330 research outputs found

    Le tutele lavoristiche nella regolazione degli appalti privati: profili ricostruttivi e applicativi

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    La disciplina dei rapporti di lavoro nell'appalto. Nozione di appalto lecito e distinzione dalla somministrazione. Tutela dei crediti dei lavoratori. La responsabilità solidale del committente ex art. 29 d.lgs. n. 276/2003. L'azione diretta degli ausiliari dell'appaltatore verso il committente ex art. 1676 c.c. L'evoluzione della giurisprudenza. Profili applicativi

    Problemi e prospettive del diritto del lavoro nell'industria 4.0

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    Le nuove modalità della produzione sintetizzabili nel termine “Industria 4.0” prefigurano profondi cambiamenti che investiranno il lavoro nel prossimo futuro. Le innovazioni di I-4.0 avranno un forte impatto occupazionale, comportando ampi processi di ristrutturazione e riconversione produttiva, con conseguente necessità di gestione delle dinamiche occupazionali su diversi piani (licenziamenti collettivi, politiche per la ricollocazione, politiche attive del lavoro). In uno scenario di più lungo periodo, una stabile riduzione della domanda di lavoro “umano” rilancerà in termini nuovi anche il dibattito sul reddito di cittadinanza. Sul piano dei rapporti di lavoro e della relativa disciplina è possibile intravedere l’insorgenza di numerose problematiche, tra cui il venir meno della tradizionale funzione del “tempo di lavoro” quale criterio di misurazione della prestazione e del corrispettivo, la rarefazione in alcuni contesti della eterodirezione verticale e l’accentuazione dei problemi di imputazione giuridica, l’incremento della responsabilità individuale rispetto al risultato utile della prestazione lavorativa, una maggiore variabilità e flessibilità delle mansioni, la necessità di continui adattamenti delle conoscenze del lavoratore, la possibilità di inusitati e pervasivi controlli sull’attività lavorativa

    Arnières-sur-Iton – Déviation sud-ouest d'Évreux, Le Village, Le Bois Nervet

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 288 Date de l'opération : 2006 (EV) Inventeur(s) : Aubry Bruno (INRAP) ; Mutarelli Vincenzo (INRAP) Un projet de déviation de la route nationale 13 (RN 13) par l’ouest d’Évreux et de création d’une bretelle reliant Arnières-sur-Iton à cette déviation ont nécessité la réalisation d’un diagnostic archéologique. Une reprise de diagnostic (Aubry Bruno, 2006) s’est révélée nécessaire au lieu-dit du Bois-Nervet : à cet endroit, en effet, un théâtre d’époq..

    A bayesian approach to estimation and testing in time-course microarray experiments

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    The objective of the present paper is to develop a truly functional Bayesian method specifically designed for time series microarray data. The method allows one to identify differentially expressed genes in a time-course microarray experiment, to rank them and to estimate their expression profiles. Each gene expression profile is modeled as an expansion over some orthonormal basis, where the coefficients and the number of basis functions are estimated from the data. The proposed procedure deals successfully with various technical difficulties that arise in typical microarray experiments such as a small number of observations, non-uniform sampling intervals and missing or replicated data. The procedure allows one to account for various types of errors and offers a good compromise between nonparametric techniques and techniques based on normality assumptions. In addition, all evaluations are performed using analytic expressions, so the entire procedure requires very small computational effort. The procedure is studied using both simulated and real data, and is compared with competitive recent approaches. Finally, the procedure is applied to a case study of a human breast cancer cell line stimulated with estrogen. We succeeded in finding new significant genes that were not marked in an earlier work on the same dataset

    Le théâtre romain de Lillebonne. Etude des sources et nouvelle campagne de fouilles

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    Le théâtre romain de Lillebonne a été identifié et publié en 1764 par le comte de Caylus. Redécouvert par François Rever en 1812, il est acquis par le Conseil général de la Seine-Maritime en 1818. Ses structures, constituées de substructions concentriques et radiales, sont dégagées entre 1822 et 1840, date à laquelle l’édifice est inscrit à l’inventaire des Monuments historiques. Après une période d’abandon, des fouilles complémentaires ont lieu de 1908 à 1915, puis de 1935 à 1939. Le théâtre présente la particularité d’associer une arène et un bâtiment de scène de grandes dimensions. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, les trois époques de construction identifiées dans ses structures n’avaient jamais pu être datées. La dernière campagne de fouilles de 2007-2009 dans la partie est permet de comprendre l’évolution de l’édifice dans ses deux derniers états et de dater leur construction, ainsi que l’abandon du monument de spectacle et sa transformation en forteresse

