103 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Forum Komunikasi Komite Sekolah dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan SMA di Kabupaten Gowa

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    The role and functions of school committees communication forum in improving the quality of high school education. This study aimed to overview the implementation of the school committee and a forum for communication in high school Gowa, the picture quality of high school education in Gowa, picture of the relationship between the roles and functions of school committees communication forum with the quality of high school education in Gowa. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the use of a communication forum of the school committee in improving the quality of high school education in Gowa has been going well. With the meeting of the forum held both routine and incidental communication among school committee forum administrators, board of school committee leadership communication forum, board communication forum with the school committee and the school leadership coordination meeting of the school committee leadership communication forum with the school, so that the role and forum functions as a conduit of communication school committee consideration, support, control, and mediators have a positive impact in enhancing the quality of education through the input, process and output of education

    Specialised English: New Directions in ESP and EAP Research and Practice by Ken Hyland & Lillian L.C. Wong (2019): Routledge

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    The Book “Specialised English: New Directions in ESP and EAP Research and Practice by Ken Hyland & Lillian L.C. Wong (2019): Routledge” is a must-read book for ESP and EAP researchers and practitioners. It consists of three main sections: 1) conceptualizing issues in specialized language use (five chapters), 2) focusing on texts (six chapters), and 3) focusing on practice (six chapters). This book addresses some challenges in teaching and researching ESP courses across disciplines (Enesi et al., 2021). For example, contextualizing ESP teaching as “workplace English” is currently demanding, thus allowing ESP curriculum developers to formulate and infuse English materials in the workplace (V. K. Bhatia & Bremner, 2012)


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    Tenaga kerja adalah setiap orang yang mampu melakukan pekerjaan guna menghasilkan barang dan atau produk serta jasa baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan diri sendiri maupun masyarakat. Secara garis besar, penduduk suatu negara dibedakan menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu tenaga kerja dan bukan tenaga kerja. Penduduk tergolong tenaga kerja jika penduduk tersebut telah memasuki usia kerja. Batas usia kerja yang berlaku di Indonesia adalah berumur 15 tahun hingga 64 tahun. [1]Oleh karenanya, setiap orang yang mampu bekerja maka bisa disebut sebagai tenaga kerja. Ada banyak pendapat mengenai usia dari para tenaga kerja ini, ada yang menyebutkan di atas 18 tahun ada pula yang menyebutkan di atas 20 tahun, bahkan ada yang menyebutkan di atas 7 tahun karena anak-anak jalanan yang bekerja sudah termasuk tenaga kerja. Setiap tenaga kerja memiliki hak untuk memperoleh pekerjaan, mengembangkan potensi dirinya, dan memilih penempatan lokasi kerj


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    Abstrak Peranan dan fungsi forum komunikasi komite sekolah dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan forum komunikasi komite sekolah dan sekolah di SMA Kabupaten Gowa, gambaran mutu pendidikan SMA di Kabupaten Gowa, gambaran keterkaitan antara peran dan fungsi forum komunikasi komite sekolah dengan mutu pendidikan SMA di Kabupaten Gowa. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan forum komunikasi komite sekolah dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan SMA di Kabupaten Gowa telah berjalan dengan baik. Dengan adanya kegiatan forum rapat yang dilaksanakan baik secara rutin maupun insidental di kalangan pengurus forum komunikasi komite sekolah, pengurus pimpinan forum komunikasi komite sekolah, pengurus forum komunikasi komite sekolah dengan pimpinan sekolah dan rapat kordinasi pimpinan forum komunikasi komite sekolah dengan pihak sekolah, sehingga peran dan fungsi forum komunikasi komite sekolah sebagai pemberi pertimbangan, pendukung, pengontrol, dan mediator berdampak positif dalam peningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui input, proses dan output pendidikan.Abstract The role and functions of school committees communication forum in improving the quality of high school education. This study aimed to overview the implementation of the school committee and a forum for communication in high school Gowa, the picture quality of high school education in Gowa, picture of the relationship between the roles and functions of school committees communication forum with the quality of high school education in Gowa. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the use of a communication forum of the school committee in improving the quality of high school education in Gowa has been going well. With the meeting of the forum held both routine and incidental communication among school committee forum administrators, board of school committee leadership communication forum, board communication forum with the school committee and the school leadership coordination meeting of the school committee leadership communication forum with the school, so that the role and forum functions as a conduit of communication school committee consideration, support, control, and mediators have a positive impact in enhancing the quality of education through the input, process and output of education.

    The Effect of the Level of Disclosure of Islamic Corporate Governance on Financial Performance at Indonesian Sharia Banks

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of Islamic Corporate Governance Disclosure on financial performance in Indonesia. This disclosure encompasses various dimensions, including the board of directors, Sharia supervisory board, board committee, internal control, internal audit, and risk audit. The disclosure of Islamic Corporate Governance is crucial as it offers insights into how the financial performance of Islamic banks is managed, identifies the responsible managers, and outlines the steps taken in the management process. This research adopts an explanatory approach. The data utilized consists of secondary data spanning 2012 to 2020, gathered from 12 periodically selected Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. The analysis method employed is content analysis, which derives disclosure values based on survey results. The results of this research contribute to the space and realm of knowledge development, particularly in relation to the advancement of theories or concepts regarding Islamic values in the implementation of Sharia banking activities


