3 research outputs found

    Stable or unstable associations between learning environment factors, study approaches and exam grades: cross-sectional analyses across two consecutive program years

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    Studies into the relationships between learning environment perceptions, approaches to studying, and academic outcomes have largely followed cross-sectional designs. As a result, knowledge is sparse with regards to whether, or to what degree, the established associations are consistent across years of study. This study aimed to (i) examine associations between occupational therapy students’ academic performance, their approaches to studying and perceptions of the learning environment, while in their second and third years of study, and (ii) evaluate the consistency of the results across years of study. Occupational therapy students in Norway were assessed annually with regards to their perceptions of the learning environment, study approaches, and academic performance. Associations between variables, measured within each study year, were analyzed with linear regression analyses, and then compared year-overyear. In the second study year (n=162), better academic performance was associated with lower student autonomy, and higher scores on strategic approach. In the third study year (n=189), better academic performance was associated with being female and lower scores on surface approach. Having occupational therapy as the preferred line of education at enrollment was associated with better grades in both study years. Associations between grades and gender, perceptions of student autonomy, and study approaches were somewhat different between the two years. Implications for educational practice is discussed and various contents and emphasis in educational programs are proposed.publishedVersio

    Stable or Unstable Associations Between Learning Environment Factors, Study Approaches and Exam Grades: Cross-Sectional Analyses Across Two Consecutive Program Years

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    Studies into the relationships between learning environment perceptions, approaches to studying, and academic outcomes have largely followed cross-sectional designs. As a result, knowledge is sparse with regards to whether, or to what degree, the established associations are consistent across years of study. This study aimed to (i) examine associations between occupational therapy students’ academic performance, their approaches to studying and perceptions of the learning environment, while in their second and third years of study, and (ii) evaluate the consistency of the results across years of study. Occupational therapy students in Norway were assessed annually with regards to their perceptions of the learning environment, study approaches, and academic performance. Associations between variables, measured within each study year, were analyzed with linear regression analyses, and then compared year-over-year. In the second study year (n=162), better academic performance was associated with lower student autonomy, and higher scores on strategic approach. In the third study year (n=189), better academic performance was associated with being female and lower scores on surface approach. Having occupational therapy as the preferred line of education at enrollment was associated with better grades in both study years. Associations between grades and gender, perceptions of student autonomy, and study approaches were somewhat different between the two years. Implications for educational practice is discussed and various contents and emphasis in educational programs are proposed

    Hvordan oppnÄs varig arbeidsdeltakelse? Erfaringer til personer med ervervet hjerneskade.

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    Bakgrunn og hensikt: I forbindelse med satsningen pÄ Tilskuddsordningen for helse- og rehabiliteringstjenester, ogsÄ kjent som «Raskere Tilbake», er det utviklet kunnskap om hva som bidrar til tilbakefÞring til arbeid etter ervervet hjerneskade (EHS). Det foreligger mindre kunnskap om hva som bidrar til at arbeidsdeltakelse opprettholdes pÄ varig basis etter tilbakefÞring. Hensikten med denne studien har derfor vÊrt Ä fÄ Þkt kunnskap om hvordan varig arbeidsdeltakelse oppnÄs pÄ bakgrunn av erfaringer fra personer som selv har ervervet skade og har stÄtt i arbeid over tid etter tilbakefÞring og arbeidsrettet rehabilitering. ForskningsspÞrsmÄl: Hvordan oppnÄs varig arbeidsdeltakelse? Erfaringer til personer med ervervet hjerneskade. Metode: En kvalitativ studie som ble utfÞrt i trÄd med tradisjonen Grounded Theory Method. Syv personer som hadde gjennomfÞrt et arbeidsrettet rehabiliteringsprogram og opprettholdt sin arbeidsdeltakelse mellom fire og ti Är etter EHS ble intervjuet. Datainnsamling og analyse foregikk parallelt. Ord og utsagn med innhold av erfaringer om varig arbeidsdeltakelse ble notert og konstant sammenlignet, ogsÄ med innholdet i memos, til det avtegnet seg sammenhenger og mÞnstre i data. Tre kategorier bidrag til informantenes oppnÄelse av varig arbeidsdeltakelse ble avdekket. Disse sto i sterke relasjoner til hverandre. En underliggende kjerneprosess for opprettholdelse ble ogsÄ avdekket. En teoretisk modell for hvordan varig arbeidsdeltakelse etter EHS ble funnet oppnÄdd ble testet ut pÄ nye data, frem til en opplevd metning i den empirisk grunnede teorien. Resultat/konklusjon: Varig arbeidsdeltakelse etter EHS ble oppnÄdd ved at personene konstant var bevisste pÄ Ä balansere kapasitet etter skade med sin ytelse i arbeidet. Personene som ble intervjuet hadde utviklet individuelle «mulighetsrom» for arbeidsdeltakelse. Kontinuerlig opprettholdelse av disse var deres viktigste virkemiddel for Ä oppnÄ varig arbeidsdeltakelse. «Mulighetsrommet» var en interaktiv relasjon mellom 1) Forutsetninger ved personen og 2) Forhold ved arbeidet som inneholdt de individuelle mestringsstrategier og tilpassinger personene stadig viderefÞrte for Ä hÄndtere konsekvensene av skade opp mot de krav som ble stillet til dem ved utfÞrelsen av arbeidet. Den teoretiske modellen ble utviklet for en visuell fremstilling av de ulike forutsetningene for -, og innholdet i det individuelle «mulighetsrommet». Den ble designet som et visuelt verktÞy for samtale og refleksjon innenfor praksisfelte