215 research outputs found

    VLBI for Gravity Probe B. VII. The Evolution of the Radio Structure of IM Pegasi

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    We present measurements of the total radio flux density as well as very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) images of the star, IM Pegasi, which was used as the guide star for the NASA/Stanford relativity mission Gravity Probe B. We obtained flux densities and images from 35 sessions of observations at 8.4 GHz (wavelength = 3.6 cm) between 1997 January and 2005 July. The observations were accurately phase-referenced to several extragalactic reference sources, and we present the images in a star-centered frame, aligned by the position of the star as derived from our fits to its orbital motion, parallax, and proper motion. Both the flux density and the morphology of IM Peg are variable. For most sessions, the emission region has a single-peaked structure, but 25% of the time, we observed a two-peaked (and on one occasion perhaps a three-peaked) structure. On average, the emission region is elongated by 1.4 +- 0.4 mas (FWHM), with the average direction of elongation being close to that of the sky projection of the orbit normal. The average length of the emission region is approximately equal to the diameter of the primary star. No significant correlation with the orbital phase is found for either the flux density or the direction of elongation, and no preference for any particular longitude on the star is shown by the emission region.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Quasi-simultaneous multi-frequency observations of inverted-spectrum GPS candidate sources

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    Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) sources are probably the precursors of local radio galaxies.Existing GPS source samples are small (<200). It is necessary to extend the availabe sample of the Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) and High Frequency Peaker (HFP) sources in order to study their nature with greater details and higher statistical significance. A sample of 214 radio sources, which were extracted from the SPECFIND catalog and show an inverted radio spectrum, were observed quasi-simultaneously at 4.85, 10.45, and 32GHz with the 100-m Effelsberg radio telescope. Using the VLBA calibrator survey (VCS) we have investigated the parsec-scale morphology of the sources. About 45% of the sources in our sample are classified as GPS or HFP candidates. We add 65 new GPS/HFP candidates to existing samples. We confirm the expected tendency that HFP are more compact on milliarcsecond scale than the 'classical' GPS sources, which peak at lower frequencies. The data mining of the SPECFIND database represents a promising tool for the discovery of new GPS/HFP sources.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Wideband dynamic radio spectra of two ultra-cool dwarfs

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    A number of radio-loud ultra-cool dwarf (UCD ) stars exhibit both continuous broadband and highly polarized pulsed radio emission. In order to determine the nature of the emission and the physical characteristics in the source region, we have made multi-epoch, wideband spectral observations of TVLM 0513-46 and 2M 0746+20. We combine these observations with archival radio data to fully characterize both the temporal and spectral properties of the radio emission. The continuum spectral energy distribution can be well modeled using gyrosynchrotron emission from mildly relativistic electrons in a dipolar field. The pulsed emission exhibits a variety of time-variable characteristics, including frequency drifts, frequency cutoffs, and multiple pulses per period. For 2M 0746+20 we determine a pulse period consistent with previously determined values. We modeled locations of pulsed emission using an oblique rotating magnetospheric model with beamed electron-cyclotron maser ( ECM) sources. The bestfit models have narrow ECM beaming angles aligned with the local source magnetic field direction, except for one isolated burst from 2M 0746+20. For TVLM 0513-46, the best-fit rotation axis inclination is nearly orthogonal to the line of sight. For 2M0746+20 we found a good fit using a fixed inclination i = 36°, determined from optical observations. For both stars the ECM sources are located near feet of magnetic loops with radial extents 1.2Rs-2.7Rsand surface fields 2.2-2.5 kG. These results support recent suggestions that radio over-luminous UCDs have a global "weak field" non-axisymmetric magnetic topologies

    Supernovae 2016bdu and 2005gl, and their link with SN 2009ip-like transients: another piece of the puzzle

