10 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine investment decisions in increasing the value of the company contained in PT Radiant Artha Raharja Semarang. The method in this study uses qualitative study methods. Research on qualitative studies is a key instrument, data source sampling is done by snowbaal (sampling technique determined based on information). This research also uses source and technique analysis of transectional analysis.The results of this study state that investment decisions can increase the value of the company at PT Radiant Artha Raharja Semarang which can be seen based on the results of the financial statements in the period 2014 - 2016. In this study PT Radiant Artha Semarang's income increased in each year. Investment decisions are made by the company in 2015, seen from (net profit) in the year the report is minus (-) Rp. 19,235,171. This is because in 2015 PT Radiant Artha Sejahtera Semarang purchased the company's assets in the form of vehicles and building construction to open a new branch office.Keywords: Investment Decision, Company Value and PT Radiant Artha  Raharja Semaran

    Promosi Kesehatan Kasus Gizi Buruk dan Stunting pada Anak Usia 30 Bulan di Desa Punti Matang Kuli Kabupaten Aceh Utara Tahun 2022

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    Gizi buruk adalah bentuk terparah dari proses terjadinya kekurangan gizi menahun. Di Indonesia, jumlah balita gizi buruk menurut Riskesdas 2018 masih sebesar 17.7%. Berbagai faktor mempengaruhi kejadian gizi buruk, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah studi kasus terhadap seorang balita berusia 30 bulan di desa Punti Matang Kuli Kabupaten Aceh Utara tahun 2022 dengan keluhan berat badan serta tinggi badan yang sulit naik. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan berat badan 8,65 kg serta panjang badan 80 cm, sehingga berdasarkan z-score didapatkan BB/U < dari -3SD (Gizi buruk), TB/U < dari -3SD  (Sangat pendek), dan BB/T -3SD sampai dengan  < - 2 SD (Kurus). Pasien diberikan tatalaksana secara promotif, preventif, kuratif, dan rehabilitatif. Berdasarkan kasus didapatkan beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya gizi buruk dan stunting pada pasien yaitu status ekonomi, pendidikan orangtua, perilaku orangtua terhadap makanan, jumlah anggota keluarga, sanitasi rendah, dan berat badan lahir rendah


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    Pandemi COVID-19 yang merebak di Indonesia dari Maret 2020 membawa dampak menyusahkan, misal pada bidang ketenagakerjaan, dimana perusahaan yang merugi karena permintaan berkurang, beberapa perusahaan di Surabaya akhirnya merumahkan pekerja, dengan dalih dipanggil lagi perusahaan saat membutuhkan, namun disini hak normatif pekerja sering diabaikan, padahal mereka, pekerja yang dirumahkan saat pandemi COVID-19 dimuat dalam  Surat Edaran Menteri Ketegakerjaan Republik Indonesia Nomor M/3/HK.04/III/2020 tentang Perlindungan Pekerja/Buruh dan Kelangsungan Usaha  Dalam Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan COVID-19, namun terdapat aturan lebih jelas yang mengaturnya.  Pada penelitian ini berfokus pada analisa secara perundang-undangan pekerja yang dirumahkan, lalu analisa pada pemenuhan hak pekerja yang dirumahkan baik itu akibat hukumnya maupun hak normatifnya. Pada penelitian ini memakai metode penelitian yuridis normatif, dimana permasalahan yang dibahas penulis yakni pemenuhan hak pekerja yang dirumahkan karena pandemi COVID-19 akan dianalisa dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan teoritis, penelitian ini didukung dengan data sekunder dan primer yang diperoleh penulis. Hasil Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwasanya tindakan merumahkan pekerja memang bisa dilakukan mengingat kondisi perusahaan tidak memungkinkan untuk mempekerjakannya, namun sebisa mungkin dihindari oleh perusahaan karena mengandung akibat hukum, dan jika terpaksa merumahkan pekerja perusahaan terdapat hak dan kewajiban seperti upah penuh yang wajib dibayarkan sesuai perundang-undangan ataupun apabila ada kesepakatan lain.Kata Kunci: Pandemi COVID-19, Hak Pekerja, Dirumahka

    Analisis Genotip Pohon Induk Jeruk Bebas Penyakit Hasil Perbanyakan Tunas Pucuk dengan Primer RAPD

