82 research outputs found

    An hp-version discontinuous Galerkin method for integro-differential equations of parabolic type

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    We study the numerical solution of a class of parabolic integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernels. We use an hphp-version discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method for the discretization in time. We derive optimal hphp-version error estimates and show that exponential rates of convergence can be achieved for solutions with singular (temporal) behavior near t=0t=0 caused by the weakly singular kernel. Moreover, we prove that by using nonuniformly refined time steps, optimal algebraic convergence rates can be achieved for the hh-version DG method. We then combine the DG time-stepping method with a standard finite element discretization in space, and present an optimal error analysis of the resulting fully discrete scheme. Our theoretical results are numerically validated in a series of test problems

    Failure Investigation of a Fill Slope in Putrajaya, Malaysia

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    On 6th of January 2001, a fill slope collapsed in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The failed slope was 25m in height. The failure caused the slope to pushed two reinforced earth walls and the recently completed jetty and boat docking facilities to collapse. The depth of the failure scar was about 2m with a failure length of about 50m. A failure investigation was then carried out to determine the causes of failure. A total of thirteen new boreholes, fifteen Mackintosh probes and three hand augers were carried out to determine the soil profile. A desk study of existing information and records, site reconnaissance and mapping of the failure area was also carried out to determine the causes and the extent of the failure. Some of the findings of the failure investigation are there were no pile slab found at reinforced earth wall W2 as stated in the drawings and the groundwater table has risen as a result of the filling of the lake, which was carried out after the construction of the fill slope. The groundwater table at failure was found to be much higher than those measured during the site investigation works. Seepages of water were also seen from the failed area

    Generalized Laguerre expansions of multivariate probability densities with moments

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    AbstractWe generalize the well-known Laguerre series approach to approximate multivariate probability density functions (PDFs) using multidimensional Laguerre polynomials. The generalized Laguerre series, which is defined around a Gamma PDF, is suited for simulating high complex natural phenomena that deviate from Gaussianity. Combining the multivariate Laguerre approximation and Bayes theorem, an approximation to the conditional PDFs is derived. Numerical results first showed the superiority of the Gamma expansion over other numerical methods. The ability of the Gamma expansion to fit mixtures of Gaussian ans super Gaussian PDFs, univariate and multivariate Lognormal PDFs, and complex geologic media is shown through different examples


