7 research outputs found

    Modelling Lake Kivu water level variations over the last seven decades

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    This study aimed at analysing the hydrological changes in the Lake Kivu Basin over the last seven decades with focus on the response of the lake water level to meteorological factors and hydropower dam construction. Historical precipitation and lake water levels were acquired from literature, local agencies and from global databases in order to compile a coherent dataset. The net lake inflow was modelled using a soil water balance model and the water levels were reconstructed using a parsimonious lake water balance model. The soil water balance shows that 370 mm yr−1 (25%) of the precipitation in the catchment contributes to the runoff and baseflow whereas 1100 mm yr−1 (75%) contributes to the evapotranspiration. A review of the lake water balance resulted in the following estimates of hydrological contributions: 55%, 25%, and 20% of the overall inputs from precipitation, surface inflows, and subaquatic groundwater discharge, respectively. The overall losses were 58% and 42% for lake surface evaporation and outflow discharge, respectively. The hydrological model used indicated a remarkable sensitivity of the lake water levels to hydrometeorological variability up to 1977, when the outflow bed was artificially widened

    Balancing nutrient inputs to Lake Kivu

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    The primary production in meromictic Lake Kivu is sustained by external nutrient inputs and by internal loading due to upwelling caused by sub-aquatic sources. We present here the results of external loading of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and silica (Si) by rivers and atmospheric deposition measured from 2006 to 2008. These external inputs are compared to internal loading. The input of soluble-reactive P (SRP), supplied in equal parts from rivers and atmospheric deposition, adds up to 230 t P yr(-1), 20 times less than total P load. Ammonium (mainly via rainwater) and nitrate (mainly via rivers) are primary sources of the dissolved N load (5400 t N yr(-1)), with both species contributing similar to 50%. Dissolved Si input (40,000 t Si yr(-1)) is unique in that only similar to 60% enters by rivers, while the remaining similar to 40% comes from sub-aquatic sources and atmospheric deposition is negligible. Based oil the molar nutrient ratios, we identify P as the limiting factor for algae production. Despite the strong anthropogenic impact on the catchment and the high particle erosion (74 t km(-2) yr(-1)), the area-specific nutrient mobilization is rather low. The external nutrient input is therefore not the cause for the reported increase of methane production in the last decades. External loading to the epilimnion plays a lesser role for all three nutrients (similar to 10% for SRP, similar to 25% for dissolved N and similar to 45% for dissolved Si), as compared to the lake-internal loading by upwelling (90%, 75% and 55%, respectively). Lake Kivu, therefore, is similar to other East African large lakes in that the internal loading exceeds the external loading. Despite the substantial uncertainty of the load estimates of up to 50%, we can conclude that the observed nutrient input is consistent with the primary production of 260 g C m(-2) yr(-1) recently measured by Sarmento et al. (2006) and also consistent with the lake-internal fluxes established by Pasche et al. (in press). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes

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    To ensure the long-term sustainable use of African Great Lakes (AGL), and to better understand the functioning of these ecosystems, authorities, managers and scientists need regularly collected scientific data and information of key environmental indicators over multi-years to make informed decisions. Monitoring is regularly conducted at some sites across AGL; while at others sites, it is rare or conducted irregularly in response to sporadic funding or short-term projects/studies. Managers and scientists working on the AGL thus often lack critical long-term data to evaluate and gauge ongoing changes. Hence, we propose a multi-lake approach to harmonize data collection modalities for better understanding of regional and global environmental impacts on AGL. Climate variability has had strong impacts on all AGL in the recent past. Although these lakes have specific characteristics, their limnological cycles show many similarities. Because different anthropogenic pressures take place at the different AGL, harmonized multi-lake monitoring will provide comparable data to address the main drivers of concern (climate versus regional anthropogenic impact). To realize harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring, the approach will need: (1) support of a wide community of researchers and managers; (2) political goodwill towards a common goal for such monitoring; and (3) sufficient capacity (e.g., institutional, financial, human and logistic resources) for its implementation. This paper presents an assessment of the state of monitoring the AGL and possible approaches to realize a long-term, multi-lake harmonized monitoring strategy. Key parameters are proposed. The support of national and regional authorities is necessary as each AGL crosses international boundaries

    Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes

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    To ensure the long-term sustainable use of African Great Lakes (AGL), and to better understand the functioning of these ecosystems, authorities, managers and scientists need regularly collected scientific data and information of key environmental indicators over multi-years to make informed decisions. Monitoring is regularly conducted at some sites across AGL; while at others sites, it is rare or conducted irregularly in response to sporadic funding or short-term projects/studies. Managers and scientists working on the AGL thus often lack critical long-term data to evaluate and gauge ongoing changes. Hence, we propose a multi-lake approach to harmonize data collection modalities for better understanding of regional and global environmental impacts on AGL. Climate variability has had strong impacts on all AGL in the recent past. Although these lakes have specific characteristics, their limnological cycles show many similarities. Because different anthropogenic pressures take place at the different AGL, harmonized multi-lake monitoring will provide comparable data to address the main drivers of concern (climate versus regional anthropogenic impact). To realize harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring, the approach will need: (1) support of a wide community of researchers and managers; (2) political goodwill towards a common goal for such monitoring; and (3) sufficient capacity (e.g., institutional, financial, human and logistic resources) for its implementation. This paper presents an assessment of the state of monitoring the AGL and possible approaches to realize a long-term, multi-lake harmonized monitoring strategy. Key parameters are proposed. The support of national and regional authorities is necessary as each AGL crosses international boundaries

    Need for harmonized long-term multi-lake monitoring of African Great Lakes

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