10 research outputs found

    A new record of Vaccinium carneolum (Ericaceae) in Indonesian New Guinea

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    Vaccinium carneolum (Ericaceae), previously known only from Papua New Guinea, has been recently collected from Arfak Mountains, Papua Barat Province. It represents the first record of this species in Indonesian New Guinea. A description and illustration, as well as a brief discussion, are provided.Key words: Ericaceae, New Guinea, Plant taxonomy.


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    A study has been conducted on the diversity of woody plants which are wild and native in Universitas Indonesia,an urban ecosystem in the area of Jakarta Capital Region. This work is part of the flora inventory in UniversitasIndonesia. A number of 118 species (34 families) were recorded, with three largest families are Fabaceae (14species), Moraceae (12 species) and Phyllanthaceae (10 species). Among those numbers, 26 species are climbers,which is considerably remarkable for urban ecosystem. Twenty four were considered as lowland species. Fivewere exclusively distributed in Western Java. Twenty six species have been included in Flora van Batavia whichshowed that Universitas Indonesia will be an important component for the conservation of plants diversity inJakarta and surroundings. An estimation on abundance also given for all species recorded, which resulting thatabout 41.52% species were locally rare. Discussion in future conservation in local scales also briefly discussed.Two species, namely Helicteres viscida and Phoebe declinata, are proposed for main conservation priorities ofwild and native woody plants species in Universitas Indonesia. Keywords: checklist, Jakarta, native species, urban biodiversity, woody plant

    An addition to the alien flora of Java: the first record of adventive Costus dubius (Costaceae)

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    More than 6000 plant species, native and introduced, have been recorded in Java that includes the Costaceae family. In the last few years, several additions of alien Costus species have been published from Java. In 2019, a set of specimens of wild Costus sp. was collected from Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, West Java Indonesia. This species is not similar to any previously recorded wild Costus in Java. Therefore, this research aims to identify the collected specimen and provide a taxonomic account for the species. The morphological description was made from the living plant and the collected herbarium. The description was used to identify the species, supported by field notes and photographs. The result showed that the recently collected specimen belongs to Costus dubius. Before this finding, the plant was only known in cultivation in the Bogor Botanical Garden. Therefore, this finding represents the first record of the adventive population of C. dubius in Java and increases the number of wild Costus in Java into seven species. Further researches on Costus in Java are suggested such as the ecological impact due to the presence of several non-native species

    Thottea tapanuliensis (Aristolochiaceae): A new species from Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Thottea tapanuliensis (Aristolochiaceae) is described here based on a plant collected from the west coast of northern Sumatra. This species is only known from type collection and is assigned here as Critically Endangered. Morphological descriptions, photographs, a distribution map, and discussions are provided. A key to all Thottea species in Sumatra is also provided

    Ericaceae of Sulawesi: A new species of Diplycosia, a new variety of Vaccinium paludicolum and one rediscovery

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    Diplycosia jiewhoei Mustaqim and Vaccinium paludicolum var. hirsutula Mustaqim are described. Diplycosia retusa has been rediscovered after a lapse of 116 years and is here illustrated by a photograph, while a description of the fruits is presented

    A new species of Syzygium (Myrtaceae) from the Bird’s Head Peninsula, western New Guinea

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    Syzygium oransbariense Mustaqim, Y.W.Low & Heatubun (Myrtaceae) is here formally described. This species is found in the lowlands on the eastern flank of the Arfak Mountains, Bird’s Head Peninsula, western New Guinea. The species is similar to Syzygium longipes (Diels) Merr. & L.M.Perry, but differs based on a set of diagnostic morphological characters. Species description, distribution, a preliminary conservation status assessment, and notes on the new species are presented here

    A new species of Trichoglottis (Orchidaceae) from eastern Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Trichoglottis najibii Yudistira & Mustaqim is described here as a species new to science based on a specimencollected from eastern Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. The most unique characteristics of this species are thethe labellum’s lateral lobes adnate to the column and the 8–9 mm long cylindric and slightly curving spur. Adetailed description, distribution, habitat and ecology, notes, illustrations, and photographs are provided forthe new species

    Hoya anulata (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) : a new record in Maluku, Indonesia

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    Hoya anulata Schltr. (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) has been recorded for the first time in the Maluku Islands based on a specimen collected in Buru Island. Description, along with distribution, ecology, photograph and a brief discussion is presented


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    Seunuddon, salah satu distrik di Kabupaten Aceh Utara, menjadi salah satu kecamatan yang menjadi titik singgah burung migran. Sebanyak 32 spesies burung migran yang berasal dari beberapa negara teridentifikasi berada di kecamatan tersebut. Akan tetapi, karena kurangnya pemahaman dan edukasi terhadap burung migran, masyarakat lokal mengganggap keberadaan burung migran bukan sesuatu yang istimewa. Hilangnya nilai budaya konservasi dalam masyarakat Aceh mengakibatkan sulitnya upaya untuk melindungi kehadiran burung migran. Rendahnya pemahaman inilah yang menjadi latar belakang perlunya pemahaman nilai konservasi pada SDN 16 Seunuddon, Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Metode kegiatan ini adalah learning by game berupa kegiatan pemaparan materi tentang konservasi dengan menggunakan bahasa Aceh, tanya jawab, kuis interaktif dan lomba mewarnai pada siswa kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar SDN 16 Seunuddon. Dari hasil kegiatan didapatkan peningkatan pemahaman siswa mengenai burung migran dan konservasi wilayah pesisir. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara anak-anak lebih paham dengan menggunakan bahasa Aceh karena merupakan bahasa sehari-hari. Terdapat kenaikan yang cukup signifikan dari hasil kuis yang telah dilakukan yaitu nilai rata-rata pre-test yaitu 49,2 dan mengalami kenaikan pada nilai post-test sebesar 84,6. Untuk pemahaman siswa melalui tebak gambar, siswa mampu menjawab nama burung migran dari gambar yang disajikan. Sementara itu, untuk lomba mewarnai, 25 siswa mampu mewarnai gambar dengan objek burung migran dengan kategori baik dan 10 dengan kategori sangat baik

    Butterfly Diversity from Isolated Lowland Area: An Assessment in Langsa Urban Forest, Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia

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    Langsa Urban Forest (LUF) is a 10-ha of the isolated urban forest in Langsa, Aceh, which is maintained to preserve urban biodiversity such as the butterfly. No recent study has been done in this area on butterfly biodiversity including the diversity and plant's potential for host and food plant sources. A one-month survey in July 2021 using the standard walk method on four transects was conducted. There are 36 species recorded during this study including 5 families, with Nymphalidae as the most abundant family and Leptosia nina as the most abundant species. Shannon-Wiener diversity index was used for this recent research with the value of H’ 1.78–2.78 and the Evenness index with scale 0.66–0.94. Most of the species have broad geographical ranges, with 3 of them restricted to the Indomalayan realm. There are 117 plants were recorded which 33 species supposed as host and food plants divided into 26 as host plants, 11 as food plants, and 4 for both. No specific plants threatened the collected butterflies, but it's important since providing diversity data