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    Uji tepat varietas untuk pohon induk jeruk bebas penyakit diperlukan untuk memastikan kebenaran genotip tanaman yang diperbanyak secara vegetatif. Percobaan dilakukan untuk menganalisis kesamaan genotip pohon induk jeruk bebas penyakit (benih penjenis) hasil perbanyakan vegetatif melalui penyambungan tunas pucuk dari pohon induk tunggalnya menggunakan penanda DNA RAPD. Daun dari tunas muda berumur 20-25 hari diekstrak untuk mendapatkan bulk DNA. Setiap sampel DNA dari setiap varietas diamplifikasi menggunakan 2 primer RAPD dan diseparasi menurut metode elektroforesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 2 primer RAPD OPN14 dan OPN16 mampu memperlihatkan keseragaman pita DNA benih-benih penjenis dengan  induknya. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan genotip antara tanaman yang diperoleh dari protokol pembuatan benih penjenis dengan pohon induk tunggalnya.True variety testing is needed to proof the genotype truth fulness of virus free mother plant that vegetatively multiplied. Study was done to analyze the genotype similarity of virus free mother plant that vegetatively multiplied through shoot tip grafting from the single mother plant using DNA RAPD marker. Leaves from young flush of 20-25 days were extracted in order to find out the bulk DNA. Each DNA sample from each variety was amplified by 2 RAPD primer and separated electrophoretically. The results indicated that 2 RAPD OPN14 and OPN16 primer revealed the uniformity of DNA band of the breeder seeds and the mother plant. The results strongly confirm that there was no genotype differences among the plant generated from standard protocol of producing virus free of citrus breeder seeds and the single mother plant

    Edukasi Mengenai Kanker Nasofaring Pada Masyarakat di Kawasan Pesisir Barat Pulau Lombok

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    Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is a malignancy in the field of ENT-KL with a high incidence and ranks 4th in Indonesia. There are several risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer, including infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), environmental factors (consumption of salted fish, smoking and exposure to dust, occupational fumes), and genetics. Related to lifestyle, coastal areas are the areas that produce and consume the most salted fish, and are active smokers every day from a young age. The Tanjung Karang area is one of the coastal areas located in the west of Lombok Island, where the habit of consuming salted fish and smoking is also a habit of the people. The lack of public knowledge, especially in coastal areas, regarding the risk factors for nasopharyngeal cancer and its early prevention is one of the reasons for the need to hold health education activities on this matter. Coinciding with the commemoration of World Cancer Day, ENT Specialists gathered in PERHATI-KL Cab. NTB conducts educational activities regarding Naopharyngeal Cancer, with the aim of increasing public knowledge about this dangerous disease. as a result, this activity was welcomed with great enthusiasm by the people in the area and was attended by 66 participants. This can be used as a benchmark and evaluation material for the implementation of further educational activities in the futur

    Malay Language Preservation In The Z Generation On Penyengat Island, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands

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    This study aims to look at the attitude of maintaining the Malay language in generation Z on Penyengat Island, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Archipelago. The object of research is generation Z on Penyengat Island, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Archipelago. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The data collection technique used is the distribution of questionnaires. Data analysis techniques are performed based on frequency and percentage calculations. The results of the study in this study were obtained attitudinal measurements based on gender, education level, and job level. Based on the results obtained, it appears that language contact influences language retention attitudes in generation Z on Penyengat Island, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Archipelago, because the result is the lowest value, namely 0.29. However, overall, the results of the calculations show that language retention in generation z is 0.529040833, included in the value range of 0.41 – 0.60. This shows that the maintenance of the Malay language in Generation Z on Penyengat Island, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands is in a position of decline


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    Background: Grape fruit (Vitis vinifera) is one of plants which has been known and consumed by Indonesian society. This fruit contains saponin, polifenol, flavonoid and resveratrol. The aim of this research is to know acute toxicity potential on grape fruit’s extract depend on Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BST) method. Method: It is used 250 larvaes as test animal which is divided on 5 groups. Each group contais 10 larvaes with replication of research for 5 times. Then the extract of grape fruit got into final concentration in the media, consecutively as the group of 1,2,3,4 and 5 is 2000 µg/ml, 1000 µg/ml, 500 µg/ml, 200 µg/ml and 0 µg/ml as negative control. The result is against larvae that died 24 hours after component test was given. Through the data, LC 50 value of etanol extract of Vitis vinifera was analyzed by probit analysis using SPSS 16.0 for windows. Result: The result of probit analysis indicated that LC 50 value of fruit extract of Vitis vinifera was 648.004 μg/ml. Whereas, the result of analysis regression got equation LC50=0.239logconcentration - 0.125 Conclusion: The administering of fruit extract of Vitis vinifera, in this research, had acute toxicity potential against Artemia salina Leach larvae according to BST method. It is indicated by LC 50 value <1000 μg/ml. Key words: Vitis vinifera., brine shrimp lethality test, acute toxicity