53 research outputs found

    Solution Structure of ZASP PDZ Domain Implications for Sarcomere Ultrastructure and Enigma Family Redundancy

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    AbstractZ band alternately spliced PDZ-containing protein (ZASP) is a sarcomere Z disk protein expressed in human cardiac and skeletal muscle that is thought to be involved in a dominant familial dilated cardiomyopathy. The N-terminal PDZ domain of ZASP interacts with the C terminus of α-actinin-2, the major component of the Z disk, probably by forming a ternary complex with titin Z repeats. We have determined the structure of ZASP PDZ by NMR and showed that it is a classical class 1 PDZ domain that recognizes the carboxy-terminal sequence of an α-actinin-2 calmodulin-like domain with micromolar affinity. We also characterized the role of each component in the ternary complex ZASP/α-actinin-2/titin, showing that the α-actinin-2/ZASP PDZ interaction involves a binding surface distinct from that recognized by the titin Z repeats. ZASP PDZ structure was used to model other members of the enigma family by homology and to predict their abilities to bind α-actinin-2

    N-Acyloxymethyl-phthalimides deliver genotoxic formaldehyde to human cells

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    Formaldehyde is a pollutant and human metabolite that is toxic at high concentrations. Biological studies on formaldehyde are hindered by its high reactivity and volatility, which make it challenging to deliver quantitatively to cells. Here, we describe the development and validation of a set of N-acyloxymethyl-phthalimides as cell-relevant formaldehyde delivery agents. These esterase-sensitive compounds were similarly or less inhibitory to human cancer cell growth than free formaldehyde but the lead compound increased intracellular formaldehyde concentrations, increased cellular levels of thymidine derivatives (implying increased formaldehyde-mediated carbon metabolism), induced formation of cellular DNA-protein cross-links and induced cell death in pancreatic cancer cells. Overall, our N-acyloxymethyl-phthalimides and control compounds provide an accessible and broadly applicable chemical toolkit for formaldehyde biological research and have potential as cancer therapeutics

    Characterizing the protein-protein interaction between MDM2 and 14-3-3σ; proof of concept for small molecule stabilization

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    Mouse Double Minute 2 (MDM2) is a key negative regulator of the tumor suppressor protein p53. MDM2 overexpression occurs in many types of cancer and results in the suppression of WT p53. The 14-3-3 family of adaptor proteins are known to bind MDM2 and the 14-3-3σ isoform controls MDM2 cellular localization and stability to inhibit its activity. Therefore, small molecule stabilization of the 14-3-3σ/MDM2 protein-protein interaction (PPI) is a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of cancer. Here, we provide a detailed biophysical and structural characterization of the phosphorylation-dependent interaction between 14-3-3σ and peptides that mimic the 14-3-3 binding motifs within MDM2. The data show that di-phosphorylation of MDM2 at S166 and S186 is essential for high affinity 14-3-3 binding and that the binary complex formed involves one MDM2 di-phosphorylated peptide bound to a dimer of 14-3-3σ. However, the two phosphorylation sites do not simultaneously interact so as to bridge the 14-3-3 dimer in a 'multivalent' fashion. Instead, the two phosphorylated MDM2 motifs 'rock' between the two binding grooves of the dimer, which is unusual in the context of 14-3-3 proteins. In addition, we show that the 14-3-3σ-MDM2 interaction is amenable to small molecule stabilization. The natural product fusicoccin A forms a ternary complex with a 14-3-3σ dimer and an MDM2 di-phosphorylated peptide resulting in the stabilization of the 14-3-3σ/MDM2 PPI. This work serves as a proof-of-concept of the drugability of the 14-3-3/MDM2 PPI and paves the way toward the development of more selective and efficacious small molecule stabilizers.</p

    2′-19F labelling of ribose in RNAs: a tool to analyse RNA/protein interactions by NMR in physiological conditions

