12 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make a Match Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri 028 Serusa

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    The problem in this Class Action Research is how the application of Cooperative Learning Model Make A Match in improving learning outcomes IPS third grade students of SD Negeri 028 serusa. For that we need to be improved in order to improve learning outcomes. Efforts to repair is done by applying Cooperative Learning Model Make A Match. Research conducted in the third grade elementary school serusa 028, with the number of students 20 students consisting of 10 male students and 10 female students. Data collection techniques were used that observation techniques and test engineering. Data analysis technique used is the result of learning, completeness individual and classical, the activities of teachers and students, individual awards. The results showed that the initial data is known that the students' social studies students only in average 60.4 and completeness achieved by 45% with less category. In the first cycle and the class action after being evacuated there was little increase student learning outcomes IPS with an average of 69.5 and classical completeness is still reaches 70% with both categories. Seeing the conditions achieved in the first cycle of meetings 1 and 2, the researchers took the initiative to proceed to the second cycle. After learning social studies carried out in this second cycle learning outcomes achieved by students which averaged 80.0 and classical completeness of 100% with a very good category. This means that the Cooperative Learning Model Make A Match is one of the effective learning methods to improve learning outcomes IPS grade II SD Negeri 028 Serusa, Bangko Subdistrict, Rokan Hilir

    Specifications of Cartographic Symbols for Indonesian Tactile Map

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    Visual impairment people require a means of information transfer which different from normal people, it needs to be touched or amplified by audio, including maps that apprise them of the objects and events occurring on Earth. Cartographic Sciences have developed  tactile maps that offers touchable symbols for supporting blind and partially sighted people in recognizing the spatial distribution of geographical phenomena and their intercorrelation. Creating an informative tactile maps need a specific design of symbol, ancillary information, and map reproduction that meets the need and the capacity of its users. Unfortunately, there has been no international standardization for these map features that could be used as a foundation to build a standardization for our national tactile map. Therefore, this research adopted and modified the designs of tactile symbols published by the National Mapping Council of Australia, the Guidelines for Design of Tactile Graphics by American Printing House, the use of tactile variables by Vasconcellos, the Specifications of Topographic Elements Mapping by Bakosurtanal, and the application of visual variables of Bertin for cartographic mapping. The resultant symbol designs from the modification were applied to develop the tactile maps of Yogyakarta City on swell paper. Then, through interviews with map users (visually impaired people in the city), we evaluated these symbols from two aspects, comprehension of tactile variables and the types of the tactile maps required


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    This community service aims to reintroduce folk games to elementary school students. The aim and target of this activity are students of the State Elementary School in Mambang Village, Muara Kelingi District, Musi Rawas Regency so they can get to know and play folk games. The methods used in the activities are lecture, demonstration, simulation and practice methods. The material presented in this activity includes; Definition of Folk Games, Benefits of Folk Games, Types of Folk Games, How to Play in Folk Games, and Practice of Playing Folk Games, Character Values ​​of Discipline in each Folk Games. The results of the Community Service activities showed that as many as 86 students from the Public Elementary School in Mambang Village, Muara Kelingi District, Musi Rawas Regency who participated in this activity were very enthusiastic about playing folk games. The games practiced are the Cengkleng game, the Rubber Rope game, the Congklak Dakon game, the Wooden Stilts game, the Bekel Ball game and the Shell Stilt game

    Penggunaan Strategi Role Playing dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Pada Kelas IV SDN 02 Karangsari Jatiyoso Tahun 2017/2018

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    The research was conducted aiming to: 1) improving speaking skill in class IV SDN 02 Karangsari Jatiyoso year 2017/2018 with role playing strategy; and 2) to know the use of role playing strategy in improving learning process in class IV SDN 02 Karangsari Jatiyoso year 2017/2018. This type of research is a classroom action research.. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, interviews, and tests. The validity of the data in question is the technical triangulation. Data analysis in this study is interactive qualitative and descriptive quantitative analysis. Result of research: 1) Role Playing strategy can improve speech skill in class IV. Initial conditions before the action average score of 61.6, cycle I increased to 67.4, cycle II increased to 75.6. For the number of students who completed the initial conditions before the action is as much as 40%; cycle I increased to 56.7%; cycle II increased to 83.3%; and 2)) Role Playing strategy can improve learning process in class IV

