14 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the development of Tropical Fauna Journal Zoo Indonesia which includes article distribution, patterns of authorship and fauna research subject at issue in 1983-2014. This study uses informetricsanalysis of all articles in the journal. The results showed: (1) the distribution of articles on every volume published by Zoo Indonesia have increased with the last number is six articles on each volume to its publication; (2) authorship patterns show the dominant by single author of 46,08%; and (3) research subjects that most discussed is about arthropods amounted to 30,41%. The conclusion is Zoo Indonesia on his way continuously tries to improve its quality as a scientific journal by a system of e-journal and also continue to fix both physically and editorial system aspects in it


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    Jumlah koleksi antikuariat Indonesiana di Perpustakaan Universitas Leiden mencapai lebih dari separuh yang dimiliki Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (Perpusnas RI). Padahal fungsi Perpusnas RI sebagai perpustakaan deposit merupakan keniscayaan untuk menyimpan seluruh karya cetak dan karya rekam yang terbit di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah koleksi Indonesiana. Koleksi antikuariat Indonesiana termasuk dalam benda cagar budaya karena memiliki arti khusus bagi sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, agama, dan/atau kebudayaan, juga mempunyai nilai budaya bagi penguatan kepribadian bangsa. Pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifkasi koleksi antikuariat Indonesiana yang dimiliki Perpustakaan Universitas Leiden melalui website perpustakaan tersebut (https://www.library.universiteitleiden.nl/). Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa koleksi antikuariat Indonesiana di website Perpustakaan Universitas Leiden terdapat dalam menu Special Collections, submenu Digital Collections dan Unlock the Asian Collections. Pada bagian Digital Collections, dari 69 topik koleksi, yang termasuk koleksi antikuariat Indonesiana mencapai 21 buah. Pada Asian Collections, terdapat enam topik koleksi antikuariat Indonesiana. Perpustakaan Universitas Leiden memiliki komitmen yang tinggi dalam program digitasi koleksi Asia


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    The mission of the special library for government agencies is to provide library material and access to information for the parent institution, while one of its functions is to develop collections that support the performance of the parent institution so that the library plays an important role in research activities at the Center for the Conservation of Plants-Bogor Botanical Gardens (PKT-KRB) LIPI. The natural beauty of Papua attracts researchers both from within and outside the country to conduct research on its biodiversity, including researchers from PKT-KRB LIPI, therefore libraries are supposed to provide a collection of plants in Papua that can be used as a reference for research activities. The purpose of this study is to provide information about the library collections in PKT-KRB LIPI, especially those related to plants in Papua. Through literature study, the author explores the collections in the library to find out what collections are contained in the library which contains information on plants in Papua to be discussed in detail. The results of the study show that the number of collections containing information on plants in Papua in the period of publication from 1985-2019 includes: 17 books, 10 travel reports, and 6 proceedings. Suggestions for further study are to focus on one of the endemic plants in Papua with literature studies not only on collections in the library but extending to the results of research by PKT-KRB LIPI research staff

    Pembuatan Kemasan Merek Sasirangan Bagi UMKM Pengrajin Sasirangan Khas Kalimantan Selatan untuk Mendorong Pengembangan UMKM di Desa Sungai Jingah sebagai Sentra Produksi Batik Sasirangan Kalimantan

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    Community service aims to provide knowledge on how to make a sasirangan product packaging to create a packaging of sasirangan products that can increase the selling value and protect the brand sasirangan products at SMEs Sasirangan Banjarmasin. And provide knowledge about the importance of making sasirangan product packaging on SMEs Sasirangan Banjarmasin and Provide samples of packaging which can further be developed by business actors who join in SMEs Sasirangan Banjarmasin Community Service Activities is expected to contribute to the community sasirangan business actors, especially business actors incorporated in SMEs Sasirangan Sungai Jingah Both of theoretically and practically. The method used in the implementation of community service activities is the method of presentation, this method is used to convey to the target audience about some matters relating to the importance of benefits, packaging function of sasirangan products that can increase the sale value sasirangan, and protect the brand of sasirangan products and the next is the method of demonstration, This method is used to convey to the target audience how to manufacture the packaging of sasirangan products. The result of this Devotion is the increased awareness of the legal protection for the owner of the sasirangan brand in the Sungai Jingah sasirangan production center and understand sasirangan craftsmen in increasing the selling value through the packaging of goods


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    Ikan keting [Mystus nigriceps (Valenciennes 1840)] merupakan ikan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis di beberapa daerah. Secara morfologi, termasuk dalam kelompok ikan bersungut (catfish) dari Ordo Siluriformes dan Famili Bagridae. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ciri morfometrik, pola pertumbuhan, dan faktor kondisi ikan keting yang berada di hilir Sungai Cimanuk. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling di tiga stasiun riset, yaitu Desa Ujungjaya Kabupaten Sumedang (St.1), Desa Palasari Kabupaten Majalengka (St.2), dan Desa Jatibarang Kabupaten Indramayu (St.3). Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus hingga September 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ikan keting yang tertangkap pada Stasiun 1 dan Stasiun 2 memiliki karakteristik morfometrik yang sama, pola pertumbuhan bersifat allometrik negatif (b<3) dengan nilai b di Stasiun 1 adalah 2,958 dan di Stasiun 2 adalah 1,966 yang artinya pertambahan panjang lebih cepat dibandingkan pertambahan bobot. Faktor kondisi (K) di Stasiun 1 relatif lebih tinggi daripada di Stasiun 2, yaitu antara 0,99 – 1,16 dengan rata-rata sebesar 1,08; sedangkan di Stasiun 2 antara 0,98 – 1,06 dengan nilai rata-rata K sebesar 1,03. Ikan dari Stasiun 3 tidak dilakukan analisis lanjutan karena tidak memenuhi persyaratan statistik

