10 research outputs found

    Indonesian Language Teaching Based on Internet of Things (IOT) in Archipelago

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    Abstract: This study aims to (1) analyze the study of learning theory that is suitable to be applied in the archipelago in Indonesia, (2) conduct an analysis of the application of Mobile Learning -based learning in the learning process in the archipelago and (3) study the use of the Internet of Things (IoT ) on Indonesian language material in the archipelago. The method used is ethnographic research by taking islands in the East Java region that enter the Java Sea. The results of this study are (1) the application of Mobile Learning despite focusing on IoT, which pays attention to the availability of infrastructure, (2) Mobile Learning -based learning despite paying attention to learning designs that focus on offline learning media and (3) Mobile Learning -based learning even though directed students Centered Method in the development of Mobile Learning based learning. It is recommended to stakeholders to diversify the learning process

    Mobile Devices in Indonesian Language Learning on Multi Graders at Elementary Schools

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    Abstract: The objectives of this study were (1) to measure the transformation of mobile learning devices in elementary schools in multi grade classes, (2) to examine the visibility of the development of Podcast devices for Indonesian language learning in multi grade elementary schools and (3) to assess the probability of using video technology tools on demand (VOD) on Indonesian language learning in elementary schools in multi grade classes. The method used is ethnographic study with triangulation of data in the form of interviews, the results of observations and technology assessment for Indonesian language learning in multi grade-based elementary schools using Mobile devices. The results of this study are (1) Mobile learning devices, especially television can be used for multi grade learning, (2) podcast device development also has the opportunity to be further developed, and (3) tools for learning are more related to the process of developing mobile devices in schools basic. Conclusions from this study, the development of Mobile devices for Indonesian Language in Elementary Schools needs to be done, taking into account the visibility of the learning device. It is recommended to the stakeholders to optimize the Indonesian Language device for multi grade class

    Language Learning at Natural Disaster Area in Elementary Schools

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    One of the challenges ahead in designing language learning in elementary schools is the ability to predict the skills of learners. To meet this need the Ministry of Education and Culture is designing the national exam, which is one of the standardized tests in Indonesia. The aim of the Study is to design language learning design for young learners students in natural disaster area both relates on the use of project based examination which mostly relates the collapse of infrastructure on natural disaster area. The complex case faced by Indonesia today is the location of Indonesia. Geographically, the Eurasia and pacific plates are surrounded by active volcanoes. For this reason, language learning is preferably related to the literature of children with the teaching method of copy by master creative writing

    Penggunaan Intranet – Chat untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berbalas Puisi Di Sekolah Dasar Kelas Rendah Sebagai Alternatif Pencegahan Perilaku Brutal

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    Abstrak: Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dengan produk turunannya yang disebut dengan internet telah meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan yang terjadi dalam menjaga dan jati diri seorang peserta didik. Atas dasar itulah disarankan kepada penggunaan internet versi jaringan lokal atau yang disebut dengan intranet menjadi kunci atas perubahan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Dalam hal ini pengetahuan akan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi merupakan faktor utama yang mendorong terciptanya kemahiran dan keterampilan dalam merancang pembelajaran berbasis intranet. Dalam hal ini kemampuan dan keterampilan erat kaitannya dengan kemahiran dalam merancang puisi. Selama ini puisi merupakan faktor yang turut melatar-belakangi berbagai macam usaha yang menyertai peredaman perilaku brutal pada peserta didik usia SD lebih khususnya peserta didik kelas rendah. Dalam hal ini untuk mencegah perilaku brutal meski memperhatikan tindak tanduk maupun aspek yang menyertai kemampuan yang menyertai kemampuan peserta didik. Abstract: Information and Communication technology or the so-called Internet has increased the skills and skills that occur in maintaining and identity of a learner. On that basis, it is suggested to use the internet version of the local network or the so-called intranet becomes the key to changes in information and communication technology. In this case, the knowledge of information and communication technology is a major factor that encourages the creation of skills and skills in designing intranet-based learning. In this case, ability and skill are closely related to skill in designing poetry. So far, poetry is a factor that contributes to the various kinds of businesses that accompany the brutal behavior attitudes in primary school-age students are more especially low-class students. In this case, to prevent brutal behavior despite attention to the behavior and aspects that accompany the ability that accompanies the ability of learners.

    Implementasi Model Talking Stick Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi Keragaman Suku Bangsa, Sosial, dan Budaya Berbasis Karakter Toleransi dan Cinta Tanah Air

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    The learning process in class still uses the lecture method, assignments, questions and answers, and skills training. This results in students getting bored easily, and teachers also have not yet instilled the value of attitude to shape character in PPKn learning. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in PPKn subjects on ethnic, social and cultural diversity using the Talking Stick model in class IV students of SDN 02 Sukorejo Kulon. This type of research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) with two cycles. The results obtained by the activity of the first cycle teacher 78.5%, 95% second cycle. The activity of students in the first cycle was 66.5%, the second cycle became 81%. Increased knowledge of the first cycle 63.75%, second cycle to 86%. The attitude that often arises in the first cycle is the attitude of loving the motherland, the second cycle of the attitude of cooperation and patriotism have the same number of occurrences. In the aspect of skills, in cycle II there were 8 students who received grades 4 with loud voices, the contents were delivered precisely and clearly, and there were no word errors.Abstrak: Proses pembelajaran di kelas masih menggunakan metode ceramah, penugasan, tanya jawab, dan latihan keterampilan. Hal ini mengakibatkan siswa mudah cepat bosan, serta guru juga belum menanamkan nilai sikap untuk membentuk karakter pada pembelajaran PPKn. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan Hasil Belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PPKn materi keragaman suku bangsa, sosial, dan budaya menggunakan model Talking Stick pada siwa kelas IV SDN 02 Sukorejo Kulon. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan dua siklus. Hasil penelitian diperoleh aktivitas guru siklus I 78,5%, siklus II 95%. Aktivitas siswa siklus I 66,5% , siklus II menjadi 81%. Peningkatan pengetahuan siklus I 63,75%, siklus II menjadi 86%. Sikap yang sering muncul pada siklus I adalah sikap cinta tanah air, siklus II sikap kerjasama dan cinta tanah air memliki jumlah kemunculan yang sama. Dalam aspek keterampilan, pada siklus II terdapat 8 siswa yang memperoleh nilai 4 dengan suara yang lantang, isi yang disampaikan tepat dan jelas, dan tidak terdapat kesalahan kata

