194 research outputs found

    The new requests for protection, conservation and valorisation of Cultural Heritage

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    open1openStefano Francesco MussoMusso, STEFANO FRANCESC

    Le destin du patrimoine du XXe siècle. Recherche et actions

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    [EN] 20th Century Architecture is an Heritage at risk, mostly caused by abandonment, degradation, underestimation. Nevertheless, the increase of interest and expansion of Heritage leads us to question the values that even the most recent architecture acquires, and therefore, its eventual need of protection. There is a need of a process of understanding and of selection, based on criteria shared by the largest community. This was the main goal of national and international reserches here presented concerning the architectural production of the 20th Century. The observation of single constructions and urban complexes, that are very close to us in time, leads to reflect on their meanings and values highlighting the essential problem of placing them in history. The more the heritage is the result of recent episodes, the more we perceive it as inserted in a processing dimension, of simultaneity of events and actions – almost like the news - which tend to legitimize any form of change, in a perspective linked to its contemporary condition. Research has let the richness of this inheritance emerge, in significance and value, focusing the attention from the simple materiality of the buildings to the possible modes and forms of their more total and mature interpretation.[CA] L’Arquitectura del segle XX és un Patrimoni en risc, sobretot per l’abandó, la degradació, la infravaloració. No obstant això, l’augment de l’interés i l’expansió del Patrimoni ens porta a qüestionar els valors que adquireix fins i tot l’arquitectura més recent, i per tant, la seua eventual necessitat de protecció. És necessari un procés de comprensió i de selecció, basat en criteris compartits per la comunitat més àmplia. Aquest va ser l’objectiu principal de les investigacions nacionals i internacionals ací presentades sobre la producció arquitectònica del segle XX. L’observació de les construccions individuals i dels conjunts urbans, que estan molt prop de nosaltres en el temps, porta a reflexionar sobre els seus significats i valors destacant el problema essencial de situar-los en la història. Com més el patrimoni és el resultat d’episodis recents, més el percebem com inserit en una dimensió de processament, de simultaneïtat d’esdeveniments i accions -quasi com les notícies- que tendeixen a legitimar qualsevol forma de canvi, en una perspectiva lligada a la seua condició contemporània. La investigació ha deixat aflorar la riquesa d’aquesta herència, en significació i valor, centrant l’atenció des de la simple materialitat dels edificis a les possibles maneres i formes de la seua interpretació més total i madura.[ES] La arquitectura del siglo XX es un patrimonio en riesgo, causado fundamentalmente por el abandono, la degradación o la subestimación. Sin embargo, el aumento del interés y la expansión del patrimonio nos llevan a preguntarnos cuáles son los valores que incluso la arquitectura más reciente adquiere y, por tanto, está en eventual necesidad de protección. Hay una necesidad de un proceso de comprensión y selección basada en criterios compartidos por la mayoría del colectivo. Este fue el principal objetivo de investigaciones nacionales e internacionales que aquí se presentan sobre la producción arquitectónica del siglo XX. La observación de construcciones únicas y complejos urbanos que están muy cercanos a nosotros en el tiempo, nos lleva a reflexionar sobre sus significados y valoresRésumé : L’architecture du XXe siècle est un patrimoine en danger, à cause surtout de l’abandon, la dégradation ou la sous-estimation. Cependant, le regain de l’intérêt vers elle et l’expansion du patrimoine nous mènent à nous poser des questions sur les valeurs acquises par l’architecture la plus récente, et donc en éventuel besoin de protection. C’est à remarquer le besoin d’un processus de compréhension et de sélection fondé sur des critères partagés par la plupart de notre collectif. Cela a été le but principal des recherches nationales et internationales, ici présentées, concernant la production architecturale du XXe siècle. L’observation de bâtiments uniques et de complexes urbains très proches à nous dans le temps, nous mène à la réflexion sur leurs signifiés et valeurs, en remarquant resaltando el problema esencial de ubicarlos en la historia. Cuanto más recientes son los episodios que produjeron el patrimonio, más los percibimos como insertados en una dimensión en proceso, en una simultaneidad de acontecimientos y acciones, casi como las noticias, que tienden a legitimar cualquier forma de cambio en cualquier perspectiva vinculada a su condición contemporánea. La investigación ha permitido que la riqueza de esta herencia emerja, en significado y valor, centrando la atención desde la simple materialidad de los edificios hasta los posibles modos y formas de su interpretación más completa y madura.