67 research outputs found

    Nowcasting for the road maintenance during winter in the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute

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    Póster presentado en: 3rd European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada en la sede central de AEMET en Madrid del 24 al 26 de abril de 2019

    Characterisation of chosen types of dairy products

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    Cílem této diplomové práce bylo navrhnout technologii výroby měkkého sýru s bílou plísní na povrchu v poloprovozních podmínkách za použití nepasterizovaného mléka, které pochází od krav pasoucích se na louce. Tímto způsobem jsem se chtěla přiblížit tradiční výrobní technologii, nad kterou v dnešní době převládá průmyslová. Vyrobené sýry byly podrobeny senzorické analýze za účelem zjištění jejich chutnosti a přijatelnosti pro běžné spotřebitele. Senzorické hodnocení prováděly dvě komise, studentů a seniorů. Mezi hodnocením oběma komisemi byly patrné rozdíly, obě komise však na závěr sýr hodnotily jako „dobrý”. K tomu přispělo především horší hodnocení chuti (flavouru) vzorků, která byla poměrně výrazná a nezvyklá pro české konzumenty.The aim of this thesis was to design technology of production soft cheese with white mold on the surface in a pilot plant conditions using unpasteurized milk that comes from grazing cows. This way I wanted to be closer to the traditional cheese manufacturing technology, over which today dominates the industrial. Final cheeses were subjected to sensory analysis in order to determine their acceptability for ordinary consumers. Sensory evaluation was carried out by two committees: students and seniors. Between the two committiees were noticeable differences, however, both commissions at the conclusion assessed the cheese as „good”. This evaluation was mainly based on lower ratings of taste (flavor) of the samples, which were quite strong and unusual for Czech consumers.

    Ethics of advertising. Position in terms of theological ethics

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    Bc. Lenka Musilová 30.4.2009 ETIKA REKLAMY Přístup z hlediska teologické etiky Reklama je fenomén, který proniká do života každého jedince mnohem hlouběji, než si dokážeme připustit. Její úlohou je nejen oslovit spotřebitele, ale také ho přesvědčit ke koupi propagovaného zboží či služby. Přesvědčovací proces bohužel v některých případech probíhá neetickým způsobem, neboť jsou zamlčovány podstatné informace, zneužívá se emocí nebo motivu strachu, jindy se reklama skrývá za doporučení celebrit a existuje celá řada dalších nekalých praktik, které se snaží maximálně upoutat pozornost potenciálních zákazníků. Jako cíl práce jsem si stanovila zjistit, jak vnímají reklamu a její etiku odborníci v oboru. V teoretické části práce nejprve seznamuji s reklamou a její pozicí v marketingu. Poté představuji hlavní témata teologické etiky, na jejichž základě později definuji etiku reklamy a vysvětluji její etické aspekty. V samostatné kapitole uvádím stanovisko katolické církve k problematice etiky reklamy. Regulace reklamy je součástí českého právního systému, přičemž důležitým prvkem je dobrovolná regulace etickými kodexy čili tzv. samoregulace. Shrnutím hlavních výhod a nevýhod legislativy a samoregulace uzavírám studijní část práce. Náplní praktické části diplomové práce je kvalitativní výzkum. Pomocí...Ethics of advertising - Position in terms of theological ethics Advertising is a subject of a lot of controversial debates because it derives the benefit from unethical practics. For example, advertising misleads customers when it conceals essential information, abuses women and children, improperly uses a sense of fear. These aspects of advertising have a negative impact on society. The goal of this thesis was to find out how experts in the advertising industry perceive adverting and its ethics. The first one is a marketing specialist and the other is a director of an advertising agency. I introduce advertising at the beginning of the first part. The main themes of the theological ethics come later and then I explain the relationship of ethics and advertising. There is a separate chapter dealing with attitude of The Catholic church towards advertising's ethics. The next chapter describes regulation of advertising in The Czech Republic. The second part includes a qualitative research about expert's perception of advertising and its ethics. I found out their opinions using non-standardized interviews. In the conclusion I introduce results of the research. Keywords: Ethics / theological ethics Advertising Catholic Church and advertising Regulation of advertisingDepartment of Theological Ethics and Theology of SpiritualityKatedra teologické etiky a spirituální teologieCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    Electrospinning of hyaluronan using polymer coelectrospinning and intermediate solvent

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    In the current study, we present methods of sodium hyaluronate, also denoted as hyaluronan (HA), nanofiber fabrication using a direct-current (DC) electric field. HA was spun in combination with poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and polyethylene oxide (PEO) and as a pure polymer. Nonaggressive solvents were used due to the possible use of the fibers in life sciences. The influences of polymer concentration, average molecular weight (Mw), viscosity, and solution surface tension were analyzed. HA and PVA were fluorescent-labeled in order to examine the electrospun structures using fluorescence confocal microscopy. In this study, two intermediate solvent mixtures that facilitate HA electrospinning were found. In the case of polymer co-electrospinning, the effect of the surfactant content on the HA/PVA electrospinning process, and the effect of HA Mw on HA/PEO nanofiber morphology, were examined, respectively. © 2019 by the authors

    The behaviour of hyaluronan solutions in the presence of Hofmeister ions: A light scattering, viscometry and surface tension study

