33 research outputs found

    Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam Pesantren Dalam Tinjauan Filosofis Metodologis

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    Abstract The development of pesantren is very interesting to be discussed. This is because the boarding school is an Islamic educational institution of Indonesia that is believed to be able to mint the student who are characterized and become the guidance of society in religious life. Pesantren in its development follow the development of the times that always move to a better direction, so there are some values and systems that are renewed. This review will discuss the change of pesantren towards the modernization of Islamic education in philosophical methodological review. In this study there is a discussion of modernization in terms of historical aspects and their understanding from various opinions of experts. Modernization that occurs in Islamic educational institutions has an impact on Islamic educational institutions, thus giving birth to the pattern of modernization and modernization form. Motivation in pesantren learning also develops in order to upgrade students ability and adjustment of time

    Simultaneous Analysis of Hadith Quality About Salam Eliminating The Feeling of Oppression in The Book of Ḍaif Adab Al-Mufrad by Muhammad Nashiruddin Al-Albani

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    The second source of Islamic values after Qur'an was hadith. Hadith was a credible source to explain the Qur'an which was still global. But in choosing a credible hadith to be used as a source of reference, must go through many stages, one of which is the quality of hadith. The quality of the hadith was a major consideration in an Islamic source. A hadith narrator named who in certain works has the quality of authentic traditions, but in other works he was judged to be ḍaīf by other scholars' hadiths. The article will discuss about the hadith about the greetings of al-Bukhārī  in the book Adāb al-Mufrād which was judged to ḍaīf be by Naṣhīruddīn al-Albānī through criticizing his hadith in the Ḍaīf Adāb al-Mufrād book. This article tries to review the criticisms made by al-Albānī with the hadith research method simultaneously. Criticism of hadith that will be carried out has a specificity in assessing the quality of a hadith, because it was not only through criticism of matan and sanad, but also considers understanding in a hadith. So, this article will find the degree of a hadith which was discussed by considering the compatibility and meaning of a hadith.Sumber nilai ajaran Islam kedua setelah Al Qur’an adalah hadis. Hadis menjadi sumber kredibel sebagai penjelas Al Qur’an yang masih bersifat global. Tetapi dalam memilih suatu hadis yang kredibel untuk dijadikan sumber rujukan, harus melalui banyak tahap, salah satunya adalah hadis harus berkualitas. Kualitas hadis merupakan pertimbangan utama dalam sebuah sumber Islam. al-Bukhārī dikenal dengan periwayat hadis yang dalam karya terentu memiliki kualitas hadis yang ṣaḥīḥ, tetapi dalam karya lain dinilai ḍaīf oleh ulama’ hadis lain. Artikel ini akan membahas tentang hadis tentang Salam riwayat al-Bukhārī dalam kitab Adāb al-Mufrād yang dinilai ḍaīf oleh Naṣhīruddīn al-Albānī melalui kritik hadisnya dalam kitab Ḍaīf Adāb al-Mufrād. Artikel ini mencoba meninjau ulang kritik yang dilakukan oleh al-Albānī dengan metode penelitian hadis secara simultan. Kritik hadis yang akan dilakukan ini memiliki kekhasan dalam menilai kualitas suatu hadis, karena tidak hanya melalui kritik matan dan sanad saja, tetapi juga mempertimbangkan pemahaman dalam suatu hadis. Sehingga, dalam artikel ini akan ditemukan derajat suatu hadis yang dibahas dengan mempertimbangkan kecocokan dan makna suatu hadis

    Strategi rintisan sekolah bertaraf Internasional dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di SMA Negeri 3 Malang

