13 research outputs found

    Mobile Bank Application : A Study on the Antecedents and Consequences of Loyalty of Young Bank Customers

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    The banking industry –as well as and the whole financial system –witness the revolution of offering financial service via mobile device (Gimpel, Rau, and Röglinger, 2018). Due to the young generation’s technological skills and early adoption of the internet, they seem to be the main actors in this context (Leon, 2018). Mobile bank applications (MBAs), has attracted a remarkable number of young bank customers (YBCs) (Tan & Leby Lau 2016). For example, In Sweden, MBAs are the second most downloaded apps (Findahl, 2014) and are used by YBCs (Davidsson & Findahl2016).It has been argued that members of this category have two-time tendency, compared to other age group, to leave their banks (Accenture, 2015), and show less loyal behaviour toward these institutions (Nicoletti, 2017). Recent studies have arson several issues related to the loyalty of YBCs on MBAs (e.g. Berraies, Ben Yahia, & Hannachi, 2017). Thakur (2014) argued for more studies to investigate the antecedents of loyalty with mobile banking sector. Literature review studies have highlighted several research gaps, concerning loyalty antecedents and consequences (Tam and Oliveira, 2017) and young generation loyalty toward mobile application (Kandampully, Zhang, and Bilgihan, 2015).Taking together, the current study aims to investigate the antecedents and consequences of loyalty of YBCs on to MBA. In order to achieve that, the study utilize Dick and Basu (1994) conceptual framework for customer loyalty. The framework is extensively employed in the literature and enabled the study to investigate antecedents and consequences of loyalty

    A mobile bank application loyalty model : The young bank customer perspective

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    This thesis investigates young bank customer (YBC) perceptions of loyalty in the context of mobile bank applications (MBAs), including loyalty antecedents and the consequences of loyalty. A first study investigates the relationships between cognitive, affective, and conative antecedents, on one hand, and loyalty, on the other. A second study investigates the relationships between usability, responsiveness and reliability, and customer satisfaction, on one hand, and loyalty, on the other. The thesis employs a theoretical framework describing customer loyalty in the MBA context. An electronic questionnaire was sent to 500 YBCs in the Mid Sweden region (146 completed questionnaires were received), and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling were employed to test and develop a measurement model from the responses. Synthesizing the results of the studies performed suggests a model of MBA loyalty from the YBC perspective. The model indicates that cognitive and usability antecedents are significantly related to customer satisfaction, which in turn is significantly related to attitudinal and behavioural loyalty. Despite some limitations, the thesis has novel implications for theory and practice regarding YBC perceptions of MBAs. Vid tidpunkten för framlÀggningen av avhandlingen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 1 (accepterat), delarbete 2 (accepterat).At the time of the defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 1 (accepted), paper 2 (accepted).</p

    Mobila bankapplikationer : Konsekvenser av unga bankkunders lojalitet

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    Denna studie undersöker unga bankkunders uppfattningar om relationerna mellan kognitiva, affektiva och konativa drivkrafter, Ă„ ena sidan, och attityds- och beteendelojalitet mot mobila bankapplikationer, Ă„ andra sidan. Studien utvecklade ett teoretiskt ramverk för kundlojalitet anpassat till kontexten för mobila bankapplikationer, vilket sedan testades empiriskt. Baserat pĂ„ tidigare studier och fokusgruppintervjuer utvecklades ett frĂ„geformulĂ€r och skickades ut till 500 unga bankkunder mellan 18–29 Ă„r med minst ett Ă„rs erfarenhet av mobila bankapplikationer. Svaren analyserades statistiskt och enligt de resultat som Mustafa Nourallah vid CER hĂ€r redovisar har kognitiva drivkrafter ett signifikant samband med kundnöjdhet, som i sin tur Ă€r kopplat till lojalitet. Forskningsresultaten har tidigare publicerats i den internationella tidskriftsartikeln “Mobile bank applications: Antecedents and consequences of young bank customer loyalty” (Nourallah, 2022)

    A tale of two FinTech solutions : Loyalty in mobile bank applications and initial trust in financial robo-advisors

