46 research outputs found


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    Cirebon Regency has a good potential of both in trading and service. So, the roads should contribute to support the driving to comfort for road users. Palimanan – Kramat road is one of the access roads to RegencyCirebon. Along the way Palimanan - Kramat majority to be a place of business. Along Palimanan– Kramat road is a lot of structural damage such as potholes, cracked lengthwise and there is also almost the entire surface of the asphalt peeling. All this happened was possible because the line was often traversed by vehicles such as dump trucks which overload. The purpose of this study is to solve the damage to the road by means of the overlay. The method which is used in this study is a survey method in the location of the Overlay Palimanan – Kramat Road. Analysis of the data which is used are the Summary of Traffic Volume, Volume Peak Hour Traffic, Highway Capacity Analysis, Traffic Growth, Calculation of Pavement Thickness. The results of the study explained that the capacity of the vehicle on roads this time is at 1450 pcu/h, the degree of saturation of 0.3 into the current level of service B that is stable, high capacity most vehicles via this road for 378 pcu/hour. From these results, the road quite smoothly enough so that it can be concluded that the vehicles passing dominated by heavy vehicles with a load of overload which caused damage to the road and the re-layer thickness of 11 cm. Therefore, to note the level of vehicle load so as not to overload the structure of the pavement. Keywords: Road Pavement, Capacity of Road, Road Pavement Structure, Capacity of VehiclesÂ


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    Menurut studi Occupational Health and Safety Authority (HSE), terdapat 595.000 kasus stres dan depresi terkait pekerjaan pada tahun 2017/2018 dengan prevalensi 1.800 kasus per 100.000 karyawan. Menurut survei, 64% pekerja Indonesia mengatakan tingkat stres mereka meningkat dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross-sectional yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stres terkait pekerjaan pada pegawai Sekretariat BPPK Kementerian Keuangan selama pandemi COVID-19. Dalam penelitian ini jumlah sampel adalah 117 responden. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa 59% karyawan mengalami stres kerja berat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara beban kerja karyawan dengan stres kerja (p=0,000) dan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan sosial dengan stres kerja (p=0,034). Karyawan didorong untuk bersikap positif secara emosional terhadap beban kerja yang diberikan dan pimpinan diharapkan dapat memantau karyawan dengan melakukan evaluasi atau survei atau menyelenggarakan kegiatan penggalangan dana secara online untuk meningkatkan kerjasama

    Analisis Campur Kode Dalam Novel Ibuk Karya Iwan Setyawan

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    : This study aims to determine the form, function and factors that cause interference in the novel Ibuk code works Iwan Setyawan. The method used is descriptive method. The results of the analysis of data obtained codes are a form of intervention in the form of a form of words, phrases, clauses, words repeated, idioms and baster. Interference function in the novel Ibuk code is as looping, implied sentence, as opposed to speech function specification, and classify the contents of the message element. Factors causing interference in the work of Iwan Setyawan Ibuk novel because: talk about a particular topic, reinforce something, fillers and connective sentence, looping to clarify, intends to clarify the content of the conversation to the other person, the identity of a group, refine or clarify the request or command, needs lexical and keefesiensian a conversation. Form of interference is dominated by a form of code words, the function is a function that dominates opponents said specifications and the dominating factor is the factor of lexical needs. words, the function is a function that dominates opponents said specifications and the dominating factor is the factor of lexical needs

    Penggunaan Qr Code Dalam Pembelajaran Pokok Bahasan Sistem Periodik Unsur Pada Kelas X SMA Labschool Untad

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    Utilization of information technology in particular a QR code in education is still lacking. Therefore the reseacher is examining the QR code in the chemistry learning. Teaching and learning activities in the classroom are still dominated by teachers, meanwhile students seem expect more aids from their peers in performing the task. which due to a number of student are still lack of confidence in completing their tasks. In this study, the researchers use the QR code in the learning of periodic table topics regarding properties of elements. The problem statement was wether the learning outcomes of student who involved in the learning using QR code are better than student who take lessons without involving the use of QR code. The number of student in class X science Labschool Untad for 2013/2014 academic year are 22 student in experimental classroom and 22 student in control classroom which are determined by purposive sampling. Based on the results, it is concluded that the learning outcomes of students who took lessons with the use of QR code is higher than the learning outcome of students who took the lessons without involving the use of QR code for student in class X SMA Labschool Tadulako University