    Pendidikan Karakter dalam Extrakurikuler Silat Berbasis Motion Capture Berbantuan Computer Generated Images (CGI) di Sekolah Dasar Kelas Rendah di Indonesia

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) melakukan kajian terhadap nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran silat di Sekolah Dasar, (2) membuat pengkajian pola gerakan terhadap gerakan-gerakan bertahan yang bisa digunakan untuk bertahan untuk peserta didik usia sekolah dasar, dan (3) analisis terhadap probalitias penggunaan piranti motion picture untuk melatih peserta didik agar memiliki nilai-nilai karakter dalam kegiatan silat untuk bisa diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah (1) diskusi dengan pakar pendidikan karakter tentang nilai-nilai silat (2) kajian pustaka terhadap literatur dan (3) observasi partisipatif terhadap kegiatan silat di lingkungan sekolah dasar dan masyarakat. Hasil dari penelitian ini (1) nilai-nilai karakter yang bisa ditanamkan adalah kedisplinan serta nilai karakter kehati-hatian dalam bertindak, (2) gerakan yang bisa diterapkan adalah hindar dan elak untuk melatih peserta didik membela diri dan (3) piranti motion capture memiliki peluang untuk koreksi atas gerakan yang dilakukan oleh peserta didik agar lebih akurat dan terarah. Simpulan dari penelitian ini, penanam pendidikan karakter di sekolah dasar dengan silat bisa berbasis peranti motion capture. Disarankan kepada pemangku kebijakan untuk menerapkan peranti ini secara terbatas di Sekolah Dasar yang memiliki kesiapan untuk menerapkan teknologi

    The Grammatical Elements Used By Learners in Their Composition.

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    ABSTRAK   This study explores the acquisition of obligatory grammatical elements, those are verb-ing, plural, articles, and subject-verb agreement. The subjects are 63 students of English Department taking essay writing course. The technique that is used is obligatory occasion analysis. The result shows that the highest rank in the order scored is 100% and the lowest rank is 47,8%. It shows that every grammatical elements has different acquisiton orders on it is sub items. The conclution is subject are able to use grammatical features that the topic are recognized. It needs verification from future researchers. The instrument that is used in this study is open-ended. It means it is possible for subjects to avoid grammatical elements that they do not master

    Teaching Security in Electronic Transactions through Indonesian Language Materials in High Grade of Elementary School Students

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the security patterns in the internet world. To secure electronic transactions, students in primary schools are taught to have an understanding of methods and techniques for comfortable electronic transactions, and have the ability to control the existence of information stored in electronic information. The method of this study uses (1) interviews with electronic transaction experts, (2) study and literature review, and (3) phenomenological studies. Data from the three results are combined for later synthesis as material for discussion. Based on the study above, it was found that, (1) it is necessary to open up insights for elementary school students about the public sphere and the private sphere, (2) students in primary schools need to be given insight into the techniques of securing self-owned information in public spaces, and (3) need to be invested in elementary school students to make electronic transactions as needed. The conclusions of this study are that students in elementary schools need to be understood about the electronic world. It is recommended for teachers to begin introducing the impact of electronic transactions in the learning environment of elementary school students.Keywords: electronic transactions, information, network security, cyber securit

    Membelajarkan Bahasa Indonesia untuk Generasi Digital di Sekolah Dasar

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    Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi digital telah memberikan berbagai macam tantangan bagi proses pendidikan di sekolah dasar. Tantangan untuk proses pembelajaran ini semakin nyata seiring dengan perkembangan generasi digital (Digital Native). Generasi yang terlahir dalam kubangan digital memiliki tantangan belajar dan peluang yang berbeda dibanding dengan generasi sebelumnya. Kemampuan dan ketersediaan teknologi bisa difasilitasi oleh guru untuk mengembangkan keterampilan mereka dalam menemukan infomasi.Kata kunci: Digital native, guru sebagai fasilitator, teknologi informasi dan komunikas

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Menggali Informasi dari Dongeng Binatang Melalui Media Audio Visual di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes to dig information from fables through audio visual media in grade II SDN Jeblog 1 Blitar Regency. The research method uses classroom action research. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation, tests, and field records. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The results showed that students who reached the minimum completeness criteria prior to the implementation of the pre-action research was 44%, then after the implementation of the study through the use of audio-visual media increased to 67% in the first cycle and increased again to 85% in the second cycle. Based on the analysis and discussion of research it can be concluded that the use of audio-visual media in learning to explore information from fables can improve student learning outcomes.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar menggali informasi dari dongeng binatang melalui media audio visual di kelas II SDN Jeblog 1 Kabupaten Blitar. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, tes, dan cacatan lapangan. Data dianalisis menggunakan deskriptif kualitatitif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal sebelum pelaksanaan penelitian pada pratindakan adalah 44%, kemudian setelah pelaksanaan penelitian melalui penggunaan media audio visual meningkat menjadi 67% pada siklus I dan meningkat lagi menjadi 85% pada siklus II. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media audio visual pada pembelajaran menggali informasi dari dongeng binatang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa