1,068 research outputs found

    Monoidal computer III: A coalgebraic view of computability and complexity

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    Monoidal computer is a categorical model of intensional computation, where many different programs correspond to the same input-output behavior. The upshot of yet another model of computation is that a categorical formalism should provide a much needed high level language for theory of computation, flexible enough to allow abstracting away the low level implementation details when they are irrelevant, or taking them into account when they are genuinely needed. A salient feature of the approach through monoidal categories is the formal graphical language of string diagrams, which supports visual reasoning about programs and computations. In the present paper, we provide a coalgebraic characterization of monoidal computer. It turns out that the availability of interpreters and specializers, that make a monoidal category into a monoidal computer, is equivalent with the existence of a *universal state space*, that carries a weakly final state machine for any pair of input and output types. Being able to program state machines in monoidal computers allows us to represent Turing machines, to capture their execution, count their steps, as well as, e.g., the memory cells that they use. The coalgebraic view of monoidal computer thus provides a convenient diagrammatic language for studying computability and complexity.Comment: 34 pages, 24 figures; in this version: added the Appendi

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Jig Saw Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Pkn Pada Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan

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    The focus in this study is whether the application of learning models jig saw can improve motivation and learning outcomes in the material Civics Political System in Indonesia . This study aimed to describe the increase in motivation and learning outcomes Civics at SMA Negeri 1 Gubug the academic year 2014 / 2015. The method used was classroom action research . The results showed that the application of learning models jig saw can improve: 1 ) motivation to learn from the average 73.52 % ( first cycle ) and 85.29 % ( second cycle ) ; 2 ) the learning outcomes of a mean of 77.50 ( first cycle ) and 82.82 ( second cycle )

    Dampak Revolusi Budaya Terhadap Pendidikan Anak Dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Banyak Perubahan atau revolusi budaya yang menghebohkan dan dinilai oleh banyak pihak, telah melanggar norma kesusilaan atau norma-norma agama sebenarnya merupakan potret lain dari kondisi masyarakat kita atau diri kita yang sedang retak, sedang terjerumus dalam desakralisasi agama dan pengabaian komitmen edukasi, khususnya terhadap anak. Anak tidak ubahnya sebagai obyek yang secara terus menerus menjadi korban para produsen budaya yang berwatak rakus dalam mengejar keuntungan ekonomi dan populeritas

    Relevansi Nilai Religius Film Ajari Aku Islam terhadap Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Islamic Religious Education (PAI) plays an important role in shaping the character and morals of students. In this modern era, mass media, including films, have become a powerful influencer in shaping society's perceptions and values. The film "Ajari Aku Islam" presents a narrative rich in Islamic religious values. However, it is not clear to what extent the religious values ​​conveyed in this film are relevant to PAI material taught in formal education institutions. The aim of this research is to evaluate the relevance of the religious values ​​contained in the film "Ajari Aku Islam" to the PAI material being taught. The analysis will focus on the suitability of Islamic values ​​conveyed in the film with the PAI curriculum. This research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis techniques to identify religious values ​​in the film "Ajari Aku Islam". This literature research uses the documentation method. Namely by collecting data regarding variables in the form of images, sounds and book texts that are related to the religious values ​​in the film Ajari Aku Islam towards Islamic religious education material. The results of this research conclude that the film Ajari Aku Islam is very relevant to the values ​​in Islamic Religious Education lessons, because PAI lessons discuss values ​​such as empathy, tolerance, endeavor, non-discrimination, preaching, obedience and respect for parents, displaying good behavior. which reflects faith, and repentance. With a clearer understanding of the relationship between media and Islamic religious education, steps can be taken to utilize the positive potential of film as an educational tool that supports PAI's goals in shaping the character and morals of students

    Abundance of functional groups of nitrogen transforming microorganisms potentially involved in N2O emissions from a subtropical forested watershed in China.

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    In this study, we investigated N-cycling processes and N2O emissions along a hillslope (HS) and a hydrologically connected groundwater discharge zone (GDZ) in a subtropical forest ecosystem in southwest China, Tieshanping (TSP). The two landscape elements HS and GDZ differ fundamentally in eco-hydrological conditions, soil texture, organic carbon supply, pH (dominated by acid soils pH 4.0 - 4.5) and NO3- concentration. The area has received high levels of long-distance transported nitrogenous compounds for several decades. Earlier studies by our research group showed high N2O emissions from the investigated plots, The highest emissions were measured from the hilslope (HS), while the groundwater discharge zone had lower emissions, possibly due to complete denitrification taking place in this zone where anoxic conditions prevailed over longer periods than in the HS. Accumulation of nitrite was also shown, and it was speculated that nitrite oxidation was retarded compared to ammonia oxidation. For this study Soil samples were collected from Tieshanping (TSP). DNA was extracted from the soil samples. Cloning was done to make plasmids, which were used as standards for the primers for each corresponding gene. Quantitative PCR was used to quantify the genes; by quantifying the genes, abundance of functional members at different sampling sites was revealed. In addition to this a microcosm experiment was performed, to analyze the denitrification activity from both HS and the GDZ soil samples. In the present study, I quantified functional genes that are involved in the nitrogen cycle, including genes coding for ammoniam oxidation (amoA of ammonia oxidizing bacteria; AOB and archaea, AOA); nitrite oxidation (nxrB),and denitrification (nirK, nirS, nosZ). 16S rRNA abundance was assessed as a general marker for bacterial abundance. In addition, sulphate reducing bacteria (dsrA) were quantified. Aim of this study was to see if there is correlation between abundance of N-cycle genes and N-transformation rates. It was hypothesized that nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR) was present at HS but was not expressed due to oxic anoxic transitions while the other enzymes (NIR, NOR) are not influenced. Nitrite oxidation was retarded in HS samples, for this reason it is assumed that amoA (ammonia oxidizers) abundance will be higher than nxrB (nitrite oxidizers) abundance in samples where nitrite accumulates. Archaeal ammonia oxidisers will dominate (higher abundance) while there will be lower amounts of bacterial ammonia oxidisers due to low pH in this soil. GDZ has low organic material, and may not provide enough electrons for denitrification. It is hypothesized that the reductive force can be provided by the sulphate reducers. All genes showed highest abundance per gram soil in the heavily disturbed GDZ (formerly cultivated terraces), despite lower soil organic carbon content (1-4% w/w as opposed to 10-20% w/w in HS topsoil). Archaeal ammonia oxidizers (AOA) were more abundant than bacterial ammonia oxidizers (AOB) which could be due to the low pH of these soils The results of the microcosm experiment (semi-automated robotic incubation system) were in accordance with the denitrification results observed from the molecular studies i.e. GDZ has high denitrification activity than HS (normalized to Carbon content). The reason for high abundance of genes in GDZ could be due to the presence stable anoxic conditions. N2OR is expressed under the stable anoxic conditions leading to lower N2O emission. Additional factors causing lower N2O emissions from the GDZ may be the higher soil pH (4.5 at GDZ versus 4.0 at the HS). We can conclude that the GDZ is the sink, where the microbial communities are more abundant.M-BIOTE


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    Teacher‟s questioning may function to assist students comprehend more readingmaterials and to enable them to be proficient readers. Yet, the students may beless benefited from which if the teacher neither provides sufficient explicit readingstrategy nor involves higher-level questions. Consequently, the teacher should paymore careful attention on the followings: 1) the teacher should involve bothlower-, and higher-level questions; 2) the teacher should equip students withexplicit reading strategy; 3) the teacher should be aware of the activities should beexecuted in reading phases: pre-, during-, and post-reading

    Finding New Numbers From Square Matrix

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