known of mental health, chronic illness and state of health to the children as well as to elderly people. Conclusion: There is a need to strengthen the efforts to make the ordinary system of health care work to including undocumented migrants, to protect charity – based health – centres, and to increase research and development to contribute to undocumented migrants’ access to adequate health care

    Meeting New Sweden

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    Embodied cognition in robots and human evolution

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    Thesis (S.M. in Science Writing)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Humanities, Graduate Program in Science Writing, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 44).This thesis investigates the notion of embodied cognition in humans using the research of former University of Washington researcher William Calvin and robots using the research of former MIT professor Rodney Brooks. The idea is that the feedback from the physicality of humans is a precognition to our intelligence. The choice example I use for our physicality is the motion of throwing, particularly the javelin throw. For robotics, I focus on the development of 'eyes' in Brooks' robot Cog and show how it demonstrated behavior we deem to be intelligent using the feedback gleaned from 'seeing'. Altogether, I present evidence for and against the notion that we are who we are, cognitively speaking, because of the sensory feedback of our physical bodies, and what that may mean going forward in the future for our intelligence.by Conor L. Myhrvold.S.M.in Science Writin

    Etniske minoriteter og barnevernet. På hvilken måte kan man fremme et godt samarbeid mellom etniske minoriteter og barnevernet?

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven er resultatet av et litteraturstudie som tar for seg samarbeidet mellom etniske minoriteter og barnevernet. Problemstillingen: På hvilken måte kan man fremme et godt samarbeid mellom etniske minoritetsfamilier og barnevernansatte? Tar sikte på å undersøke forhold som kan virke fremmende gjennom å analysere dybdeintervjuer av både etniske minoritetsforeldre og sosialarbeidere i barnevernet, i tillegg til å drøfte funnene i lys av teoretiske perspektiver som kritisk refleksjon, interseksjonalitet, kulturalisering og annengjøring. Resultatet av analysen fant at foreldre savner god nok informasjon og kunnskap om barnevernet og at denne mangelen blant annet har resultert i en utbredt frykt blant etniske minoriteter. Drøftingen vektlegger å finne ut av hvordan man møter informasjonsmangelen, hvordan kritisk refleksjon kan bidra til å bedre samarbeidet og om helhetsperspektivet til sosialarbeideren blir utfordret av kulturbegrepet og hva det har si for samarbeidet

    Opplevelser av veitrafikkstøy fra riksvei 4 - Trondheimsveien : en kvalitativ studie

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    Bakgrunn: Veitrafikkstøy er et folkehelseproblem, som er satt i sammenheng med blant annet stress, søvnforstyrrelser og høyt blodtrykk. I tillegg er støy fra veitrafikk en av de miljøutfordringene som rammer flest mennesker både i Norge, og i resten av verden. Selv om konsekvensene av veitrafikkstøy er godt dokumentert i forskningslitteraturen, finnes det svært få studier når det kommer til opplevelser av veitrafikkstøy. Bakgrunnen for denne studien er basert på bydel Bjerkes og Brekke og Strand AS sitt ønske om å kartlegge opplevelser av veitrafikkstøy blant mennesker som bor langs Trondheimsveien, henholdsvis ved Veitvet, Sletteløkka og Linderudsletta. Formålet med denne studien er således å undersøke beboere langs Trondheimsveien opplevelser av veitrafikkstøy. Forskningsspørsmålet retter seg videre mot å undersøke om deltakerne kan relatere noen subjektive helseplager til støy, om de tar i bruk mestringsstrategier for å håndtere støy, og hvilke tiltak de kan se for seg for å redusere støy fra veien. Metoden i denne studien er kvalitativ, med casestudie som forskningsdesign. Oppgaven er i tillegg basert på en hermeneutisk og fenomenologisk tilnærming, for best å besvare den gitte problemstilling. For å komme frem til resultatene har undersøkelsen benyttet seg av semistrukturerte intervjuer med åtte deltakere som alle er berørt av trafikkstøy fra Trondheimsveien. Dataene ble behandlet med hjelp av systematisk tekstkondensering som analysestrategi. Resultater: Resultatene viser at deltakerne i studien overordnet sett er svært plaget av støy, og opplever manglende tiltak på veien som frustrerende. Noen av deltakerne hadde også helseplager de kunne relatere til støy, selv om andre anså denne sammenhengen som noe abstrakt. Ulike former for mestringstiltak for å håndtere støy ble brukt av samtlige deltakere, men med ulik grad av suksess. Deltakerne i studien trakk også frem forurensningen fra veien som en utfordring, som sammenlagt med støy stod som begrunnelse for manglende bruk av uteområder, og for at en del av deltakerne var i en flytteprosess vekk fra området. Konklusjonen i denne oppgaven er å tydeliggjøre de utfordringene som er i forbindelse med støyproblematikken langs Trondheimsveien. Deltakerne opplever en høy grad av støybelastning, som påvirker dem i deres daglige liv. Ønsket er at undersøkelsen kan bidra som inspirasjon til fremtidige studier, og som en argumentasjon for å igangsette tiltak for å redusere støy. Håpet er å sikre mer helsefremmende bo- og nærmiljøer for beboerne i området.Background: Road traffic noise is a public health issue, which is linked to, among other things, stress, sleeping disorders and high blood pressure. In addition, road traffic noise is one of the biggest environmental challenges affecting the Norwegian population. Although the consequences of road traffic noise is well documented in the reasearch literature, there are very few studies looking in to the experiences of road traffic noise. The background of this study is based on the district of Bjerke and Brekke & Strands AS desire to further explore the experiences of road traffic noise among people living alongside Tronheimsveien, respectively at Veitvet, Sletteløkka and Linderudsletta. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate residents alongside Tronheimsveien and their experience of road traffic noise. The research question is aimed to investigate whether the participants can tie subjective health complains to noise, whether they use coping strategies to deal with noise, if so which, and what measures they belive can reduce road traffic noise. Method: This study is based on a qualitative method, with case study as research design. The thesis is also based on a hermeneutic and phenomenological approach, in order to best answer the research question. The study used semi-structured interviews with eight participants, all of whom are affected by road traffic noise from Trondheimsveien. The data was processsed by using systematic text condensation as a analysis strategy. Results: The results of this study shows that the participants were generally very bothered by road traffic noise, and that they find the lack of measures frustrating. Some of the participants also had health complaints in relation to noise, although others considered this connection to be somewhat abstract. Different forms of coping strategies to deal with noise were used by all the participants, but with varying degrees of success. The participants also pointed out the air pollution from the road as a challenge, which together with noise was identified as the main reason for not utilising outdoor areas, and why they wanted to move away from the area in general. Conclusion: This thesis concludes with a need to clarify the challenges that are in connection to the road traffic noise problem along Trongeimsveien. The participants experience a higt level of noise pollution, which affects them in their daily lives. The wish is that this study can contribute as an inspiration for future studies, and as an argument for initiating measures to reduce noise. The main goal is to ensure more health promoting living conditions and environments for the residents in the area.M-FO