163 research outputs found

    Time-sequential Pipelined Imaging with Wavefront Coding and Super Resolution

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    Wavefront coding has long offered the prospect of mitigating optical aberrations and extended depth of field, but image quality and noise performance are inevitably reduced. We report on progress in the use of agile encoding and pipelined fusion of image sequences to recover image quality

    The War on Terror and the American Foreign Policy in the Middle East and Abroad

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    This paper analyzed the Jihadists mindset perception and view on the conflict opposing the West and the Arab world This paper perceived this war to be cultural religious ideological and economic between western countries and the Middle East This perception although distorted is important for a deep understanding of the attitudes motives and behaviors patters of the Jihadists The understanding of the perception of the conflict between the West and the Middle East was important in the prospect of reducing acts of violence and terror and building peace between the West and the Middle East The war on terror will not be won by military solution only This paper points to the needs of shifting the American foreign policy to a more sustainable community building and development approach The latter has the advantage of bringing another side of the West so that people in the Middle East and abroad can begin to see on the west not only the invader but as a true partner who is willing to help in development project such as housing food education and healthcar

    Principles and applications of wavefront coding

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    Understanding of the Neorealist, Constructionist and Relative Deprivation Theories: A phenomenological Study of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with Practice Application of Integrative Negotiation

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    This study discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a type of an international conflict This paper employed three international relations theories to analyze the Israeli- Palestinian conflict The three theories used were the neorealist constructionist and relative deprivation This paper discussed the conceptual frame of each theory its major thinkers as well as its strengths and weaknesses This study employed phenomenological method to research the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because phenomenology is a valuable qualitative approach to studying human experience This study argued that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is considered to be one of the drivers of the security threat and the rise of terrorism in the Middle East and the world This research stressed that the study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is important because it shed light on the differing views on security cultural identity and religious beliefs of the partie


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    The aim of this study is to compare teacher’s attitude in Kosovo and in Turkey regarding education. With this aim, attitude survey was administered to teachers in Turkey and in Kosovo. In addition to the descriptive statistics, the results of the survey were analyzed by independent samples t-test. At the end of the study, it was found that attitudes of Kosovo’s teachers were high in comparison to teachers in Turkey.  Article visualizations

    Compact multi-aperture imaging with high-angular-resolution

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    Previous reports have demonstrated that it is possible to emulate the imaging function of a single conventional lens with an NxN array of identical lenslets to provide an N-fold reduction in imaging-system track length. This approach limits the application to low-resolution imaging. We highlight how using an array of dissimilar lenslets, with an array width that can be much wider than the detector array, high-resolution super-resolved imaging is possible. We illustrate this approach with a ray-traced design and optimization of a long-wave infrared system employing a 3x3 array of free-form lenslets to provide a four-fold reduction in track length compared to a baseline system. Simulations of image recovery show that recovered image quality is comparable to that of the baseline system

    HARMONIE-AROME, modelo operativo de escala convectiva de AEMET

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    Presentación realizada en: Instituto Astrofisico de Canarias (IAC), en su sede de La Palma el día 6 de abril de 2018 con objeto de presentar el modelo HARMONIE-AROME al IAC y a otros posibles usuarios institucionales

    Assimilation of AMDAR humidity observations

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    Presentación realizada en: Joint 29th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting, celebrado del 1 al 5 de abril de 2019 en la Sede central de AEMET en Madrid

    F. Gascón Inchausti / P. Peiteado Mariscal. Estándares europeos y proceso civil. Hacia un proceso civil convergente con Europa

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    Este artículo reseña: F. Gascón Inchausti / P. Peiteado Mariscal. Estándares europeos y proceso civil. Hacia un proceso civil convergente con Europa. Atelier, Barcelona, 2022,775 pp

    La viabilidad y adaptación de un programa de ejercicio físico y prehabilitación domiciliaria mediante telemedicina para pacientes con cáncer. Revisión sistemática y propuesta de mejora

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    Los pacientes que esperan tratamiento quirúrgico contra tumores digestivos necesitan prepararse para la cirugía mejorando su forma física. En esta revisión, el objetivo ha sido investigar sobre la viabilidad y adaptación de programas de prehabilitación para pacientes con cáncer digestivo. Se revisaron 8 artículos desde 2014 hasta la actualidad, siguiendo los criterios prisma, y se extrajeron los datos de los entrenamientos de cada programa para comparar y analizar qué entrenamientos daban mejores resultados pre y post quirúrgicos. Sobre estos resultados, se realizó una propuesta de mejora de entrenamiento domiciliario, adaptando los entrenamientos para hacerlos en casa con los recursos disponibles