47 research outputs found

    Portugal as a culinary and wine tourism destination

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    The culinary tradition is always part of the culture of a given nation. On the other hand, traveling is always associated with a desire to learn about the customs of various ethnic groups where food is an integral part of a trip. Culinary traditions and products play an increasingly important role in the development of tourism. Many tourism products are based on exploring the culinary wealth. It can be said that national and regional cuisine constitute one of the main tourism values. The aim of this work is to present the resources essential for the culinary tourism in Portugal. First of all, the authors focused on the characteristics of Portuguese cuisine. The particular attention has been paid to its uniqueness and specificity which distinguish it from other Mediterranean countries. The paper also considers the issue of knowledge of tourists about the gastronomic culture of Portugal and popularity of Portuguese foods and drinks in Poland

    Portugal as a culinary and wine tourism destination

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    The culinary tradition is always part of the culture of a given nation. On the other hand, traveling is always associated with a desire to learn about the customs of various ethnic groups where food is an integral part of a trip. Culinary traditions and products play an increasingly important role in the development of tourism. Many tourism products are based on exploring the culinary wealth. It can be said that national and regional cuisine constitute one of the main tourism values. The aim of this work is to present the resources essential for the culinary tourism in Portugal. First of all, the authors focused on the characteristics of Portuguese cuisine. The particular attention has been paid to its uniqueness and specificity which distinguish it from other Mediterranean countries. The paper also considers the issue of knowledge of tourists about the gastronomic culture of Portugal and popularity of Portuguese foods and drinks in Poland

    Culinary tourism in the Cuiavian-Pomeranian Province, Poland

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    Poland, as one of the European Union country, saves and promotes regional goods of high quality. One of the basic way of quality policy realization is giving a high quality sign to regional farm and food products which come from different regions and are traditionally made (Internet source no 2). More and more often, products made in a traditional way attract tourists, who come to the places where the products are prepared. Jęczmyk and Sammel (2012) believe that regional products of the traditional method of manufacturing, may be the main motive for traveling to the particular region. In the Cuiavian-Pomeranian Province 54 regional products was registered (Internet source no 3). They are: dairy, meat, confectionery, bakery products, oil, fat, honey, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, prepared dishes. A special attention in the article is paid to some of the products which help to develop the culinary tourism in the Cuiavian-Pomeranian Province

    Cardiac involvement in hypereosinophilic syndrome

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    Novel Venetin-1 nanoparticle from earthworm coelomic fluid as a promising agent for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer

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    The present research shows the antitumor activity of a protein-polysaccharide complex Venetin-1 obtained from the coelomic fluid of Dendrobaena veneta earthworms against A549 cancer cells. The investigations are a continuation of experiments on the antitumor activity of coelomic fluid obtained from this species. The Venetin-1 nanoparticle was obtained after thermal treatment of the coelomic fluid, separation from coelomocytes, filtration, and lyophilization. The preparation showed a selective effect on cancer cells, whereas normal cells were unaffected. Venetin-1 was effective against the lung cancer cells at doses of 31.3 and 62.5 µg/ml, and the results were imaged using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The cells died mainly via the apoptosis pathway. Necrotic cells appeared sporadically in the microscopic view. SEM imaging revealed complete destruction of the A549 cells after the incubation with Venetin-1. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) analyses showed changes in the topography, peak force error images, and Young’s modulus (elasticity) of the A549 cells after the incubation with Venetin-1. The transmission electron cryomicroscopy (Cryo-TEM) analysis indicated a polymeric nature of the analyzed preparation. The samples of Venetin-1 showed a very homogeneous size profile with the microparticle size of approximately 58.23 nm. A significant decrease in Venetin-1 binding to sphingomyelin was observed. Venetin-1 lost its pore-forming activity or deactivation of the pore-forming activity occurred. This confirms the absence of hemolytic capacity of Venetin-1 towards red blood cells. The conducted analyses show the suitability of the obtained complex for biomedical research. The next step will consist in analyses of the effect of Venetin-1 on the immune system in mice

    Polish Soil Classification, 6th edition – principles, classification scheme and correlations