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    Supernova (SN) 2016bdu is an unusual transient resembling SN 2009ip. SN 2009ip-like events are characterized by a long-lasting phase of erratic variability which ends with two luminous outbursts a few weeks apart. The second outburst is significantly more luminous (about 3 mag) than the first. In the case of SN 2016bdu, the first outburst (Event A) reached an absolute magnitude M(r) ~ -15.3 mag, while the second one (Event B) occurred over one month later and reached M(r) ~ -18 mag. By inspecting archival data, a faint source at the position of SN 2016bdu is detectable several times in the past few years. We interpret these detections as signatures of a phase of erratic variability, similar to that experienced by SN 2009ip between 2008 and mid-2012, and resembling the currently observed variability of the luminous blue variable SN 2000ch in NGC 3432. Spectroscopic monitoring of SN 2016bdu during the second peak initially shows features typical of a SN IIn. One month after the Event B maximum, the spectra develop broad Balmer lines with P Cygni profiles and broad metal features. At these late phases, the spectra resemble those of a typical Type II SN. All members of this SN 2009ip-like group are remarkably similar to the Type IIn SN 2005gl. For this object, the claim of a terminal SN explosion is supported by the disappearance of the progenitor star. The similarity with SN 2005gl suggests that all members of this family may finally explode as genuine SNe, although the unequivocal detection of nucleosynthesised elements in their nebular spectra is still missing.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS on April 10, 2017; re-submitted on June 23 including suggestions from the referee. 24 pages, 12 figures, 5 table

    In situ spatiotemporal measurements of the detailed azimuthal substructure of the substorm current wedge

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    The substorm current wedge (SCW) is a fundamental component of geomagnetic substorms. Models tend to describe the SCW as a simple line current flowing into the ionosphere toward dawn and out of the ionosphere toward dusk, linked by a westward electrojet. We use multispacecraft observations from perigee passes of the Cluster 1 and 4 spacecraft during a substorm on 15 January 2010, in conjunction with ground-based observations, to examine the spatial structuring and temporal variability of the SCW. At this time, the spacecraft traveled east-west azimuthally above the auroral region. We show that the SCW has significant azimuthal substructure on scales of 100km at altitudes of 4000-7000km. We identify 26 individual current sheets in the Cluster 4 data and 34 individual current sheets in the Cluster 1 data, with Cluster 1 passing through the SCW 120-240s after Cluster 4 at 1300-2000km higher altitude. Both spacecraft observed large-scale regions of net upward and downward field-aligned current, consistent with the large-scale characteristics of the SCW, although sheets of oppositely directed currents were observed within both regions. We show that the majority of these current sheets were closely aligned to a north-south direction, in contrast to the expected east-west orientation of the preonset aurora. Comparing our results with observations of the field-aligned current associated with bursty bulk flows (BBFs), we conclude that significant questions remain for the explanation of SCW structuring by BBF-driven wedgelets. Our results therefore represent constraints on future modeling and theoretical frameworks on the generation of theSCW. Key Points The substorm current wedge (SCW) has significant azimuthal structure Current sheets within the SCW are north-south aligned The substructure of the SCW raises questions for the proposed wedgelet scenari

    Radio Astrometry of The Close Active Binary Hr 5110

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    The close active binary HR 5110 was observed at six epochs over 26 days using a global very long baseline interferometry array at 15.4 GHz. We used phase referencing to determine the position of the radio centroid at each epoch with an uncertainty significantly smaller than the component separation. After correcting for proper motion and parallax, we find that the centroid locations of all six epochs have barycenter separations consistent with an emission source located on the KIV secondary, and not in an interaction region between the stars or on the F primary. We used a homogeneous power-law gyrosynchrotron emission model to reproduce the observed flux densities and fractional circular polarization. The resulting ranges of mean magnetic field strength and relativistic electron densities are of the order of 10 G and 105cm-3, respectively, in the source region

    Notch1 deficiency decreases hepatic lipid accumulation by induction of fatty acid oxidation

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    Notch signaling pathways modulate various cellular processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, and communication. Recent studies have demonstrated that Notch1 signaling also regulates hepatic glucose production and lipid synthesis. However, the effect of Notch1 signaling on hepatic lipid oxidation has not yet been directly investigated. To define the function of Notch1 signaling in hepatic lipid metabolism, wild type mice and Notch1 deficient antisense transgenic (NAS) mice were fed a high-fat diet. High-fat diet-fed NAS mice exhibited a marked reduction in hepatic triacylglycerol accumulation compared with wild type obese mice. The improved fatty liver was associated with an increased expression of hepatic genes involved in fatty acid oxidation. However, lipogenic genes were not differentially expressed in the NAS liver, suggesting lipolytic-specific regulatory effects by Notch1 signaling. Expression of fatty acid oxidative genes and the rate of fatty acid oxidation were also increased by inhibition of Notch1 signaling in HepG2 cells. In addition, similar regulatory effects on lipid accumulation were observed in adipocytes. Taken together, these data show that inhibition of Notch1 signaling can regulate the expression of fatty acid oxidation genes and may provide therapeutic strategies in obesity-induced hepatic steatosisopen0