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    This thesis on financial technology (FinTech) solutions consists of twosuccessive phases, each including two articles. The first phase targets the loyalty of young bank customers (YBCs) to mobile bank applications (MBAs). One of the articles of this phase investigates the relationships between cognitive, affective, and conative antecedents, on one hand, and loyalty on the other. The other article identifies the relationships between usability, responsiveness, reliability, and customer satisfaction, on one hand, and loyalty on the other. Two electronic questionnaires were sent to 500 YBCs in Sweden, 146 responded, and covariance-based structural equation modelling was employed to analyse the data. The resulting model of YBCs’ loyalty to MBAs concludes that three attributes, i.e., memorability, confidentiality, and understandability, along with ease of use, ease of information search, and ease of navigation, determine the satisfaction of the younger generation and their loyalty to MBAs. The second phase focuses on the antecedents of building trust in financial robo-advisors (FRAs) based on the perceptions of young retail investors (YRIs). One of the two articles of this phase investigates building trust in technology through utilizing risk perspectives and the behavioural finance paradigm. The other article targets initial trust from the perspectives of the management discipline and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. It tests whether the cultural variable ssuggested by previous studies moderate the relationship between the seantecedents and initial trust. Two electronic questionnaires were sent to YRIs in Sweden and Malaysia, and partial least squares structural equation modelling was employed to analyse the data. The resulting model of YRIs’ initial trust in FRAs emphasizes the essential role of personal attributes (trust propensity and decision style), information, and technological features in addressing initial trust, which in turn determines the behavioural intention to use FRAs. Most findings are similar in the two countries, with some indications of cultural differences in what influences young investors’ initial trust in robo-advisors. For example, price is perceived as more important in Sweden, while social networks seem to be more important in Malaysia. Despite some limitations, the thesis has novel implications for theory and practice. Synthesizing the results suggests that ease of use and cognitive features are highly important to FinTech solutions

    Do the Arabian Customers Who Belong to Similar Markets Differ in theEvaluation of Banking Service Quality?

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    The main purpose of this paper is to study the customers’ evaluation from three similar markets, aiming at finding significant differences among three types of answers. Service quality was measured by using an existing scale from the literature, thus servperf was selected to evaluate three types of answers. Customers of this study came from three similar markets: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. spss was used to analyze the data and one-way anova was run to investigate differences among the groups. The findings showed that there were significant differences between the three groups. Also, the results indicated that except empathy, all other four dimensions showed partial difference

    Replication Data for: Evaluation of the Islamic and conventional banks' websites

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    Evaluation of the Islamic and conventional banks' websites in terms of e-service quality, CSR and usability. The data studied the case of all Islamic banks in QISMUT area and the case of similiar number of conventional banks in the same area. All items of the e-service quality, CSR and usability were classified, based ‏on coder attitude, into two categories- ‏satisfied‏ and ‏dissatisfied-‏ assigning the value (1) if the ‎item ‎appeared (satisfied) and (0) ‎if it did not (dissatisfied). ‎ The Items for the three studied variables [e-service quality, CSR and usability.] are : (1) E-service quality : Responsiveness, Ease of use, Product portfolio, Access and Accuracy. (2) CSR: Environmental disclosure , Human Resources disclosure and Community involvement disclosure. (3) Usability : Learnability, Simplicity, Navigability, Consistency, Supportability, Interactivity, Telepresence, Credibility, Content, relevance, Readability and Spee

    Unga investerares initiala förtroende för finansiella Robo-rÄdgivare

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    Denna kortrapport bygger pĂ„ tvĂ„ delstudier som undersöker vad som kan skapa förtroende för finansiella Robo-rĂ„dgivare hos unga investerare. I ett första steg utvecklades ett teoretiskt ramverk för initialt förtroende för denna typ av rĂ„dgivare utifrĂ„n risk, information, personliga attribut och funktionalitet. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt frĂ„n tidigare studier utformades ett elektroniskt frĂ„geformulĂ€r som distribuerades till investerare i Ă„ldern 18 till 29 Ă„r i Sverige respektive Malaysia. HĂ€r ingick ocksĂ„ frĂ„gor om tvĂ„ kulturella faktorer: individualism och undvikande av osĂ€kerhet. Inkomna svar analyserades statistiskt. Enligt de empiriska resultat som hĂ€r redovisas av Mustafa Nourallah och Peter Öhman vid CER leder inte minst mĂ€ngden information, personliga attribut som beslutsstil och anvĂ€ndarvĂ€nliga tekniska hjĂ€lpmedel till initialt förtroende för finansiella Robo-rĂ„dgivare. Forsknings-resultaten har tidigare publicerats i de tvĂ„ internationella tidskriftsartiklarna “No trust, no use: How young retail investors build initial trust in financial Robo-advisors” (Nourallah, Öhman och Amin, 2023) respektive “One size does not fit all: Young retail investors’ initial trust in financial Robo-advisors” (Nourallah, 2023)

