246 research outputs found

    What Is TWAIL?

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    The piece seeks to conceptualize the insurgent movement in international law known as Third World Approaches to International Law. Driven by scholars from the Third World, TWAIL rejects the traditional tenets and assumptions of traditional international law and argues for a re-imagination of the law of nations to purge it of racial and hegemonic precepts and biases to create a truly universal corpus that embraces inclusivity and empowerment. The movement turns away from the imperialist and colonialist foundation of international law. It argues that international law must be devoid of oppression, exploitation, and domination. The piece is among the first to attempt a fuller description of TWAIL

    A Critique of Rights in Transitional Justice: The African Experience

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    Published in Rethinking Transitions: Equality and Social Justice in Societies Emerging from Conflict, Gaby OrĂ© Aguilar & Felipe GĂłmez Isa, eds. This chapter interrogates the concept and application of transitional justice as a medium for the reclamation of post-conflict states in Africa. While it argues that transitional justice is an important – often indispensable – process in reconstructing post-despotic and battered societies, it nevertheless casts a jaundiced eye at traditionalist human rights approaches. It contends that individualist, non-collective, or non-community, approaches to transitional justice have serious limitations. It posits that the Nuremberg model, on which the ICTR and ICTY were based, while instructive, is severely constrained for the African landscape. It therefore makes the case for a holistic transitional justice approach that includes not just the revenge and other accountability elements of criminal judicial sanctions, but also focuses on truth, reconciliation, institutional reforms, and reparations. This “ubuntu” approach of “community wholesomeness” is necessary to heal society and restore its balance.”https://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/book_sections/1199/thumbnail.jp

    Effects of \u3ci\u3eParthenium hysterophorus\u3c/i\u3e on Grassland Community in Nyando Sub-County, Kisumu County, Kenya

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    Parthenium hysterophorus is an invasive alien species native to South and Central America. The plant is ranked as one of the most dreaded weeds of the world. Parthenium hysterophorus affects grassland community through the release of allelochemicals that inhibit the germination and growth of grass species. However, little is known about its effects on native grassland community in Nyando sub-county of Kenya. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the effects of P. hysterophorus on grass species, livestock production and its control. A total of 121 farm household heads were interviewed using semi-structured interview schedules. Descriptive analysis and the T-test at 5% level of significance were used to analyse data. Sixty-three percent of respondents reported that P. hysterophorus replaced major native pasture species consequently reducing the quantity of milk yield per cow significantly by 3.81 litres. Majority households (98.3%) controlled P. hysterophorus by uprooting, slashing and hoeing while the remaining households used herbicides. The cost of controlling P. hysterophorus is expensive at about Kes. 6,253.33 per acre. Parthenium hysterophorus has the potential to negatively affect grasslands in Kenya with adverse impact on human livelihoods by reducing milk and beef production, lack of high quality nutrition food as well as the attainment of development targets such as those set in the Big Four Agenda, the Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals

    The Ileosigmoid Knot: A Case Report

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    Ileosigmoid knotting (ISK) is an uncommon cause of acute intestinal obstruction where the ileum wraps around the base of the sigmoid colon. Seen with higher frequency in Africa, the condition rapidly progresses to gangrene of the ileum and sigmoid colon. Preoperative diagnosis is not easy partly due to the unfamiliarity of this entity and the confusing and contradictory features of the disease. Awareness of the condition is essential for prompt diagnosis and optimal management.Key Words: Ileosigmoid knotting, Intestinal obstructio

    Important biotic challenges for forage development in east Africa- A report

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    An Interrogation into Strategy-Technology Linkage at the Department of Immigration Services, Kenya

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    There exists a debate on the nature of strategy-technology linkage. Consensus is lacking on whether strategy informs technology, whether technology informs strategy, whether strategy and technology develop independently but match at a later stage, and whether there is no linkage between strategy and technology. This study aimed to find out the extant nature of strategy-technology linkage at the Department of Immigration Services, Kenya. Through a case study research design, primary data were obtained through personal interviews using a structured interview guide. The interviewees were top level managers comprising of the Director of Immigration Services and Assistant Directors of Immigration Services in charge of regions namely: Coast, Eastern, North Eastern, South Rift/Nairobi, North Rift/Western and Nyanza. The study also made use of secondary data from documents in the Department. The data gathered were then analyzed using thematic content analysis. The findings revealed presence of strategytechnology linkage at the Department of Immigration Services, Kenya. The nature cuts across the four thematic areas, but leans more towards strategy informing technology. Incidences supportive of the finding that technology informs strategy, strategy and technology develop independently but match at a later stage and no linkage between strategy and strategy were found but not as recurrent as those of strategy informing technology. The study findings largely support postulations of Configuration and Resource Based theories. The study concludes that strategy informs technology at the Department of Immigration Services, Kenya. For policy making, the study recommends the Department of Immigration Services expends more effort to develop a robust strategy that will inform appropriate technology with selective juxtapositions of technology informing strategy where necessary. For practice, the study recommends strategy-technology linkage that fits the environmental setting with a keen eye on the ever changing environment. The study acknowledged limitations on the contextual setting, design, data collection and analysis methods. The design was a case study which means findings might not be generalized. Data collection was through interviews and analysis was through content analysis, both viewed as largely subjective. Interviews were administered to only the top management within the department. Lower cadres were not represented. The study suggests for further research on the subject through different contextual settings, different designs and different instruments