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    Protein-RNA interactions are central to numerous cellular processes. In this work, we present an easy and straightforward NMR-based approach to determine the RNA binding site of RNA binding proteins and to evaluate the binding of pairs of proteins to a single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) under physiological conditions, in this case in nuclear extracts. By incorporation of a 19F atom on the ribose of different nucleotides along the ssRNA sequence, we show that, upon addition of an RNA binding protein, the intensity of the 19F NMR signal changes when the 19F atom is located near the protein binding site. Furthermore, we show that the addition of pairs of proteins to a ssRNA containing two 19F atoms at two different locations informs on their concurrent binding or competition. We demonstrate that such studies can be done in a nuclear extract that mimics the physiological environment in which these protein-ssRNA interactions occur. Finally, we demonstrate that a trifluoromethoxy group (-OCF3) incorporated in the 2′ribose position of ssRNA sequences increases the sensitivity of the NMR signal, leading to decreased measurement times, and reduces the issue of RNA degradation in cellular extracts

    Resonance assignment and secondary structure of the middle MA-3 domain and complete tandem MA-3 region of the tumour suppressor protein Pdcd4

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    Pdcd4 (Programmed Cell Death Protein 4) is a novel eukaryotic tumour suppressor protein, which is involved in the regulation of both transcription and translation (reviewed in Lankat-Buttgereit and Göke 2009). The protein contains two interacting MA-3 domains (MA-3M and MA-3C), which are linked by a short semi-flexible linker region (Waters et al. 2007; Suzuki et al. 2008). The MA-3 domains are involved in mediating specific protein–protein interactions with functional partners such as eIF4A (Yang et al. 2003). Here we report essentially complete backbone and side chain 15N, 13C and 1H assignments for a construct composed of the middle MA-3 domain and subsequent linker region (MA-3M) and backbone assignments for the entire tandem MA-3 region of Pdcd4 (Pdcd4 MA-3M-C). Analysis of the backbone chemical shift data obtained indicates that Pdcd4 MA-3M contains eight helical regions corresponding to over 74% of the protein backbone and that Pdcd4 MA-3M-C contains fifteen helical regions (72%). Comparison of the position of these helical regions with those observed in the crystal structures suggests that the solution and crystal structures of both proteins are very similar

    A Pharmacogenetic Approach to the Treatment of Patients With PPARG Mutations.

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    Loss-of-function mutations in PPARG cause familial partial lipodystrophy type 3 (FPLD3) and severe metabolic disease in many patients. Missense mutations in PPARG are present in ∼1 in 500 people. Although mutations are often binarily classified as benign or deleterious, prospective functional classification of all missense PPARG variants suggests that their impact is graded. Furthermore, in testing novel mutations with both prototypic endogenous (e.g., prostaglandin J2 [PGJ2]) and synthetic ligands (thiazolidinediones, tyrosine agonists), we observed that synthetic agonists selectively rescue function of some peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) mutants. We report on patients with FPLD3 who harbor two such PPARγ mutations (R308P and A261E). Both PPARγ mutants exhibit negligible constitutive or PGJ2-induced transcriptional activity but respond readily to synthetic agonists in vitro, with structural modeling providing a basis for such differential ligand-dependent responsiveness. Concordant with this finding, dramatic clinical improvement was seen after pioglitazone treatment of a patient with R308P mutant PPARγ. A patient with A261E mutant PPARγ also responded beneficially to rosiglitazone, although cardiomyopathy precluded prolonged thiazolidinedione use. These observations indicate that detailed structural and functional classification can be used to inform therapeutic decisions in patients with PPARG mutations

    Biophysical characterisation of the Bcl-x pre-mRNA and binding specificity of the ellipticine derivative GQC-05 : implication for alternative splicing regulation