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    Pharmacy information systems that exist today, many of them are designed and built just to manage a single specific pharmacy. In terms of ordering medications, the pharmacies most still use the manual method, such as send a letter of reservation or make a reservation by phone. The database is built as a back-end of the pharmacy information system, also use the software most diverse database. Currently, from the customer side, to obtain the presence information of a drug product, customers need to go to every pharmacy one by one to find the product you are looking for drugs. This, of course, will add to the cost and is very inefficient in economic terms. This study aims to develop an integrated pharmacy information system by utilizing Service Oriented Architecture. Method of system development approach is built with Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Plans are being implemented by the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The programming language used in this study is PHP with CodeIgniter framework, Visual Basic. NET (VB.NET), and Java 2 Mobile Edition (J2ME).  The results of this research are the production of an integrated pharmacy information system with other pharmacy information system and other applications, both in terms of different languages and different development in the database used. With the integration of the system, it can be used for broader uses, such as ordering goods between different pharmacy systems. In addition, it also produced mobile and desktop-based applications to access information drug stocks. These mobile applications are expected to be able to close the pharmacy with a customer who would have an impact on customer relationships and the pharmacies are getting close

    Analisis Faktor Yang Berhubungan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bandar Agung Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin Tahun 2021

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    and vegetables: 73%, for daily physical activities: 87%. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between predisposing factors (knowledge), enabling factors (clean water facilities, healthy latrines, trash cans) and reinforcing factors (community culture, support from health workers and community leaders) with the implementation of PHBS in the community. Methods: This research is quantitative in nature using an analytical survey method with a Cross Sectional approach. A sample of 52 people was selected using the cluster random sampling method. The independent variables of this study are knowledge, clean water facilities, healthy latrines, trash cans, community culture, support from health workers and community leaders, while the dependent variable is clean and healthy living behavior. The data is then processed using SPSS to see if there is a relationship between the variables studied. Results: The results of the research on the support variable of community leaders obtained a p value of 0.636 (0.05) meaning that there was no relationship between the support of community leaders for PHBS. Conclusion: One of the factors that has an important role in clean and healthy living behavior is family knowledge. Keywords: PHBS.Hasil pendataan PHBS Tahun 2019, di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bandar Agung Musi Banyuasin diperoleh data bahwa Persalinan ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan: 98% , Memberi ASI ekslusif: 70% , penimbangan bayi dan balita: 70% , penggunakan air bersih: 72% , kegiatan cuci bersih tangan dengan air bersih dan sabun : 56% , penggunaan jamban sehat: 82% , makan buah dan sayur: 73%, untuk kegiatan aktifitas fisik setiap hari: 87%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan antara faktor predisposisi (pengetahuan), faktor pendukung (fasilitas air bersih, jamban sehat, tempat sampah) dan faktor penguat(budaya masyarakat, dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan tokoh masyarakat) dengan penerapan PHBS dimasyarakat. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif menggunakan metode survei analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Sampel sebanyak 52 orang yang dipilih menggunakan metode cluster random sampling. Variabel bebas ini adalah pengetahuan, fasilitas air bersih, jamban sehat, tempat sampah, budaya masyarakat, dukungan kesehatan dan tokoh masyarakat sedangkan variabel penelitian adalah perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Data kemudian diolah menggunakan SPSS untuk melihat apakah terdapat hubungan antara variabel yang diteliti. Hasil: Hasil penelitian pada variabel dukungan tokoh masyarakat didapatkan nilai p 0,636 (0,05) artinya tidak terdapat hubungan antara dukungan tokoh masyarakat terhadap PHBS. Kesimpulan: Salah satu faktor yang memiliki peran penting dalam perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat adalah pengetahuan keluarga. Kata kunci: Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat

    Identifikasi Dan Analisis Kelimpahan Sampah Laut Di Pantai Manggar Sagara Sari Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur

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    Human activities such as tourism and other activities carried out in coastal areas have the potential to cause impacts that disrupt the balance of the coastal ecosystem. One of the impacts of community activities that have the potential to disrupt the coastal environment is the spread of garbage. This research was conducted in the coastal area of Manggar Sagara Sari which aims to identify the type, composition and average abundance between types of marine debris. The transect was installed 100 m x 20 m and divided into 5 lanes of 20 m each. each lane is reassembled a sub transect box (5m x 5m) is placed in each of the randomly selected lanes. Data were analyzed using ANOVA-One Way. The types of waste identified are plastic waste, metal, processed wood, cloth, rubber, glass, paper, and other materials. The most identified amount of marine debris was plastic waste with a total of 367 items with a density of 2.94 items/m2. The composition of the amount of waste consists of plastic waste (85%), processed wood (5%), paper (3%), glass and other materials each (2%) while rubber, metal and cloth each (1%). There is a significant difference in the abundance of plastic waste compared to other types of marine waste with a p-value (0.000) < (0.05)

    Relative Competence of the Sharia Court: Talaq Divorce Lawsuit and Protection of Women’s Rights

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    This paper examines how the legal protection of women in the event of talaq divorce at the Sharia Court is related to the relative competence of the Sharia Court. This study is significant due to many talaq divorce cases at the Sharia Court filed by husbands not based on the wives’ domiciles. Such practices have been contrary to the principle of civil procedural law, which stipulates that a divorce case filed by the husband must be based on the wife’s domicile. Data were taken from talaq divorce decisions tried by the Banda Aceh Sharia Court, analyzed using the principles of civil procedural law. Findings of the study revealed that the majority of talaq divorce cases tried by the Sharia Court did not have strong legal force, as they were not in line with the principle of actor sequitor forum rei. In general, the decisions of the Banda Aceh Sharia Court in talaq divorce cases were made without the presence of the respondents (wives). Such decisions not only contradicted the principles of civil procedural law, but also had an impact on limited access for women to defend their interests in the courtroom
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