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    Nafkah adalah kewajiban yang menjadi kebiasaan oleh suami untuk istri yang menjadi tanggungannya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, baik berupa pangan (makanan), sandang (pakaian) ataupun papan (tempat tinggal) dan lainnya dengan sesuatu yang baik dan halal. Pengaturan nafkah ini adalah untuk merealisasikan kemaslahatan dalam membina tujuan asal sebuah pernikahan yaitu sakinah, mawaddah, dan rahmah. Bagi memastikan agar syarat-syarat dan ajaran Al-Quran ini terlaksana maka di Negara Malaysia khususnya Kelantan ada Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam Kelantan Tahun 2002 Pasal 60 ayat 1 yaitu dalam Hukum Syarak , mahkamah berhak memerintahkan suami membayar nafkah istri atau bekas istri jika dituntut oleh mereka. Selain itu dalam Pasal 60 ayat 2 apabila istri itu nusyuz atau enggan sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Hukum Syarak maupun mahkamah , maka istri tersebut tidak berhak mendapat nafkah dari suaminya. Dan Pasal 60 ayat 3 menjelaskan jika istri kembali taat kepada suami dan menurut segala kemahuan suami serta menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai istri, maka istri itu tidaklah menjadi nusyuz dan berhak mendapat nafkah dari suaminya. Walaupun sudah ada undang-undang yang mengatur tentang nafkah istri, tetapi masih ramai lagi suami yang mengabaikan nafkah istri berdasarkan kasus yang terdapat di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan. Dengan ini, menarik perhatian penulis untuk tentang pelanggaran hukum ini. Adapun permasalahan dalam skripsi ini yaitu sebab-sebab istri mengajukan nafkah istri ke Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan Malaysia, bagaimana keputusan hakim tentang nafkah istri tersebut di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan Malaysia, tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap keputusan yang diputuskan oleh hakim tentang penyelesaian nafkah istri di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan Malaysia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja sebab-sebab istri mengajukan nafkah istri ke Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan Malaysia, untuk mengetahui bagaimana keputusan hakim tentang nafkah istri di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan Malaysia, dan untuk mengetahui tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap keputusan yang diputuskan oleh hakim tentang penyelesaian nafkah istri di Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan Malaysia. Metode penelitian dalam pengambilan data, peneliti menggunakan beberapa teknik yaitu, observasi, wawancara dan analisa dokumen untuk mendapatkan bahan analisis. Data-data yang terkumpul tersebut bersumber kepada data primer yaitu data-data yang peneliti perolehi dari lapangan dan data skunder yaitu data-data yang diperolehi dari buku-buku bacaan yang mempunyai hubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Setelah data terkumpul, kemudian analisis dengan menggunakan metode kaulitatif. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research), dan untuk sampel, penulis mengambil teknik total sampling , terdapat beberapa metode penulisan yang penulis ambil adalah dengan metode deduktif yaitu kaedah-kaedah yang bersifat umum, metode induktif yaitu gambaran data-data yang khusus dan metode deskriptif analitis yaitu mengemukan data-data yang diperlukan apa adanya. Hasil dari penelitian ini, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dari beberapa kasus yang dipaparkan dalam skripsi ini, maka secara umum dapat difahami sebab istri mengajukan nafkah itri ke Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan adalah dikarenakan suami tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya memberi nafkah secara baik dan benar. Istri merasa haknya terabaikan oleh suami. Terdapat juga beberapa keputusan dari hakim tentang empat kasus yang diajukan ke Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Tanah Merah Kelantan. Kasus pertama antara Nik Azizah binti Che Seman dengan Md Iskandar bin Musa diputuskan bahwa suami diperintah membayar nafkah istri sejumlah RM 500.00 atau RP 1.500.000 sebgaimana yang dituntut oleh istri. Kemudian untuk kasus kedua antara Marjan binti Mokhtar dengan Baharuddin bin Hassan, hakim memerintahkan suami membayar sejumlah RM350.00 atau RP 1.050.000 yaitu separuh daripada tuntutan istri. Seterusnya kasus ketiga antara Wan Roshaiza binti Wan Ibrahim dengan Hamizi bin Shafie, hakim memutuskan tuntutan istri ditolak karena nusyuz dan suami tidak diperintahkan untuk membayar nafkah istri. Dan untuk kasus keempat antara Nor Izzati binti Abd Manaf dengan Mohammad Irman bin Che Hashim , diperintahkan untuk berdamai karena adanya permintaan dari pihak yang berperkara. Kasus ini ditarik kembali dan tidak dilanjutkan. Dalam pandangan Islam, adanya suatu lembaga peradilan yang menyelesaikan kasus ini cukup baik. Mengenai keputusan-keputusan yang diambil oleh hakim yang ada dilembaga tersebut sudah benar karena sudah melalui proses hukum acara yang berlaku dilembaga tersebut. Keputusan yang diambil masing-masing kasus berbeda sesuai dengan persoalan yang dihadapi oleh para pihak yang berperkara. Kemudian mengenai sanksi yang ditetapkan kepada suami apabila tidak membayar sesuai yang diputuskan hakim merupakan suatu ketentuan yang dibenarkan dalam pandangan Islam, karena ini termasuk salah satu bentuk sanksi takzir yaitu sanksi yang diserahkan kepada penguasa atau hakim untuk menentukan bentuk-bentuk sanksinya. Sedangkan dalam nash sendiri tidak disebutkan bentuk-bentuk sanksinya oleh Allah


