10 research outputs found

    chloroExtractor: extraction and assembly of the chloroplast genome from whole genome shotgun data

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    The chloroExtractor is a perl based program which provides a pipeline for DNA extraction of chloroplast DNA from whole genome plant data.The authors MJA and SP contributed equally to this work. MJA was supported by a grant of the German Excellence Initiative to the Graduate School of Life Sciences, University of Würzburg

    Selektive Modulation von alloreaktiven T-Zellen in präklinischen Modellen der akuten Graft-versus-Host Erkrankung

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    Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is a curative therapy for the treatment of malignant and non-malignant bone marrow diseases. The major complication of this treatment is a highly inflammatory reaction called Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD). Here, transplanted donor T cells cause massive tissue destruction and inflammation in the main target organs liver, skin and the intestine. Currently, this inflammatory reaction can be treated successfully using strong immunosuppressive agents. One efficient group of immunosuppressants are calcineurin inhibitors such as Cyclosporin A (CsA) and Tacrolimus (FK506). These treatment strategies target all T lymphocytes subsets equally and do not separate GvH from the desirable Graft-versus-Leukemia (GvL) effect. Therefore, we aimed to find immunological targets on alloreactive T cells in order to develop novel treatment strategies, which selectively modulates alloreactive T cells without impairing the GvL effect or hematopoietic immune reconstitution. The aim of this thesis was to develop a predictive marker panel to track alloreactive T cells in the peripheral blood (PB) of murine allo-HCT recipients. In clinically relevant model of aGvHD we demonstrated that alloreactive T cells have a distinct surface marker expression profile and can be detected in the PB before aGvHD manifestation. Based on our data, we propose a combinatory panel consisting of 4 surface markers (a4b7 integrin, CD162E, CD162P und CD62L) on circulating CD8+ T cells to identify the risk of aGvHD after allo-HCT. Since tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFR SF) members are involved in several immunological processes, we did extensive surface marker expression analysis of several TNFR superfamily members and other immunomodulatory molecules on conventional and regulatory T cells (Tcons vs. Tregs) on different time points during aGvHD progression. The aim of this study was to find subset-specific immunomodulatory molecules on recently activated Tcons and Tregs. We found that GITR, 4-1BB and CD27 were highly expressed on alloreactive and naïve Tregs. In contrast, PD1 expression was highly upregulated on recently activated alloreactive Tcons. The data of this study serves as basis for future approaches, which aim to develop T cell subset specific therapeutic antibody fusion proteins. a4b7 integrin and CD162P (P-Selectin ligand) are highly upregulated on alloreactive T cells and mediate the infiltration of these cells into GvHD target organs. We developed recombinant (antibody) fusion proteins to target these two homing molecules and could show that antibody-based fusion proteins are superior to ligand-based fusion proteins regarding production efficiency and binding affinity. Therefore, we propose for future studies to focus on the described antibody-based fusion proteins for the selective targeting of T cells. Since the widely used calcineurin inhibitors are impairing the desirable GvL effect, we investigated if selective NFATc1 inhibition might be a novel strategy to prevent or reduce alloreactivity, while hopefully maintaining the GvL effect. In particular, we addressed the role of the isoform NFATc1 and inhibited its posttranslational modification by SUMO (Small Ubiquitin-related Modifier). Indeed, inhibition of NFATc1 SUMOylation resulted in reduced inflammation and increased Treg frequencies in a murine MHC major mismatch aGvHD model. Conclusively, we showed that alloreactive T cells can be identified by their surface profile in the PB of allo-HCT recipients before aGvHD symptoms appeared. Furthermore, we introduced