24 research outputs found

    Islam dan Demokrasi: Kajian Fikih Siyasah Tentang Tantangan Dan Hambatan Demokratisasi Di Dunia Islam

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    Di dunia Islam, demokrasi merupakan system politik yang masih diperdebatkan oleh ulama, akademisi serta inetelektual Muslim. Bagi yang menerima system demokrasi dalam system pemerintahan, mereka menganggap bahwa demokrasi kompatibel dengan Islam. Setidaknya ada dua alasan yang dijadikan dasar, yaitu pertama ajaran Islam tentang nilai-nilai yang menjadi acuan kehidupan: 1) al-Musawah, 2) al-Hurriyah, 3) al-Ukhuwwah, 4) al-‘Ada>lah, 5) al-Shura, 6) al-Mas’uliyyat. Kedua, ajaran Islam tentang hak-hak yang harus diusahakan pemenuhannya oleh diri sendiri, maupun masyarkat atau Negara, yang meiputi: 1) hifz} al-din (hak beragama), 2) hifz al-nafs (hak Hidup), hifz al-Maal (hak milik individu/ porpeti righ), 5) hifz al-‘irdh hak mempertahankan nama baik

    Rekonstruksi Paradigma Pemikiran NU: Telaah Metode Istinbat Hukum Islam NU

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    oai:ojs2.e-jurnal.stai-nuruliman.ac.id:article/3NU society organizations in Indonesia, the largest Islamic world even, NU is a centrist and moderate thinking organitations. Lajnah Bah}th al-Masa>’il (LBM) is a religious fatwa institution owned by NU. Operationally it conduct a study of Islamic law to find the legal provisions of the problems that occur in the community (masa'il waqi'iyyah). There has been a paradigm shift in the thinking of qawli madhhab switch to a manhaji madhhab

    Dinamika Positivisasi Fatwa (Legal Opinion) Ke Dalam Perundang-Undangan

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    Fatwa (legal opinion) merupakan produk pemikiran Hukum Islam disamping fkih, qad}a>’ dan qanu>n. Ia memiliki karakteristik tersendiri yang memungkinkan untuk berbeda dengan produk pemikiran hukum yang lain. Fatwa tidak mempunyai daya ikat, dalam arti si peminta fatwa (mustafti) tidak harus mengikuti isi atau hukum fatwa yang diberikan kepadanya, tetapi biasanya fatwa cenderung bersifat dinamis karena merupakan respon terhadap perkembanngan baru yang sedang dihadapi dan bersifat responsif, atau sekurang-kurangnya dapat dikatakan dinamis. Fatwa (Legal Opinion) sebenarnya tidak memiliki kekuatan hokum, sehinga ia tidak bisa memberkan sanksi terhadap pelangaran-pelangaran fatwa. Agar fatwa tersebut memiliki kekuatan hukum yang mengikat, maka diperlukan penyerapan fatwa tersebut ke dalam peraturan atau perundang-undangan. Proses penyerapan fatwa ini yang dimaksud dalam artikel ini sebagai positivisasi. Hasil dari positivisasi hukum tidak tertulis (fatwa dan fikih) menjadi hukum tertulis disebut dengan qanu>n. Proses pengubahan fatwa menjadi qanu>n atau undang-undang/peraturan disebut taqni>n. Proses taqni>n tersebut mencakup: (1) pembentukan peraturan  perundang-undangan yang memuat norma hukum yang mengikat secara umum; (2) penelitian atau pengkajian hukum yang dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah mengenai pengaturan masalah tersebut dalam suatu ranangan peraturan perundang-undangan; dan (3) pengundangan/ penempatan peraturan perundang-undangan dalam Lembaran Negara, Tambahan Lembaran Negara, Berita Negara, dan Tambahan Berita Negara