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    The BCL2L1 gene expresses two isoforms of Bcl-x protein via the use of either of two alternative 5′ splice sites (5′ss) in exon 2. These proteins have antagonistic actions, Bcl-XL being anti-apoptotic and Bcl-XS pro-apoptotic. In a number of cancers the Bcl-XL isoform is over-expressed, resulting in cancer cell survival and growth, so switching splicing to the Xs isoform could have therapeutic benefits. We have previously proposed that a putative G-quadruplex (G4) exists downstream of the XS 5′ss and shown that the ellipticine derivative GQC-05, a previously identified DNA G4-specific ligand, induces an increase in the XS/XL ratio both in vitro and in cells. Here, we demonstrate that this G4 forms in vitro and that the structure is stabilised in the presence of GQC-05. We also show that GQC-05 binds RNA non-specifically in buffer conditions, but selectively to the Bcl-x G4 in the presence of nuclear extract, highlighting the limitations of biophysical measurements taken outside of a functional environment. We also demonstrate that GQC-05 is able to shift the equilibrium between competing G4 and duplex structures towards the G4 conformation, leading to an increase in accessibility of the XS 5′ss, supporting our previous model on the mechanism of action of GQC-05

    Cryo-EM structure of human Pol κ bound to DNA and mono-ubiquitylated PCNA

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    Y-family DNA polymerase κ (Pol κ) can replicate damaged DNA templates to rescue stalled replication forks. Access of Pol κ to DNA damage sites is facilitated by its interaction with the processivity clamp PCNA and is regulated by PCNA mono-ubiquitylation. Here, we present cryo-EM reconstructions of human Pol κ bound to DNA, an incoming nucleotide, and wild type or mono-ubiquitylated PCNA (Ub-PCNA). In both reconstructions, the internal PIP-box adjacent to the Pol κ Polymerase-Associated Domain (PAD) docks the catalytic core to one PCNA protomer in an angled orientation, bending the DNA exiting the Pol κ active site through PCNA, while Pol κ C-terminal domain containing two Ubiquitin Binding Zinc Fingers (UBZs) is invisible, in agreement with disorder predictions. The ubiquitin moieties are partly flexible and extend radially away from PCNA, with the ubiquitin at the Pol κ-bound protomer appearing more rigid. Activity assays suggest that, when the internal PIP-box interaction is lost, Pol κ is retained on DNA by a secondary interaction between the UBZs and the ubiquitins flexibly conjugated to PCNA. Our data provide a structural basis for the recruitment of a Y-family TLS polymerase to sites of DNA damage.This research was supported by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology through core funding (to S.M.H.) and the Competitive Research Award Grant CRG8 URF/1/4036‐01‐01 (to S.M.H. and A.D.B.), and by the Wellcome Trust (to A.D.B.). R.C. acknowledges funding from the MINECO (CTQ2016-78636-P) and to AGAUR, (2017 SGR 324). The MD project has been carried out using CSUC resources. We acknowledge The Midlands Regional Cryo-EM Facility at the Leicester Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology (LISCB), major funding from MRC (MC_PC_17136). We thank Christos Savva (LISCB, University of Leicester) for his help in cryo-EM data collection and advice on data processing.Peer reviewe

    2′- 19 F labelling of ribose in RNAs: a tool to analyse RNA/protein interactions by NMR in physiological conditions

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    Protein-RNA interactions are central to numerous cellular processes. In this work, we present an easy and straightforward NMR-based approach to determine the RNA binding site of RNA binding proteins and to evaluate the binding of pairs of proteins to a single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) under physiological conditions, in this case in nuclear extracts. By incorporation of a 19F atom on the ribose of different nucleotides along the ssRNA sequence, we show that, upon addition of an RNA binding protein, the intensity of the 19F NMR signal changes when the 19F atom is located near the protein binding site. Furthermore, we show that the addition of pairs of proteins to a ssRNA containing two 19F atoms at two different locations informs on their concurrent binding or competition. We demonstrate that such studies can be done in a nuclear extract that mimics the physiological environment in which these protein-ssRNA interactions occur. Finally, we demonstrate that a trifluoromethoxy group (-OCF3) incorporated in the 2′ribose position of ssRNA sequences increases the sensitivity of the NMR signal, leading to decreased measurement times, and reduces the issue of RNA degradation in cellular extracts