805 research outputs found

    Static Analysis of Deterministic Negotiations

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    Negotiation diagrams are a model of concurrent computation akin to workflow Petri nets. Deterministic negotiation diagrams, equivalent to the much studied and used free-choice workflow Petri nets, are surprisingly amenable to verification. Soundness (a property close to deadlock-freedom) can be decided in PTIME. Further, other fundamental questions like computing summaries or the expected cost, can also be solved in PTIME for sound deterministic negotiation diagrams, while they are PSPACE-complete in the general case. In this paper we generalize and explain these results. We extend the classical "meet-over-all-paths" (MOP) formulation of static analysis problems to our concurrent setting, and introduce Mazurkiewicz-invariant analysis problems, which encompass the questions above and new ones. We show that any Mazurkiewicz-invariant analysis problem can be solved in PTIME for sound deterministic negotiations whenever it is in PTIME for sequential flow-graphs---even though the flow-graph of a deterministic negotiation diagram can be exponentially larger than the diagram itself. This gives a common explanation to the low-complexity of all the analysis questions studied so far. Finally, we show that classical gen/kill analyses are also an instance of our framework, and obtain a PTIME algorithm for detecting anti-patterns in free-choice workflow Petri nets. Our result is based on a novel decomposition theorem, of independent interest, showing that sound deterministic negotiation diagrams can be hierarchically decomposed into (possibly overlapping) smaller sound diagrams.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of LICS 2017, IEEE Computer Societ

    Verifying Recursive Active Documents with Positive Data Tree Rewriting

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    This paper proposes a data tree-rewriting framework for modeling evolving documents. The framework is close to Guarded Active XML, a platform used for handling XML repositories evolving through web services. We focus on automatic verification of properties of evolving documents that can contain data from an infinite domain. We establish the boundaries of decidability, and show that verification of a {\em positive} fragment that can handle recursive service calls is decidable. We also consider bounded model-checking in our data tree-rewriting framework and show that it is \nexptime-complete

    Automated Synthesis: a Distributed Viewpoint

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    Distributed algorithms are inherently hard to get right, and a major challenge is to come up with automated techniques for error detection and recovery. The talk will survey recent results on the synthesis of distributed monitors and controllers

    Reachability Analysis of Communicating Pushdown Systems

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    The reachability analysis of recursive programs that communicate asynchronously over reliable FIFO channels calls for restrictions to ensure decidability. Our first result characterizes communication topologies with a decidable reachability problem restricted to eager runs (i.e., runs where messages are either received immediately after being sent, or never received). The problem is EXPTIME-complete in the decidable case. The second result is a doubly exponential time algorithm for bounded context analysis in this setting, together with a matching lower bound. Both results extend and improve previous work from La Torre et al

    The many facets of string transducers

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    Regular word transductions extend the robust notion of regular languages from a qualitative to a quantitative reasoning. They were already considered in early papers of formal language theory, but turned out to be much more challenging. The last decade brought considerable research around various transducer models, aiming to achieve similar robustness as for automata and languages. In this paper we survey some older and more recent results on string transducers. We present classical connections between automata, logic and algebra extended to transducers, some genuine definability questions, and review approaches to the equivalence problem

    Distributed Synthesis for Acyclic Architectures

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    The distributed synthesis problem is about constructing correct distributed systems, i.e., systems that satisfy a given specification. We consider a slightly more general problem of distributed control, where the goal is to restrict the behavior of a given distributed system in order to satisfy the specification. Our systems are finite state machines that communicate via rendez-vous (Zielonka automata). We show decidability of the synthesis problem for all omega-regular local specifications, under the restriction that the communication graph of the system is acyclic. This result extends a previous decidability result for a restricted form of local reachability specifications

    Equivalence of finite-valued streaming string transducers is decidable

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    In this paper we provide a positive answer to a question left open by Alur and and Deshmukh in 2011 by showing that equivalence of finite-valued copyless streaming string transducers is decidable

    Preface Volume 65, Issue 7

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    AbstractThis volume contains the Proceedings of the International Workshop Validation and Implementation of Scenario-based Specifications (VISS'2002) that was held as satellite event of the 5th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS'2002) in Grenoble, France, April 7th, 2002.There is a strong need within systems engineering and software development to improve software design by applying general and flexible tools. Formal tools for describing systems are required for increasing the efficiency of the design process through automated error analysis, integration of specifications into existing tools, and automatical generation of intermediate descriptions.Graphical specification formalisms exhibit an increasing popularity in software development for industrial applications. The prototype of scenario-based, graphical languages is the ITU standardized notation of message sequence charts (MSC). Used for capturing early system requirements, MSCs are particularly suited for designing and validating distributed, reactive systems, in particular telecommunication protocols.The aim of the workshop is to gather a larger community of researchers interested in scenario-based notations for designing distributed systems and to outline new trends and problems in the field.The papers in this volume were reviewed by members of the programme committee: •Benoît Caillaud (IRISA, Rennes) co-chair•Kousha Etessami (Bell Labs, NJ)•Loïc Hélouët (FT R&D, Lannion)•Ferhat Khendek (Concordia, Montréal)•Ingolf Krüger (TUM, Munich)•Anca Muscholl (LIAFA, Paris) chair•Madhavan Mukund (Chennai Math. Inst., Chennai)•Doron Peled (Bell Labs, NJ)•Daniel Vincent (FT R&D, Lannion)We are very grateful to Manfred Broy (TU Munich) and Doron Peled (Texas at Austin) for their enlightening surveys. We also acknowledge the very efficient organization provided by the ETAPS'2002 local committee, in particular the assistance of Susanne Graf. Thanks are also due to IRISA/INRIA at Rennes, France, which has supplied the financial support.May 15th, 2002 Benoît Caillaud and Anca Muschol
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