a approach to selectively target alloreactive T cells by antibody fusion proteins, which might serve as a novel strategy to separate GvH from GvL. Additionally, we demonstrated that averted posttranslational modification of NFATc1 by SUMOylation serves as potential target to reduce alloreactivity of T cells.Die hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation ist eine weltweite Therapiemaßnahme für die Behandlung von malignen und nicht-malignen Knochenmarkserkrankungen(z. B. Leukämien). Eine schwerwiegende Komplikation dieser Therapieform ist die Transplantat-gegen-Wirt Erkrankung (engl. Graft-versus-Host Disease, GvHD). Hierbei greifen Spender-T-Lymphozyten den Körper des Empfängers an und verursachen massive Entzündungsreaktionenin den GvHD Zielorganen Leber, Haut und Darm. Diese überschießende Immunreaktion kann klinisch behandelt werden, indem starkimmunsuppressive Medikamente wie Cyclosporin A (CsA) und Tacrolimus (FK506) eingesetzt werden. Jedoch greifen diese Medikamente alle T-Zellen gleichermaßen an und vermindern ebenfalls die gewünschte anti-Tumorantwort der Spender-T-Lymphozyten(engl. Graft-versus-Leukemiaeffect, GvL effect). Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines prädiktiven FACS Tests, um T-Zellen im peripheren Blut (PB) von Stammzellenempfängern anhand ihrer Oberflächenmoleküle zu identifizieren. Dazu haben wir ein klinisch relevantes Mausmodell für aGvHD herangezogen und konnten zeigen, dass eine Kombination von Migrations- und Aktivierungsmolekülen (a4b7-Integrin, CD162E, CD162P und CD62L) alloreaktive T-Zellen im Blut eindeutig identifizieren konnten,bevor aGvHD Symptome entstanden. Einige Proteine der TNFR Superfamilie sind auf Immunzellen exprimiert und regulieren diverseimmunologische Prozesse. Wir haben konventionelle T-Zellen (Tcons) und regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) an unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten aus transplantierten Mäusenisoliert und die Expression von Proteinen der TNFR Superfamilie untersucht, um potenzielletherapeutische Zielstrukturen auf Spender-Lymphozytenzu identifizieren. Wir konnten zeigen, dass GITR,4-1BB und CD27 auf aktivierten, alloreaktiven wie auch auf naiven Tregs exprimiert wurde. Wohingegen, die PD1 Expression vor allem auf aktivierten Tcons induziert wurde. Die Daten dieser Studie dienen als Grundlage für künftige Strategien um T-Zellen mit Hilfe von Antikörper Fusionsproteinen selektiv zu modulieren. Unsere Daten zeigten, dass die Expression von 4 7-Integrin und CD162P auf alloreaktiven T Zellen im Zuge der aGvHD-Pathogenese induziert wird. Weiterhin erstellten wir rekombinante therapeutische Antikörper Fusionsproteinegegen dieoben genannten Migrationsmoleküle. Wir zeigten hier, dass Produktionseffizienz und Bindungsaffinität von Antikörperformaten besser waren als von Liganden-basierten Fusionsproteinen. Demnachempfehlen wir für künftige Studien Antikörperformate heranzuziehen und die hier aufgeführten Antikörper Konstrukteweiter zu entwickeln.Calcineurin Inhibitoren sind potente Immunsupressiva, die zur Behandlung von aGvHD eingesetzt werden. Diese Immunsuppressiva beeinträchtigen jedoch den GvL Effektsignifikant. Da Calcineurin Inhibitoren indirekt den NFAT Signalweg hemmen, haben wir hier dieselektive Inhibition von NFATin alloreaktiven T-Zellen untersucht. Wir zeigten, dass eine fehlende posttranslationale Modifikation von NFATc1 über SUMOylierung (Small Ubiquitin-related MOdifier) zu einer verminderten Alloreaktivität von T-Zellen führte. Diese Spender-T-Zellen zeigten eine verringerte Effektorfunktion, wobei die protektiven Tregs durch die fehlende SUMOylierung nicht beeinflusst wurden. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass alloreaktive T-Zellen über ihr spezifisches Oberflächenmarkerprofil im Blut identifiziertwerden konnten bevor aGvHD Symptome entstanden. Weiterhin beschreiben wir eine neue Strategie, um alloreaktive T-Zellen mittels Antikörper-basierten Fusionsproteinen spezifisch zu modulieren. Darüber hinaus zeigten wir, dass eine Verhinderung der NFATc1 SUMOylierung die Alloreaktivität von T-Zellen deutlich reduzierte, ohne den protektiven Effekt von Tregs zu vermindern

    chloroExtractor: extraction and assembly of the chloroplast genome from whole genome shotgun data (v1.0.0)