[FR] L’architecture du XXe siècle est un patrimoine en danger, à cause surtout de l’abandon, la dégradation ou la sous-estimation. Cependant, le regain de l’intérêt vers elle et l’expansion du patrimoine nous mènent à nous poser des questions sur les valeurs acquises par l’architecture la plus récente, et donc en éventuel besoin de protection. C’est à remarquer le besoin d’un processus de compréhension et de sélection fondé sur des critères partagés par la plupart de notre collectif. Cela a été le but principal des recherches nationales et internationales, ici présentées, concernant la production architecturale du XXe siècle. L’observation de bâtiments uniques et de complexes urbains très proches à nous dans le temps, nous mène à la réflexion sur leurs signifiés et valeurs, en remarquant le problème essentiel de les situer dans l’histoire. Plus les épisodes producteurs du patrimoine sont récents, plus nous les percevons comme insérés dans une dimension en processus, dans une simultanéité d’événements et d’actions, à peu près comme les nouvelles, qui tendent à légitimer n’importe quelle forme de changement dans n’importe quelle perspective liée à leur condition contemporaine. La recherche a permis l’émergence de la richesse de cet héritage, en signifié et en valeur, mettant l’accent soit sur la simple matérialité des bâtiments, soit sur les possibles manières et formes de leur interprétation la plus complète et mature.European Union, Italian Ministry of Culture, Regional Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture, Liguria RegionFranco, G.; Musso, SF. (2021). El destí del patrimoni del segle XX. Investigació i accions. ANUARI d’Arquitectura i Societat. 0(1):240-261. https://doi.org/10.4995/anuari.2021.16227OJS24026101Baxter, Alan. "Twentieth-Century Buildings." Journal of Architectural Conservation 7, no. 2 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1080/13556207.2001.10785292. Consultat el 17 d'octubre de 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/13556207.2001.10785292Franco, Giovanna and Stefano Francesco Musso. Architetture in Liguria dopo il 1945. Genova: Deferrari editore, 2016.Guarracino, Salvatore. Le età della storia. I concetti di Antico, Medievale, Moderno e Contemporaneo. Milano: Bruno Mondadori, 2001.Halbwachs, Maurice. La mémoire collective. Paris, 1968.Hobsbawm, Eric. The short century. 1914-1991, the era of great cataclysms. Londres: Michael Joseph, 1994ICOMOS. (2014) Madrid Document: Approaches for the Conservation of Twentieth Century Architectural Heritage. ISC20C: 2014, 2nd Ed. http://www.icomos-isc20c.org/ madrid-document-archives/. Consultat el 30 de juliol de 2021Macdonald, Susan and Gail Ostergren. Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage: A bibliography. Los Angeles: GCI, 2015, 2nd Ed. https://www.getty.edu/conservation/ publications_resources/pdf_publications/pdf/mod_arch_bib_2nd_ed.pdf. Consultat el 17 de noviembre de 2017Musso, Stefano Francesco. "Programmed conservation as a challenge for innovative protection of cultural heritage." En Conserving architecture. programmed for the architectural heritage of the twentieth century. Ed. Andrea Canziani. Milano: Electa, 2009.Musso, Stefano Francesco. "Restoration and the "Modern City." In Modern Urban Heritage. Eds. Giorgio Peghin, Antonello Sanna. Turin, London, Venice, New York: Umberto Allemandi & C., 2012.Musso, Stefano Francesco and Giovanna Franco. "The time of the short twentieth century. Growth of values and decay of matter." TECHNE 20. (2020). https://oaj.fupress.net/index.php/techne/issue/view/541. Consultat el 30 de julio de 2021Olmo, Carlo. Architettura e Novecento. Diritti, conflitti, valori. Roma: Donzelli, 2010.Ricoeur, Paul. La mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli. Paris: Éditions du Seuil 2000.Riegl, Alois. Der moderne Denkmalkultus. Sein Wesen und seine Entstehung. Wien-Leipzig: 1903.Van Hees, Rob, Silvia Naldini and Job Roos. Durable past - sustainable future. Delft: TUD, 2014. https://books.bk.tudelft.nl/press/catalog/book/isbn.9789461863638. Consultat el 17 de novembre de 2017

