8 research outputs found

    Визначення раціональних режимів ферментативної деструкції автолізату біомаси молочнокислих бактерій

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    It is shown that the degradation products of peptidoglycans of lactic acid bacteria cell walls that are related to the muramyl peptide series compounds are promising components of food ingredients and dietary supplements for the nutritional support of the population suffering from disorders of the immune system.The expediency of autolysis of lactic acid bacteria biomass to increase the enzymatic degradation efficiency of peptidoglycans of their cell walls has been proven. The accumulation of low molecular weight peptides in the enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass under rational parameters, which was not subjected to autolysis, is 0.260 mg/cm3, in the enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass that was subjected to autolysis is 0.569 mg/cm3. Rational regimes of enzymatic hydrolysis of the composition of lactic acid bacteria (enzyme concentration of 12.5 mg/cm3, substrate concentration of 70.0 mg/cm3, duration of enzymatic hydrolysis of 245.6 min) were determined using mathematical planning methods of multifactorial experiments, which made it possible to significantly optimize and improve the work efficiency.The affiliation of low molecular weight peptides obtained under the rational conditions of enzymatic hydrolysis to immunological compounds of the muramyl peptide series has been proven by gel chromatography and IR spectroscopy methods. It is determined that the molecular weight of the obtained low molecular weight peptides is in the range of 294 – 650 Da, which, in fact, corresponds to the molecular weight of muramyl dipeptide and glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide. In the IR spectrum of low molecular weight peptides, the absorption bands are noted, which correspond to fluctuations of free amino groups, peptide bonds, which, in fact, occur in the structure of peptides, pyranose glucose forms that are part of muramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine of peptidoglycan, muramyl dipeptide and glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide. Also, fluctuations of β-glycoside bonds, which binds the remains of muramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine in peptidoglycan and glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide are marked in the IR spectrum of low molecular weight peptidesУстановлены рациональные режимы ферментативной деструкции автолизата композиции молочнокислых бактерий методом математического планирования многофакторных экспериментов. Исследован ферментолизат, полученный при рациональных условий деструкции, на предмет наличия в его составе иммунотропных соединений – продуктов деградации пептидогликана клеточных стенок бактерий. Методами гель хроматографии и ИК-спектроскопии доказано, что в составе ферментолизата содержатся низкомолекулярные пептиды, которые можно отнести к соединениям мурамилпептидного ряда, обладающих мощным иммунотропным эффектомВстановлено раціональні режими ферментативної деструкції автолізату композиції молочнокислих бактерій методом математичного планування багатофакторних експериментів. Досліджено ферментолізат, отриманий за раціональних умов деструкції, на предмет наявності у його складі імунотропних сполук – продуктів деградації пептидоглікану клітинних стінок бактерій. Методами гель хроматографії та ІЧ-спектроскопії доведено, що у складі ферментолізату містяться низькомолекулярні пептиди, які можна віднести до сполук мурамілпептидного ряду, що володіють потужним імунотропним ефекто