    Menjama\u27 Shalat tanpa Halangan: Analisis Kualitas dan Kuantitas Sanad Hadits

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    Menjama\u27 Shalat Tanpa Halangan:Analisis Kualitas dan Kuantitas Sanad Hadits. Shalat merupakan bentuk ibadah badaniyah yang pelaksanaannya memiliki waktu yang sudah ditentukan. Meskipun demikian, tidak semua umat Muslim bisa melaksanakan sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan. Jamak merupakan solusi akan hal demikian. Jamak merupakan bentuk rukhshah (keringan) yang pelaksanaannya harus berdasarkan udzur yang diperbolehkan oleh syara\u27. Hadits riwayat Abu Daud No. 1025 dan juga Hadits-Hadits pendukung lainnya, kalau dipahami secara tekstual akan didapatkan kesimpulan kebolehan jamak shalat tanpa ada udzur syar\u27i, yang demikian akan bertentangan dengan QS. Al-Nisâ\u27 [3]: 103 yang menyatakan bahwa shalat merupakan bentuk kewajiban yang ditetapkan bagi orang-orang yang beriman yang waktunya telah ditentukan. Sehingga solusi yang paling tepat adalah Hadits yang secara tekstual bertentangan dengan ayat Al-Qur\u27an tersebut bisa dikompromikan (al-jam‘u wa al-tawfîq) dengan cara mentakwil Hadits tersebut kepada makna yang lebih sesuai atau sejalan dengan makna ayat Al-Qur\u27an (haml al-dzâhir ‘ala al-muhtamal al-marjûh)

    Karakteristik Hukum Islam Dalam Bidang Ekonomi

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    Al-Qur'an and Hadith are sources of Islamic law that have regulated all dimensions of human life, both those related to worship and mu'amalah. Islamic law which is associated with the original worship is regulated globally (mujmâl) in the Qur'an, then explained in detail by the Sunnah of the Prophet and formulated by jurists into fiqh books. Explanation of the Islamic Law related with mu'amalah is limited to the main points. Explanation of the Prophet, not as detailed as in his explanation of worship. Thus, mu'amalah has an open nature, so it is possible to develop through ijtihad by experts. While the characteristics of Islamic law, especially in muamalah, are perfect, universal, elastic, dynamic, flexible and not rigid, ta'aqquli and ta'abbudi, prioritizing substance rather than form, and creating benefit and not making it difficult. Islamic law is present on this earth, aiming to create benefit for all humanities, both in the world and the hereafter


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    Abstrak:  Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kepustakaan (library reseach), dengan mengambil tema Kitab Kuning dan Tradisi Intelektual Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) dalam Penentuan Hukum: Menelisik Tradisi Riset Kitab Kuning. Ada dua pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam artikel ini, 1) Bagaimanakah kedudukan Kitab Kuning dalam tradisi intelektual Nahdlatul Ulama, 2) Bagaimanakah rumusan metode Nahdlatul Ulama dalam penentuan hukum. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) sebagai organisasi sosial keagamaan, memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan keempat mazhab fikih (mazhab Hanafi,Maliki, Syafi’i dan Hambali). Hal ini berimplikasi terhadap ketergantungannya pada kitab kuning sebagai basis intelektual yang turun temurun. Ketergantungan pada kitab kuning dalam aktifitas intelektualnya lebih disebabkan pada asumsi bahwa perpindahan ilmu agama Islam tidak boleh terputus dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya atau matarantai (sanad) ilmu agama Islam harus diketahui  dengan baik dan benar. Sedangkan tradisi risetnya, NU menggunakan tiga metode  Pertama, metode taqrîîr jamâ’i  (penetapan hukum secara kolektif). Kedua, metode ilhâq al-masâil bi nadhâ’irihâ. Prosedur ini digunakan untuk menggantikan istilah qiyas, yang menurut pandangan NU tidak layak dan tidak patut dilakukan, karena qiyâs merupakan suatu kompetensi yang hanya dimiliki oleh seorang mujtahid. Ketiga, metode istinbât yaitu secara bersama-sama mepraktikkan qawâid usyûliyyah dan qawâid fiqhiyyah sebagaimana yang telah dirumuskan oleh para mujtahid terdahulu. Kata kunci: NU, Kitab Kuning, Tradisi Intelektual, Metode Riset.    Abstract:    This article is the result of library research (library reseach), taking the theme of the Yellow Book and the Intellectual Tradition of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Determining Law: Researching the Yellow Book Research Tradition. There are two questions raised in this article, 1) What is the position of Kitab Kuning in the intellectual tradition of Nahdlatul Ulama, 2) What is the formulation of the Nahdlatul Ulama method in determining the law. The conclusion is that Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) as a socio-religious organization has a close relationship with the four schools of fiqh (Hanafi, Maliki, Syafi'i and Hambali schools). This has implications for its dependence on yellow books as a hereditary intellectual base. Dependence on the book of yellow in intellectual activity is more due to the assumption that the transfer of knowledge of Islam should not be interrupted from one generation to the next or the chain (sanad) of the knowledge of Islam must be known properly and correctly. As for the research tradition, NU uses three methods. First, the method of taqrîir jamâ'i (collective law setting). Second, the method of ilhâq al-masâil bi nadhâ'irihâ. This procedure was used to replace the term qiyas, which according to NU view was inappropriate and not feasible, because qiyas was a competency that only a mujtahid possessed. Third, the istinbât method, which jointly practices the usyûliyyah and qawâid fiqhiyyah qawâid as formulated by earlier mujtahids.Keywords: NU, Kitab Kuning, Intellectual Traditions, Research Methods