    Challenges, competences, professions for the built heritage conservation in the contemporary world

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    Starting from two famous sentences about the relationships between ruins and history and about the meaning of tradition, the article deals with many facets that conservation has in the contemporary world. Through an initial provocative example of recent re-production of a monument, some of the new challenges in – and for – conservation emerge in relation with the consolidate goals of the discipline of restoration. New problems, issues and contradictions are now on the fore in cultural heritage safeguarding, management and enhancement, but also some new possibilities for education and professional activity characterize the field

    Educare al Restauro dell’Architettura. Spunti per una riflessione

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    Starting from didactics, the essay introduces the various themes collected in the following papers, analyzing the limits and perspectives of research in the field of restoration. After all, teaching and training at various levels, profession and project, research and innovation, are deeply intertwined and mutually interacting. The recognition of these interconnections represents the first guarantee of the most correct interpretation of the issue. A reference to the multiplicity of issues and ways to deal with them, through the different types of intelligence evoked by Howard Gardner, constitutes the starting point of the paper, in order to analyze the teaching of Restoration. Starting from the importance of pedagogical recovery in the teaching of this discipline (as well as of any other), the essay critically delineates the issues with the aim to open and address a possible discussion. It tries to fix some fundamental points, not only concerning the Restoration definition, together with its boundaries (operational and philosophical), but also considering the relationship with profession and with new technologies (used not only for communication but also for a deeper knowledge of the material data). Ultimately, the knowledge of the Heritage and the recalling of the reasons for its proper conservation (and Restoration) represent the key point to be examined and studied, starting also from didactics.Partendo dalla didattica, il saggio introduce i vari temi raccolti nei contributi successivi, analizzando i limiti e le prospettive della ricerca nel campo del restauro. D’altra parte, insegnamento e formazione ai vari livelli, professione e progetto, ricerca e innovazione, sono profondamente intrecciati e interagiscono tra loro. Il riconoscimento di tali interconnessioni rappresenta la prima garanzia dell’interpretazione più corretta della questione. Un riferimento alla molteplicità dei problemi e dei modi per affrontarli, attraverso i diversi tipi di intelligenza evocati da Howard Gardner, costituisce il punto di partenza del contributo, al fine di analizzare l'insegnamento del Restauro. Partendo dall'importanza del recupero pedagogico nell'insegnamento di questa disciplina (come di ogni altra), il saggio delinea criticamente le problematiche con l'obiettivo di aprire e affrontare un possibile dibattito. Cerca di fissare alcuni punti fondamentali, non solo riguardo alla definizione di Restauro, insieme ai suoi confini (operativi e filosofici), ma anche considerando il rapporto con la professione e con le nuove tecnologie (utilizzate non solo per la comunicazione, ma anche per una più profonda conoscenza dei dati materiali). In definitiva, la conoscenza del Patrimonio Culturale e il richiamo delle ragioni della sua corretta conservazione (e del suo Restauro) rappresentano il punto chiave da approfondire e studiare, anche a partire dalla didattica

    Restauro: Conoscenza, Progetto, Cantiere, Gestione

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    La SIRA, società scientifica che riunisce anzitutto coloro che, nelle università italiane, lavorano nel campo restauro, con i propri studi, la ricerca e l’insegnamento, ha l’obiettivo statutario di promuovere “lo studio e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale in ambito scientifico, accademico, civile ed educativo”. I volumi raccolgono i contributi al II Convegno tenutorsi a Bologna a settembre 2018 cui ha partecipato un consistente numero di studiosi in vario modo impegnati nell’Università italiana. L’intenzione fondamentale era fare luce sul rapporto esistente – o possibile – tra i molti aspetti che influenzano il ‘concreto fare restauro’ e che, nel loro articolarsi, possono determinare il successo o l’insuccesso delle attività che connotano il suo sviluppo: conoscenza, programmazione e fattibilità economica, progetto, cantiere e successiva gestione dei beni coinvolti