    Forage Options for Tanzania Southern Highlands: Preliminary Assessment

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    In adequate quality and quantity, forages curtail animal production in sub-Saharan Africa. As such, the potential of livestock agriculture to contribute to household nutrition and incomes is usually compromised, against an increasing consumption of animal source foods. The growing consumption deserve forage interventions that can address the feeding gap, and contribute to improved livestock production, and subsequently livestock keepers’ prosperity. Using “Targeting Tools”, a web GIS system, we mapped the suitability of a wide array of grass and forage legumes for southern highlands. Using the maps, we selected context-specific varieties and procured available seeds/planting materials for pilot trials. Following farmers’ participatory approach, we established forage trials in three districts namely, Mufindi, Njombe and Rugwe of southern Tanzania highlands comprising of fourteen forage treatments. The test forages included; two Cenchrus purpureus (Syn. Pennisetum purpureum) cultivars, two Urochloa (Syn. Brachiaria) hybrids and Chloris gayana. Where applicable, we intercropped the grasses with three forage legumes- Lablab purpureus, Stylosanthes guianensis, and Desmodium intortum, while Tripsacum andersonii (Syn. Tripsacum laxum), a grass, was planted as a local check. We observed clear differences amongst the three districts and treatments. Dry matter accumulation (t ha−1) in the districts, and across the various forage treatments was in the order Rugwe>Mufindi>Njombe, even when accumulation kg DM day−1 was considered, in the early harvests. Most DM accumulation was by Napier grass intercropped with Lablab purpureus that was closely comparable to Chloris gayana-Desmodium intercrop. Further observations across more cuttings, farmer’ preference rankings and quality analysis are under way to inform reliable conclusions. The results would be applicable elsewhere with similar agricultural context and ecologies

    Using Intermittent Sand Filters of Various Depths to Remove NH3-N, NO3N and NO2N from the Wastewater of Sugar Milling Factory

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    Intermittent sand filter systems have been used in wastewater treatment according to Selecky (2012) especially their application for on-site wastewater management. Intermittent sand filters have not been used to treat effluent from sugar factories in Kenya. There is very limited information on how to optimize their application in treating effluent from sugar factory in Kenya. This study focused on optimization of intermittent sand filter used in treatment of wastewater from sugar factory. Samples of wastewater were randomly taken from Kibos Sugar and Allied factories. These samples were loaded into sand filters with different sand depths of 0.30, 0.45 and 0.60m. Different loading rates, volumes and frequencies were applied for each depth. Samples from the filtrate were collected and analyzed in the laboratory for NH3-N, NO3-N and NO2-N values. The data was subjected to analysis of variance for fractional factorial (ANOVA) using the GenStat Version 13.2 computer programme. Wastewater generated from the sugar factories had NH3-N, NO3-N and NO2-N were within the WHO acceptable limits. The sugar factory managers targeting to remove NO3-N should use a sand filter with a depth of 0.45m by loading it at a rate of 2L/min, volume of 30L and frequency of 12hrs. To remove NO2N using a sand filter of 0.45 m deep, they should use a loading rate of 4L/min, loading volume of 10L and loading frequency of 12hrs. Keywords: Effluent, factory, filter, intermittent, sand, sugar, wastewater

    Contraceptive Adoption, Discontinuation, and Switching among Postpartum Women in Nairobi's Urban Slums.

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    Unmet need for contraception is highest within 12 months post-delivery, according to research. Using longitudinal data from the Nairobi Urban Health and Demographic Surveillance System, we assess the dynamics of contraceptive use during the postpartum period among women in Nairobi's slums. Results show that by 6 months postpartum, 83 percent of women had resumed sexual activity and 51 percent had resumed menses, yet only 49 percent had adopted a modern contraceptive method. Furthermore, almost half of women discontinued a modern method within 12 months of initiating use, with many likely to switch to another short-term method with high method-related dissatisfaction. Women who adopted a method after resumption of menses had higher discontinuation rates, though the effect was much reduced after adjusting for other variables. To reduce unmet need, effective intervention programs are essential to lower high levels of discontinuation and encourage switching to more effective methods

    An Investigation into the Factors that Affect Performance of Youth Group Income Generating Projects in Kenya: A case of Taita District.

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    The mobilization of youth in Kenya and growth of youth group enterprise projects took centre stage in the last four years with the creation of Ministry of youth affairs and sports in the year 2005.   The Department of Youth development was established in January 2007 with an aim of spearheading the general empowerment of the youths with key objectives being; promoting Youth-owned Small and Micro Enterprise (SME) projects, promoting thriftiness and self-reliance among the youth, promoting an entrepreneurial culture among the youth, and promoting marketing of Youth Products and Services. (The national youth policy 2007). The study aims at broadening understanding about the factors that influence performance of various youth group income generating projects in Taita district. It also aimed at giving remedial measures to the problems faced by youth group initiated projects so as to improve their performance and realize their goals. The objectives included identification of the extent to which youth group management/leadership skills affect the project performance; establishing whether the nature of project activities undertaken by the youth affect the overall performance; determining if the planning and control of funds affects the performance of the youth group projects; investigate whether the support given by the government and other organizations affects the performance of youth group projects. The study was limited to youth group initiated projects which are income generating in Taita district, Coast Province.  A survey was conducted on sampled youth group projects in Taita district. The study concentrated on analyzing the factors affecting the overall performance of youth group initiated projects in Taita district. The groups were stratified according to their categories of projects/activity. From the targeted population a random sample of 60% was taken from each category to give a total sample of 35 projects. Data for the study consisted of primary data collected by use of questionnaires and secondary data based on youth group performance reports submitted to the respective group coordinators to the Provincial director in the Ministry of youth affairs, department of Youth development. The data was analyzed using statistical package of social sciences software and findings was presented in form of tables, charts and figures. Keywords: Performance, Projects, Youth Developmen