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    The chloroExtractor is a perl based program which provides a pipeline for DNA extraction of chloroplast DNA from whole genome plant data

    image_2_Photoconversion of Alloreactive T Cells in Murine Peyer’s Patches During Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Tracking the Homing Route of Highly Proliferative Cells In Vivo.tif

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    <p>The regulation of immune cell migration throughout the body is essential to warrant immunosurveillance and to maintain immune homeostasis. Marking and tracking of these cells has proven important to study mechanisms of immune cell trafficking and cell interaction in vivo. Photoconversion is a well-suited technique for intravital application because it enables contactless time- and location-specific marking of cells in the tissue without surgically manipulating the microenvironment of the cells in question. However, in dividing cells the converted fluorescent protein may decline quickly. Here, we provide a detailed description of the photoconversion technique and its applicability to tracking highly proliferating T cells from the priming site of T cell activation to peripheral target organs of effector function in a preclinical model. Dendra2<sup>+</sup> T cells were photoconverted in the Peyer’s patches during the initiation phase of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and tracked through the mesenteric lymph nodes and the peripheral blood to the small intestine with flow cytometry and intravital two-photon microscopy. Photoconverted alloreactive T cells preserved the full proliferative capacity, homing, and migration of alloreactive T cells in the intestinal lamina propria. We conclusively proved that photoconversion of highly proliferative alloreactive T cells in the Peyer’s patches is an effective tool to study trafficking of alloreactive T cells under physiologic conditions and to GvHD target tissues. This technique can also be applied to the study of immune cell tracking under inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.</p

    image_3_Photoconversion of Alloreactive T Cells in Murine Peyer’s Patches During Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Tracking the Homing Route of Highly Proliferative Cells In Vivo.tif

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    <p>The regulation of immune cell migration throughout the body is essential to warrant immunosurveillance and to maintain immune homeostasis. Marking and tracking of these cells has proven important to study mechanisms of immune cell trafficking and cell interaction in vivo. Photoconversion is a well-suited technique for intravital application because it enables contactless time- and location-specific marking of cells in the tissue without surgically manipulating the microenvironment of the cells in question. However, in dividing cells the converted fluorescent protein may decline quickly. Here, we provide a detailed description of the photoconversion technique and its applicability to tracking highly proliferating T cells from the priming site of T cell activation to peripheral target organs of effector function in a preclinical model. Dendra2<sup>+</sup> T cells were photoconverted in the Peyer’s patches during the initiation phase of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and tracked through the mesenteric lymph nodes and the peripheral blood to the small intestine with flow cytometry and intravital two-photon microscopy. Photoconverted alloreactive T cells preserved the full proliferative capacity, homing, and migration of alloreactive T cells in the intestinal lamina propria. We conclusively proved that photoconversion of highly proliferative alloreactive T cells in the Peyer’s patches is an effective tool to study trafficking of alloreactive T cells under physiologic conditions and to GvHD target tissues. This technique can also be applied to the study of immune cell tracking under inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.</p

    image_1_Photoconversion of Alloreactive T Cells in Murine Peyer’s Patches During Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Tracking the Homing Route of Highly Proliferative Cells In Vivo.tif