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    ABSTRAK Era globalisasi telah merambat dalam semua aspek kehidupan, termasuk juga dalam dunia pendidikan. Hal inilah yang mendorong dunia pendidikan untuk melakukan berbagai upaya yang berorientasi pada kompetensi lulusan yang siap bersaing dalam era globalisasi. Adapun upaya-upaya tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan mutu sumber daya manusia (SDM) melalui peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Perbaikan mutu difokuskan pada perbaikan institusi sekolah sebagai basis pendidikan, baik manajemenya, sumber daya manusia serta sarana dan prasarananya. Berbagai kajian dan pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan memberi manfaat yang luas bagi kehidupan suatu bangsa. Pendidikan mampu melahirkan masyarakat terpelajar dan berakhlak mulia yang menjadi pilar utama dalam membangun masyarakat sejahtera. Pendidikan juga meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat sehingga mampu hidup harmoni dan toleran dalam kemajemukan, sekaligus mempekuat kohesi sosial dan memantapkan wawasan kebangsaan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang demokratis. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut SMA Negeri 3 Malang sebagai Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI) ingin menghasilkan lulusan unggul dan dapat bersaing di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Profil siswa yang diharapkan dari RSBI salah satunya adalah memiliki kecakapan hidup yang dikembangkan berdasarkan multiple intelegence mereka dan memiliki integritas moral tinggi. Dalam upaya untuk memenuhi standar mutu pengelolaan pendidikan, mulai tahun ajaran 2008/2009 SMA Negeri 3 Malang telah menerima sertifikat standar manajemen mutu ISO 9001:2000 dan saat ini tengah dalam proses up-grade menuju ISO 9001:2008, hal ini bertujuan sebagai langkah awal untuk meningkatkan mutu layanan pendidikan dan meraih pengakuan internasional. Penelitian ini berfokus pada (1) Untuk mengetahui standar mutu pembelajaran PAI pada rintisan sekolah bertaraf internasional di SMAN 3 Malang. (2) Untuk mengetahui strategi rintisan sekolah bertaraf internasional dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran PAI di SMAN 3 Malang (3) Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan peningkatan mutu pembelajaran PAI pada rintisan sekolah bertaraf internasional di SMA N 3 Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ke tiga hal tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Untuk menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan tekhnik analisis deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu mendeskripsikan dan menginterpretasikan data-data yang ada untuk menggambarkan realitas sesuai dengan fenomena yang sebenarnya. Hasil penelitian mengatakan bahwa, strategi yang dilakukan oleh SMAN 3 Malang tidak lepas dari manajemen sekolah yang ada. Semua komponen sekolah mulai dari kepala sekolah, waka kurikulum, sarana prasarana, guru, bahkan siswa harus mendukung adanya strategi yang telah direncanakan. Dalam proses pembelajaran yang bermutu, maka dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga unsur pendukung, yakni Input, Proses dan Output. Mengenai strategi yang berhubungan Input, maka SMAN 3 Malang menentukan standar dan Strategi pada Pendidik, Siswa, dan sarana-prasarana. Sedangkan yang berhubungan dengan Proses adalah bagaimana menyiapkan strategi proses pembelajaran yang bermutu melalui media, metode dan tentunya pendidik yang professional. Dan untuk Outputnya, adalah ditetapkan beberapa tujuan yang ingin dicapai sekolah setelah pelaksanaan pembelajaran PAI. Penulis berharap ada penelitian lanjutan sebagai respon positif dalam mengawal proses peningkatan mutu pembelajaran yang ada di SMAN 3 Malang. Sehingga nantinya terwujud generasi muslim yang memiliki kualitas yang bermutu, berkarakter dan kepribadian yang islami. ABSTRACT The globalization era has been creeping in all aspects, including in education. It supports educational institution to conduct various efforts which are oriented to the competence of graduates who are ready to compete in the globalization era. The efforts can be done through repairing of human resource quality (in Indonesia we call it SDM) by increasing education quality. The improvement of quality is focused on the changes in schools as a base of education institutions, school management, human resources and facilities or infrastructure. A variety of studies and experience show that education gives extensive benefits for the life of a nation. Education could produce morality and educated society which became the main pillar in establishing prosperous society. Education also increases the awareness of public, so that they can live in harmony and tolerant pluralism, while strengthening social cohesion and establishing the concept of nationalism to create a democratic society. Related to that statemen, The state senior high school 3 of Malang as a pioneering international school (RSBI) want to produce excel graduates and able to compete at national and international level. One of the profiles of student which is expected from RSBI is to have life skills that are developed based on multiple intelligence and have high moral integrity. In an effort to fulfill the quality standards of education management, beginning at the academic year 2008/2009. SMAN 3 Malang has received the certificate of quality management standard ISO 9001:2000 and is currently in the process of upgrading to ISO 9001:2008, it is intended as a first step to improve the quality of educational services and achieve international recognition. This study focuses on (1) to know the standards of the quality of Islamic education learning in pioneering international school at the state senior high school 3 of Malang (2) to know the strategy of pioneering international school in improving the quality of Islamic education learning at the state senior high school 3 of Malang (3) to know the implementation of improving the quality of Islamic education learning in pioneering international school at the state senior high school 3 of Malang. This study aims to describe those three things. Methods of data collection is done through observation, interview and documentation. To analyzed data the authors using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, that is to describe and interpret the data available to describe the reality in accordance with the real phenomenon. The results of research said that, strategy conducted by The state senior high school 3 of Malang not be separated from the existing school management. All of the components from the school principal, deputy head of curriculum, facilities, teachers and even students have to support a strategy that has been planned. Quality of learning process, it can be classified into three supporting elements, namely the Input, Process and Output. On the strategy related to Input, The state senior high school 3 of Malang set standards and strategies to educators, students, and infrastructure. While the process was related with learning how to prepare a strategy of quality through the media, and methods of professional teachers. And for the output, was set several purposes to be achieved after the implementation of the Islamic education teaching. The authors hope that there is continued research as a positive response in the process of internalization of religious values through Spirituality Sie Islam as its object. So that later generations of Muslims that have character and Islamic personality. TULISAN ARA