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    The sixth edition of the Polish Soil Classification (SGP6) aims to maintain soil classification in Poland as a modern scientific system that reflects current scientific knowledge, understanding of soil functions and the practical requirements of society. SGP6 continues the tradition of previous editions elaborated upon by the Soil Science Society of Poland in consistent application of quantitatively characterized diagnostic horizons, properties and materials; however, clearly referring to soil genesis. The present need to involve and name the soils created or naturally developed under increasing human impact has led to modernization of the soil definition. Thus, in SGP6, soil is defined as the surface part of the lithosphere or the accumulation of mineral and organic materials permanently connected to the lithosphere (through buildings or permanent constructions), coming from weathering or accumulation processes, originated naturally or anthropogenically, subject to transformation under the influence of soilforming factors, and able to supply living organisms with water and nutrients. SGP6 distinguishes three hierarchical categories: soil order (nine in total), soil type (basic classification unit; 30 in total) and soil subtype (183 units derived from 62 unique definitions; listed hierarchically, separately in each soil type), supplemented by three non-hierarchical categories: soil variety (additional pedogenic or lithogenic features), soil genus (lithology/parent material) and soil species (soil texture). Non-hierarchical units have universal definitions that allow their application in various orders/types, if all defined requirements are met. The paper explains the principles, classification scheme and rules of SGP6, including the key to soil orders and types, explaining the relationships between diagnostic horizons, materials and properties distinguished in SGP6 and in the recent edition of WRB system as well as discussing the correlation of classification units between SGP6, WRB and Soil Taxonomy

    Porównanie wyników pierwotnej angioplastyki wieńcowej z implantacją stentu i optymalnej pierwotnej angioplastyki wieńcowej bez stentu w grupie nieselekcjonowanych pacjentów z ostrym zawałem serca z województwa podlaskiego. Obserwacja roczna

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    Wstęp: Pierwotna angioplastyka wieńcowa (PTCA) jest uznaną metodą leczenia ostrego zawału serca. W ośrodkach dysponujących odpowiednią aparaturą i doświadczoną kadrą uważa się ją za metodę z wyboru. Celem niniejszego badania jest porównanie wyników leczenia pacjentów z ostrym zawałem serca za pomocą pierwotnej PTCA z implantacją stentu oraz optymalnej angioplastyki wieńcowej (POBA) bez implantacji stentu podczas miesięcznej, półrocznej i rocznej obserwacji szpitalnej. Materiał i metody: Analizą objęto 500 kolejnych pacjentów (w wieku 27&#8211;80 lat, średni wiek 59 lat) z ostrym zawałem serca, do 12 godzin od momentu wystąpienia dolegliwości, leczonych za pomocą pierwotnej PTCA. Pierwszą grupę (I) stanowiło 260 osób, którym implantowano stent wieńcowy, zaś drugą grupę (II) 240 chorych, u których wykonano POBA. Oceniano przepływ w tętnicy odpowiedzialnej za zawał przed zabiegiem, skuteczność zabiegu, śmiertelność oraz częstość występowania epizodów sercowo-naczyniowych w obu grupach w obserwacji szpitalnej, miesięcznej, półrocznej i rocznej. Wyniki: Skuteczność zabiegu była istotnie wyższa w grupie I (99,6% vs. 93,3%; p < 0,001). W obserwacji szpitalnej u pacjentów z grupy II częściej wykonywano zabiegi rewaskularyzacji wieńcowej (4,6% vs. 1,4%; p = 0,046). Nie zaobserwowano istotnej różnicy w śmiertelności szpitalnej, 30-dniowej, półrocznej i rocznej pomiędzy grupami. Podczas obserwacji półrocznej i rocznej w grupie II stwierdzono częstsze nawroty dławicy piersiowej wymagającej hospitalizacji oraz istotnie częściej wykonywano zabiegi rewaskularyzacji tętnicy odpowiedzialnej za zawał. Wnioski: W badanej populacji chorych implantacja stentu podczas pierwotnej przezskórnej interwencji w ostrym zawale serca nie spowodowała istotnej redukcji śmiertelności podczas rocznej obserwacji, natomiast w obserwacji półrocznej i rocznej implantacja stentu przyczyniła się do istotnego zmniejszenia częstości nawrotów dławicy piersiowej wymagającej hospitalizacji oraz częstości zabiegów rewaskularyzacji tętnicy odpowiedzialnej za zawał. (Folia Cardiol. 2004; 11: 561&#8211;569