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    <p>The regulation of immune cell migration throughout the body is essential to warrant immunosurveillance and to maintain immune homeostasis. Marking and tracking of these cells has proven important to study mechanisms of immune cell trafficking and cell interaction in vivo. Photoconversion is a well-suited technique for intravital application because it enables contactless time- and location-specific marking of cells in the tissue without surgically manipulating the microenvironment of the cells in question. However, in dividing cells the converted fluorescent protein may decline quickly. Here, we provide a detailed description of the photoconversion technique and its applicability to tracking highly proliferating T cells from the priming site of T cell activation to peripheral target organs of effector function in a preclinical model. Dendra2<sup>+</sup> T cells were photoconverted in the Peyer’s patches during the initiation phase of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and tracked through the mesenteric lymph nodes and the peripheral blood to the small intestine with flow cytometry and intravital two-photon microscopy. Photoconverted alloreactive T cells preserved the full proliferative capacity, homing, and migration of alloreactive T cells in the intestinal lamina propria. We conclusively proved that photoconversion of highly proliferative alloreactive T cells in the Peyer’s patches is an effective tool to study trafficking of alloreactive T cells under physiologic conditions and to GvHD target tissues. This technique can also be applied to the study of immune cell tracking under inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.</p

    table_1_Photoconversion of Alloreactive T Cells in Murine Peyer’s Patches During Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease: Tracking the Homing Route of Highly Proliferative Cells In Vivo.docx

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    <p>The regulation of immune cell migration throughout the body is essential to warrant immunosurveillance and to maintain immune homeostasis. Marking and tracking of these cells has proven important to study mechanisms of immune cell trafficking and cell interaction in vivo. Photoconversion is a well-suited technique for intravital application because it enables contactless time- and location-specific marking of cells in the tissue without surgically manipulating the microenvironment of the cells in question. However, in dividing cells the converted fluorescent protein may decline quickly. Here, we provide a detailed description of the photoconversion technique and its applicability to tracking highly proliferating T cells from the priming site of T cell activation to peripheral target organs of effector function in a preclinical model. Dendra2<sup>+</sup> T cells were photoconverted in the Peyer’s patches during the initiation phase of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and tracked through the mesenteric lymph nodes and the peripheral blood to the small intestine with flow cytometry and intravital two-photon microscopy. Photoconverted alloreactive T cells preserved the full proliferative capacity, homing, and migration of alloreactive T cells in the intestinal lamina propria. We conclusively proved that photoconversion of highly proliferative alloreactive T cells in the Peyer’s patches is an effective tool to study trafficking of alloreactive T cells under physiologic conditions and to GvHD target tissues. This technique can also be applied to the study of immune cell tracking under inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.</p

    A T-Cell Surface Marker Panel Predicts Murine Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease

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    Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGvHD) is a severe and often life-threatening complication of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT). AGvHD is mediated by alloreactive donor T-cells targeting predominantly the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and skin. Recent work in mice and patients undergoing allo-HCT showed that alloreactive T-cells can be identified by the expression of α4β7 integrin on T-cells even before manifestation of an aGvHD. Here, we investigated whether the detection of a combination of the expression of T-cell surface markers on peripheral blood (PB) CD8+^+ T-cells would improve the ability to predict aGvHD. To this end, we employed two independent preclinical models of minor histocompatibility antigen mismatched allo-HCT following myeloablative conditioning. Expression profiles of integrins, selectins, chemokine receptors, and activation markers of PB donor T-cells were measured with multiparameter flow cytometry at multiple time points before the onset of clinical aGvHD symptoms. In both allo-HCT models, we demonstrated a significant upregulation of α4β7 integrin, CD162E, CD162P, and conversely, a downregulation of CD62L on donor T-cells, which could be correlated with the development of aGvHD. Other surface markers, such as CD25, CD69, and CC-chemokine receptors were not found to be predictive markers. Based on these preclinical data from mouse models, we propose a surface marker panel on peripheral blood T-cells after allo-HCT combining α4β7 integrin with CD62L, CD162E, and CD162P (cutaneous lymphocyte antigens, CLA, in humans) to identify patients at risk for developing aGvHD early after allo-HCT