210 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kecemasan Matematika Siswa SMA Negeri 2 Kerinci Kelas X MIA Sebelum Menghadapi Tes Matematika Berdasarkan Gender dan Hubungannya dengan Hasil Belajar

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    This research aims to determine differences in student anxiety levels based on gender and the relationship between students\u27 anxiety levels before facing a mathematical test with achievement and then dig deeper information about the causes of anxiety in students. This research uses a mixed method with a sequential explanatory approach. The subjects of this study were students of class X MIA Kerinci Senior High School 2 totaling 100 students. The results of the research showed that students experiencing anxiety before taking a math test as the cause of anxiety is experience, intelligence, preparation, and family. Differences in levels of anxiety based on gender indicate that there is no significant difference between the level of anxiety experienced by male and female students but male students are more anxious than female students the cause is that there have been similar thoughts and goals in terms of achievement so as to make male students neither men nor women experience significant differences in anxiety levels. There is a relationship between the level of anxiety with learning outcomes of 0.43 which is in the category enough and has a positive relationship, namely the higher the level of anxiety, the higher the student learning outcomes. Descriptions of quantitative data indicate that there is no certainty for someone who has an anxiety level will get a definite value

    Studi Pendahuluan Radionuklida 137cs Di Perairan Indonesia Timur

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    KasuskecelakaanPembangkitListrikTenagaNuklir di Chernobyl dan Fukushima, merupakansalahsatupenyumbangradionuklidaantropogenik di lautankhususnya di samuderaPasifik. Selainitu, sumber lain sepertiujicobanuklir di atmosfer yang banyakdilakukansetelahPerangDunia II. Radionuklida yang masukkelautdapatdisebarkanolehadanyaaruslaut.Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuidistribusi137Cs di perairan Indonesia timur yang merupakanmasukandariSamuderaPasifik. Pengambilansampel air lautdilakukanpada 1 – 18 September 2012 kemudiansampel di analisis di LabolatoriumRadioekologiKelautan, BATAN (BadanTenagaNuklir) Serpong yang dilakukanpada 9 Oktobersampai 21 Desember 2012. Penelitianinibersifatdeskriptifeksploratif, denganpengambilansampelmenggunakanmetode sampling purposive. Analisisaktivitas137Cs menggunakanmetodedari IAEA-MEL (International Atomic Energy Agency's Marine Environmental Labolatories).Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkan, bahwakonsentrasiradionuklida137Cs di Perairan Indonesia Timur. berkisarantara 0,14 – 0,43 mBq/L. Hal tersebutdidugaberasaldariSamudraPasifik yang berkisar 0,7 – 2, 8 mBq/L dan global fallout yang dibawaoleharuslaut, karena di perairantersebuttidakadasumberaktivitasradionuklida yang menghasilkan137Cs.

    A comparative analysis of in-office vital 6% hydrogen peroxide activated charcoal tooth whitening treatment enhanced with an 810nm diode laser, compared to 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching

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    Laser dental bleaching is considered to be a contemporary approach to enhancing the in-office power bleaching procedure. Objective Investigate if laser enhanced 6% Hydrogen Peroxide (HP) solution is equivalent to 35% HP solution over a two-visit power bleaching treatment protocol. In a randomised double-blinded clinical trial, 43 patients were assigned to a group that received either the laser-enhanced 6% Hydrogen Peroxide (n=21) treatment, or the standard 35% Hydrogen Peroxide (n=22) treatment, over two visits, with a one-week interval. Activated charcoal HP paste was prepared for both groups. The laser enhanced 6% HP group received a dosage of 90 J/cm² per bleaching cycle using 810nm diode laser. Tooth colour was measured at the beginning and end of each session registering parameters L*, a* and b*, and tooth sensitivity. The calculated difference between these Parameters, âˆ†E, was the primary data focus. The mean ∆E over the treatment duration was used to answer the research question by a t-test to evaluate group differences at 5% significance level. The analysis revealed that the null hypothesis could not be rejected and the results were inconclusive. The observations expound the idea of an absorption enhancement mechanism, rather than a free radical activation, as the technique for improving bleaching outcomes

    Analisis Hubungan Keberadaan Suaka Perikanan dengan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir dari Hasil Lelang Lebak Lebung