    Дослідження пробіотичних властивостей кисловершкового масла під час зберігання

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    The purpose of experimental research was to determine the number of viable cells L. acidophilus of the strain La-5 and Flora Danica when storing cultured butter. For this purpose, we employed different temperature modes of the fermentation of cream, as well as various technologies. The original concentration of cultures in cream is 1•106 cfu/cm3; with a combination of cultures – the ratio of 1:1 at original concentration in cream of 1•106 and 1•106 cfu/cm3, respectively). We prepared 4 groups of butter:– group I (samples BW (Butter Winter)1, BW2, BW3 and BS (Butter Summer)1, BS2, BS3 at souring the cream by FD, FD + La-5, La-5, respectively, in winter and summer). Cream fermentation was conducted at temperature (30±1) ºC;– group II (BW4, BW5, BW6, BS5, BS6, BS7 at souring by FD, FD+La-5; La-5) – fermentation (37±1) ºC;– group III (З7, З8, З9 at souring by FD, FD+La-5, La-5, respectively) – (8±1) ºC→(20±1) ºC→(12±1) ºC – winter stepwise cultured butter production mode similar to the Alnarp mode. (BS7, BS8, BS9) – (20±1) ºC→(6±1) ºC→(10±1) ºC – summer stepwise mode similar to the Danish one;– group IV (BW10, BW11, BW12, BS10, BS11, BS12 at souring by FD, FD+La-5, La-5, respectively) – introduction of souring cultures to a butter grain. The original concentration of cells at inoculation – 1•108 cfu/cm3.The largest number of viable cells of La-5 was registered for the sample in which we used FD+La-5 and the fermentation of cream at temperature (30±1) ºC. Duration of storing the cultured butter with the probiotic properties is 35 days at temperature 0…–5 ºСИсследовано количество жизнеспособных клеток L. acidophilus пробиотического штамма La-5 при использовании ее самостоятельно и при сочетании со мезофильной культурой Flora Danica при хранении кислосливочного масла, используя различные температурные режимы ферментации сливок и различные технологии. Установлено, что в оба сезона года лучшие пробиотические свойства кислосливочного масла проявляются при сочетании Flora Danica + L. acidophilus La-5 при температуре ферментации сливок (30±1) °СДосліджено кількість життєздатних клітин L. acidophilus пробіотичного штаму La-5 за використання її самостійно і у поєднанні із мезофільною культурою Flora Danica при зберіганні кисловершкового масла, використовуючи різні температурні режими ферментації вершків і різні технології. Встановлено, що в обидва сезони року найкращі пробіотичні властивості кисловершкового масла проявляються при поєднанні Flora Danica + L. acidophilus La-5 за температури ферментації вершків (30±1) °


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    The aim of the work was the study of keeping probiotic properties of sour-milk butter with inclusion of Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 (La-5) monoculture. Flora Danica mesophile culture independently (FD); in combination with La-5 and La-5 independently were used for fermenting cream. The output consistence of culture in cream was 1×106 CFU/cm3. In autumn-winter and spring-summer period of the year four butter groups were prepared, they differed by temperature of cream fermentation: I group – (30±1) ºС; II – (37±1) ºС; III – stage regimes of combination of fermentation and physical maturing; IV group – introduction of cultures into oil kernel; the output concentration – 1·108 CFU/cm3. As to the features of summer and winter periods, in summer one cream fermentation is more active that is indicated by more number of cells of both microbial cultures. The best parameters of viable cells keeping were typical to the samples at FD+La-5 use and temperature of cream fermentation (30±1) ºС. Storage life of sour-cream butter with probiotic properties is 35 days at temperature 0…-5 ºС

    Research Into Probiotic Properties of Cultured Butter During Storing

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    The purpose of experimental research was to determine the number of viable cells L. acidophilus of the strain La-5 and Flora Danica when storing cultured butter. For this purpose, we employed different temperature modes of the fermentation of cream, as well as various technologies. The original concentration of cultures in cream is 1•106 cfu/cm3; with a combination of cultures – the ratio of 1:1 at original concentration in cream of 1•106 and 1•106 cfu/cm3, respectively). We prepared 4 groups of butter:– group I (samples BW (Butter Winter)1, BW2, BW3 and BS (Butter Summer)1, BS2, BS3 at souring the cream by FD, FD + La-5, La-5, respectively, in winter and summer). Cream fermentation was conducted at temperature (30±1) ºC;– group II (BW4, BW5, BW6, BS5, BS6, BS7 at souring by FD, FD+La-5; La-5) – fermentation (37±1) ºC;– group III (З7, З8, З9 at souring by FD, FD+La-5, La-5, respectively) – (8±1) ºC→(20±1) ºC→(12±1) ºC – winter stepwise cultured butter production mode similar to the Alnarp mode. (BS7, BS8, BS9) – (20±1) ºC→(6±1) ºC→(10±1) ºC – summer stepwise mode similar to the Danish one;– group IV (BW10, BW11, BW12, BS10, BS11, BS12 at souring by FD, FD+La-5, La-5, respectively) – introduction of souring cultures to a butter grain. The original concentration of cells at inoculation – 1•108 cfu/cm3.The largest number of viable cells of La-5 was registered for the sample in which we used FD+La-5 and the fermentation of cream at temperature (30±1) ºC. Duration of storing the cultured butter with the probiotic properties is 35 days at temperature 0…–5 º