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    The present study was conducted to evaluate the anti-angiogenesis activity of diet containing 5% of garlic powder (G) on mammary gland carcinoma induced by N-methyl-N-nitorsourea (MNU) in female Sprague Dawley rats. A total of 24 female Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned in to three groups namely, control, MNU and MNU+G (n=8). MNU group rats received four consecutive subcutaneous (sc) injections of MNU at a dose of 60 mg/kg per injection and basal diet, MNU+G group rats received four consecutive sc injections of MNU at a dose of 60 mg/kg per injection and diet containing 5% of garlic powder, while control rats were injected with normal saline and fed with normal diet. All rats were euthanised at 24 weeks of experimental period. Microvessel density (MVD) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expressions were investigated through histopathology and immunohistochemistry methods. Results showed MNU induced ductal mammary gland carcinoma in rats of MNU and MNU+G groups. MVD scoring values showed significant (p<0.05) higher score of MNU group compared to MNU+G and control groups. Overexpression of VEGF was observed significantly (p<0.05) in MNU group compared to MNU+G and control groups. Administration of diet containing 5% of garlic powder to female Sprague Dawley rats minimised the development of ductal mammary gland carcinoma by inhibiting the angiogenesis activity.Â

    Characterisation of calcium carbonate and its polymorphs from cockle shells (Anadara granosa)

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    Calcium carbonate and its polymorphs from cockle shells (Anadara granosa) and commercial calcium carbonate were characterised using a variable pressure scanning electron microscopes (VPSEM), a transmission electron microscope (TEM), an energy dispersive X- ray analyser (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Cubic-like calcite crystals of commercial calcium carbonate and rod-like aragonite crystals of cockle shell powders were observed by both SEM and TEM. The EDX results showed that the cockle shells contained more calcium and carbon than the commercial calcium carbonate, whereas the commercial calcium carbonate contained more oxygen than the cockle shells. FT-IR analyses revealed the presence of carbonate groups in both the cockle shells and the commercial calcium carbonate. FT-IR analyses also showed the presence of aragonite in the cockle shells and calcite in the commercial calcium carbonate. XRD analyses showed that the cockle shells powder contained aragonite, whereas the commercial calcium carbonate contained calcite. The cockle shells powder was formed with good quality calcium carbonate and contained calcium carbonate in the aragonite phase

    A novel method for the synthesis of calcium carbonate (aragonite) nanoparticles from cockle shells

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    We report a simple, novel and low-cost method for the synthesis of aragonite nanoparticles from cockle shells. Aragonite is one of the least abundant biogenic polymorphs of calcium carbonate and is widely used as a biomaterial for the repair of fractured bone, development of advanced drug delivery systems, and tissue scaffolds. The method involves a simple mechanical grinding of the micron-sized cockle shell powders in the presence of a non-toxic and non-hazardous biomineralization catalyst, dodecyl dimethyl betaine (BS-12). The method produces rod-shaped aragonite particles with a diameter of 20 ± 5 nm with good reproducibility and without any additional impurities. This was confirmed by a combined analysis of variable pressure scanning electron microscopy (VPSEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray analyser (EDX). The method should find potential applications in industry for the large scale synthesis of aragonite nanoparticles from a low cost but abundant natural resource such as cockle shells

    A review on gamma greenhouse as a chronic gamma irradiation facility for plant breeding and improvement program

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    The research on radiation induced mutation has been conducted as one of the promising method of plant breeding in Malaysia since 1980s. Nuclear Malaysia is leading research institute in Malaysia conducting plant mutation breeding research. Gamma Greenhouse facility located in Nuclear Malaysia is one of the irradiation facilities to serve as a chronic irradiation facility for inducing mutation in various organisms including plants, fungi and microbes. Chronic irradiation refers to the exposure of materials at a lower dose rate over a long period of time. Previous studies have shown that this type of irradiation can minimize radiation damages to living materials and produces a wider mutation spectrum, therefore is very useful for trait improvements in irradiated organisms. Experiments on induce mutation using Gamma Greenhouse facility for crop improvement program have been conducted since its first operation in 2009. Various plant species including ornamental and herbal plants, food crops and industrial crops have been irradiated to improve their traits such as higher yield and biomass, pest and disease tolerance, higher bioactive compounds, longer bloom time and many others. Most of these crop improvement programs were done through collaborations with other agencies in Malaysia such as universities, research institutes and government departments. A number of publications on crop improvement using Gamma Greenhouse have been published in local and international journals as well as seminar presentations at national and international levels. The outputs from induced mutation via chronic radiation using Gamma Greenhouse could be of great interest for plant breeders dealing with improvement and development of new cultivars. This paper discusses the activities and achievement in plant breeding and improvement using Gamma Greenhouse Facility in Malaysia