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    Apriyanto F, Irawan, I, Muslim M. 2022. Analysis of the relationship between existence of  fishery-protected areas and original local government revenue of Ogan Komering Ilir Regency from Lelang Lebak Lebung Revenue. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-10 Tahun 2022, Palembang  27 Oktober 2022. pp. 443-449.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Fishery protected areas function to preserve fish resources. This area plays an important role in maintaining fish production. This study aimed  to analyze the relationship between the existence of fishery-protected areas and the original local government revenue of Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. The method used is a desk study. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study show that revenue from L3S in sub-districts that have fishery-protected areas is higher than in those that do not. Jejawi District has the most fishery-protected areas, contributing the most to OKI Regency's original local government revenue. To increase L3S revenue, it is recommended to add the number of fishery-protected areas

    Distribusi Radionuklida 137cs Di Perairan Selat Panaitan – Selatan Garut

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    Penggunaan radionuklida dalam pengembangan energi terbarukan sangat marak dilakukan akhir-akhir ini. Penggunaan tersebut tidak terlepas dari resiko kecelakaan yang dapat terjadi. Kecelakaan Fukushima pada tahun 2011 silam merupakan salah satu contohnya, dan menyumbangkan sejumlah radionuklida antropogenik ke lingkungan laut salah satunya ialah 137Cs. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran konsentrasi 137Cs di perairan Selat Panaitan – Selatan Garut yang mungkin terbawa dari sumber (Fukushima) oleh pola arus global. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan September dengan kapal riset Baruna Jaya IV BPPT. Sampel selanjutnya dipreparasi dan dianalisis di Laboratorium Bidang Radioekologi Kelautan BATAN pada bulan Oktober 2012 – Desember 2012. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode sampling purposive sedangkan analisis konsentrasi 137Cs menggunakan metode dari IAEA – MEL (International Atomic Energy Agency's Marine Environmental Laboratories). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebaran konsentrasi 137Cs di perairan Selat Panaitan – Selatan Garut terdeteksi relatif sama antar stasiun penelitian yakni 0,14 – 0,30 mBq/L. Nilai tersebut sangatlah kecil bila dibandingkan penelitian sebelumnya di daerah dekat sumber. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena adanya pola arus global yang membawa lepasan 137Cs dari sumber hingga perairan Indonesia

    Effect of Non-Linear Electricity Loads Against Harmonics in One Phase Inverters

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    This study aims to obtain an overview of the effect of non-linear loads on harmonics on a single-phase inverter which can later use as one of the primary considerations on the quality of electricity on the harmonic side for AC load electricity use with power plants sourced from DC generators using inverters. This research conducted at the Jakarta Electrical Engineering Laboratory for 7 months from March to September 2018. The research method uses an experimental method. The schematic of the experiment begins with setting the equipment. Then treated with non-linear load changes as an effect on harmonics. The results of the treatment analyzed so that conclusions can drawn. The results showed that there an effect of changes in voltage harmonics, with the most significant increase in voltage THD caused by LED television load of 1,18%, and the lowest voltage THD caused by refrigerator load of 1,03%. However, when compared with IEEE 519 – 1992 standard, then all types of non-linear loads that get supplies from the inverter still within the safe limits for electronic devices. While the most significant current THD change caused by LED television of 39,57%, and the lowest current THD caused by refrigerator load of 6,76%. Change in current THD when compared to the IEEE 519 – 1992 standard with loads like compact fluorescent lamp ≥ 40W, LED lamp ≥ 32W, fluorescent tube lamp ≥ 40W with electronic ballast, LED television, laptop, desktop, and printer that get supplies from the inverter not within the safe limits for electronic devices, because they are not in accordance with IEEE 519 – 1992 standard.     Keywords: Harmonics, voltage, current, nonlinear, one phase inverte

    Analisis Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika dalam Memahami Konsep Gerak Lurus

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    Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan TPACK mahasiswa fisika dalam memahami konsep gerak lurus. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu tes seleksi responden, tes esai, dan wawancara. Tes seleksi responden terdiri dari 30 butir soal yang diberikan kepada 25 mahasiswa untuk menentukan 6 responden dan tes esai berupa soal uraian TPACK sebanyak 7 butir soal yang digunakan untuk mengukur 7 domain TPACK yaitu : technological knowledge, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, technological content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge, technological pedagogical content knowledge. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemampuan TPACK mahasiswa fisika berada dalam kategori baik dengan rerata sebesar 66.07%. Hasil analisis menunjukan mahasiswa fisika telah mampu melaksanakan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi dan informasi (TIK)
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