163 research outputs found

    Kentsel Yerleşmelerin Sanayi Alanlarına Dönüştürülmesinde Doğal Ve Yapay Çevre Sorunlarının İncelenmesi

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    DergiPark: 493730tujesEndüstriyel alanlar için yer seçimi bir çok dezavantajı içinde barındırmasına rağmen örneğin iş gücü istihdamı ya da ulusal ekonomik kaynaklar, Türkiye’de kentleşmenin oluşmasından sonraki yerleşim dezavantajı durumları karşısındada endüstri alanları oluşturulmuştur ya da oluşturulmak niyetindedir. Gözardı edilen çevresel problemler çevre üzerine ve toplumun yaşamına negatif etki yaptığı tartışılan en önemli ulusal konulardan birisi olmaktadır. Türkiye’de, parçalı planlama sistemi planlama bütünlüğündeki eksikliklerden dolayı çevresel problemler yaratmakta ve doğal alanlar ile habitatlara zarar verebilmektedir. Kentsel yerleşmelerde planlamanın temel teorisi olan eşik analizi ile sınırlı olabilmektedir, endüstriyel ve maden alanlarında çevreye minimum müdahale kuralına uyulmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı kırsal, kentsel bölgesel planlama ve ulusal ekonomik gelişime bağlı neden olduğu çevresel problemlerin ve güncel imkanların kontrol altına alınmasını sağlamayı araştırmaktır.Site selection for industrial areas that have been formed or intended to be formed despite several disadvantages in order to create a workforce employment or a national economic resource in related settlements after the formation of the cities in Turkey disregarding the environmental problems has a negative effect on the environment and the people living in cities, which is one of the important national issues to be discussed. In Turkey, fragmented planning system that lacks a planning integrity creates environmental problems, which may harm natural areas and habitats. Although urban settlements can be limited by threshold analysis, which is the basic theory of planning, the rule of minimum intervention in the environment is neglected in industrial and mining areas. This study aims to examine the investments, which do no cause environmental problems due to national economic development and regional, urban or rural planning, and take the current facilities under control

    Relationship between Population and Agricultural Land in Amasya

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    Urban development endangers agricultural and natural areas. It causes the rural population to immigrate to urban areas due to appealing life standards and leads to the extinction of rural areas. In addition, reduced rural population causes urban areas to select rural areas as development areas. This problem of rural areas can be better described in the areas that have completed their urban development but still continue to develop. This article discusses the effect of population in determining the areas which see population increases and are under pressure

    Expected Versus Real Effects and Challenges of Urbanization in Albania During the Transition: A Focus Group-Based Assessment

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    This paper focuses on learning about the characteristics, effects, and challenges of the urbanization in Albania during transition. Key research point involves assessing how much effective urbanization was. Focus group discussion was the research method used. Major findings about the urbanization in Albania are: an unplanned process, weak and incomplete legislation, weak public management capacities, conflict, and widespread informality. Reduction of poverty and unemployment are positive effects, but a significant gap exists between expected and real effects (-4 and -3.9, for employment and poverty). Disappointing is an effect on education quality and climate for private business activities. In general, negative effects out-passed significantly the expected ones by 2.6 points. Major negative effects are increased crime, congestion and pollution, reduced green area, loss of family bonds, and some loss of traditions and rural values. Major challenges in the future include efficient management of land, improving quality of education, reduction of informality and illegal economic activity, and guaranteeing land property rights. In conclusion, urbanization in Albania was a deficient process. This is with positive effects and also with harsh negative consequences and tough challenges ahead. Managerial and policy recommendations, and propositions for further research, are provided at the end of the study

    Using the Buffer Zone Method to Measure the Accessibility of the Green Areas in Tokat, Turkey

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    This study measured the distance from its sample location to green areas in Tokat, Turkey, using the buffer zone method. This study evaluated the decisions of the Purposeful Tokat Conservation Framework Development Plan and the decisions outside of the Historical Urban Protected Areas Development Plan together as whole. Creating green areas that are at an accessible distance in urban planning projects is important. Accordingly, the accessibility of green areas was measured using the buffer zone method. This study also proposes a method in regard to accessibility to green areas in Turkey. The analysis performed in Tokat found that the green areas were not planned considering accessibility criteria. The results of this study indicate that settlements with houses and green areas should be planned proportionally and at a more accessible distance to each other

    A new methodology proposal for urban regeneration of Brownfield areas; case study of Zonguldak City, Turkey