    Quedas em idosos: grupo de risco moderado

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    PURPOSE: To trace the socio-functional and clinical profiles of elders with moderate levels of movement functionality as determined by the Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA Ia), and to compare the groups having high and moderate levels of functionality regarding the frequency of falls and identifiable risk factors. METHODS: The research involved 49 elders (with an average age of 71.24, SD 5.47) who were seeking medical care in the geriatric unit of a tertiary care hospital. Study participants were evaluated regarding their balance and gait (POMA Ia assessment), muscle strength (chair-stand test), gait velocity (timed up and go test), incidence of falls, and other clinical risk factors. RESULTS: The moderate functionality group reported significantly more falls (14) compared with the high functionality group (3). Of the risk factors evaluated, the presence of depression or of a psychiatric record was significantly more frequent in the moderate-functionality group but was not correlated with an increase in falls., Muscle weakness was found significantly more frequently in the moderate-functionality group and was significantly correlated with an increased frequency of falls. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the POMA Ia assessment can identify individuals with an increased risk of falling, and the treatment of risk factors such as depression or a psychiatric record, and muscle weakness could help prevent the occurrence of falls in elders with moderate functionality as determined by the POMA Ia assessment.OBJETIVO: Traçar o perfil sócio-funcional e clínico de idosos com risco moderado de quedas e compará-lo com idosos de baixo risco, identificando os fatores avaliados que correlacionassem com o risco e o relato de queda. MÉTODOS: O estudo avaliou 49 idosos (com média de idade de 71,24 anos, DP 5,47) que procuraram atendimento num ambulatório de triagem geriátrica de um hospital de nível terciário. Foram avaliados: equilíbrio, marcha (avaliados pelo teste POMA Ia), força muscular (30's chair stand), velocidade da marcha (timed up and go), incidência de quedas e outros riscos clínicos. RESULTADOS: O grupo de risco moderado relatou mais quedas (14 idosos) do que o baixo risco (3), atingindo a significância estatística (chi2 = 0,0052). Dentre os fatores de risco avaliados a presença de depressão ou antecedentes psiquiátricos foi mais freqüente no risco moderado (chi2 = 0,0016), porém, não apresentou diferença quando a variável era o relato prévio de quedas. A presença de fraqueza muscular apresentou associação estatística tanto em relação ao risco (chiÇ2 =0,0284) quanto à queda (chi2 =0,0013). CONCLUSÃO: Estes dados sugerem que o POMA Ia é um instrumento para a identificação de pacientes com risco de quedas e que fatores como depressão ou antecedentes e fraqueza muscular estão associados a ocorrência de quedas em idosos de risco moderado

    Un bâtiment mauriste (xviie siècle) retrouvé à l’abbaye de Saint-Mathieu (Finistère)

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    L’abbaye bénédictine de Saint-Mathieu, fondée au xie siècle, a été restaurée par les Mauristes au xviie siècle. La majorité des bâtiments conventuels a été détruite. La mise en valeur du site étant prévue, une fouille a été engagée à l’emplacement d’un vaste édifice construit par les Mauristes et représenté sur une gravure du xviie siècle. Elle a permis de retrouver le plan complet des salles du rez-de-chaussée et des éléments architecturaux. Ces résultats ont rendu possible une restitution de la façade orientale du bâtiment.A Maurist building (17th century) uncovered at S. Mathieu abbey (Finistère) The benedictine abbey of Saint Mathieu was founded during the 11th century. It was restored and reconstructed by the Maurist order during the 17th century. Most of the monastic buildings are now destroyed. A restoration programme necessitated an archaeological excavation on the site of a building, illustrated in an engraving of the 18th century. The excavation uncovered the complete ground plan of the building (refectory and cellars) and architectural elements. The results have enabled a conjectural reconstruction of the eastern façade

    A community-based resource for automatic exome variant-calling and annotation in Mendelian disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Mendelian disorders are mostly caused by single mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene, leading to a phenotype with pathologic consequences. Whole Exome Sequencing of patients can be a cost-effective alternative to standard genetic screenings to find causative mutations of genetic diseases, especially when the number of cases is limited. Analyzing exome sequencing data requires specific expertise, high computational resources and a reference variant database to identify pathogenic variants. RESULTS: We developed a database of variations collected from patients with Mendelian disorders, which is automatically populated thanks to an associated exome-sequencing pipeline. The pipeline is able to automatically identify, annotate and store insertions, deletions and mutations in the database. The resource is freely available online http://exome.tigem.it. The exome sequencing pipeline automates the analysis workflow (quality control and read trimming, mapping on reference genome, post-alignment processing, variation calling and annotation) using state-of-the-art software tools. The exome-sequencing pipeline has been designed to run on a computing cluster in order to analyse several samples simultaneously. The detected variants are annotated by the pipeline not only with the standard variant annotations (e.g. allele frequency in the general population, the predicted effect on gene product activity, etc.) but, more importantly, with allele frequencies across samples progressively collected in the database itself, stratified by Mendelian disorder. CONCLUSIONS: We aim at providing a resource for the genetic disease community to automatically analyse whole exome-sequencing samples with a standard and uniform analysis pipeline, thus collecting variant allele frequencies by disorder. This resource may become a valuable tool to help dissecting the genotype underlying the disease phenotype through an improved selection of putative patient-specific causative or phenotype-associated variations