13 research outputs found

    Isolated Cervical Rib Fracture: A Rare Etiology of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

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    Isolated fracture of a cervical rib is a very rare entity and usually presents as a painless swelling or as thoracic outlet syndrome. We describe a case of a 45-year-old woman with history of fall two months back. She presented with symptoms of neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome for one month. Isolated left cervical rib fracture was documented on X-ray cervical spine. Her fractured cervical rib was resected through a supraclavicular approach, and symptoms resolved completely in the postoperative period

    Papillary carcinoma thyroid with metastasis to ectopic cervical thymus

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    Papillary carcinoma of thyroid is the most common type of thyroid neoplasm which is usually confined to the thyroid and tends to metastasize to regional lymph nodes. Distant metastasis occur in up to 15% of cases. Thymic metastasis from any malignant carcinoma is extremely rare with only four cases reported in medical literature. We report a case of papillary carcinoma of thyroid metastasizing to ectopic cervical thymus which has not been previously reported

    Carcinoid Klatskin tumour: A Rare Cause of Obstructive Jaundice

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    Carcinoid tumours of the extrahepatic biliary ducts represent an extremely rare cause of bile duct obstruction. We report a case of obstructive jaundice secondary to carcinoid tumour arising at the hilar confluence. Resection of the primary tumour was done and the patient is doing well on follow-up. This case demonstrated that surgery offers the only potential cure for biliary carcinoid and aggressive surgical therapy should be the preferred treatment in cases of potentially resectable biliary tumours

    Atypical Localizations of Hydatid Disease: Experience from a Single Institute

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    Introduction: The hydatid disease most often involves the liver and the lungs. The disease can involve any part of the body except the hair, teeth and nails. Primary extrahepaticopulmonary hydatid cysts are rare and only a few sporadic cases have been reported. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and forty-four patients with hydatid cysts managed surgically from January 2005 to December 2009 were evaluated retrospectively. Fourteen (5.7%) patients had isolated involvement of the atypical sites, while six (2.4%) also had a primary involvement of liver. Results: The cysts were present in gall bladder (0.4%), peritoneum (1.6%), spleen (1.6%), ovary (0.4%), subcutaneous (0.8%), seminal vesicle (0.4%), spinal (0.4%), pancreas (0.4%), kidney (0.4%), mediastinal (0.4%), muscle (0.4%), and brain (0.8%). Discussion and Conclusions: Involvement of sites other than liver and lungs by hydatid disease is rare. Symptoms are related to size, location or possible complication of the cyst. It should be strongly suspected in differential diagnosis of all abdominal cysts especially in an endemic area. Proper surgical and medical management to avoid any recurrences, and a regular follow-up, are of utmost importance to detect any late complications such as local recurrence of the disease and development of hydatidosis at the primary sites.Keywords: Atypical locations, hydatid, echinococcosisNigerian Journal of Surgery, Jan-Jun 2012 | Volume 18 | Issue

    Penile Fracture: Experience from a Third World Country

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    Aim. To ascertain the clinical presentation, commonest age group affected, and treatment of patients diagnosed to have penis fracture. Materials and Methods. We performed a retrospective study carried at a tertiary care hospital from January 2005 to January 2011. All the 36 patients diagnosed to have penile fracture were enrolled in the study group. The diagnosis was made based on the clinical findings in the patients. All, except two patients, were managed by a standard surgical procedure, same for all the patients, on the day of presentation to the hospital. All the data pertaining to the presentation, management, and followup of these patients were studied and scrutinized thoroughly. Results. Thirty-four patients were operated while 2 refused surgery. Most of our patients were between 16 and 30 years (55.6%) of age. The commonest presenting complaints were penile swelling and detumescence during sexual intercourse or an erection. All except two of our patients were managed with immediate surgical repair which had excellent results even in the presence of associated urethral injury. Conclusion. Fracture of the penis is a surgical emergency which can be best managed by immediate surgical repair with excellent results even in the presence of urethral injury