    Berpikir Kritis pada Siswa Sekolah Alam Bengawan Solo

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    This study aims to find out how critical thinking character education is carried out at the Bengawan Solo Nature School. This type of empirical research with a qualitative approach. The data source uses primary data from observations and interviews. Data analysis by examination, grouping, processing, evaluated and concluded. The results of the study stated that the Bengawan Solo Nature School had a role that they had to play in raising children's critical awareness through problem-based learning methods and dialogue. Every case faced will make them more mature in thinking. Students are taught to think independently by issuing ideas, and dare to express different opinions, so as to create a dialogue in resolving cases. Student. Thus it was concluded that not all Bengawan Solo Nature School students were able to develop in accordance with the goals or vision and mission of the school to develop people with independent thinking

    A Low-Cost Diffraction-based Light Wavelength Measurement for Classroom Purposes

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    As requested by science education curricula, students are challenged to analyze light properties through optical instruments. However, the light is an electromagnetic wave, and it is very short and not easy to be measured using conventional instruments like a vernier caliper. The research aims to measure light wavelength by analyzing the light diffraction phenomenon for classroom purposes. The method applied Huygens's diffraction principle. The parameters used for the independent variable are the types of lasers and the gap between the laser and screens. Next, the dependent variables are the diffraction angle, wavelength (?), and the gap between diffraction spots. We used diffraction slits (2,500 and 7,500 lines per inch) as control variables. Three laser beams passing through the various slits can be seen and further evaluated to estimate the wavelength. The result shows that the lasers with different wavelengths (665.45, 544.35, 416.20 nm) have been demonstrated successfully with percent errors of 2.32-2.76% and percent differences of 2.29-2.73%. We have concluded that this low-cost experiment can be implemented in school

    Perbandingan Penerapan Strategi Critical Incident dengan Strategi Mind Mapping dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Puisi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri L Sidoharjo

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    This thesis titled "Comparison The Application Of Strategy Critical Incident With Strategy Mind Mapping in Learning Writing Poetry Students' Classroom VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo” Research problem, "is there any significant difference between the application of strategies critical incident with the strategy mind mapping in learning to write poetry graders VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo? Destination the research, "for know the difference who significant between the application of strategy Critical Incident with strategy Mind Mapping in learning writing poetry students' classroom VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo Types of experiment research pure. Population the research entire students classroom VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo totaled 174 students. Two class as samples selected "were randomly flocking" namely, the class VIII.2 as experimental I class with implementing the strategy critical incident and class VIII.3 as experimental II class with applying strategy mind mapping. Number of each class of samples 34 students. Data collection techniques tests. The acquisition value of the average pretest experimental I class 66.7 and experimental II class 66.9, whereas postes experimental I class 80.2 and experimental II class is 78.4. Acquisition data is were analyzed with test-t at significant level 0,05 = 2,00. Based on the calculation known to t (1,21) < t (2,00) Ho is accepted, then the not the existence of differences who significant in learning writing poetry students' classroom. VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo. with applying strategy of Critical Incident and strategies Mind Mapping.This thesis titled "Comparison The Application Of Strategy Critical Incident With Strategy Mind Mapping in Learning Writing Poetry Students' Classroom VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo” Research problem, "is there any significant difference between the application of strategies critical incident with the strategy mind mapping in learning to write poetry graders VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo? Destination the research, "for know the difference who significant between the application of strategy Critical Incident with strategy Mind Mapping in learning writing poetry students' classroom VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo Types of experiment research pure. Population the research entire students classroom VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo totaled 174 students. Two class as samples selected "were randomly flocking" namely, the class VIII.2 as experimental I class with implementing the strategy critical incident and class VIII.3 as experimental II class with applying strategy mind mapping. Number of each class of samples 34 students. Data collection techniques tests. The acquisition value of the average pretest experimental I class 66.7 and experimental II class 66.9, whereas postes experimental I class 80.2 and experimental II class is 78.4. Acquisition data is were analyzed with test-t at significant level 0,05 = 2,00. Based on the calculation known to t (1,21) < t (2,00) Ho is accepted, then the not the existence of differences who significant in learning writing poetry students' classroom. VIII SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo. with applying strategy of Critical Incident and strategies Mind Mapping

    Texture Characteristic of Local Binary Pattern on Face Recognition with Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis

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    Face recognition is an identification system that uses the characteristics of a person's face for processing. There is a feature in the face image so that it can be distinguished between one face and another face. One way to recognize face images is to analyze the texture of the face image. Texture analysis generally requires a feature extraction process. In different images, the characteristics will also differ. This characteristic will be the basis for the recognition of facial images. However, existing face recognition methods experience efficiency problems and rely heavily on the extraction of the right features. This study aims to study the texture characteristics of the extraction results using the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) method which is applied to deal with the introduction of Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA). The data used in this study are human face images from the AR Faces database, consisting of 136 objects (76 men and 60 women), each of which has 7 types of images Based on the results of testing shows the LBP method can produce the highest accuracy with a value of 95.53% in the introduction of PLDA