    Ragam Pembuatan Olahan Bubuk Instan Temulawak Untuk Produk Herbal Desa Rossoan

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    Temulawak (curcuma  xanthorriza) atau biasa di sebut dengan koneng gede merupakan obat yang tergolong dalam suku temu-temuan yang memiliki bentuk seperti jahe namun temulawak ini berbentuk agak besar dibandingkan dengan jahe warna yang kekuning-kuningan. Sejak dulu sudah dikenal sebagai ramuan obat tradisonal oleh warga Desa Rossoan  karena memiliki aroma yang khas dan warna yang kuning cerah  membuat temulawak digemari banyak orang. Tanaman ini berasal dari indonesia kuhsusnya di pulau jawa dan kalimantan. Penyebarannya cukup luas hingga keluar Indonesia seperti Thailand dan Filipina dan dapat juga ditemui di Cina, India, dan Bardos. Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh dengan baik di daratan rendah sampai ketinggian 1.500 m diatas permukaan laut berhabitat berhutan tropis. Tanaman ini juga  dapat tumbuh di tanah yang kering seperti d ipekarangan rumah. Tanaman ini termasuk dalam family  zingiberanceae masih saudara dengan sejenis jahe,kencur,dll selama ini bagaian tanaman pada temulawak  yang  jamak digunakan adalah rimpang karna didalam rimpang pada temulawak banyak mengandung senyawa kimia yang aktif untuk menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Dari alasan inilah yang membuat kami bergerak untuk mengelolah temulawak menjadi bubuk instan. Temulawak ini kami kelola langsung di Desa Rossoan Kab. Enrekang dengan cara yang masih sederhana yaitu dengan cara dikeringkan selama 7 hari di bawah terik sinar matahari jika cuacanya panas. Setelah kering ditumbuk menggunakan alu dan lesung hingga menghasilakan bubuk yang halus. Dengan cara  ini  dapat mempermudah konsumen yang sering mengonsumsi temulawak  yang sudah jadi bubuk  dan bisa mempermudah kita untuk mengomsumsi dengan cara yang  praktis. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran cara membuat temulawak dengan cara sederhana di Desa Rossoa

    Pengaruh Teknik Pembelajaran Akrostik Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Dalam Mata Pelajaran IPS

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    Problems in this study is the low achievement of students in the subjects of social studies students of class V SD Negeri 1 Palapa Bandar Lampung. The purpose of research to solve the influence of akrostik learning techniques on student achievement. The method used is quantitative research method with pretest-posttest control group design design. The data is collected by using simple total sampling technique that is all students of grade V SD Negeri 1 Palapa. Data were analyzed with parametric statistics using T or T test. The results of the study there are significant differences in the experimental group before and after the application of acrostic learning techniques on student achievement on the subjects of social studies.Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran IPS siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Palapa Bandar Lampung. Tujuan penelitian untuk menyelesaikan pengaruh teknik pembelajaran akrostik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain pretestposttest control group design. Data dijaring dengan menggunakan teknik simple total sampling yaitu seluruh siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Palapa. Data dianalisis dengan statistik parametrik menggunakan uji T atau T test. Hasil penelitian terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada kelompok eksperimen sebelum dan setelah penerapan teknik pembelajaran akrostik terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS. Kata kunci: IPS, prestasi belajar, pembelajaran akrostik

    Investigation of the electrical properties of Graphene-reinforced geopolymer composites

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    Geopolymer composites provide an environmentally friendly alternative to cement-based composites in the construction industry. Due to their distinctive material composition, geopolymers also exhibit electrically conductive properties, which permit their application as a functional material. The current work aims to study the distinctive electrical properties of fly-ash-based geopolymer composites. Varying dosages of graphene oxide (i.e., 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4% (by wt. of binder)) were introduced into the geopolymer matrix to enhance electrical conductivity. While GO (graphene oxide) is typically less conductive, the interaction of GO sheets with the alkaline solution during geopolymerisation reduced the functional groups and produced cross-linked rGO (reduced graphene oxide) sheets with increased mechanical and electrical conductivity properties. Solid-state impedance spectroscopy was used to characterize the electrical properties of geopolymer composites in terms of several parameters, such as impedance, electrical conductivity and dielectric properties, within the frequency ranging from 101 to 105 Hz. The relationship between the electrical properties and graphene oxide reinforcement can effectively establish geopolymer composite development as smart materials with desirable functionality. The results suggest an effective enhancement in electrical conductivity of up to 7.72 × 10−13 Ω⋅mm−1 and the dielectric response performance of graphene-reinforced fly-ash-based geopolymer composites

    Pra Rancangan Pabrik Pulp Dari Batang Pisang Raja Kapasitas 15.000 Ton/Tahun

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