    Mobila bankapplikationer och unga bankkunders lojalitet

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    Unga bankkunder visar ett stort intresse för mobila bankapplikationer, vilket ger nya aktörer (t.ex. FinTech-bolag) tillfĂ€lle att etablera sig pĂ„ denna marknad. De traditionella bankerna behöver sĂ„ledes förhĂ„lla sig till den pĂ„gĂ„ende utvecklingen eftersom det Ă€r tĂ€mligen enkelt för deras kunder att i stĂ€llet vĂ€nda sig till FinTech-bolag. Baserat pĂ„ en elektronisk enkĂ€t till 500 unga bankkunder i Mittsverigeregionen (dĂ€r 146 kompletta svar erhölls) analyserades respondenternas uppfattningar om dels mobila bankapplikationer och dels deras lojalitet till banken. Enligt de resultat som Mustafa Nourallah och Peter Öhman vid CER hĂ€r redovisar leder anvĂ€ndbarhet till kundnöjdhet, vilket i sin tur har ett samband med lojalitet. Resultaten pĂ„visar ocksĂ„ vikten av att de mobila applikationerna Ă€r lĂ€tta att anvĂ€nda redan första gĂ„ngen, att det gĂ„r smidigt att hitta relevant information och att det Ă€r enkelt att navigera i applikationerna. Forskningsresultaten har tidigare publicerats i den internationella tidskriftsartikeln “Mobile bank applications: Loyalty of young bank customers” (Nourallah, Strandberg och Öhman, 2021).

    Unga investerares initiala förtroende för finansiella Robo-rÄdgivare

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    Denna kortrapport bygger pĂ„ tvĂ„ delstudier som undersöker vad som kan skapa förtroende för finansiella Robo-rĂ„dgivare hos unga investerare. I ett första steg utvecklades ett teoretiskt ramverk för initialt förtroende för denna typ av rĂ„dgivare utifrĂ„n risk, information, personliga attribut och funktionalitet. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt frĂ„n tidigare studier utformades ett elektroniskt frĂ„geformulĂ€r som distribuerades till investerare i Ă„ldern 18 till 29 Ă„r i Sverige respektive Malaysia. HĂ€r ingick ocksĂ„ frĂ„gor om tvĂ„ kulturella faktorer: individualism och undvikande av osĂ€kerhet. Inkomna svar analyserades statistiskt. Enligt de empiriska resultat som hĂ€r redovisas av Mustafa Nourallah och Peter Öhman vid CER leder inte minst mĂ€ngden information, personliga attribut som beslutsstil och anvĂ€ndarvĂ€nliga tekniska hjĂ€lpmedel till initialt förtroende för finansiella Robo-rĂ„dgivare. Forsknings-resultaten har tidigare publicerats i de tvĂ„ internationella tidskriftsartiklarna “No trust, no use: How young retail investors build initial trust in financial Robo-advisors” (Nourallah, Öhman och Amin, 2023) respektive “One size does not fit all: Young retail investors’ initial trust in financial Robo-advisors” (Nourallah, 2023)

    Mobila bankapplikationer och unga bankkunders lojalitet

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    Unga bankkunder visar ett stort intresse för mobila bankapplikationer, vilket ger nya aktörer (t.ex. FinTech-bolag) tillfĂ€lle att etablera sig pĂ„ denna marknad. De traditionella bankerna behöver sĂ„ledes förhĂ„lla sig till den pĂ„gĂ„ende utvecklingen eftersom det Ă€r tĂ€mligen enkelt för deras kunder att i stĂ€llet vĂ€nda sig till FinTech-bolag. Baserat pĂ„ en elektronisk enkĂ€t till 500 unga bankkunder i Mittsverigeregionen (dĂ€r 146 kompletta svar erhölls) analyserades respondenternas uppfattningar om dels mobila bankapplikationer och dels deras lojalitet till banken. Enligt de resultat som Mustafa Nourallah och Peter Öhman vid CER hĂ€r redovisar leder anvĂ€ndbarhet till kundnöjdhet, vilket i sin tur har ett samband med lojalitet. Resultaten pĂ„visar ocksĂ„ vikten av att de mobila applikationerna Ă€r lĂ€tta att anvĂ€nda redan första gĂ„ngen, att det gĂ„r smidigt att hitta relevant information och att det Ă€r enkelt att navigera i applikationerna. Forskningsresultaten har tidigare publicerats i den internationella tidskriftsartikeln “Mobile bank applications: Loyalty of young bank customers” (Nourallah, Strandberg och Öhman, 2021).