    Analisis Keberlanjutan Penanganan Stunting Di Desa Kebonagung Kecamatan Padangan Kabupaten Bojonegoro

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    Stunting merupakan salah satu permasalahan gizi yang cukup kompleks bagi banyak negara di dunia. Lebih dari separuh anak stunting berusia di bawah lima tahun secara global (sekitar 55%) berasal dari negara-negara Asia. Pada tahun 2024, Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan target angka stunting di Indonesia dapat turun ke angka 14 %. Presiden Republik Indonesia menegaskan pentingnya penanganan stunting di Indonesia, melalui Peraturan Presiden Nomor 72 Tahun 2021. Semakin banyak anak terkena stunting maka akan semakin banyak banyak pula kerugian dalam bentuk sumber daya manusia baik secara intelektual maupun fisik. Pemerintah berharap generasi penerus bangsa untuk sehat, cerdas, kreatif, dan produktif. Jika anak-anak terlahir sehat, tumbuh dengan baik, dan didukung oleh pendidikan yang berkualitas maka mereka akan menjadi generasi yang menunjang kesuksesan pembangunan bangsa. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis keberlanjutan program penanganan stunting di Desa Kebonagung Kecamatan Padangan Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan MDS. Dengan mengacu pada latar belakang di atas, maka penanganan stunting tidak hanya merupakan tanggung jawab individu atau keluarga, tetapi juga tanggung jawab masyarakat dan pemerintah. Langkah-langkah preventif dan intervensi yang efektif dalam menanggulangi stunting melibatkan pendekatan multi-sektor, termasuk aspek kesehatan, gizi, sanitasi, pendidikan, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Dengan memahami penyebab, faktor risiko, dampak, dan intervensi terkait dengan stunting, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu dalam mengembangkan kebijakan dan keberlanjutan penanganan stunting. Kebijakan dan program penanganan stunting yang tepat akan menghasilkan strategi yang efektif untuk mencegah dan mengurangi prevalensi stunting pada anak-anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan yaitu: a). identifikasi masalah yang akan diamati, b). studi pendahuluan (survei) untuk menentukan lokasi pengambilan sampel, c). pelaksanaan penelitian lapang dengan pengambilan sampel dan data penelitian, d). menganalisis data dan kemudian melakukan studi pembahasan data. Tahapan selanjutnya selanjutnya memberikan rekomendasi hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) menunjukkan bahwa penanganan stunting di Desa Kebonagung belum semuanya berjalan optimal. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari hasil analisis status keberlanjutan Penanganan Stunting di Desa Kebonagung secara multidimensi menunjukkan cukup berkelanjutan dengan nilai indeks sebesar 69,29 sedangkan pada masing-masing dimensi dengan nilai indeks keberlanjutan masing-masing dimensi, yaitu: dimensi ekologi 74,28 (cukup berkelanjutan); dimensi ekonomi 32,87 (kurang berkelanjutan); dimensi sosial 73,05 (cukup berkelanjutan); dimensi kelembagaan 90,50 (sangat berkelanjutan); dan dimensi kesehatan 75,74 (sangat berkelanjutan). Selanjutnya hasil observasi dan quesioner menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang mendukung penanganan stunting di Desa Kebonagung Kecamatan Padangan Kabupaten Bojonegoro yaitu: keikutsertaan ibu dalam program penyuluhan kesehatan ibu dan anak, keberadaan penyuluh KB dalam penanganan stunting, keberadaan pemerintah desa dalam penanganan stunting, dan keberadaan Tim Pendamping Keluarga (TPK) dalam melakukan pendampingan selama kehamilan ibu dan menyusui. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut banyak perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan dalam penerapan penanganan stunting di Desa Kebonagung. Berpedoman pada lima pilar dalam Strategi Nasional Percepatan Penurunan Stunting melalui intervensi gizi sensitif dan spesifik, perlu adanya pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat lewat promosi kegiatan ekonomi berbasis pertanian dan peternakan untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan pangan bergizi, peningkatan pembangunan drainase, peningkatan sumberdaya ekonomi dengan mencptaka lowongan pekerjaan untuk perempuan, peningkatan frekuensi pengadaan sosialisasi khusus stunting, peningkatan kapasitas Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (Penyuluh KB) dan peningkatan pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi anak