    Architetture in Liguria dopo il 1945

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    La dilatazione del campo d\u2019interesse e del significato del termine "patrimonio", implicita anche nel Codice dei Beni Culturali, induce a interrogarsi sui valori (testimoniali, storici, economici, sociali...) che anche l\u2019architettura pi\uf9 recente possiede e, quindi, sulla sua eventuale tutela e sul suo destino. Occorre quindi un processo di conoscenza, anzitutto, e poi di selezione, fondato su criteri auspicabilmente condivisi dalla pi\uf9 ampia comunit\ue0 possibile di tecnici e di cittadini. A tutto ci\uf2 ha teso l\u2019intensa e ampia campagna di censimento e di analisi delle architetture del secondo Novecento e degli inizi del nuovo millennio, di cui si presentano i principali esiti. La ricerca \ue8 stata sviluppata su iniziativa dell\u2019allora del Ministero per i Beni e le Attivit\ue0 Culturali, in accordo con le allora Direzione (oggi Segretariato) Regionale e con la Soprintendenza ai Beni Architettonici (oggi Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio). Il Dipartimento DSA, ha in particolare provveduto al censimento e alla schedatura di edifici e complessi di architettura moderna e contemporanea realizzati in Liguria dopo il 1945 e ritenuti di potenziale interesse culturale, perseguendo in sintesi le seguenti finalit\ue0 principali: - acquisire dati e informazioni di varia natura su un patrimonio costruito fino ad ora oggetto di limitati studi e di pubblicazioni specialistiche di settore; - arricchire e approfondire il sistema informativo sul Patrimonio Culturale gi\ue0 predisposto e utilizzato dalla Regione Liguria; - proporre, utilizzando i dati riversati e sistematizzati nel sistema informativo regionale, uno strumento agile di consultazione, aperto a un vasto pubblico legato, tra l\u2019altro, ai circuiti turistici culturali; - selezionare, tra un esteso elenco di architetture censite e catalogate (secondo i criteri catalografici dell\u2019ICCD del MiBACT), gli edifici o i complessi architetonici \u201cdi maggior valore\u201d, di concerto con gli Enti preposti alla tutela; - intraprendere specifiche azioni di comunicazione e di divulgazione dei risultati della ricerca, tra cui la pubbllicazione di questa Guida. La ricerca ha sollevato importanti interrogativi di ordine culturale, scientifico e metodologico di cui il saggio d\ue0 conto. Osservare costruzioni singole e interi complessi architettonici o urbani temporalmente a noi cos\uec vicini, con uno sguardo attento a significati e valori diversi rispetto a quelli del solo utilizzo quotidiano, ha posto ad esempio in primo piano l\u2019essenziale problema della loro \u201cstoricizzazione\u201d. Quanto pi\uf9, infatti, il patrimonio \ue8 frutto di episodi costruttivi o modificativi recenti, tanto pi\uf9 lo percepiamo come inserito in una dimensione di processualit\ue0, di simultaneit\ue0 di eventi e di azioni - quasi di cronaca - che tendono a legittimare qualsiasi forma di cambiamento, in una prospettiva legata alla sua condizione di contemporaneit\ue0. Questa, infatti, sembra indurci a ritenere che quegli edifici o quei quartieri appartengano semplicemente alla nostra vita e al nostro transeunte presente, ci siano utili e, dunque, possiamo \u201cfare\u201d di essi ci\uf2 che riteniamo utile, conveniente o piacevole. Potremmo, in sostanza, agire su di essi senza particolari attenzioni e remore, ossia senza che i nostri progetti di trasformazione sollevino particolari polemiche o delicate questioni teorico-culturali o tecniche. Cos\uec non pu\uf2 per\uf2 essere. La ricerca ha fatto emergere la ricchezza di significati e di valori di questo patrimonio, muovendo l\u2019attenzione dalla sola \u201cmaterialit\ue0\u201d degli oggetti costruiti ai possibili modi e alle forme di una loro pi\uf9 complessiva e matura interpretazione. Essi sono, d\u2019altra parte, i prodotti di una storia forse breve ma non per questo eludibile o condannabile. Sono manufatti fragili e imperfetti, ma non ignorabili o cancellabili senza che la loro trasformazione o distruzione comporti un improvviso e inconsapevole oblio del pi\uf9 recente passato di cui siamo figli e debitori

    Contemporary Architecture in Genoa since 1945—Knowledge and Use through Geoservices for the Citizen