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    Dynamic light scattering (DLS), viscosity and surface tension (SFT) measurements were used to characterize influence of salts containing ions of Hofmeister series (Na 2 SO 4 , (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , NaSCN, NH 4 SCN and NaCl) on the behaviour of hyaluronan in diluted solutions at a temperature range of 15–45 °C. The results of the study showed that chaotropic and kosmotropic ions notably influenced the folding and unfolding of hyaluronan coils due to interactions between a respective ion and hydrophilic or hydrophobic patches present in the backbone of the polymer chains. This was mainly proved by viscosity and light scattering measurements. The temperature dependence of the hydrodynamic diameter of the hyaluronan coil determined by DLS demonstrated that combinations of chaotropic and kosmotropic ions in one salt (NaCl, NaSCN and (HN 4 ) 2 SO 4 ) can stabilize the size of the coil in a wide range of temperatures. Tensiometry measurements indicated that certain types of ions present in the solution caused an unfolding of the hyaluronan coils, leading to a decrease of SFT. © 2019 Elsevier LtdMinistry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic - Program NPU I [LO1504]; TBU in Zlin [IGA/FT/2017/011, IGA/FT/2018/011, IGA/FT/2019/012

    Barley Varieties Registered in the Czech Republic after Harvest 2015

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    After harvest 2015, following spring barley malting varieties were registered in the Czech Republic: Libuše, Manta, Pionier, and Tango; the variety Manta was recommended for production of beer with the PGI “České pivo“ (Czech Beer). The highest extract content (83.3 %) was exhibited by the varieties Libuše and Tango. The varieties Libuše, Pionier, and Tango exhibited the above average to optimal level of proteolytic, amylolytic and cytolytic modification. The variety Manta fulfilled the requirements specified in the application for PGI “České pivo“ (Czech Beer). In addition, non-malting spring barley variety STRG 774/11 (Aligator) will be registered

    Barley Varieties Registered in the Slovak Republic after Harvest 2015

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    After three-year tests (2013–2015) following malting barley varieties were registered in the Slovak Republic: Michelle, SK Levitus, SU Gesine, and Tango. The highest extract content was exhibited by the varieties SK Levitus (83.5%), Michelle (83.3%), and Tango (83.3%). All the studied varieties exhibited very good to optimal level of proteolytic and amylolytic modification. The highest levels of final apparent attenuation were recorded in the variety Tango (83.2%). The level of degradation of cell walls given by friability was at the optimal level in all the studied varieties (84–93%). β-glucan content in wort moved from 82–225 mg/l. The studied varieties did not have a significant problem with wort clarity. Further, a non-malting winter barley variety Monroe was registered

    The Barley Variety Registered in the Slovak Republic after Harvest 2016

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    After three-year tests (2014–2016), the spring barley malting variety Soulmate was registered in the Slovak Republic. Extract content in malt dry matter in the studied variety was high, it moved in the scope of 83.4–84.4 %. The variety had strong proteolytic modifi cation. Amylolytic modifi cation, degradation of cell walls and β-glucan content were at the optimal level. Wort quality was above average to optimal. The value of the apparent fi nal attenuation was high (83.6%). The variety Soulmate provided clear wort

    Stability of aqueous polymeric dispersions for ultra-thin coating of bi-axially oriented polyethylene terephthalate films

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    The stability of polyacrylate and polyester based aqueous dispersions designed for ultrathin coating of extruded plastic films, especially bi-axially oriented polyethylene terephthalate (BOPET), was studied. Also, the effect of the gemini surfactant based defoaming/wetting agent on the properties of the dispersions was examined. The addition of the defoaming/wetting agent resulted in reducing the surface free tension of the polyacrylate and polyester dispersion by 15% and 20%, respectively and the initial foam height by 60% and 15%, respectively. At the same time, the agent addition did not compromise the temperature and pH stability of the dispersions. Such modified dispersion can be utilized for ultrathin coating of plastic film used for packaging, to improve their processability, printability, and metallization.European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); national budget of the Czech Republic [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0111]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic-Program NPU I [LO1504]; European Regional Development Fund [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0409

    The effect of plasma pretreatment and cross-linking degree on the physical and antimicrobial properties of nisin-coated PVA films

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    Stable antimicrobial nisin layers were prepared on the carrying medium-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) films, crosslinked by glutaric acid. Surface plasma dielectric coplanar surface barrier discharge (DCSBD) modification of polyvinyl alcohol was used to improve the hydrophilic properties and to provide better adhesion of biologically active peptide-nisin to the polymer. The surface modification of films was studied in correlation to their cross-linking degree. Nisin was attached directly from the salt solution of the commercial product. In order to achieve a stable layer, the initial nisin concentration and the following release were investigated using chromatographic methods. The uniformity and stability of the layers was evaluated by means of zeta potential measurements, and for the surface changes of hydrophilic character, the water contact angle measurements were provided. The nisin long-term stability on the PVA films was confirmed by tricine polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and by antimicrobial assay. It was found that PVA can serve as a suitable carrying medium for nisin with tunable properties by plasma treatment and crosslinking degree. © 2018 by the authors.Czech Science Foundation (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic) [17-10813S