    Wacana pandemi covid-19 terhadap penutupan perpustakaan

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    Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has been designated as a pandemic by WHO because of its spread to various countries at the same time. The library did not slip the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic discourse because must be closed as an effort made jointly to break the chain of COVID-19 spread. Through the literature study, especially from scientific journals, the author tries to collect various information related to the closure of library services due to the crisis, in order to find out things that can be done by the library in the midst of a pandemic COVID-19. The study results show that during the COVID-19 pandemic libraries must determine policy related services such as open or not and exemption from fines. It is relevant to consider the disinfectant action against the building and the collection as a whole. The library must be a trusted information center as an effort to slow the spread of viruses and misinformation. Libraries should also provide sources of information that can be accessed by users through electronic resources. Libraries and librarians during the pandemic can be involved as a COVID-19 task force specifically the library building can be used as a logistics warehouse for the distribution of masks, test kits, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Finally, libraries can hold useful programs for users through the concept of "boutique" services and webinars. The results of the study can be used as a guide and lesson learned in the future to be applied by libraries and librarians in times of crisis

    Wacana pandemi covid-19 terhadap penutupan perpustakaan

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    Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has been designated as a pandemic by WHO because of its spread to various countries at the same time. The library did not slip the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic discourse because must be closed as an effort made jointly to break the chain of COVID-19 spread. Through the literature study, especially from scientific journals, the author tries to collect various information related to the closure of library services due to the crisis, in order to find out things that can be done by the library in the midst of a pandemic COVID-19. The study results show that during the COVID-19 pandemic libraries must determine policy related services such as open or not and exemption from fines. It is relevant to consider the disinfectant action against the building and the collection as a whole. The library must be a trusted information center as an effort to slow the spread of viruses and misinformation. Libraries should also provide sources of information that can be accessed by users through electronic resources. Libraries and librarians during the pandemic can be involved as a COVID-19 task force specifically the library building can be used as a logistics warehouse for the distribution of masks, test kits, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Finally, libraries can hold useful programs for users through the concept of "boutique" services and webinars. The results of the study can be used as a guide and lesson learned in the future to be applied by libraries and librarians in times of crisis


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    This study aims to reveal the knowledge possessed by a Teupa teacher to share information about what and how to make Kujang which is widely known as a typical weapon from West Java. The Teupa teacher who was an informant in this study was Wahyu Affandi Suradinata from Bogor, better known as Abah Wahyu. Through a qualitative method with a descriptive approach it is hoped that it can convey straightforwardly about the profession of a Teupa Kujang Teacher. In-depth interviews were conducted in November 2014 and then supplemented with other supporting references. The results of the study show that the dedication of Abah Wahyu for 26 years made Kujang qualified as a Teupa Teacher so that he could become an example and worthy of being emulated by the next generation, then it is hoped that there will be a successor so that the cultural wealth especially related to Kujang does not become extinct. Through this study, we are really hope to capture the oral history of a Teupa Kujang teacher that is useful for the general public and cultural enthusiasts in particular so the preservation of the existence of Kujang can be maintained


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    This research aims at examining and analyzing the effect of liquidity (current ratio), profitability (return on assets), and leverage (debt to equity ratio) on company value with the proxy of Tobin’s Q. This study also investigates the moderation effect of managerial ownership on the relationship among liquidity, profitability, and leverage on company value. The sample of this research is manufacturing companies of consumer goods with 74 observations for the period of 2015 to 2021. The result using the multiple regression analysis and moderated regression analysis shows that profitability has a significant effect on the company value, but liquidity and leverage have no significant effect on the company value. The moderation effect of managerial ownership affects the relationship between liquidity and the company value. Meanwhile, managerial ownership cannot moderate the relationship between profitability (return on asset) and leverage (debt to equity ratio) on the company value


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    Pengabdian masyarakat di Pondok Tahfidz Madinatul Qur’an Banjarmasin yang ditujukan kepada para santri pondok tahfidz, bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan terhadapakibat hukum yang timbul dari nikah siri. Kurangnya pengetahuan terhadap akibat nikah siriyang menjadi faktor utama dari banyaknya praktik – praktik nikah siri yang terjadi dimasyarakat. Pengabdian masyarakat yang berjudul “Hukum Nikah Siri Dalam Sistem Hukum diIndonesia (Penyuluhan Hukum di Pondok Tahfidz Madinatul Qur’an Banjarmasin)” inidiharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman terhadap para santri khususnya di wilayah PondokTahfidz Madintul Qur’an Banjarmasin terhadap akbat dari nikah siri. Sehingga dengan adanyapengabdian ini, maka dapat mengurangi praktik nikah siri di masyarakat Banjarmasin khususnya.Metode yang di gunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologisdimana pelaksanaanya adalah melalui metode penyuluhan dan ceramah di lokasi sasaran. Hasildari pengadian ini adalah bahwa ditemukan kondisi dimana masyarakat belum memahami akibathokum dari nikah siri terutama bagi istri dan anak yang dilahirkan dari nikah siri