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    During face-to-face learning, students are still influenced by distance learning such as decreased enthusiasm for learning, focus on learning and interest in learning. With this problem, teachers can overcome these problems, one of which is by providing interesting learning media. Like the Quizwhizzer application, it is a game-based educational application. The purpose of this study was to determine the planning and implementation of the Quizwhizzer application on PAI subjects at SMP Ma'arif 02 Malang, and to find out the results of implementing the Quizwhizzer application on PAI subjects at Ma'arif 02 Islamic Junior High School Malang. To achieve this objective, the research was conducted using a qualitative research type with a case study type. The data collection procedure was carried out using the methods of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the implementation are proven to bring better results, it can be seen that students are more enthusiastic and enthusiastic when using the Quizwhizzer application in PAI subject


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world, including Indonesia, for the last 2 years or so. Covid-19 has had many impacts, especially on educational institutions. In educational institutions, the learning process carried out during this pandemic period experienced many problems. This makes the Ministry of Education and Culture make a firm policy relating to the implementation of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent wider transmission. This paper examines educational policies during the Covid-19 pandemic related to the implementation of E-Learning-based learning, where learning that was previously carried out face-to-face (offline) is replaced with online. The E-Learning-based learning process is a solution for implementing education during the pandemic which is still not optimal as a whole. Many still need to be considered in its implementation both in terms of teachers, students, and also learning tools. In terms of teachers still need to improve the quality of teachers in the creativity used during online learning and the use of information technology. During this covid 19 period, PAI teachers at SMK Negeri 4 Malang made new innovations and creativity in online learning by utilizing learning media (technology). Teachers are able to use online learning media, such as using WhatsApp media, Youtube media, Google Classroom media, Google Internet media, Google Meet media, Zoom media, and Power Point


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    Semester Credit System is an educational innovation that aims to provide full facilities and services to student’s learning abilities so that the potential possessed by students can be maximally developed. The existence of the Semester Credit System makes students motivated to complete their education in a time appropriate to their learning abilities. Students who can complete all their learning obligations quickly can complete education in 4 semesters (2 years). Unlike the acceleration class, Semester Credit System has heterogeneous services where in a class there are various study groups with different facilities and services. Researchers conduct research related to the implementation of the Semester Credit System, especially in learning Islamic Education. The focus of research is related to learning planning, learning implementation, and assessment systems based on Semester Credit Systems. Researchers use a qualitative approach to the type of case study research. The data collection techniques use interviews, observation, and documentation. In its implementation, the teacher has an innovation related to learning planning and applies it in the learning process and then conducts an assessment with certain codes to assess all student learning activities that include affective, cognitive, and psychomotor