    Primary isolated echinococcal cyst of the seminal vesicle: A rare case

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    Hydatid disease of the organs other than liver and lung is extremely rare. Although hydatid disease is endemic in India, we report a rare case of hydatid cyst in a young male primarily involving the seminal vesicle and aim to highlight the management of such cases. A 23 year old male farmer diagnosed with primary isolated echinococcal cyst of the seminal vesicle has been presented. Thorough investigations with radiological methods such as ultrasonography (abdominal and trans-rectal), and magnetic resonance imaging were carried out to aid in the diagnosis. Surgical excision of the lesion was carried out with careful removal of the cyst to prevent any bursting and spillage, leaving the seminal vesicle preserved. The cystic lesion was subjected to histopathological examination. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of hydatid disease. Postoperative period was uncomplicated and patient was discharged on seventh postoperative day. Patient was put on albendazole (10 mg/kg/day) for three cycles of 21 days each with a gap of one week between each cycle. There was no evidence of recurrence or development of cysts elsewhere in the body during the 2 year follow-up. Hydatid cyst of seminal vesicle is rare and should be kept in differential diagnosis of a cystic lesion in pelvis especially in regions where hydatid disease is endemic. Proper surgical and medical management to avoid any recurrences, and a regular follow-up, are of utmost importance to detect any late complications such as local recurrence of the disease and development of hydatidosis at the primary sites

    Giant Intrapulmonary Teratoma: A Rare Case

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    Teratomas are tumors composed of tissues derived from more than one germ cell line. Pulmonary teratomas are rare and commonly involve the upper lobe of the left lung. Criteria for pulmonary origin are the exclusion of a gonadal or other extragonadal primary site and origin entirely within the lung. We report a case of a giant pulmonary teratoma in a 2-year-old male child and review the relevant literature

    Influence of male age on producing rival calls in brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stál (Homoptera: Delphacidae)

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    Brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens is an imperative insect pest of rice crop throughout the Asia. Both BPH male and female rely on substrate borne vibrational signals prior to mate. Often such mating communication is affected by rivalry signals of other existed males of variable age and population. Therefore, the current study observed the effect of age and population density on production of male rival calls. The results illustrated that the male rival calls were only produced in the presence of other male. No single male rival call was produced when a pair of a matured male and female of five days old was placed on rice plant. However, production of rival calls increased with increasing the age of BPH male and maximum number of (90%) male produced rival calls at the age of fifth days. Similarly, the population density affected the behaviour of male for producing the rival calls. A maximum number of male produced rival calls, when population of seven virgin males were reared together prior to experiment. Such results showed that the presence of rivalry signals during mating communication is a crucial part of mating behaviour of brown planthopper and only observed among males. Understanding the influence of these factors on mating behaviour of BPH is essential as it serves as baseline for exploiting the mating signals of BPH to reduce the population density below the economic injury level

    Artery to Cystic Duct: A Consistent Branch of Cystic Artery Seen in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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    Uncontrolled arterial bleeding during laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a serious problem and may increase the risk of bile duct damage. Therefore, accurate identification of the anatomy of the cystic artery is very important. Cystic artery is notoriously known to have a highly variable branching pattern. We reviewed the anatomy of the cystic artery and its branch to cystic duct as seen through the video laparoscope. A single artery to cystic duct with the classical “H-configuration” was demonstrated in 161 (91.47%) patients. This branch may cause troublesome bleeding during laparoscopic dissection in the hepatobiliary triangle. Careful identification of artery to cystic duct is helpful in the proper dissection of Calot’s triangle as it reduces the chances of hemorrhage and thus may also be helpful in prevention of extrahepatic biliary radical injuries

    Prevalence of Dermatophytic Infection and Detection of Dermatophytes by Microscopic and Culture Methods

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    Background: Dermatophytosis is considered as one of the major public health problems in the world and is the most commonly diagnosed skin disease in Bangladesh. The prevalence and characteristics of dermatophytic infections vary with climatic conditions, age, lifestyle and population migration patterns. Objective: To determine the prevalence of dermatophytic infection and sensitivity of different diagnostic procedures among the patients visiting dermatology outpatient department of Tairunnessa Memorial Medical College & Hospital, Gazipur, Bangladesh (TMMCH). Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was done during a period of 12 months from July 2015 to June 2016. Total 80 specimens were collected based on clinical presentations irrespective of age and sex. The diagnosis was confirmed by microscopic examination using 20% potassium hydroxide (KOH) and culture on Sabouraud’s dextrose agor medium. Results: Out of 80 samples, 31(38.75%) were found positive by culture and 21 (26.25%) were found positive by microscopic method which were also found positive by culture. This study found that most (51.62%) of the dermatophyteinfected cases were in the age group of 21−40 years followed by 41−60 years (29.03%) with male and female distribution 58.06% and 41.94% respectively The maximum number of infections was reported from groin followed by hands/legs and feet. Conclusion: The result of this study shows higher prevalence of dermatophytosis in both genders in this area. An accurate diagnosis can help in proper and effective treatment of dermatophytosis