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    The study focuses on environmental impacts of abandoned urban areas and provides a solution to this problem through scientific methods. Many cities often suffer from lack of sustainable regulations and a successful approach to the urban development. In order to have a successful approach, urban regeneration might prove to be a valid solution for abandoned areas. However, cities still do not have a definite or proper solution for abandoned areas. Therefore, this study conducts a quantitative (Grid Based Model-Hierarchical Cluster Analysis) and qualitative (Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat [SWOT]) analysis with a specific focus on potential solutions for Brownfield areas. The detailed study has placed emphasis on appropriate development for the cities. This practice of urban development has defined healthy and sustainable approaches to the cities. Various analysis techniques included within the newly developed model for abandoned urban areas should provide a more clear-cut sustainable development through new mechanisms. The method employed in the study could bring a new approach to the urban design application. This study includes comprehensive ecological, economic and social analyses through the method proposed as a solution for abandoned industrial areas. This approach extends as far as urban regeneration projects through spatial analyses. The purpose of this study is to explore and provide an approach to solutions for Brownfield areas. The embracing quantitative and qualitative methods contribute to a growing knowledge on the approaches to solutions for Brownfield areas. This scientific approach can lead to a detailed analysis of the issue. This study makes an attempt to incorporate appropriate and sustainable urbanization into urban regeneration experiences in cities. The methods employed in the study could emphasize the right kind of approach to and right implication for regaining urban derelict areas in a theoretical background. Consequently, the study could emphasize an economic, social and ecological approach to abandoned areas in city development. Especially, urban abandoned areas need a new urban development approach, which, in turn, could yield a possible solution in urban regeneration project. In this study, quantitative and qualitative data analyses tailor on urban structure through scientific methods. And finally, to help establish a design decision model on Brownfield areas, this study puts emphasis on the approaches to solutions based on green areas standards in Turkey

    Wicked Water Systems: A Review of Challenges and Opportunities

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    The contemporary urban water system is under extreme pressure due to growing demand, climate change, and social inequality. Conventional methods to mitigating extreme water events have proven to be insufficient to safeguard our growing urban centers. Unless the competing demands and pressures of the urban water system are addressed in holistic manners, we will soon lack of access to good-quality water, and extreme water events will increasingly affect our metropoles, with most severe consequences for communities already living in marginal conditions. This chapter takes as point of departure that the future urban waterscape is a wicked problem in which actions taken to mitigate the problems are often inadequate and temporary, even when they are the result of the public debate and shared concern. The current urban water system has reached a critical threshold, but how can innovative urban water design or planning solutions be implemented when there is so much at stake? The chapter will address the urban waterscape, its contemporary challenges and what we can expect in future climate conditions. Furthermore, we will discuss contemporary solutions as well as highlight the sociopolitical, economic, and ecological barriers to their implementation. To illustrate the challenges as well as the range of solutions, we will present the algal blooms in Lake Erie, USA, as a case study. We will end with an elaboration on how to innovate in the case of wicked problems

    Throughput Analysis and Admission Control for IEEE 802.11a

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    PyNanospacing: TEM image processing tool for strain analysis and visualization

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    The diverse spectrum of material characteristics including band gap, mechanical moduli, color, phonon and electronic density of states, along with catalytic and surface properties are intricately intertwined with the atomic structure and the corresponding interatomic bond-lengths. This interconnection extends to the manifestation of interplanar spacings within a crystalline lattice. Analysis of these interplanar spacings and the comprehension of any deviations, whether it be lattice compression or expansion, commonly referred to as strain, hold paramount significance in unraveling various unknowns within the field. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is widely used to capture atomic-scale ordering, facilitating direct investigation of interplanar spacings. However, creating critical contour maps for visualizing and interpreting lattice stresses in TEM images remains a challenging task. Here we developed a Python code for TEM image processing that can handle a wide range of materials including nanoparticles, 2D materials, pure crystals and solid solutions. This algorithm converts local differences in interplanar spacings into contour maps allowing for a visual representation of lattice expansion and compression. The tool is very generic and can significantly aid in analyzing material properties using TEM images, allowing for a more in-depth exploration of the underlying science behind strain engineering via strain contour maps at the atomic level.Comment: Preprint, 13 pages, 9 figure

    Channel fading attenuation based on rainfall rate for future 5G wireless communication system over 38-GHz

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    In this paper, the effect of heavy rainfall on the propagation of a 38-GHz in a tropical region was studied and analyzed. Real measurement was collected, with a path length of 300 meters, for a (5G) radio linkage in Malaysia, installed at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru campus. The employed system entails an Ericsson MINI-Link 38 E-0.6 mm, with a horizontal polarization (HP) antenna at the top integrated with a rain gauge and a data logger. Daily registered samples with a single minute span, for a full study period of 1 month, were collected and evaluated. The obtained rain rate was found as 56 mm/hr with a specific rain attenuation of 18.4 dB/km for 0.01% of the time. In addition to that, a calculated average rain attenuation of 5.5 dB for the transmission path of 300 meters length, was calculated. Based on these findings, a recommendation to update the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) specification of the rain attenuation for Malaysia is proposed. Based on the results, we suggest shifting the zone classification of Malaysia from zone P to zone N-P. Therefore, accurate design for future 5G systems would rely on more precise estimated attenuation levels leading to enhanced performance