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    Education is the process of each individual making choices regarding the direction of the road to achieve his life goals. Of course this is every god's creature in the world, especially humans and their civilizations have different life goals. It is in these different goals that there must be special expertise in the fields of science, pedagogy or education, and teaching to students who in our country are referred to as "Teachers". Every student of knowledge through the teacher, they really need the fulfillment of personal needs that can make it easier for them to face global challenges in a life that is always changing automatically from one period to the next. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the humanistic method to improve student learning outcomes in class VIII in PAI learning at Ahmad Yani junior high school Batu City, to determine the improvement in student learning outcomes in PAI learning through humanistic methods in class VIII at Ahmad Yani junior high school Batu City. This research was conducted at Ahmad Yani Junior High School, Batu City. The method used in this research is classroom action research. The type of CAR in this study is Experimental CAR, with Kurt Lewin's Model which has two cycles. Each cycle has four stages, including Planning, Implementation, Observation, and Reflection. The data of this study were obtained through observation, interviews, documentation, and evaluation. The results of the study showed the results of the evaluation of student learning in the pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II which displayed the value that became the completeness of student learning outcomes. The minimum completeness criteria (KKM) in grade 8C of SMP Ahmad Yani is 70. It is known that all of them achieved the KKM score. The percentage of learning outcomes in the pre-cycle is 70.5, the first cycle is 86.7 better than before. Meanwhile, in the second cycle, the score was 92.10417. In this study, the author states that it can be used as a recommendation and reference for further research and can be used for educators using the humanity method.Keyword : Humanistic, Learning Outcomes, Islamic Education and Moral


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    This article aims to review the use of social media in learning PAI in MTs Raudhatul Ulum Karangploso. Data from this research was get from observations, conversation and documentation. The research of this study show that only certain social media are used in PAI learning. The problem of social media utilization is the unfulfillment of facilities and infrastructure both in schools and in their homes. In addition, not all social media can be utilized by parents and teachers. Only certain social media used in learning is social media that is used daily. This shows that the utilization of social media in PAI learning has not been maximized so that educational institutions are expected to prepare for this pandemic by utilizing social media in learning by pay attention to the level of understanding. Keywor


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    Today's internet technology basically has a huge influence on the world of education. The application of the internet in school institutions provides many benefits for students in finding Islamic religious education learning resources, so that the information obtained by students is broader than that delivered by the teacher or in one of the learning resource places, namely the library. The problems to be discussed in this study are: (1) How to plan to utilization the internet as a learning resource for Islamic Religious Education and Characteristics, (2) How is the implementation in using the internet as a learning resource for Islamic Religious Education and Characteristics, (3) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors in utilization internet as a source of learning for Islamic Religious Education and Characteristics, (4) What is the strategy for the internet as a source of learning for Islamic Religious Education and Characteristics. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. To analyze the data used by researchers is to summarize, present and conclude so that the data obtained can be described in a form that is easily understood. While the data validity test is done by increasing perseverance, triangulation and peer discussion. From the results of this study, before making use of the internet as a learning resource for Islamic Religious Education and Characteristics at SMAN 01 Malang, the school made plans in advance. Learning using the internet is usually used in working on the Independent Learning Activity Unit (UKBM) by students, who usually go through www.google.com. Use of the internet as a source of learning cannot be separated from the existence of supporting factors and inhibiting factors. However, from the school, including teachers and students do strategies in preventing factors that can inhibit the ongoing teaching and learning using the internet in the classroom


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    This research was conducted to determine the implementation of the grilhood program at MTs Nahdlatul Ulama Ngantang Malang. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative reseach, where this research emphasizes more on analysis on inductive and deductive storage using scientific logic. The planning of women’s programs in improving womwn’s understanding of figh at MTs Nahdlatul Ulama Ngantang Malang begins with setting goals. Implementation of the women’s program implementation in improving women’s understanding of  figh at MTs Nahdlatul Ulama Ngantang Malang every Friday at 11.30-12.30 in each student’s classroom. The implementation of the women’s program is carried out in three stages, (1) opening (2) material delivary (3) cover. The evaluation of the women’s program in improving women’s understanding of figh at MTs Nahdlatul Ulama Ngantang Malang was carried out by observing changes in student’s attitudes before and after participating in the women’s program. In addition, evalution is done by giving essay questions before the activity ends. Kata Kunci:Implementation, women’s programs, women’s fiq