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    Perkawinan dibentuk untuk menciptakan keluarga yang bernuansa harmonis, bahagia dan sejahtera (sakînah mawaddah wa rahmah). Keluarga harmonis, bahagia dan sejahtera merupakan perkawinan yang mencerminkan terwujudnya al-ushûl al-khamsah atau maqâshid al-syarî‘ah. Sedangkan perkawinan beda agama (antar Muslim dengan non-Muslim yang mencakup Musyrik dan Ahl al-Kitâb), merupakan salah satu faktor munculnya berbagai konfik yang akan mengancam keharmonisan, kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan rumah tangga. Di samping itu, perkawinan beda agama juga disinyalir akan mengancam praktek keagamaan (murtad) bagi salah satu kedua mempelai. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Bahts al-Masâ’il memutuskan keharaman praktek perkawinan beda agama apapun bentuknya


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    Forms of domestic happiness have the value of materialism and idealism. Materialism can be interpreted as attached to products, wealth, and worldly objects. Meanwhile, the value of idealism emphasizes the importance of the superiority of the mind, soul or spirit rather than things that are material or material. The data of this study were collected through a literature study that outlined data based on the formulation of the problem How is happiness according to the concept of mathematicalism of Karl Marx and the sufistic al-Ghazali and its application of the Household? The result of the research is that Happiness according to Karl Marx is essentially created because of the material, namely in the form of property and economic establishment and social conditions, while according to al-Ghazali, namely by knowing oneself, then you will know Allah Almighty by having knowledge and charity, being sure, purifying the soul and, perfecting the soul. The implementation of Karl Max's concept of materialism towards household happiness, namely economic stability, is what can bring a happy household in other words, material is the source of happiness in the form of property. Meanwhile, according to al-Ghazali, happiness will be created in the household, when the household becomes a field of worship to be close to Allah

    Pendekatan Keadilan Restoratif dalam Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga

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    This article seeks to explain that the crime of domestic violence does not always have to prioritize criminal action, but rather prioritizes recovery for the interests of the victim through restorative justice, which is an alternative settlement of criminal cases outside the court. Settlement of acts of violence in the household sphere if the criminal law route is resolved is deemed inappropriate, considering that the perpetrator and the victim have a personal and legal relationship, so different ways of solving the conflict in the household are needed, one of which is with a restorative justice approach, on the basis of these legal issues this research was conducted. This research is a normative legal research. Furthermore, it is analyzed through the stages of interpretation, assessment, research, and evaluation. And finally concluded in a descriptive form. From the results of the research it is known that the settlement of acts of domestic violence can be carried out with a restorative justice approach by involving victims, perpetrators and other independent related parties to find the best solution to reach an agreement rather than just imposing a sentence. From the category of acts of domestic violence specified in the Law, it can be carried out with a restorative justice approach with a subjective and proportional assessment of each case and taking into account the agreement between the two parties

    Implementation of Sadd Dzari'ah in The Decision of Religious Courts Class I.B Blora Concerning Marriage Dispensation

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    This research aims to analyze the judge's considerations in granting dispensation for child marriage in the Religious Courts Class I.B Blora (the case number 153/Pdt.P/2019/PA.Bla). This research is qualitative using a normative approach. Data were obtained through a review of several case examination documents, books, articles, journals, and regulations related to the research topic. According to the prevailing regulation, the age limit for marriage for both men and women is 19 years. If the man and woman have not reached the specified age, the family is allowed to apply for a marriage dispensation to the Court. This study found that the judge's considerations in deciding the case were based on the concept of sadd al-zari'ah (closing the path of evil). This is because in the case submitted there is two conflicting badness. First, the badness of early marriage relates to the health condition of the prospective bride and groom, which includes the health of reproductive organs, pregnancy, the expected child, and the possibility of a break in the household. Second, the bad impact that arises if the dispensation application was rejected, the two prospective brides continue to be involved in adultery. Of the two bad impacts, adultery is far worse. Based on the sadd al-dzarî'ah, the judge, therefore, granted the dispensation request