554 research outputs found

    Lasing with Topological Weyl Semimetal

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    Lasing behavior of optically active planar topological Weyl semimetal (TWS) is investigated in view of the Kerr and Faraday rotations. Robust topological character of TWS is revealed by the presence of Weyl nodes and relevant surface conductivities. We focus our attention on the surfaces where no Fermi arcs are formed, and thus Maxwell equations contain topological terms. We explicitly demonstrate that two distinct lasing modes arise because of the presence of effective refractive indices which lead to the birefringence phenomena. Transfer matrix is constructed in such a way that reflection and transmission amplitudes involve 2×22\times2 matrix-valued components describing the bimodal character of the TWS laser. We provide associated parameters of the topological laser system yielding the optimal impacts. We reveal that gain values corresponding to the lasing threshold display a quantized behavior, which occurs due to topological character of the system. Our proposal is supported by the corresponding graphical demonstrations. Our observations and predictions suggest a concrete way of forming TWS laser and coherent perfect absorber; and are awaited to be confirmed by an experimental realization based on our computations.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support after pediatric cardiac surgery: Our single-center experience

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    Background: In this study, we present our five-year extracorporeal membrane oxygenation experiences in patients requiring mechanical support after pediatric open heart surgery. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 29 children (16 males, 13 females; mean age 21.6 months; range 5 days to 162 months) who underwent open heart surgery and required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support due to postcardiotomy circulatory failure between February 2010 and March 2015. Results: The most common diagnosis was tetralogy of Fallot in eight patients (27.5%). The most common extracorporeal membrane oxygenation indication was failure to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass in 12 (41%) patients. The mean duration of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support was 6.9 days (range 14 hours to 32 days). The most common complication related to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support was renal insufficiency in 14 patients (48.3%). Fourteen patients (48%) were able to be successfully weaned from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support, while six patients (20.7%) were discharged without any neurological sequelae. No significant predictor of mortality was found. Failure to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass resulted improved outcomes than other extracorporeal membrane oxygenation indications. Conclusion: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation provides an effective cardiopulmonary support for cardiopulmonary failure after pediatric open heart surgery. Careful patient selection, and correct timing and appropriate management of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation are crucial for optimal outcomes

    Alüminyum Plakaların Balistik Performansının Araştırılması

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2015Metal bilimcilerin geniş araştırma ve çalışmaları sonucu alüminyum alaşımı levhalar düşük yoğunluk, yüksek yapısal mukavemet ve enerji emiş kapasitesi özellikleri nedeniyle uçak yapıları, gemi, bina ve köprü gibi çok çeşitli uygulamaların yanında hafif korunma sistemlerinde de sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Alüminyum plakaların balistik performansının araştırılması yapılmıştır. Yapıda kullanılan plakalar 10 mm kalınlığında ve 50x50mm boyutunda 2024-T3 alüminyum alaşımıdır. Alüminyum plakaların plaka açısı ve plaka kalınlığı değiştirilerek v=750 m/s hızda gönderilen FSP (Parçacık Benzetimli Mermiler) mermiye karşı optimum değerleri hesaplanmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca 10 mm plaka ve merminin normalle yaptığı açı ? = 0º, 30º, 45º ve 60º olacak şekilde Lambert-Jonas yaklaşımına göre balistik limit hızı tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Alüminyum Alaşımlar, Balistik Test, Balistik limit, Açılı DarbeAs a result of extensive research and studies of metallurgists, aluminum plates are frequently used in a wide variety of applications including aircraft structures, ships, bridges, and buildings, in addition to light protection systems because of the characteristics of low density, high structural strength and energy absorption capacity. The aim of this study was to investigate the ballistic performance of aluminum plates. 10-mm thick and 50x50mm sized 2024-T3 aluminum plates were used in structures. The plate angle and plate thickness of aluminum plates were changed and optimum values were investigated subject to the FSP (Fragment Simulating Projectile) projectile sent with a velocity of 750 m/s. Furthermore, ballistic limit velocity according to Lambert-Jonas approach was identified in such a way that the angle which 10 mm plate and projectile make with the normal would be ? = 0°, 30°, 45° and 60°. Key Words: Aluminum Alloys, Ballistic Test, Ballistic Limit, Oblique Impac

    Neonatal Episodic Hypoglycemia: A Finding of Valproic Acid Withdrawal

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    The treatment of epilepsy during pregnancy is a worldwide problem. Drugs need to be used to control seizures in the mothers. In utero, exposure to valproic acid (VPA) and phenytoin (PH) may cause congenital malformations and also withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, jitteriness and symptoms of hypoglycemia. We present here a newborn with episodic hypoglycemia due to in utero exposure to VPA and PH. The mother was diagnosed as having complex partial epilepsy and was treated with PH (200 mg/day) and VPA (600 mg/day). The offspring developed jitteriness on the second day of life. The infant was hypoglycemic (32 mg/dl). These findings were accepted as withdrawal symptoms, since serum levels of VPA and PH were 37.8 μg/ml (50−100 μg/ml) and 6.37 μg/dl (10−20 μg/ml), respectively. Measurement of blood glucose is important and should be carefully monitored in infants exposed to antiepileptics in utero

    Pregnancy Following Kidney Transplantation

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    After a successful kidney transplantation, renal and endocrine functions quickly return to normal in many women and ovulation ensues. Woman with a renal transplant can have a successful pregnancy, however, there are many risks for both the mother and the fetus. For this reason, these patients should be carefully monitored with a multidisciplinary approach including a nephrologist and an obstetrician. Counseling about contraception and pregnancy after transplant should be initiated during the pretransplant evaluation process. The live birth rate appears comparable to the general population. Pregnancy timing depends on whether the graft function is optimal, but the general recommendation is to wait a year after transplantation. The recommended maintenance immunosuppressive therapy in pregnant women includes the use of calcineurin inhibitors (preferably tacrolimus), azathioprine, and low dose prednisone. Vaginal delivery should be preferred in kidney transplant patients. Cesarean section may be considered only when there is an absolute indication. Kidney transplant patients can breastfeed their children with appropriate drug combinations after birth; patients should be encouraged in this regard

    Relationship among MIF, MCP-1, viral loads, and HBs Ag levels in chronic hepatitis B patients

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    Background/aim: To determine whether macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) levels in patients with hepatitis B (HB) are different than in normal individuals and whether the HB surface antigen (HBs Ag) level and viral load are correlated with each other and with the two aforementioned parameters. Materials and methods: Sera were obtained from 52 chronic active HB (CAHB) patients and 33 healthy controls, and their MIF and MCP-1 levels were measured. Statistical analyses were performed. A value of P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The MIF and MCP-1 values of the control group were increased compared to those of the CAHB group. The MIF and MCP-1 levels were negatively correlated with HBs Ag levels and viral loads. The MIF and MCP-1 levels were positively correlated. The HBs Ag levels and the log10 of the viral loads were positively correlated. Conclusion: We conclude that the negative correlation of MIF and MCP-1 with viral load and HBs Ag levels may be due to T-cell deficiency, antinuclear antibody seropositivity, and/or inhibition of chemokine ligand 2 receptors by viral antigens. More studies with a greater number of subjects are needed to evaluate the potential role of MIF and MCP in CAHB