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    The paper illustrates the enhancement of knowledge of architecture from 1945 onwards in Genoa by means of the publication on the Geoportal of the Municipality, which was developed with open-source systems, of a proper dataset and tools for digital storytelling for citizens. The implementation on the municipal Geoportal of a section called “Contemporary Architecture from 1945 onwards in Genoa” was made possible through collaboration between the University of Genoa Architecture and Design Department (DAD) and the Municipality of Genoa Office for Geographical Information Systems. The data related to the buildings in the Municipality of Genoa were extracted from a previous study about contemporary architecture in Liguria carried out by DAD. The case study introduced two tools for the promotion and enhancement of knowledge of such architecture, a map on which the buildings are located and associated with an information form and geostories with in-depth information on selected buildings, the latter of which can be sorted based on thematic itineraries or by author. The use of integrated services contributes to the competitiveness and sustainability of the city, raising citizens’ awareness of the value of the architecture of the second half of the 20th century and thus activating conservation processes as advocated in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations General Assembly

    Long-term results of the HD2000 trial comparing ABVD versus BEACOPP versus COPP-EBV-CAD in untreated patients with advanced hodgkin lymphoma: A study by fondazione Italiana Linfomi

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    Purpose The randomized HD2000 trial compared six cycles of ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine), four escalated plus two standard cycles of BEACOPP (bleomycin, etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone), and six cycles of COPPEBV- CAD (cyclophosphamide, lomustine, vindesine, melphalan, prednisone, epidoxorubicin, vincristine, procarbazine, vinblastine, and bleomycin; CEC) in patients with advanced-stage Hodgkin lymphoma. After a median follow-up of 42 months, patients who received BEACOPP were reported to have experienced better progression-free survival (PFS) but not better overall survival (OS) results than those receiving ABVD. Wehere report a post hoc analysis of this trial after a median follow-up of 10 years. Patients and Methods Three hundred seven patients were enrolled, 295 of whom were evaluable. At the time of our analysis, the median follow-up for the entire group was 120 months (range, 4 to 169 months). Results The 10-year PFS results for the ABVD, BEACOPP, and CEC arms were 69%, 75%, and 76%, respectively; corresponding OS results were 85%, 84%, and 86%. Overall, 13 second malignancies were reported: one in the ABVD arm and six each in the BEACOPP and CEC arms. The cumulative risk of developing secondmalignancies at 10 years was 0.9%, 6.6%, and 6% with ABVD, BEACOPP, and CEC, respectively; the risk with either BEACOPP or CEC was significantly higher than that reported with ABVD (P = .027 and .02, respectively). Conclusion With these mature results, we confirm that patients with advanced Hodgkin lymphoma have similar OS results when treated with ABVD, BEACOPP, or CEC. However, with longer follow-up, we were not able to confirm the superiority of BEACOPP over ABVD in terms of PFS, mainly because of higher mortality rates resulting from second malignancies observed after treatment with BEACOPP and CEC

    Exports and Productivity: Comparable Evidence for 14 Countries

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    We use comparable micro level panel data for 14 countries and a set of identically specified empirical models to investigate the relationship between exports and productivity. Our overall results are in line with the big picture that is by now familiar from the literature: Exporters are more productive than non-exporters when observed and unobserved heterogeneity are controlled for, and these exporter productivity premia tend to increase with the share of exports in total sales; there is strong evidence in favour of self-selection of more productive firms into export markets, but nearly no evidence in favour of the learning-by-exporting hypothesis. We document that the exporter premia differ considerably across countries in identically specified empirical models. In a meta-analysis of our results we find that countries that are more open and have more effective government report higher productivity premia. However, the level of development per se does not appear to be an explanation for the observed cross-country differences.exports; productivity; micro data; international comparison

    Association between preoperative evaluation with lung ultrasound and outcome in frail elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgery for hip fractures: study protocol for an Italian multicenter observational prospective study (LUSHIP)

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    Hip fracture is one of the most common orthopedic causes of hospital admission in frail elderly patients. Hip fracture fixation in this class of patients is considered a high-risk procedure. Preoperative physical examination, plasma natriuretic peptide levels (BNP, Pro-BNP), and cardiovascular scoring systems (ASA-PS, RCRI, NSQIP-MICA) have all been demonstrated to underestimate the risk of postoperative complications. We designed a prospective multicenter observational study to assess whether preoperative lung ultrasound examination can predict better postoperative events thanks to the additional information they provide in the form of "indirect" and "direct" cardiac and pulmonary lung ultrasound signs